Who Are The Palestinains?

Why not direct us to a really top expert in this field, Amity, to prove what you are saying? Something big like this would be in some important medical journal, not some piece some anti-Israel guy came up with? Surely you should be able to do this for us.
No, you get off your lazy butt and do your own research.

Ariella Oppenheim, Hadassah Medical Center, Hebrew University. If you got out of high school you ought to be able to look that up. Go to the library and they'll help you.

Guess Amity can't direct us to an expert's paper in a leading medical journal. This would be an important discovery and would certainly be discussed in a medical journal and at conferences for the people who are experts in the field.

Oh my God, I have never seen anyone more intellectually helpless. It is going to be in the Journal of Hebrew Studies or whatever professional journal Hadassah Medical Center puts out. Get it in gear and find it.
I have a new contract so will have to beg off for awhile. I'll post a little video or something every day, but will be back in a few, need to do some writing.
Don't you just love it when posters bring up the money for Israel. As one poster, a retired naval officer once said, if Americans knew how much Israel helped America, Americans would deny her nothing. Meanwhile, the money allocated to Israel must be mainly spent here in our defense industry, giving jobs to American workers. Perhaps, for example, Amity could drag herself away from her computer and go to Grants Pass, Oregon and ask the people there working in one of the defense plants if they like having jobs. Of course we know that the money given to others usually lands up in the pocket of some tyrant and his henchmen.

Yes, it needs bringing up. We are spending billions of dollars to equip a totalitarian regime that is one of the most oppressive in history. And it is money we need here. We can find those folks in Grants Pass better jobs beating swords into plowshares. When we finally get this thing resolved there will be a huge economy to retool.

Are you kidding??? The regimes of your friends are the totalitarian ones and are some of the most oppressive ones in history. This is why you are a joke, Amity, because most of us are aware of what is going on in the rest of the world. Meanwhile, monies are allocated in the budget for different things, and a certainly amount is allocated for aid to countries. If Israel got nothing, the money previously allocated to her would go to different countries. Amity is so laughable. In a small town, the people are really going to get better paying jobs than the ones in the defense industry. How about, Amity, you tell your new friends to start learning an occupation instead of them running around the Middle East murdering people? One time there was a Jewish man from Los Angeles, Sidney Harmon, who set up a plant in Jordan. He didn't do it for profit, but for altruistic purposes. I think Amity, instead of spending day and night demonizing Israel, should instead start collecting funds from her like-minded friends so that she could set up a plant for her Palestinian buddies so they will have something to do besides their hoping to destroy Israel.
I absolutely do not believe they know stuff from shinola the way they talk. It does not even sound familiar. Unless you can provide specifics, you're done. Nothing could be worse.

Amity, don't you realize you were done when you started. All you were doing, as another member from the Boiler Room, is repeat the same old, same old stuff readers have heard for ages.
No, you get off your lazy butt and do your own research.

Ariella Oppenheim, Hadassah Medical Center, Hebrew University. If you got out of high school you ought to be able to look that up. Go to the library and they'll help you.

Guess Amity can't direct us to an expert's paper in a leading medical journal. This would be an important discovery and would certainly be discussed in a medical journal and at conferences for the people who are experts in the field.

Oh my God, I have never seen anyone more intellectually helpless. It is going to be in the Journal of Hebrew Studies or whatever professional journal Hadassah Medical Center puts out. Get it in gear and find it.

Doesn't it look like, folks, that Amity is unable to pull up this very important finding in a legitimate medical journal and also pull up news about the conference held attended by experts in this field from all over the world?.
Doesn't it look like, folks, that Amity is unable to pull up this very important finding in a legitimate medical journal and also pull up news about the conference held attended by experts in this field from all over the world?.
I didn't know there was a conference.
Look, I'll give you a few more clues. There is more than one study involved, and more than one article. They were all published between 2000 and 2002. They are all in Hebrew which means I am going to have to have a friend look them up for me. And it is not a priority. It will probably take a few months. But when I find out I'll get back to you.

And that is really all I know at this point. I have a few exerpts. If you are genuinely curious enough to do the search, let me know. I kind of doubt your sincerity, though.
But if you will lift the veil from your eyes long enough to watch that video you will see that it is a credible scientific study, and then if you have any integrity at all, which I also doubt, you will admit that. You seem to have the intellectual integrity of the Stern Gang.
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I absolutely do not believe they know stuff from shinola the way they talk. It does not even sound familiar. Unless you can provide specifics, you're done. Nothing could be worse.

Amity, don't you realize you were done when you started. All you were doing, as another member from the Boiler Room, is repeat the same old, same old stuff readers have heard for ages.

