Who Are The Palestinains?

Yeah but she sure is fun to play with due to her insistance that we do so.

Then I am sure you realize that so many think of what you post as FAKE and don't even bother reading all of it. The first paragraph of your FAKE stuff gives it away.

Here again, it has to do with vetting your sources. Did you not even notice that that website has been hijacked? No?

Yeah, Amity vets all the sources, and when it is one she doesn't like, it is FAKE in her mind, never once thinking that many think her sources are FAKE and that Arab Propaganda is the best in the world. They probably learned from those old Nazis who went to the Middle East after World War II and wrote propaganda for the Arabs.
Plenty. The Palestinian Right of Return is debunked.
If Jews can return after 2000 years, why can't the Pals return after 70?
If they were to return to the place they came from 70 years ago, that would be Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Iraq where most of them came (invaded) from.
Israeli scientists at Hebrew University and Hadassah Medical Center have debunked that bunk, remember? They come from right there in Palestine.
et al,

Consider for the moment that: DNA doesn’t determine race. Society does.

"We shouldn’t deceive ourselves; how we define race does not just reflect biology, it reflects culture, history, and politics as well."​


Thank you for posting this Rocco.

This is exactly what I wanted to say but I just couldn't find the words to put it together.
I agree with you both, and that is so important. It is not about race, it is about ancestry. And that is all the study proves, specifically that Palestinians descended from the ancient Jews. That is all. The only real value is that it exposes Israel's Right of Return policies.

I would love to see 9 million Palestinians make application for aliyah, though. Hope they call a press conference first, it would be a publicity coup.
Hey Amity, did you know that Snoopy shot down the Red Baron? Go tell your neighbors.

If Jews can return after 2000 years, why can't the Pals return after 70?
If they were to return to the place they came from 70 years ago, that would be Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Iraq where most of them came (invaded) from.
Israeli scientists at Hebrew University and Hadassah Medical Center have debunked that bunk, remember? They come from right there in Palestine.
If Jews can return after 2000 years, why can't the Pals return after 70?
If they were to return to the place they came from 70 years ago, that would be Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Iraq where most of them came (invaded) from.

Israeli scientists at Hebrew University and Hadassah Medical Center have debunked that bunk, remember? They come from right there in Palestine.

If you live anywhere in the West, Amity, you will notice immigrants coming in from all over the world. The British officials in the area reported back to Great Britain, and that is why Winston Churchill stated that the Arabs were coming in droves to Israel from their poor surrounding countries when the Jews had jobs for them. Isn't it strange how after World War II, there were millions and millions of people who had to move thousands of miles from their homes, learn a new language and culture, got on with their lives and never set about whining about their lot and neither did they have supporters either whining about their situation. I wonder who is whining now about the two and a half million Syrian refugees or is it more important to whine about the "Palestinians?"
I didn't read beyond the first paragraph, that is enough to give it away. FAKE!

Then I am sure you realize that so many think of what you post as FAKE and don't even bother reading all of it. The first paragraph of your FAKE stuff gives it away.

Here again, it has to do with vetting your sources. Did you not even notice that that website has been hijacked? No?

LMAO! Yes, we all saw what kind of a corner you painted yourself into by not vetting your own sources....... Good on you for admitting I told you the plain truth about David Irving, though.

Although some have suggested your gesture of removing that link was pretty self-serving.......
et al,

Consider for the moment that: DNA doesn’t determine race. Society does.

"We shouldn’t deceive ourselves; how we define race does not just reflect biology, it reflects culture, history, and politics as well."​


Thank you for posting this Rocco.

This is exactly what I wanted to say but I just couldn't find the words to put it together.
I agree with you both, and that is so important. It is not about race, it is about ancestry. And that is all the study proves, specifically that Palestinians descended from the ancient Jews. That is all. The only real value is that it exposes Israel's Right of Return policies.

I would love to see 9 million Palestinians make application for aliyah, though. Hope they call a press conference first, it would be a publicity coup.

