Who Are The Palestinains?

So I reiterate, Palestinians are NOT genetically European, they're genetically Jewish, so what does that do to the Law of Return?

Besides, your article is talking about mitochondrial DNA, which is the maternal lineage, whereas the Hebrew University study is analyzing Y-chromosome DNA, the paternal side. So both articles can easily be right and probably are. But I do notice this article is older, so more recent analysis may have made this obsolete.
Doesn't matter.

The Jews themselves define who is Jewish and who is not.

The Jews themselves define whose membership card is 'current' and whose is not.

My point e-x-a-c-t-l-y. If Palestinians are Jewish, and it appears they are, under the definition employed by the state of Israel, then they now should be allowed to become part of the definition committee.

The Jews decide.

The ones currently practicing the faith known as Judaism.

The REAL Jews.

Not the (partial, vestigial) descendants of cowards who broke faith with the Convenant.

The REAL Jews.

Who have decided that the Palestinians' membership card as Jews expired, centuries ago.

They've also decided not to invite the Palestinians to renew.


Because they can, and because they wish to, and because they see doing so as being in their own best interests and safety, and because there is nobody to stop them.
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There are laws already in place that decide who is Jewish, and Palestinians are not excluded. By Israel's definition they are included.

By realistically I don't think that will happen.
READ, READ, READ before you SPOUT, SPOUT, SPOUT and make a fool of yourself. This is an ISRAELI study, only Israelis are talking. No Palestinian or any other flavor of Arab has made any claims about being Jewish. This is ISRAELIS saying they are genetically Jewish. And the claim tht the Israelis are making is that among Palestinians ONLY, not among other Arabs, their DNA is 85% identical with ancient Jewish DNA. That is a higher percentage than the DNA of Ashkenazim.

Oh really??? Why not also give us the rebuttal to this Israeli study that was also done. Yes, Amity thinks that loads of Palestinian Arabs showed up and gave samples of their DNA. Why don't we both, Amity and I, have the test done so that it will show that we have ancestors who originally came out of Africa. By the way, Amity, two Irish American guys sent in samples of their DNA, and they were told of this African connection and that Scotland is named after Queens Scotia of Northern Africa. Gee, probably even everyone in the Middle East has this African connection also.
READ, READ, READ before you SPOUT, SPOUT, SPOUT and make a fool of yourself. This is an ISRAELI study, only Israelis are talking. No Palestinian or any other flavor of Arab has made any claims about being Jewish. This is ISRAELIS saying they are genetically Jewish. And the claim tht the Israelis are making is that among Palestinians ONLY, not among other Arabs, their DNA is 85% identical with ancient Jewish DNA. That is a higher percentage than the DNA of Ashkenazim.
You keep blabbering the same crap that Monty used to before he went out in flames. Can they give you guys a different playbook before setting you loose here?

As mentioned before, there are more genetic similarities in several other groups such as the Kurds and those from the Caucasus. Which makes the Palestinians an after thought.
LMAO! Bless you for being so funny. It feels so good to laugh. Hey & did you know human DNA is 98% the same as that of Apes? Are you an Ape?

READ, READ, READ before you SPOUT, SPOUT, SPOUT and make a fool of yourself. This is an ISRAELI study, only Israelis are talking. No Palestinian or any other flavor of Arab has made any claims about being Jewish. This is ISRAELIS saying they are genetically Jewish. And the claim tht the Israelis are making is that among Palestinians ONLY, not among other Arabs, their DNA is 85% identical with ancient Jewish DNA. That is a higher percentage than the DNA of Ashkenazim.
If Jews can return after 2000 years, why can't the Pals return after 70?
Because the Jews have the muscle and the allies to enforce their will, and the Palestinians don't.

That is changing so fast though, isn't it? Only one ally left, and even that might be gone soon. :eusa_whistle:
Not really.

The temporary occupant of the White House - who will be gone on January 20, 2017 - will not be able to reverse US foreign policy in connection with Israel.

Not unless he wants to lose his tenuous grip on the Senate, to match the 'shellacking' he took in connection with the House in the 2010 mid-terms.

All Israel has to do is to ride-out the remainder of Obama's presidency, and then things immediately being to go back to normal again.

And, in any physical rumble between Israel and her Muslim neighbors, much of Europe will remain neutral, while most of the rest of it will back Israel, when push comes to shove.

