Who Are The Palestinains?

Actually, no. Stop deflecting to the film. You contended that Jewish cities were depopulated by the Romans in 70 AD. What I'm saying is that you're wrong. The Jews continued to persist even after the destruction of the Second Temple, even after a large portion of the Jewish population was forced into diaspora. I just explained why.
I have read a number of Jewish histories and the belief generally seems to be that the cities were depopulated. NEARLY everyone was either taken into slavery in Rome or escaped into the countryside. If you have evidence au contraire, please post. I'd love to read more about the history.

I think most people are just blown away by the fact that Palestinians are descended from the Jews of 2000 years ago.

There is no genetic link between native Jews and Palestinians. Unless you can prove it, your argument is bunk.
I have already "proven" it, you just won't read what I have posted. Actually I didn't prove it, scientists at Hadassah or Hebrew University did. At least 80% of the Palestinians' genes, haplotypes, is identical with ancient Jews of the Roman period. Among Jewish Israelis, the actual percentage of shared haplogroups with ancient Jews is lower, 72%.
I'll be back later today, Amity. You simply have no idea who you're up against. I spent the better part of a year studying the Israeli-Palestinian conflict inside and out. I also debated pro-Palestinian people such as you.

I think you are nothing but a propagandist. With little more than anecdotal evidence to your name.
The woman in the film gives an exact citation of the study so you can look it up.
Watch the film.
I'll be back later today, Amity. You simply have no idea who you're up against. I spent the better part of a year studying the Israeli-Palestinian conflict inside and out. I also debated pro-Palestinian people such as you.

I think you are nothing but a propagandist. With little more than anecdotal evidence to your name.

If you are going to be muleheaded you are going to lose this one. The people on this forum do have brains and can plainly see the scientists describing their findings.
I have already "proven" it, you just won't read what I have posted. Actually I didn't prove it, scientists at Hadassah or Hebrew University did. At least 80% of the Palestinians' genes, haplotypes, is identical with ancient Jews of the Roman period. Among Jewish Israelis, the actual percentage of shared haplogroups with ancient Jews is lower, 72%.

How do you explain the Ashkenazi Jews then? According to the Bray Study in 2010, they more closely aligned with Europeans than Middle Easterners. As least 55% share their genome with Europeans. I'd like to see you explain that one away.
Actually, I'm nowhere close to being muleheaded, miss. Your biases towards the Palestinians as opposed to the Jews is quite evident. People cannot make good arguments when their reasoning is tainted by personal bias.
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Back to the point, I think you should re-consider expending your source list. If the only information reachable is from "breaking the silence" then there is something complietely wrong and twisted with your view on the conflict. Probably not your fault, but still ,the result is clear.
No, there's something completely wrong and twisted about someone who automatically dismisses the testimonies from "Breaking the Silence", without presenting (or having) any evidence to the contrary.

BTS shows the truth about Israel and what the IDF is really doing.

Billo is so right. I think anyone who watches those testimonies is going to know they are telling the truth.

And if not, we have plenty of videos on You Tube. If I ever get a million bucks I will buy video cameras and send them to the West Bank and Gaza. The situation is truly undeniable at this point.

If what those Israeli soldiers say match what you see on the ground, how can you say it is not true.

BTW, B'Tselem has a "shooting back" project where they give Palestinians cameras to document events.

On 24 April 2013, as has been a frequent occurrence of late, settlers from Giv’at Gal came onto the privately owned land of the Zaro family, of Hebron. The landowners called the police to report the trespassing. Israeli soldiers came to the scene and, rather than sending the settlers away, arrested the Palestinians. The police then insisted on detaining the Zaros overnight. Part of the incident was filmed by one of the men detained, Sh'hab a-Din Zaro, a volunteer in B’Tselem’s camera project. The detainees were released from custody the following day by a military judge after this video footage was presented in court by their legal counsel, Adv. Nery Ramati of the Gaby Lasky law firm, and it was proven that the there was no justification for the arrest, which involved violence towards one of the Zaros.

Camera distribution project | B'Tselem

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ9BLW2TEw0]Violent dispersal of a demonstration in a-Nabi Saleh 13.5.2011 - YouTube[/ame]
Billo_Really said:
the settlers must under no circumstances arouse the wrath of the natives ... 'Yet what do our brethren do in Palestine? Just the very opposite! Serfs they were in the lands of the Diaspora and suddenly they find themselves in unrestricted freedom and this change has awakened in them an inclination to despotism. They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination

- Ahad Ha'am
So according to him, the "natives", were not the "jews".
Actually, no. Stop deflecting to the film. You contended that Jewish cities were depopulated by the Romans in 70 AD. What I'm saying is that you're wrong. The Jews continued to persist even after the destruction of the Second Temple, even after a large portion of the Jewish population was forced into diaspora. I just explained why.