Just what are you fantasizing that it "exposes", Hostility?
et al,

Consider for the moment that: DNA doesn’t determine race. Society does.

"We shouldn’t deceive ourselves; how we define race does not just reflect biology, it reflects culture, history, and politics as well."​


Thank you for posting this Rocco.

This is exactly what I wanted to say but I just couldn't find the words to put it together.
I agree with you both, and that is so important. It is not about race, it is about ancestry. And that is all the study proves, specifically that Palestinians descended from the ancient Jews. That is all. The only real value is that it exposes Israel's Right of Return policies.

I would love to see 9 million Palestinians make application for aliyah, though. Hope they call a press conference first, it would be a publicity coup.

I think everyone realizes that Amity would just love to see all those millions of Palestinians let in so that her friends can govern Israel. I don't think it will happen though because the Israelis don't want to destroy themselves to have a Muslim takeover.
I'm laughing too. Of course some of these Arabs at one time were Jewish, the same as you find in each group of people whose ancestors might at one time belonged to a different religion. In fact, a while back I was reading that some of the Arabs wanted to convert to Judaism. Meanwhile, though, most of these Arabs never had Jewish ancestors, and it is funny someone even claiming that they did. Amity, as a supposedly good Christian woman, should try to ascertain how many of the Muslims in Egypt had Christian ancestors. After all, the area was teeming with Christians before the Muslims left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded Egypt. Perhaps she can convince the Egyptian government to have a mass conversion ceremony to bring these Muslims back to the religion of their ancient ancestors who were the early Christians.

Not some.... MOST. Palestinians have MORE Jewish ancestry than Ashkenazi Jews in fact. That's pretty Jewish. Other Arabs have little to none. If someone does a genetic study of Coptic Christians I will let you know first. I would like to know the answer to that, too.
The temporary occupant of the White House - who will be gone on January 20, 2017 - will not be able to reverse US foreign policy in connection with Israel.

Not unless he wants to lose his tenuous grip on the Senate, to match the 'shellacking' he took in connection with the House in the 2010 mid-terms.

All Israel has to do is to ride-out the remainder of Obama's presidency, and then things immediately being to go back to normal again.

And, in any physical rumble between Israel and her Muslim neighbors, much of Europe will remain neutral, while most of the rest of it will back Israel, when push comes to shove.

Mostly because the Euros like Jews better than they like Muslims.

Just like us.
I didn't mean Obama, I meant the rest of the world. Israel is down to one supporter and of course it is the one that gives it BILLIONS of dollars every year that we really do need here. Israel used to get more "aid" every year than every other country in the world rolled together, which is why they have been able to build the juggernaut they have.
I'm laughing too. Of course some of these Arabs at one time were Jewish, the same as you find in each group of people whose ancestors might at one time belonged to a different religion. In fact, a while back I was reading that some of the Arabs wanted to convert to Judaism. Meanwhile, though, most of these Arabs never had Jewish ancestors, and it is funny someone even claiming that they did. Amity, as a supposedly good Christian woman, should try to ascertain how many of the Muslims in Egypt had Christian ancestors. After all, the area was teeming with Christians before the Muslims left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded Egypt. Perhaps she can convince the Egyptian government to have a mass conversion ceremony to bring these Muslims back to the religion of their ancient ancestors who were the early Christians.

Not some.... MOST. Palestinians have MORE Jewish ancestry than Ashkenazi Jews in fact. That's pretty Jewish. Other Arabs have little to none. If someone does a genetic study of Coptic Christians I will let you know first. I would like to know the answer to that, too.

