Who Are The Palestinains?

Now you have gone beyongd just riduculous. The overwqhelming majority of modern Palestinians came from surrounding Arab countries. Do have any idea as to why that is?

THAT was your point? Oh heck yeah I acknowledge it. What have I been writing all day? Sometimes I wonder do you folks actually read? I do not agree with any right of return, though.

NO, they are NOT squatters. The ancient Jews are the ancestors of the modern Palestinians. (sigh...)
My gawd. No, the Palestinians do not come from surrounding countries. Genetic testing has proved they are the descendants of the Jewish population. Here is the picture, which I am reposting:

The Romans crushed the Jewish state in A.D. 70, depopulated the cities, took many people as slaves to Rome, but the majority escaped to the countryside and continued their resistance .... Masada, Bar Kochba, etc. Of course there were other peoples there at that time, too, it wasn't 100% Jewish, but pretty much.

The synagogue tradition was developed, and some of those synagogues morphed into churches as more and more Jews converted. By time of Constantine, Palestine had a Christian majority, descended from the Jewish population.

At the time of the Muslim conquest there were many conversions, and a little intermarriage, a new language and a new culture that mixed in with the old, but no wholesale migration took place. The bedouin Arabs who were the nucleus of Islamic expansion, were a very tiny population anyway and couldn't have staged a large migration.

Later admixtures have got to include the Crusaders, Turks, etc. To this day you can see blonde haired, blue eyed Palestinians, and black African Palestinians.

But the population of Palestine remained continuous throughout. Note we have father and son, mother and daughter, all the way back to Canaanite times. And Palestinians are about 80% descended from those who were Jews in Roman times. By the way, modern Jews are descended about 72% from those who were Jews in Roman times. So Palestinians are more Jewish than the modern day Jews are? No, I don't think that is the point. The lesson is about demographics and migration.

And by the way, of course straight through there was a population of Jews who never converted. These were true "Palestinian Jews." The pattern is similar to that of the Samaritans who were left behind during the Jewish Babylonian exile, and remain there today in fact, still practicing a very old form of Judaism that existed before the Babylonian exile.

And this is what genetics has now proven. There is no place for other theories at this point.

It is interesting to see the continuity. Someone made the point that the same patterns that appear on Palestinian women's embroidered dresses are seen in Canaanite handcrafts. All over you will recognize the place names of the Bible. Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine, became Kafr Kana, etc. Most of the Christian traditions native to the Levant and Palestine .... Maronite, Syriac, etc. .... use Aramaic as their religious language. It was the language spoken by Christ.
Back to the point, I think you should re-consider expending your source list. If the only information reachable is from "breaking the silence" then there is something complietely wrong and twisted with your view on the conflict. Probably not your fault, but still ,the result is clear.
No, there's something completely wrong and twisted about someone who automatically dismisses the testimonies from "Breaking the Silence", without presenting (or having) any evidence to the contrary.

BTS shows the truth about Israel and what the IDF is really doing.
Back to the point, I think you should re-consider expending your source list. If the only information reachable is from "breaking the silence" then there is something complietely wrong and twisted with your view on the conflict. Probably not your fault, but still ,the result is clear.
No, there's something completely wrong and twisted about someone who automatically dismisses the testimonies from "Breaking the Silence", without presenting (or having) any evidence to the contrary.

BTS shows the truth about Israel and what the IDF is really doing.

Billo is so right. I think anyone who watches those testimonies is going to know they are telling the truth.

And if not, we have plenty of videos on You Tube. If I ever get a million bucks I will buy video cameras and send them to the West Bank and Gaza. The situation is truly undeniable at this point.
As you can see, Lipush, we are getting the same song and dance that has appeared to many times on this particular forum. It's too bad we couldn't find someone who manned the Palestine Booth at the World's Fair in 1940 ...
How about the words of a famous Zionist humanist living in that area at that time?

Would he do?

the settlers must under no circumstances arouse the wrath of the natives ... 'Yet what do our brethren do in Palestine? Just the very opposite! Serfs they were in the lands of the Diaspora and suddenly they find themselves in unrestricted freedom and this change has awakened in them an inclination to despotism. They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination

- Ahad Ha'am
So according to him, the "natives", were not the "jews".