I have read a number of Jewish histories and the belief generally seems to be that the cities were depopulated. NEARLY everyone was either taken into slavery in Rome or escaped into the countryside. If you have evidence au contraire, please post. I'd love to read more about the history.

I think most people are just blown away by the fact that Palestinians are descended from the Jews of 2000 years ago.

Yes, you are right, the Jewish population persisted, but in the countryside. As time went on they became the Palestinians. This is not a theory. This is proven by genetics 100% certain. I think a lot of Palestinians know this, but Jews amazingly don't. Well, except for David Ben Gurion I guess!
Actually Palestinians are Arabs identical to their Arab neighbors both culturally and genetically, most of which invaded the land in the 19th and 20th centuries. To say that Palestinians and Jews are the same is as ridiculous as saying all Arabs and Jews are the same.

It's the same bullshit over and over. You guys need to get your stories straight. One second the Jews are Europeans and the other the Jews are the same as the Palestinians. Ha ha ha.
Actually, no. Stop deflecting to the film. You contended that Jewish cities were depopulated by the Romans in 70 AD. What I'm saying is that you're wrong. The Jews continued to persist even after the destruction of the Second Temple, even after a large portion of the Jewish population was forced into diaspora. I just explained why.

I have read a number of Jewish histories and the belief generally seems to be that the cities were depopulated. NEARLY everyone was either taken into slavery in Rome or escaped into the countryside. If you have evidence au contraire, please post. I'd love to read more about the history.

I think most people are just blown away by the fact that Palestinians are descended from the Jews of 2000 years ago.

Yes, you are right, the Jewish population persisted, but in the countryside. As time went on they became the Palestinians. This is not a theory. This is proven by genetics 100% certain. I think a lot of Palestinians know this, but Jews amazingly don't. Well, except for David Ben Gurion I guess!
Actually Palestinians are Arabs identical to their Arab neighbors both culturally and genetically, most of which invaded the land in the 19th and 20th centuries. To say that Palestinians and Jews are the same is as ridiculous as saying all Arabs and Jews are the same.

It's the same bullshit over and over. You guys need to get your stories straight. One second the Jews are Europeans and the other the Jews are the same as the Palestinians. Ha ha ha.

There is no contradiction. There were native Jews then there were invading Jews from Europe.

You people are the ones who are confused.
I have read a number of Jewish histories and the belief generally seems to be that the cities were depopulated. NEARLY everyone was either taken into slavery in Rome or escaped into the countryside. If you have evidence au contraire, please post. I'd love to read more about the history.

I think most people are just blown away by the fact that Palestinians are descended from the Jews of 2000 years ago.

Yes, you are right, the Jewish population persisted, but in the countryside. As time went on they became the Palestinians. This is not a theory. This is proven by genetics 100% certain. I think a lot of Palestinians know this, but Jews amazingly don't. Well, except for David Ben Gurion I guess!
Actually Palestinians are Arabs identical to their Arab neighbors both culturally and genetically, most of which invaded the land in the 19th and 20th centuries. To say that Palestinians and Jews are the same is as ridiculous as saying all Arabs and Jews are the same.

It's the same bullshit over and over. You guys need to get your stories straight. One second the Jews are Europeans and the other the Jews are the same as the Palestinians. Ha ha ha.

There is no contradiction. There were native Jews then there were invading Jews from Europe.

You people are the ones who are confused.
Aha. And now a third story.

So it wasn't all Muslims and some Christians that were left in the land, and the Jews did indeed maintain a presence throughout the millennia in the land of their ancestors. Making them the true natives, and the Arabs and Muslims invaders from neighboring countries.
P F Tinmore; et al,

Our friend "P F Tinmore" is correct, in so much as the two different sources of Jewish Populations.

There is no contradiction. There were native Jews then there were invading Jews from Europe.

You people are the ones who are confused.

You had an indigenous population with a Jewish component; and you had a immigrant population with a Jewish component.

However, there was no invasion. That is simply an attempt to over dramatize the lawful immigration under Article 6. (The perpetual victim scenario by drama queens.)

Most Respectfully,
I have already "proven" it, you just won't read what I have posted. Actually I didn't prove it, scientists at Hadassah or Hebrew University did. At least 80% of the Palestinians' genes, haplotypes, is identical with ancient Jews of the Roman period. Among Jewish Israelis, the actual percentage of shared haplogroups with ancient Jews is lower, 72%.

How do you explain the Ashkenazi Jews then? According to the Bray Study in 2010, they more closely aligned with Europeans than Middle Easterners. As least 55% share their genome with Europeans. I'd like to see you explain that one away.

