Who Are The Palestinains?

First, please read article:
Many surprised by genetic and cultural links between Palestinians and Jews | God Reports
That will tell you where to get a copy of the study. I have a membership on JSTOR and will go online and look for it in a bit.

Then secondly watch film:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQBoxvvBEgM]Palestinian people - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

Then thirdly, accept truth.

David Ben Gurion:
"There is no doubt there is a lot of Jewish blood in the veins of the fellaheen. They had to choose between their religion or their land, and they loved the land so much that they chose their land."
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1. vti enter country by military force: to enter a country by force with or as an army, especially in order to conquer it
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
The foreign Zionists with the help of Britain's military went to Palestine, kicked out the natives and started their own state.

...and the above concise description of events differs from colonialism in what exact way?

1. vti enter country by military force: to enter a country by force with or as an army, especially in order to conquer it
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
The foreign Zionists with the help of Britain's military went to Palestine, kicked out the natives and started their own state.

...and the above concise description of events differs from colonialism in what exact way?

The Zionists picked the right people to help. Britain had centuries of experience in colonization.
P F Tinmore, amity1844; et al,

Well, this is a bit skewed.

The foreign Zionists with the help of Britain's military went to Palestine, kicked out the natives and started their own state.

...and the above concise description of events differs from colonialism in what exact way?

The Zionists picked the right people to help. Britain had centuries of experience in colonization.

First, during WWI, the territory we call Palestine, was enemy held territory of the Ottoman Empire. Pursuant to the war effort, the Allied Forces, sought-out and engaged the enemy, pursuing the enemy force across the territory of the Empire, a portion of which was later to be called Palestine (as defined in the Palestine Order in Council - meaning: territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine.).

Palestine was never colonized or under colonial rule. It was placed under Mandate by order of the Allied Powers, in trusteeship through the League of Nations. The only change to indigenous population was the Administration of the territory. The indigenous population had no autonomous rule before the war, and they had no autonomous rule after the war. Nothing changed in the type and kind of territorial control as it pertained to the indigenous population.

Overall, the Allied Powers, after the war, allowed for the rise in autonomous rule (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and eventually Israel), for the indigenous population - beyond what was allowed by the Empire over the previous eight centuries.

Again, this talk of colonialism, invasion and whatnot, is a bunch of drama queen talk by a body of Arabs that simply play the perpetual victim.

Most Respectfully,
What worries me is that if we educate the likes of Tinmore & Amity we may lose them on this board. Then where else can we find so many laughs?

P F Tinmore, amity1844; et al,

Well, this is a bit skewed.

...and the above concise description of events differs from colonialism in what exact way?

The Zionists picked the right people to help. Britain had centuries of experience in colonization.

First, during WWI, the territory we call Palestine, was enemy held territory of the Ottoman Empire. Pursuant to the war effort, the Allied Forces, sought-out and engaged the enemy, pursuing the enemy force across the territory of the Empire, a portion of which was later to be called Palestine (as defined in the Palestine Order in Council - meaning: territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine.).

Palestine was never colonized or under colonial rule. It was placed under Mandate by order of the Allied Powers, in trusteeship through the League of Nations. The only change to indigenous population was the Administration of the territory. The indigenous population had no autonomous rule before the war, and they had no autonomous rule after the war. Nothing changed in the type and kind of territorial control as it pertained to the indigenous population.

Overall, the Allied Powers, after the war, allowed for the rise in autonomous rule (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and eventually Israel), for the indigenous population - beyond what was allowed by the Empire over the previous eight centuries.

Again, this talk of colonialism, invasion and whatnot, is a bunch of drama queen talk by a body of Arabs that simply play the perpetual victim.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, amity1844; et al,

Well, this is a bit skewed.

...and the above concise description of events differs from colonialism in what exact way?

The Zionists picked the right people to help. Britain had centuries of experience in colonization.

First, during WWI, the territory we call Palestine, was enemy held territory of the Ottoman Empire. Pursuant to the war effort, the Allied Forces, sought-out and engaged the enemy, pursuing the enemy force across the territory of the Empire, a portion of which was later to be called Palestine (as defined in the Palestine Order in Council - meaning: territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine.).

Palestine was never colonized or under colonial rule. It was placed under Mandate by order of the Allied Powers, in trusteeship through the League of Nations. The only change to indigenous population was the Administration of the territory. The indigenous population had no autonomous rule before the war, and they had no autonomous rule after the war. Nothing changed in the type and kind of territorial control as it pertained to the indigenous population.