What is this boiler room?
And look, I really do want specifics about Anis' experience. Please post them in full detail. I'm all ears. Then I'll tell you if you're full of crap or a dangerous war criminal, Anis. Its gotta be one or the other and hope its the former.
Why don't you tell us what this new plant will manufacture and where it is located?
Look if you really want to do something to help (and I haven't had any sense that you really DO want to help...), there are several good nonprofits that do good work, not like some guy who goes into Jordan and "sets up a plant." Genuinely good work. I like ANERA. And if you mean what you say about economic development as a means of easing tension, you will support them. It is very much needed, believe me. The average Palestinian living in a camp in Lebanon, for example, lives on $7 per day, in a country that has a cost of living not much lower than in the states. Can you imagine trying to survive on $7 a day where you live? Schools, healthcare, business loans, clothing, transportation, even good quality food are all in very short supply.
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P F Tinmore, et al,

You read so much into an isolated word.


Key word. The territory was held in trust on behalf of the people. Not the Mexican people. Not the Canadian people. Not the European people.

It was held in trust for the Palestinian people.

Series of League of Nations Publications VI.A. MANDATES 1945. VI.A. 1 said:
The nations upon which such powers of guardianship are conferred exercise them "as Mandatories on behalf of the League". In other words, the administration of these territories is delegated to them. This involves an obligation on their part to render account of their administration to the League of Nations.

SOURCE: LoN/1945.VI.A.1 30 April 1945


In all "trusts" - there are "obligations." As is often paraphrased from the FDR speech for the Jefferson Day Dinner in 1945: "With Great Power comes Great Responsibility."

First, the Mandate was on behalf of the League of Nations, and NOT (repeat) NOT on behalf of the people of Palestine (as defined in the Palestine Order in Council - meaning: territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine.); or any other individual state.

Second, the obligation of the Mandatory is to the League of Nations:

Series of League of Nations Publications VI.A. MANDATES 1945. VI.A. 1 said:
The acceptance by a nation of this mission carries with it certain obligations and responsibilities established by law. Like guardians in civil law, they must exercise their authority in the interests of their wards -- that is to say, of the peoples which are regarded as minors -- and must maintain an entirely disinterested attitude in their dealings with them. The territories with the administration of which they are entrusted must not be exploited by them for their own profit.

There is no question in my mind - that at the end of the day - come the termination of the Mandate, that the inhabitants had reached a more advanced stage of development and their independence could, in principle, be recognized by the Covenant itself; and that there be the establishment of the Jewish national home in the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine and internationally --- all Jews willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.

There are a few points to be made here.

  • The Mandatory (the UK in this case), is subordinate to the Covenant (the League of Nations), just the dame as an appointed Trustee is subordinate to the will of the Court in civil law. The Mandate itself is not written in stone, but pliable to the will of the Covenant.

  • The obligation is to the Covenant, with the idea that the best interest of the people are looked after, yet not always what the indigenous population may want (parental oversight).

  • You will notice that the Mandate speaks of "self-governing institutions" (plural). Meaning that more than one institution may be established.

  • And finally, "self-governance" was never established geographically (except for Trans Jordan), nor was there a specification on how to establish a Jewish National Home. There was never an outline establish limiting the scope and nature of either how to affect a Jewish National Home or self-governing institutions. (That would not come until the Resolution of 1947.)

Of course, through the process - no one can argue successfully that the Arab indigenous population did not have a right to a self-governing institution. But the expanse, scope and nature of such was never defined until 1947.

Most Respectfully,

Why do you say all that. I don't see the relevance.

It is clear who the Palestinians were and that the mandate was supposed to bring them to independence.
Yeah, Amity vets all the sources, and when it is one she doesn't like, it is FAKE in her mind, never once thinking that many think her sources are FAKE and that Arab Propaganda is the best in the world. They probably learned from those old Nazis who went to the Middle East after World War II and wrote propaganda for the Arabs.

The way I know it is a fake is that the title is "Pathetic Assholes Conspiring to Boycott Israel." That's a dead giveaway right there. It has been hijacked.

But it was never a genuine site to begin with. An easy way to find that out is to copy the site title (the real one) and enter it into your browser and see what links to it. Why do I get the feeling that one of you low level Zionist apologists set this up? Probably because it seems like a hack job.

At any rate, we're going to get you all up to speed on how to do research. If you're still oblivious after that, it'll be your own responsibility.
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Amity, don't you realize you were done when you started. All you were doing, as another member from the Boiler Room, is repeat the same old, same old stuff readers have heard for ages.

The intellectual atmosphere on this particular forum is so mindlessly rote Zionist with nothing particularly useful being said that I am a breath of fresh air by comparison. And I think for that reason if for no other it needs to continue in a limited way. There are a few good and sincere souls who deserve to get some truth out of all this.
It is obvious that they are NOT 'Jewish' under the definition employed either by the State of Israel or Jewish religious law. Not only that, they don't seem to have the slightest desire to be Jewish, and in fact Arab and other Muslim people routinely accuse whoever they wish to demonize of being 'a Jew'......

They ARE Jews under the definition Israel uses, which is based on nothing but ancestry and self-identification. Some Israeli statesman once said "A Jew is whoever says he is." That, plus ancestry.
WANT to be Jewish? Most would not want to be practicing Jews, of course not, but it does expose the bankruptcy of the Law of Return.