He also had a premonition that rains true in each and everyone of you (and your ilk's') posts.

'[the Zionists] wax angry towards those who remind them that there is still another people in Eretz Yisrael that has been living there and does not intend at all to leave its place. In a future when this illusion will have been torn from their hearts and they will look with open eyes upon the reality as it is, they will certainly understand how important this question is and how great our duty to work for its solution'.
Boy, isn't that the nail on the head!

You people get really pissed off any time someone suggests the Pals were the indigenous population (in that area) during the Zionist migration.
Billo is so right. I think anyone who watches those testimonies is going to know they are telling the truth.

And if not, we have plenty of videos on You Tube. If I ever get a million bucks I will buy video cameras and send them to the West Bank and Gaza. The situation is truly undeniable at this point.
It's the Israeli version of "Winter Soldier".
I think this is really a cute article:
Many surprised by genetic and cultural links between Palestinians and Jews | God Reports

Actually I don't know why this woman is so surprised by the realization that Palestinians descended from the Jews, and don't really think it is "politically incorrect" to acknowledge this in the middle east. Palestinians have long known it and several told me this decades before this study took place. I think it is maybe just a shock to Jews.

Palestinian cohanim?!?!?!?!? The sky is falling.

Billo - I love your tag line!
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Back to the point, I think you should re-consider expending your source list. If the only information reachable is from "breaking the silence" then there is something complietely wrong and twisted with your view on the conflict. Probably not your fault, but still ,the result is clear.
No, there's something completely wrong and twisted about someone who automatically dismisses the testimonies from "Breaking the Silence", without presenting (or having) any evidence to the contrary.

BTS shows the truth about Israel and what the IDF is really doing.

I know more about the IDF and its sometimes cruelty than 1000 stories of breaking the silence. I lived among IDF soldiers from the day I was born and tasted the cruelty of the system.

"Breaking the silence" tells me nothing new. So you can take that site and shove it.
As you can see, Lipush, we are getting the same song and dance that has appeared to many times on this particular forum. It's too bad we couldn't find someone who manned the Palestine Booth at the World's Fair in 1940 ...
How about the words of a famous Zionist humanist living in that area at that time?

Would he do?

the settlers must under no circumstances arouse the wrath of the natives ... 'Yet what do our brethren do in Palestine? Just the very opposite! Serfs they were in the lands of the Diaspora and suddenly they find themselves in unrestricted freedom and this change has awakened in them an inclination to despotism. They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination

- Ahad Ha'am
So according to him, the "natives", were not the "jews".

He also had a premonition that rains true in each and everyone of you (and your ilk's') posts.

'[the Zionists] wax angry towards those who remind them that there is still another people in Eretz Yisrael that has been living there and does not intend at all to leave its place. In a future when this illusion will have been torn from their hearts and they will look with open eyes upon the reality as it is, they will certainly understand how important this question is and how great our duty to work for its solution'.
Boy, isn't that the nail on the head!

You people get really pissed off any time someone suggests the Pals were the indigenous population (in that area) during the Zionist migration.

Why don't you just f*ck off?! you said previously that Zionists are all basters and subhuman, so now you talk about "Zionist humanitarists"?

Are you that hypocrite? Or is it that you're a Zionist-hater only when it suits you, or that Zionists can be good only when they trash their own state?
I think this is really a cute article:
Many surprised by genetic and cultural links between Palestinians and Jews | God Reports

Actually I don't know why this woman is so surprised by the realization that Palestinians descended from the Jews, and don't really think it is "politically incorrect" to acknowledge this in the middle east. Palestinians have long known it and several told me this decades before this study took place. I think it is maybe just a shock to Jews.

Palestinian cohanim?!?!?!?!? The sky is falling.

Billo - I love your tag line!

Well, I knew it only from Palestinians. It is good to have Israelis vouch for it too because a lot of people (not naming any names) will not believe Palstinians even if they say the sky is blue, right?

edit:I included the wrong quote with this comment, meant to be responding to the comment on Breaking the Silence.