If I understand what you are saying, then that is not the finding of this study. The study shows that Ashkenazi Jews (Ashkenazim) are more closely related to ancient Judea Jews than are Mizrahim, and therefore more closely related to Palestinians than to Mizrahim.
I have read a number of Jewish histories and the belief generally seems to be that the cities were depopulated. NEARLY everyone was either taken into slavery in Rome or escaped into the countryside. If you have evidence au contraire, please post. I'd love to read more about the history.

I think most people are just blown away by the fact that Palestinians are descended from the Jews of 2000 years ago.

Yes, you are right, the Jewish population persisted, but in the countryside. As time went on they became the Palestinians. This is not a theory. This is proven by genetics 100% certain. I think a lot of Palestinians know this, but Jews amazingly don't. Well, except for David Ben Gurion I guess!
Actually Palestinians are Arabs identical to their Arab neighbors both culturally and genetically, most of which invaded the land in the 19th and 20th centuries. To say that Palestinians and Jews are the same is as ridiculous as saying all Arabs and Jews are the same.

It's the same bullshit over and over. You guys need to get your stories straight. One second the Jews are Europeans and the other the Jews are the same as the Palestinians. Ha ha ha.

There is no contradiction. There were native Jews then there were invading Jews from Europe.

You people are the ones who are confused.

Actually, it is you who is confused...as usual.

No Jews invaded. They were invited by the British and their immigration facilitated.
'Zionist invasion' is just Palestinian propaganda.
Actually Palestinians are Arabs identical to their Arab neighbors both culturally and genetically, most of which invaded the land in the 19th and 20th centuries. To say that Palestinians and Jews are the same is as ridiculous as saying all Arabs and Jews are the same.

It's the same bullshit over and over. You guys need to get your stories straight. One second the Jews are Europeans and the other the Jews are the same as the Palestinians. Ha ha ha.

No, there is a clear genetic distinction between Palestinians and neighboring Arabs. The Palestinians alone show the haplotype of ancient Jews.

Look, this little piece of trouble making is the product of Israeli minds, and good solid scientific minds, too. The research is a joint project of Hebrew University and Hadassah Medical Center. They weren't trying to prove this, and were apparently set back on their tails when they got the result. They broadcast their results on Israeli tv in 2009, where it caused a bit of an uproar to say the least. The videos on You Tube have comments disabled, a sign that it is still causing trouble. So don't blame me, I'm just the messenger. And as I pointed out, Ben Gurion knew it too!

On the other hand, many Palestinians have known this all along without having the genetic studies to back it up and don't make a whole lot of fuss over it. Several Palestinians told me this back in the 70s, it is part of their cultural memory, plus they know the history of the land, not just their history as a people. I have been going around telling others for upward of 40 years as just an obvious leap of logic, because based on what I knew, it seemed pretty obvious to me. Otherwise where did the Jews of post-Roman Israel/Palestine go? Were they abducted by aliens? So now we have proof positive. As this show makes clear, the process of conversion has been going on for a very long time and some Palestinians are still observant Jews.

Genetic history is now offering some serious surprises. For one thing, the Anglo Saxon invasion of England never happened. Those genes are not found to any significant degree among the British past the east coast. Furthemore, the Americas were settled by some group OTHER THAN so-called "native Americans" who came over via the Bering Sea land bridge 15000 years ago as we were all taught in elementary school. "Gypsies" (Roma) are originally from India. We are all just going to have to live with and be blown away by what new genetic studies are showing.

(Palestinian cohanim?!?!? THAT surprised even me.)
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Thank you so much Amity for joining in with us. So little left for us to laugh at these days of Palestinian terrorists attacking Israel & Middle East Muslim terrorists killing us infidels all over the world.

I'll be back later today, Amity. You simply have no idea who you're up against. I spent the better part of a year studying the Israeli-Palestinian conflict inside and out. I also debated pro-Palestinian people such as you.

I think you are nothing but a propagandist. With little more than anecdotal evidence to your name.

If you are going to be muleheaded you are going to lose this one. The people on this forum do have brains and can plainly see the scientists describing their findings.
P F Tinmore; et al,

Our friend "P F Tinmore" is correct, in so much as the two different sources of Jewish Populations.

There is no contradiction. There were native Jews then there were invading Jews from Europe.

You people are the ones who are confused.

You had an indigenous population with a Jewish component; and you had a immigrant population with a Jewish component.

However, there was no invasion. That is simply an attempt to over dramatize the lawful immigration under Article 6. (The perpetual victim scenario by drama queens.)

Most Respectfully,
How can you say that?


1. vti enter country by military force: to enter a country by force with or as an army, especially in order to conquer it
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
The foreign Zionists with the help of Britain's military went to Palestine, kicked out the natives and started their own state.

What definition of invasion do you use?

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