Mostly because the Euros like Jews better than they like Muslims.

Just like us.
There lies a big problem. Those Zionists in Israel just keep on provoking the Palestinians into hatred & violence with their damn peace offerings, security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in Israel. But not once have those Zionists even tried to help free the Palestinians back to their indigenous homelands. Shame on them.

Plenty. The Palestinian Right of Return is debunked.
If Jews can return after 2000 years, why can't the Pals return after 70?
If they were to return to the place they came from 70 years ago, that would be Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Iraq where most of them came (invaded) from.
I think this is really a cute article:
Many surprised by genetic and cultural links between Palestinians and Jews | God Reports

Actually I don't know why this woman is so surprised by the realization that Palestinians descended from the Jews, and don't really think it is "politically incorrect" to acknowledge this in the middle east. Palestinians have long known it and several told me this decades before this study took place. I think it is maybe just a shock to Jews.

Palestinian cohanim?!?!?!?!? The sky is falling.

Billo - I love your tag line!
There are some who say the Pals are the direct descendants of the Israelites. I don't know. I've only been following this Israeli/Palestinian issue for the past 5-6 years. Apart from that, the only other knowledge I had of this conflict, was when I watched the whole thing go down during the '72 Munich Olympics as a kid.

I'll admit, I don't care about Palestinian's and I certainly care even less about Israeli's. But the thing that drew me into this subject, was when I started noticing a whole lotta Israeli ass-kissing going on. I mean, it's over the top! And I'm the kind of person who doesn't kiss anyone's ass. I won't say anything behind your back, I wouldn't say to your face. So, the more I got to know these Zionists, the more interested I became on this subject. It's not often you find people who try to debate with the logic of a rodeo clown.

As an example, they say things, but are unable to explain why they say them. They've called me a "jew hater" many times, but have never been able to tell me, why they think I would hate Jews? It's not like I don't know the answer. The reality is, that's their standard response to anyone criticizing Israeli foreign policy. I doesn't matter what the subject is or how valid the criticism, that's the response you get 90% of the time.

Unfortunately for them, I find their vitriol entertaining as hell. It's my Disneyland!
Because the Jews have the muscle and the allies to enforce their will, and the Palestinians don't.

That is changing so fast though, isn't it? Only one ally left, and even that might be gone soon. :eusa_whistle:
Not really.

The temporary occupant of the White House - who will be gone on January 20, 2017 - will not be able to reverse US foreign policy in connection with Israel.

Not unless he wants to lose his tenuous grip on the Senate, to match the 'shellacking' he took in connection with the House in the 2010 mid-terms.

All Israel has to do is to ride-out the remainder of Obama's presidency, and then things immediately being to go back to normal again.

And, in any physical rumble between Israel and her Muslim neighbors, much of Europe will remain neutral, while most of the rest of it will back Israel, when push comes to shove.

Mostly because the Euros like Jews better than they like Muslims.

Just like us.

the PRESIDENT has not tried to reverse US policy regarding Israel.

as to the rest of your post... probably true.
LMAO! Bless you for being so funny. It feels so good to laugh. Hey & did you know human DNA is 98% the same as that of Apes? Are you an Ape?

READ, READ, READ before you SPOUT, SPOUT, SPOUT and make a fool of yourself. This is an ISRAELI study, only Israelis are talking. No Palestinian or any other flavor of Arab has made any claims about being Jewish. This is ISRAELIS saying they are genetically Jewish. And the claim tht the Israelis are making is that among Palestinians ONLY, not among other Arabs, their DNA is 85% identical with ancient Jewish DNA. That is a higher percentage than the DNA of Ashkenazim.

Gee, MJB, I am reading like she said, and I came up with this.

Palestinian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel.
I know more about the IDF and its sometimes cruelty than 1000 stories of breaking the silence. I lived among IDF soldiers from the day I was born and tasted the cruelty of the system.
If the system is cruel, it's not a "sometimes" problem, it's a "systemic" one.

And systemic problems require immediate attention, something you're not willing to do.

"Breaking the silence" tells me nothing new. So you can take that site and shove it.
It's not what it tells you, it's what it tells me, about you.

You're reactions to some of their comments, say a lot about you as a person.

Especially the ones where you have "no" reaction, or refuse to even comment on what they said, like their use of "johnnies".

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