And, Lipush, just read the article I linked to. It will make you feel a little bit better about Palestinians as the Native People. Or maybe it will make you feel worse, don't know.
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This is a good film. I was moved to tears to hear a quote from David Ben Gurion that "There is no doubt there is a lot of Jewish blood in the veins of the Arabs. They had to choose between their religion or their land, and they loved the land so much that they chose their land."

That is mind-boggling. If even Ben Gurion was well aware of this, how in the Sam Hill did he not adapt his plans for Jewish statehood to include the Palestinians? And how did this knowledge fall out of Israelis' minds?
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The original people of Palestine. Part of the Canaan society that Hebrews could not defeat when they invaded Palestine.

Wrong. The Canaanites died out 3,000 years ago. No such area as Palestine existed then. Moreover, there is no possible way to corroborate such a claim without any living descendants of the Canaanites around to test.
As you can see, Lipush, we are getting the same song and dance that has appeared to many times on this particular forum. It's too bad we couldn't find someone who manned the Palestine Booth at the World's Fair in 1940 ...
How about the words of a famous Zionist humanist living in that area at that time?

Would he do?

So according to him, the "natives", were not the "jews".

He also had a premonition that rains true in each and everyone of you (and your ilk's') posts.

'[the Zionists] wax angry towards those who remind them that there is still another people in Eretz Yisrael that has been living there and does not intend at all to leave its place. In a future when this illusion will have been torn from their hearts and they will look with open eyes upon the reality as it is, they will certainly understand how important this question is and how great our duty to work for its solution'.
Boy, isn't that the nail on the head!

You people get really pissed off any time someone suggests the Pals were the indigenous population (in that area) during the Zionist migration.

Why don't you just f*ck off?! you said previously that Zionists are all basters and subhuman, so now you talk about "Zionist humanitarists"?

Are you that hypocrite? Or is it that you're a Zionist-hater only when it suits you, or that Zionists can be good only when they trash their own state?

To answer your question, yes, Billo is a hypocrite.
Watch the film above, guys. Watch and have an epiphany you won't forget for the rest of your lives..
The Romans crushed the Jewish state in A.D. 70, depopulated the cities, took many people as slaves to Rome, but the majority escaped to the countryside and continued their resistance .... Masada, Bar Kochba, etc. Of course there were other peoples there at that time, too, it wasn't 100% Jewish, but pretty much.

Actually, not all of the Jews were forced into diaspora by the Romans after the destruction of the Second Temple, in fact, you can say the population grew. By the time the 9th Century rolled around, Jerusalem and Tiberias had been reestablished as Jewish settlements in Israel. By the 11th Century, you had more prospering Jewish settlements in Rafah, Gaza, Ashkelon, Jaffa and Caesarea. After the Crusaders decimated the Jewish population in the 12th Century, hordes of Rabbis and Jewish Pilgrims began flocking back to Jerusalem and Galilee. Over the next 300 years, prominent Rabbis began resettling in Jerusalem and Safed.

By 1870, there were as many as 10,000 Jews living in Israel. Almost 80 years of nation building later the Jewish State was formed in 1947.
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Amity. You are seriously going to have to stop linking the Palestinians to the Canaanites. The Canaanites died out at least 2,000 years before Palestinian ancestors settled there. In fact, before the Anglo-American Committee in 1946, the Palestinians admitted their lineage could only be traced as far back as the Conquests of Muhammad in the 7th Century AD. There is no proof that the Palestinians were ever descended from the Canaanites.
I think this is really a cute article:
Many surprised by genetic and cultural links between Palestinians and Jews | God Reports

Actually I don't know why this woman is so surprised by the realization that Palestinians descended from the Jews, and don't really think it is "politically incorrect" to acknowledge this in the middle east. Palestinians have long known it and several told me this decades before this study took place. I think it is maybe just a shock to Jews.

Palestinian cohanim?!?!?!?!? The sky is falling.

Billo - I love your tag line!