Overall, the Allied Powers, after the war, allowed for the rise in autonomous rule (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and eventually Israel), for the indigenous population - beyond what was allowed by the Empire over the previous eight centuries.

Again, this talk of colonialism, invasion and whatnot, is a bunch of drama queen talk by a body of Arabs that simply play the perpetual victim.

Most Respectfully,


Key word. The territory was held in trust on behalf of the people. Not the Mexican people. Not the Canadian people. Not the European people.

It was held in trust for the Palestinian people.
P F Tinmore, amity1844; et al,

Well, this is a bit skewed.

The Zionists picked the right people to help. Britain had centuries of experience in colonization.

First, during WWI, the territory we call Palestine, was enemy held territory of the Ottoman Empire. Pursuant to the war effort, the Allied Forces, sought-out and engaged the enemy, pursuing the enemy force across the territory of the Empire, a portion of which was later to be called Palestine (as defined in the Palestine Order in Council - meaning: territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine.).

Palestine was never colonized or under colonial rule. It was placed under Mandate by order of the Allied Powers, in trusteeship through the League of Nations. The only change to indigenous population was the Administration of the territory. The indigenous population had no autonomous rule before the war, and they had no autonomous rule after the war. Nothing changed in the type and kind of territorial control as it pertained to the indigenous population.

Overall, the Allied Powers, after the war, allowed for the rise in autonomous rule (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and eventually Israel), for the indigenous population - beyond what was allowed by the Empire over the previous eight centuries.

Again, this talk of colonialism, invasion and whatnot, is a bunch of drama queen talk by a body of Arabs that simply play the perpetual victim.

Most Respectfully,


Key word. The territory was held in trust on behalf of the people. Not the Mexican people. Not the Canadian people. Not the European people.

It was held in trust for the Palestinian people.

Ok, but what does that have to do with your lie that Palestine was under colonial rule?
P F Tinmore; et al,

Our friend "P F Tinmore" is correct, in so much as the two different sources of Jewish Populations.

There is no contradiction. There were native Jews then there were invading Jews from Europe.

You people are the ones who are confused.

You had an indigenous population with a Jewish component; and you had a immigrant population with a Jewish component.

However, there was no invasion. That is simply an attempt to over dramatize the lawful immigration under Article 6. (The perpetual victim scenario by drama queens.)

Most Respectfully,
Correct. The same went with the Arabs. You had a native and then a vast majority were invaders. In other words majority of the Palestinians today are anything but "natives".

Jordan was supposed to be Arab Palestine. They got that, and still attacked Israel.
Actually Palestinians are Arabs identical to their Arab neighbors both culturally and genetically, most of which invaded the land in the 19th and 20th centuries. To say that Palestinians and Jews are the same is as ridiculous as saying all Arabs and Jews are the same.

It's the same bullshit over and over. You guys need to get your stories straight. One second the Jews are Europeans and the other the Jews are the same as the Palestinians. Ha ha ha.

No, there is a clear genetic distinction between Palestinians and neighboring Arabs. The Palestinians alone show the haplotype of ancient Jews.

Look, this little piece of trouble making is the product of Israeli minds, and good solid scientific minds, too. The research is a joint project of Hebrew University and Hadassah Medical Center. They weren't trying to prove this, and were apparently set back on their tails when they got the result. They broadcast their results on Israeli tv in 2009, where it caused a bit of an uproar to say the least. The videos on You Tube have comments disabled, a sign that it is still causing trouble. So don't blame me, I'm just the messenger. And as I pointed out, Ben Gurion knew it too!

On the other hand, many Palestinians have known this all along without having the genetic studies to back it up and don't make a whole lot of fuss over it. Several Palestinians told me this back in the 70s, it is part of their cultural memory, plus they know the history of the land, not just their history as a people. I have been going around telling others for upward of 40 years as just an obvious leap of logic, because based on what I knew, it seemed pretty obvious to me. Otherwise where did the Jews of post-Roman Israel/Palestine go? Were they abducted by aliens? So now we have proof positive. As this show makes clear, the process of conversion has been going on for a very long time and some Palestinians are still observant Jews.

Genetic history is now offering some serious surprises. For one thing, the Anglo Saxon invasion of England never happened. Those genes are not found to any significant degree among the British past the east coast. Furthemore, the Americas were settled by some group OTHER THAN so-called "native Americans" who came over via the Bering Sea land bridge 15000 years ago as we were all taught in elementary school. "Gypsies" (Roma) are originally from India. We are all just going to have to live with and be blown away by what new genetic studies are showing.

