Who Are The Palestinains?

I have a new contract so will have to beg off for awhile. I'll post a little video or something every day, but will be back in a few, need to do some writing.

Oh, no, more trolling

too bad, so sad..................

A breath of fresh air and sunlight turns trolls to stone
It's called Palestinian Mentality!

P F Tinmore, et al,

I guess this is a good question.

toastman, P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, they rejected the participation in the Partition Plan; but not independence.


The odd thing is, that if they had accepted participation in the Partition Plan, they would have been better-off than attempting to take by force what they could not negotiate.

Forty years later, when they final do acknowledge the legitimacy of Resolution 181(II), they found themselves will less than what they started with.

Most Respectfully,

The Palestinians were "offered" to give 55% of their country to foreign settlers.

Who in the world would have accepted such an offer?

Give me some names.

After all, what Palestinian in their right mind would pass-up the opportunity to go to war for 40 years first, then get less territory?

You're right --- Who in the world would have accepted such an offer?

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

It is a simple matter of subtraction.

I guess this is a good question.


After all, what Palestinian in their right mind would pass-up the opportunity to go to war for 40 years first, then get less territory?

You're right --- Who in the world would have accepted such an offer?

Most Respectfully,
How do you know how much land the Palestinians will have when the war is over?

Take the land allotted in Resolution 181(II) (See Map Attachment) and compare it to the State of Palestine of today:

Can't you see a different?

Like you say, the "war" is not over yet, but as long as the Palestinian prolong it in their attempt to acquire more land by force (Jihad and Armed Struggle), the more control they lose. It has been going in that direction for six decades. How much more control do the Palestinians want to lose?

Most Respectfully,

So far, the Palestinians (some Palestinians) have offered Israel the land inside the green line in a peace deal.

Israel has never accepted the offer.
Yep,, Just like Palestinians they take a lickin' & keep on tickin'. Thank goodness they don't even know the first law of the hole. When you're already one --- Stop digging. Heh Heh!

Amity, don't you realize you were done when you started. All you were doing, as another member from the Boiler Room, is repeat the same old, same old stuff readers have heard for ages.

The intellectual atmosphere on this particular forum is so mindlessly rote Zionist with nothing particularly useful being said that I am a breath of fresh air by comparison. And I think for that reason if for no other it needs to continue in a limited way. There are a few good and sincere souls who deserve to get some truth out of all this.

You're a breath of fresh air??? You are just the next poster up from the Boiler Room who shows up to repeat the same mindless rote Pro Pali priopaganda that the viewers have heard for ages. One of the posters was right when she asked if Amity ever sleeps. My, oh my, these gals from the Boiler Room get their batteries charged to keep them going day and night.
P F Tinmore, et al,

It is a simple matter of subtraction.

How do you know how much land the Palestinians will have when the war is over?

Take the land allotted in Resolution 181(II) (See Map Attachment) and compare it to the State of Palestine of today:

Can't you see a different?

Like you say, the "war" is not over yet, but as long as the Palestinian prolong it in their attempt to acquire more land by force (Jihad and Armed Struggle), the more control they lose. It has been going in that direction for six decades. How much more control do the Palestinians want to lose?

Most Respectfully,

So far, the Palestinians (some Palestinians) have offered Israel the land inside the green line in a peace deal.

Israel has never accepted the offer.

West bank was given toIsrael by jordan. There was an expectation of a land swap so settlement and land behind the wall would remain as part of Israel, and land would be added to gaza or to northern WB of equal size, or close to.

Ranting about building more units on land that west of the wall just for the sake of being troublesome is not worth the effort. I don't think settlements should be built east of the wall, but if there is a need for security, roads, infrastructure etc. to be built, Israel should do so in areas that are still under it's jurisdiction.

If Israel develops the land that will be turned over to the PA, it simply adds to the value.
PA should be building jobs and developing their own towns not complaining about Israel.

You want to talk to Israel? OK, but stop the whining and actually put forward some compromise, give Israel something and Israel will in return offer something back till you find some middle ground that both can live with. Don't put a list of demands on the table, deal with each issue point by point. Expect that you will not get everything nor will the other party, but you find what is best for both sides.
"And by the way, Billo. You don't know anything about me, as a person. So don't try and psych me out. That pisses me off. All you know about me is what I let you see on this messageboard. I know I'm way far from perfect, but don't try and pretend like you can know or read me.