Well, I knew it only from Palestinians. It is good to have Israelis vouch for it too because a lot of people (not naming any names) will not believe Palstinians even if they say the sky is blue, right?

edit:I included the wrong quote with this comment, meant to be responding to the comment on Breaking the Silence.

And, Lipush, just read the article I linked to. It will make you feel a little bit better about Palestinians as the Native People. Or maybe it will make you feel worse, don't know.

My own family was native, until the Arab squatters burned their ranch and what they didn't destroy, the took for themselves. Now somehow the roles changed, and you ask me to feed the twisted truth? Yeah, I'll watch. And then I'll puke:mad:
The Romans crushed the Jewish state in A.D. 70, depopulated the cities, took many people as slaves to Rome, but the majority escaped to the countryside and continued their resistance .... Masada, Bar Kochba, etc. Of course there were other peoples there at that time, too, it wasn't 100% Jewish, but pretty much.

Actually, not all of the Jews were forced into diaspora by the Romans after the destruction of the Second Temple, in fact, you can say the population grew. By the time the 9th Century rolled around, Jerusalem and Tiberias had been reestablished as Jewish settlements in Israel. By the 11th Century, you had more prospering Jewish settlements in Rafah, Gaza, Ashkelon, Jaffa and Caesarea. After the Crusaders decimated the Jewish population in the 12th Century, hordes of Rabbis and Jewish Pilgrims began flocking back to Jerusalem and Galilee. Over the next 300 years, prominent Rabbis began resettling in Jerusalem and Safed.

By 1870, there were as many as 10,000 Jews living in Israel. Almost 80 years of nation building later the Jewish State was formed in 1947.
Yes! That is part of what I am saying!
Please read and watch the film.
The Romans crushed the Jewish state in A.D. 70, depopulated the cities, took many people as slaves to Rome, but the majority escaped to the countryside and continued their resistance .... Masada, Bar Kochba, etc. Of course there were other peoples there at that time, too, it wasn't 100% Jewish, but pretty much.

Actually, not all of the Jews were forced into diaspora by the Romans after the destruction of the Second Temple, in fact, you can say the population grew. By the time the 9th Century rolled around, Jerusalem and Tiberias had been reestablished as Jewish settlements in Israel. By the 11th Century, you had more prospering Jewish settlements in Rafah, Gaza, Ashkelon, Jaffa and Caesarea. After the Crusaders decimated the Jewish population in the 12th Century, hordes of Rabbis and Jewish Pilgrims began flocking back to Jerusalem and Galilee. Over the next 300 years, prominent Rabbis began resettling in Jerusalem and Safed.

By 1870, there were as many as 10,000 Jews living in Israel. Almost 80 years of nation building later the Jewish State was formed in 1947.
Yes! That is part of what I am saying!
Please read and watch the film.

Actually, no. Stop deflecting to the film. You contended that Jewish cities were depopulated by the Romans in 70 AD. What I'm saying is that you're wrong. The Jews continued to persist even after the destruction of the Second Temple, even after a large portion of the Jewish population was forced into diaspora. I just explained why. Of course it wasn't all Jewish, Israel was conquered and reconquered over a span of a couple of millennia. But even then, I don't see how this in any way links them to the Palestinians. Utterly preposterous. Your argument is nothing but a fallacy of false cause.
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Actually, no. Stop deflecting to the film. You contended that Jewish cities were depopulated by the Romans in 70 AD. What I'm saying is that you're wrong. The Jews continued to persist even after the destruction of the Second Temple, even after a large portion of the Jewish population was forced into diaspora. I just explained why.

I have read a number of Jewish histories and the belief generally seems to be that the cities were depopulated. NEARLY everyone was either taken into slavery in Rome or escaped into the countryside. If you have evidence au contraire, please post. I'd love to read more about the history.

I think most people are just blown away by the fact that Palestinians are descended from the Jews of 2000 years ago.

Yes, you are right, the Jewish population persisted, but in the countryside. As time went on they became the Palestinians. This is not a theory. This is proven by genetics 100% certain. I think a lot of Palestinians know this, but Jews amazingly don't. Well, except for David Ben Gurion I guess!
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