Why not direct us to a really top expert in this field, Amity, to prove what you are saying? Something big like this would be in some important medical journal, not some piece some anti-Israel guy came up with? Surely you should be able to do this for us.
I'm still waiting for someone to educate me as to when Israel's land since antiquity became this "Palestinian land" that they say Israel is stealing?
Palestine is a territorial designation for the land between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean. So even when its Israel, its still Palestine! And yes, Israel is appropriating land every single day, and not paying for it. They don't even need a reason.
Why not direct us to a really top expert in this field, Amity, to prove what you are saying? Something big like this would be in some important medical journal, not some piece some anti-Israel guy came up with? Surely you should be able to do this for us.
No, you get off your lazy butt and do your own research.
Ariella Oppenheim, Hadassah Medical Center, Hebrew University. If you got out of high school you ought to be able to look that up. Go to the library and they'll help you.
The temporary occupant of the White House - who will be gone on January 20, 2017 - will not be able to reverse US foreign policy in connection with Israel.

Not unless he wants to lose his tenuous grip on the Senate, to match the 'shellacking' he took in connection with the House in the 2010 mid-terms.

All Israel has to do is to ride-out the remainder of Obama's presidency, and then things immediately being to go back to normal again.

And, in any physical rumble between Israel and her Muslim neighbors, much of Europe will remain neutral, while most of the rest of it will back Israel, when push comes to shove.

Mostly because the Euros like Jews better than they like Muslims.

Just like us.
I didn't mean Obama, I meant the rest of the world. Israel is down to one supporter and of course it is the one that gives it BILLIONS of dollars every year that we really do need here. Israel used to get more "aid" every year than every other country in the world rolled together, which is why they have been able to build the juggernaut they have.

Don't you just love it when posters bring up the money for Israel. As one poster, a retired naval officer once said, if Americans knew how much Israel helped America, Americans would deny her nothing. Meanwhile, the money allocated to Israel must be mainly spent here in our defense industry, giving jobs to American workers. Perhaps, for example, Amity could drag herself away from her computer and go to Grants Pass, Oregon and ask the people there working in one of the defense plants if they like having jobs. Of course we know that the money given to others usually lands up in the pocket of some tyrant and his henchmen.
The more I worked with them and spent time in the camps and saw how the disinformation imagery and rhetoric abound.

uhh, no, you're busted. I do NOT believe you ever set foot in a camp. If so, give me one contact I can check, kunya of course.
Why not direct us to a really top expert in this field, Amity, to prove what you are saying? Something big like this would be in some important medical journal, not some piece some anti-Israel guy came up with? Surely you should be able to do this for us.
No, you get off your lazy butt and do your own research.

Ariella Oppenheim, Hadassah Medical Center, Hebrew University. If you got out of high school you ought to be able to look that up. Go to the library and they'll help you.

Guess Amity can't direct us to an expert's paper in a leading medical journal. This would be an important discovery and would certainly be discussed in a medical journal and at conferences for the people who are experts in the field.
The more I worked with them and spent time in the camps and saw how the disinformation imagery and rhetoric abound.

uhh, no, you're busted. I do NOT believe you ever set foot in a camp. If so, give me one contact I can check, kunya of course.

You're the one who is busted. Aris was liaison between the Palestinians and the Lebanese and to this day she is still suffering from what happened to her there. Meanwhile, it is the rest of us, including you, Amity, who really do not know what happened. And, of course, given your mind set, you do not want to hear the truth from Aris. There are a couple of posters that we are very lucky to have here -- Aris and Rocco.
Don't you just love it when posters bring up the money for Israel. As one poster, a retired naval officer once said, if Americans knew how much Israel helped America, Americans would deny her nothing. Meanwhile, the money allocated to Israel must be mainly spent here in our defense industry, giving jobs to American workers. Perhaps, for example, Amity could drag herself away from her computer and go to Grants Pass, Oregon and ask the people there working in one of the defense plants if they like having jobs. Of course we know that the money given to others usually lands up in the pocket of some tyrant and his henchmen.

Yes, it needs bringing up. We are spending billions of dollars to equip a totalitarian regime that is one of the most oppressive in history. And it is money we need here. We can find those folks in Grants Pass better jobs beating swords into plowshares. When we finally get this thing resolved there will be a huge economy to retool.
I absolutely do not believe they know stuff from shinola the way they talk. It does not even sound familiar. Unless you can provide specifics, you're done. Nothing could be worse.

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