Perhaps if you read the information at this link, you will understand it better. The Israeli law in this instance is based on Jewish religious law.

Some nations - quite a few, in fact - will not allow people to immigrate *unless* they can show a (direct) 'ancestral' connection. And of course there is one nation in the ME which absolutely will not allow anyone but the members of one specific religion to become citizens: that is Saudi Arabia.

Each different First Nations tribe has its own laws about who is/isn't a member. The last I heard - which was about a year ago - from my FN friends, there was some pressure from the government to adopt a single standard for all the tribes. But of course that'd violate individual tribal self-determination.

It doesn't matter what you - or I - think of the Israeli immigration laws because we have no legal right to do anything regarding those laws.

Lipush, yes - she's a citizen and has that right. She hasn't been lecturing us Americans on what we 'should' do and who we should let in here........ I doubt it has occurred to her to do so!
Amity, don't you realize you were done when you started. All you were doing, as another member from the Boiler Room, is repeat the same old, same old stuff readers have heard for ages.

The intellectual atmosphere on this particular forum is so mindlessly rote Zionist with nothing particularly useful being said that I am a breath of fresh air by comparison. And I think for that reason if for no other it needs to continue in a limited way. There are a few good and sincere souls who deserve to get some truth out of all this.
Try again, so far all that you have posted are regurgitated lies and false propaganda that has been heard and debunked a thousand times. Your fresh air is worse than what you breath in a public restroom. :rofl:

I think its time you reappeared as someone else.
P F Tinmore, et al,

You read so much into an isolated word.

Key word. The territory was held in trust on behalf of the people. Not the Mexican people. Not the Canadian people. Not the European people.

It was held in trust for the Palestinian people.


In all "trusts" - there are "obligations." As is often paraphrased from the FDR speech for the Jefferson Day Dinner in 1945: "With Great Power comes Great Responsibility."

First, the Mandate was on behalf of the League of Nations, and NOT (repeat) NOT on behalf of the people of Palestine (as defined in the Palestine Order in Council - meaning: territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine.); or any other individual state.

Second, the obligation of the Mandatory is to the League of Nations:

Series of League of Nations Publications VI.A. MANDATES 1945. VI.A. 1 said:
The acceptance by a nation of this mission carries with it certain obligations and responsibilities established by law. Like guardians in civil law, they must exercise their authority in the interests of their wards -- that is to say, of the peoples which are regarded as minors -- and must maintain an entirely disinterested attitude in their dealings with them. The territories with the administration of which they are entrusted must not be exploited by them for their own profit.

There is no question in my mind - that at the end of the day - come the termination of the Mandate, that the inhabitants had reached a more advanced stage of development and their independence could, in principle, be recognized by the Covenant itself; and that there be the establishment of the Jewish national home in the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine and internationally --- all Jews willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.

There are a few points to be made here.

  • The Mandatory (the UK in this case), is subordinate to the Covenant (the League of Nations), just the dame as an appointed Trustee is subordinate to the will of the Court in civil law. The Mandate itself is not written in stone, but pliable to the will of the Covenant.

  • The obligation is to the Covenant, with the idea that the best interest of the people are looked after, yet not always what the indigenous population may want (parental oversight).

  • You will notice that the Mandate speaks of "self-governing institutions" (plural). Meaning that more than one institution may be established.

  • And finally, "self-governance" was never established geographically (except for Trans Jordan), nor was there a specification on how to establish a Jewish National Home. There was never an outline establish limiting the scope and nature of either how to affect a Jewish National Home or self-governing institutions. (That would not come until the Resolution of 1947.)

Of course, through the process - no one can argue successfully that the Arab indigenous population did not have a right to a self-governing institution. But the expanse, scope and nature of such was never defined until 1947.

Most Respectfully,

Why do you say all that. I don't see the relevance.

It is clear who the Palestinians were and that the mandate was supposed to bring them to independence.

'Was supposed to bring them them to independence'

This is true. The problem is, the Palestinians rejected independence.
I know more about the IDF and its sometimes cruelty than 1000 stories of breaking the silence. I lived among IDF soldiers from the day I was born and tasted the cruelty of the system.
If the system is cruel, it's not a "sometimes" problem, it's a "systemic" one.

And systemic problems require immediate attention, something you're not willing to do.

"Breaking the silence" tells me nothing new. So you can take that site and shove it.
It's not what it tells you, it's what it tells me, about you.

You're reactions to some of their comments, say a lot about you as a person.

Especially the ones where you have "no" reaction, or refuse to even comment on what they said, like their use of "johnnies".

The system tries to fix itself all the time! Fact that you don't see it is perhaps because you're not interested in seeing it, or you simply prefer to stay behind a curtain of ignorance. I don't know which one it is.

And by the way, Billo. You don't know anything about me, as a person. So don't try and psych me out. That pisses me off. All you know about me is what I let you see on this messageboard. I know I'm way far from perfect, but don't try and pretend like you can know or read me.

That's beyond rude.!

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