(Palestinian cohanim?!?!? THAT surprised even me.)
Actually wrong again! There are other Arab / Muslim communities that have a higher number of genetic markers than the Palestinians. Including Kurds, as well as people who live in the Caucasus mountains.

You can put lipstick on this pig all that you want, it still won't cut it. Palestinians are Arabs, no different than their neighbors.

No...The Arabs aren't the true Jews, the Jews are. Of course we have been through this argument a thousand times. And each time you guys have been embarrassed and humiliated.

1. vti enter country by military force: to enter a country by force with or as an army, especially in order to conquer it
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
The foreign Zionists with the help of Britain's military went to Palestine, kicked out the natives and started their own state.

...and the above concise description of events differs from colonialism in what exact way?
It applies to Muslim animals who committed genocide and ethnic cleansing on the ancient Jews of Hebron. It was after this event that Jews created militias to protect themselves from said animals. Of course this is nothing new, this is what Muslims have done throughout history and are continuing to do. Let's hear it from the horse's mouth:

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P F Tinmore, et al,

You read so much into an isolated word.


Key word. The territory was held in trust on behalf of the people. Not the Mexican people. Not the Canadian people. Not the European people.

It was held in trust for the Palestinian people.

Series of League of Nations Publications VI.A. MANDATES 1945. VI.A. 1 said:
The nations upon which such powers of guardianship are conferred exercise them "as Mandatories on behalf of the League". In other words, the administration of these territories is delegated to them. This involves an obligation on their part to render account of their administration to the League of Nations.

SOURCE: LoN/1945.VI.A.1 30 April 1945


In all "trusts" - there are "obligations." As is often paraphrased from the FDR speech for the Jefferson Day Dinner in 1945: "With Great Power comes Great Responsibility."

First, the Mandate was on behalf of the League of Nations, and NOT (repeat) NOT on behalf of the people of Palestine (as defined in the Palestine Order in Council - meaning: territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine.); or any other individual state.

Second, the obligation of the Mandatory is to the League of Nations:

Series of League of Nations Publications VI.A. MANDATES 1945. VI.A. 1 said:
The acceptance by a nation of this mission carries with it certain obligations and responsibilities established by law. Like guardians in civil law, they must exercise their authority in the interests of their wards -- that is to say, of the peoples which are regarded as minors -- and must maintain an entirely disinterested attitude in their dealings with them. The territories with the administration of which they are entrusted must not be exploited by them for their own profit.

There is no question in my mind - that at the end of the day - come the termination of the Mandate, that the inhabitants had reached a more advanced stage of development and their independence could, in principle, be recognized by the Covenant itself; and that there be the establishment of the Jewish national home in the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine and internationally --- all Jews willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.

There are a few points to be made here.

  • The Mandatory (the UK in this case), is subordinate to the Covenant (the League of Nations), just the dame as an appointed Trustee is subordinate to the will of the Court in civil law. The Mandate itself is not written in stone, but pliable to the will of the Covenant.

  • The obligation is to the Covenant, with the idea that the best interest of the people are looked after, yet not always what the indigenous population may want (parental oversight).

  • You will notice that the Mandate speaks of "self-governing institutions" (plural). Meaning that more than one institution may be established.

  • And finally, "self-governance" was never established geographically (except for Trans Jordan), nor was there a specification on how to establish a Jewish National Home. There was never an outline establish limiting the scope and nature of either how to affect a Jewish National Home or self-governing institutions. (That would not come until the Resolution of 1947.)

Of course, through the process - no one can argue successfully that the Arab indigenous population did not have a right to a self-governing institution. But the expanse, scope and nature of such was never defined until 1947.

Most Respectfully,
I have already "proven" it, you just won't read what I have posted. Actually I didn't prove it, scientists at Hadassah or Hebrew University did. At least 80% of the Palestinians' genes, haplotypes, is identical with ancient Jews of the Roman period. Among Jewish Israelis, the actual percentage of shared haplogroups with ancient Jews is lower, 72%.

How do you explain the Ashkenazi Jews then? According to the Bray Study in 2010, they more closely aligned with Europeans than Middle Easterners. As least 55% share their genome with Europeans. I'd like to see you explain that one away.

If I understand what you are saying, then that is not the finding of this study. The study shows that Ashkenazi Jews (Ashkenazim) are more closely related to ancient Judea Jews than are Mizrahim, and therefore more closely related to Palestinians than to Mizrahim.