That's beyond rude.! "

You're right, Lipush: it's Billo-bully's charming l'il way of trying to dominate you. And just like when a Chihuahua tries to dry-hump someone's leg - even though it's gross, we all laugh at the l'il beast's antics : ))
It would be nice if you could tell me what post you were responding to?
The system tries to fix itself all the time! Fact that you don't see it is perhaps because you're not interested in seeing it, or you simply prefer to stay behind a curtain of ignorance. I don't know which one it is.
Why don't you give me 3 examples of that system fixing itself and I will take a LOOK at it.

And by the way, Billo. You don't know anything about me, as a person. So don't try and psych me out. That pisses me off. All you know about me is what I let you see on this messageboard. I know I'm way far from perfect, but don't try and pretend like you can know or read me.

That's beyond rude.!
I know what I see and what I don't see.

And if you think a certain perception of mine is wrong, then correct me.
P F Tinmore, et al,

It is a simple matter of subtraction.

How do you know how much land the Palestinians will have when the war is over?

Take the land allotted in Resolution 181(II) (See Map Attachment) and compare it to the State of Palestine of today:

Can't you see a different?

Like you say, the "war" is not over yet, but as long as the Palestinian prolong it in their attempt to acquire more land by force (Jihad and Armed Struggle), the more control they lose. It has been going in that direction for six decades. How much more control do the Palestinians want to lose?

Most Respectfully,

So far, the Palestinians (some Palestinians) have offered Israel the land inside the green line in a peace deal.

Israel has never accepted the offer.

They offered Israel land that already belonged to Israel ? :lol::lol::lol:

Please show me this offer Tinmore

P F Tinmore, et al,

It is a simple matter of subtraction.


Take the land allotted in Resolution 181(II) (See Map Attachment) and compare it to the State of Palestine of today:

Can't you see a different?

Like you say, the "war" is not over yet, but as long as the Palestinian prolong it in their attempt to acquire more land by force (Jihad and Armed Struggle), the more control they lose. It has been going in that direction for six decades. How much more control do the Palestinians want to lose?

Most Respectfully,

So far, the Palestinians (some Palestinians) have offered Israel the land inside the green line in a peace deal.

Israel has never accepted the offer.

They offered Israel land that already belonged to Israel ? :lol::lol::lol:

Please show me this offer Tinmore


Can you prove that point?
Perhaps the likes of Amity & Tinmore will tell us WHY Jordan gave Israel the West Bank. Once they know the answer they may be able to see things outside the box of their Palestinian mentality.

P F Tinmore, et al,

It is a simple matter of subtraction.


Take the land allotted in Resolution 181(II) (See Map Attachment) and compare it to the State of Palestine of today:

Can't you see a different?

Like you say, the "war" is not over yet, but as long as the Palestinian prolong it in their attempt to acquire more land by force (Jihad and Armed Struggle), the more control they lose. It has been going in that direction for six decades. How much more control do the Palestinians want to lose?

Most Respectfully,

So far, the Palestinians (some Palestinians) have offered Israel the land inside the green line in a peace deal.

Israel has never accepted the offer.

West bank was given toIsrael by jordan. There was an expectation of a land swap so settlement and land behind the wall would remain as part of Israel, and land would be added to gaza or to northern WB of equal size, or close to.

Ranting about building more units on land that west of the wall just for the sake of being troublesome is not worth the effort. I don't think settlements should be built east of the wall, but if there is a need for security, roads, infrastructure etc. to be built, Israel should do so in areas that are still under it's jurisdiction.

If Israel develops the land that will be turned over to the PA, it simply adds to the value.
PA should be building jobs and developing their own towns not complaining about Israel.

You want to talk to Israel? OK, but stop the whining and actually put forward some compromise, give Israel something and Israel will in return offer something back till you find some middle ground that both can live with. Don't put a list of demands on the table, deal with each issue point by point. Expect that you will not get everything nor will the other party, but you find what is best for both sides.
Perhaps the likes of Amity & Tinmore will tell us WHY Jordan gave Israel the West Bank. Once they know the answer they may be able to see things outside the box of their Palestinian mentality.

So far, the Palestinians (some Palestinians) have offered Israel the land inside the green line in a peace deal.

Israel has never accepted the offer.

West bank was given toIsrael by jordan. There was an expectation of a land swap so settlement and land behind the wall would remain as part of Israel, and land would be added to gaza or to northern WB of equal size, or close to.

Ranting about building more units on land that west of the wall just for the sake of being troublesome is not worth the effort. I don't think settlements should be built east of the wall, but if there is a need for security, roads, infrastructure etc. to be built, Israel should do so in areas that are still under it's jurisdiction.

If Israel develops the land that will be turned over to the PA, it simply adds to the value.
PA should be building jobs and developing their own towns not complaining about Israel.

You want to talk to Israel? OK, but stop the whining and actually put forward some compromise, give Israel something and Israel will in return offer something back till you find some middle ground that both can live with. Don't put a list of demands on the table, deal with each issue point by point. Expect that you will not get everything nor will the other party, but you find what is best for both sides.

tell us WHY Jordan gave Israel the West Bank.

They did? Then why is it called occupied Palestinian territory?
By whom is it called "occupied Palestinian territory" & what difference does it matter what anyone calls it? Just tell us why the West Bank is no longer called Jordan, even by Jordanians.

Perhaps the likes of Amity & Tinmore will tell us WHY Jordan gave Israel the West Bank. Once they know the answer they may be able to see things outside the box of their Palestinian mentality.

West bank was given toIsrael by jordan. There was an expectation of a land swap so settlement and land behind the wall would remain as part of Israel, and land would be added to gaza or to northern WB of equal size, or close to.

Ranting about building more units on land that west of the wall just for the sake of being troublesome is not worth the effort. I don't think settlements should be built east of the wall, but if there is a need for security, roads, infrastructure etc. to be built, Israel should do so in areas that are still under it's jurisdiction.

If Israel develops the land that will be turned over to the PA, it simply adds to the value.
PA should be building jobs and developing their own towns not complaining about Israel.

You want to talk to Israel? OK, but stop the whining and actually put forward some compromise, give Israel something and Israel will in return offer something back till you find some middle ground that both can live with. Don't put a list of demands on the table, deal with each issue point by point. Expect that you will not get everything nor will the other party, but you find what is best for both sides.

tell us WHY Jordan gave Israel the West Bank.

They did? Then why is it called occupied Palestinian territory?
Perhaps the likes of Amity & Tinmore will tell us WHY Jordan gave Israel the West Bank. Once they know the answer they may be able to see things outside the box of their Palestinian mentality.

So far, the Palestinians (some Palestinians) have offered Israel the land inside the green line in a peace deal.

Israel has never accepted the offer.

West bank was given toIsrael by jordan. There was an expectation of a land swap so settlement and land behind the wall would remain as part of Israel, and land would be added to gaza or to northern WB of equal size, or close to.

Ranting about building more units on land that west of the wall just for the sake of being troublesome is not worth the effort. I don't think settlements should be built east of the wall, but if there is a need for security, roads, infrastructure etc. to be built, Israel should do so in areas that are still under it's jurisdiction.

If Israel develops the land that will be turned over to the PA, it simply adds to the value.
PA should be building jobs and developing their own towns not complaining about Israel.

You want to talk to Israel? OK, but stop the whining and actually put forward some compromise, give Israel something and Israel will in return offer something back till you find some middle ground that both can live with. Don't put a list of demands on the table, deal with each issue point by point. Expect that you will not get everything nor will the other party, but you find what is best for both sides.

sitting waiting and not advancing housing or industry is pointless. Land should be use so top soil is protected even in a fallow field you till the land a feed the soil a plowed vegetation decays. Grass, hay, hemp, herbs can be allowed to grow as they feed the soil.
So far, the Palestinians (some Palestinians) have offered Israel the land inside the green line in a peace deal.
That's Godalmighty White of 'em, considering that Israel holds that, plus much more, due to their skill at arms, and the incompetency of the Arabs in that same regard.

And, "some Palestinians" is another key phrase. Why should Israel consider yet another peace deal, until all Palestinians agree upon a solution acceptable to the Israelis? After all, "some" is merely the casus belli for the NEXT round of fighting, when Faction A or B or C decides that nobody asked them, and that the peace deal does not work in their best interests - or Allah's (in their tiny little brains)? Lord knows that the Palestinians (and their supporters) have pulled that kind of shit often enough in the past.
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