Not even close.

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European
Shhh! Avoid any truth. You'll hurt Tinmore & Amity's feelings.

How do you explain the Ashkenazi Jews then? According to the Bray Study in 2010, they more closely aligned with Europeans than Middle Easterners. As least 55% share their genome with Europeans. I'd like to see you explain that one away.

If I understand what you are saying, then that is not the finding of this study. The study shows that Ashkenazi Jews (Ashkenazim) are more closely related to ancient Judea Jews than are Mizrahim, and therefore more closely related to Palestinians than to Mizrahim.

Not even close.

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European
So I reiterate, Palestinians are NOT genetically European, they're genetically Jewish, so what does that do to the Law of Return?

Besides, your article is talking about mitochondrial DNA, which is the maternal lineage, whereas the Hebrew University study is analyzing Y-chromosome DNA, the paternal side. So both articles can easily be right and probably are. But I do notice this article is older, so more recent analysis may have made this obsolete.
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So I reiterate, Palestinians are NOT genetically European, they're genetically Jewish, so what does that do to the Law of Return?

Besides, your article is talking about mitochondrial DNA, which is the maternal lineage, whereas the Hebrew University study is analyzing Y-chromosome DNA, the paternal side. So both articles can easily be right and probably are. But I do notice this article is older, so more recent analysis may have made this obsolete.
Doesn't matter.

The Jews themselves define who is Jewish and who is not.

The Jews themselves define whose membership card is 'current' and whose is not.
So I reiterate, Palestinians are NOT genetically European, they're genetically Jewish, so what does that do to the Law of Return?

Besides, your article is talking about mitochondrial DNA, which is the maternal lineage, whereas the Hebrew University study is analyzing Y-chromosome DNA, the paternal side. So both articles can easily be right and probably are. But I do notice this article is older, so more recent analysis may have made this obsolete.
Doesn't matter.

The Jews themselves define who is Jewish and who is not.

The Jews themselves define whose membership card is 'current' and whose is not.

My point e-x-a-c-t-l-y. If Palestinians are Jewish, and it appears they are, under the definition employed by the state of Israel, then they now should be allowed to become part of the definition committee.
Bet you Zionists didn't know Hamas is a Jewish organization. Ya gotta love Amity. Heh Heh!

So I reiterate, Palestinians are NOT genetically European, they're genetically Jewish, so what does that do to the Law of Return?

Besides, your article is talking about mitochondrial DNA, which is the maternal lineage, whereas the Hebrew University study is analyzing Y-chromosome DNA, the paternal side. So both articles can easily be right and probably are. But I do notice this article is older, so more recent analysis may have made this obsolete.
Doesn't matter.

The Jews themselves define who is Jewish and who is not.

The Jews themselves define whose membership card is 'current' and whose is not.

My point e-x-a-c-t-l-y. If Palestinians are Jewish, and it appears they are, under the definition employed by the state of Israel, then they now should be allowed to become part of the definition committee.
Bet you Zionists didn't know Hamas is a Jewish organization. Ya gotta love Amity. Heh Heh!

Doesn't matter.

The Jews themselves define who is Jewish and who is not.

The Jews themselves define whose membership card is 'current' and whose is not.

My point e-x-a-c-t-l-y. If Palestinians are Jewish, and it appears they are, under the definition employed by the state of Israel, then they now should be allowed to become part of the definition committee.

I'm laughing too. Of course some of these Arabs at one time were Jewish, the same as you find in each group of people whose ancestors might at one time belonged to a different religion. In fact, a while back I was reading that some of the Arabs wanted to convert to Judaism. Meanwhile, though, most of these Arabs never had Jewish ancestors, and it is funny someone even claiming that they did. Amity, as a supposedly good Christian woman, should try to ascertain how many of the Muslims in Egypt had Christian ancestors. After all, the area was teeming with Christians before the Muslims left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded Egypt. Perhaps she can convince the Egyptian government to have a mass conversion ceremony to bring these Muslims back to the religion of their ancient ancestors who were the early Christians.
READ, READ, READ before you SPOUT, SPOUT, SPOUT and make a fool of yourself. This is an ISRAELI study, only Israelis are talking. No Palestinian or any other flavor of Arab has made any claims about being Jewish. This is ISRAELIS saying they are genetically Jewish. And the claim tht the Israelis are making is that among Palestinians ONLY, not among other Arabs, their DNA is 85% identical with ancient Jewish DNA. That is a higher percentage than the DNA of Ashkenazim.
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