Who Are The Palestinains?

OMG! How do you like that? And hear I actually believed resolution 181 created formation of the "Jewish State Of Israel."

Israel was formed by a U.N. resolution in 1948....Better learn your history!

Israel was formed by a U.N. resolution in 1948....Better learn your history!

No it wasn't. You better learn your history.

When 181 is good for the West Bank Jordanians, it's sacrosanct.
When it's good for the Jews, it's just a politically correct document.
No it wasn't. You better learn your history.

It appears it WAS!

The Plan was accepted by the Jewish public, except for its fringes, and by the Jewish Agency despite its perceived limitations.[5][6] With a few exceptions, the Arab leaders and governments rejected the plan of partition in the resolution[7] and indicated an unwillingness to accept any form of territorial division.[8] Their reason was that it violated the principles of national self-determination in the UN charter which granted people the right to decide their own destiny.[6][9]
Immediately after adoption of the Resolution by the General Assembly, the civil war broke out.[10] The partition plan was not implemented.[11]


The UN had nothing to do with the creation of Israel.

Because the plan was not implemented, DUE TO IMMEDIATE WAR, had NOTHING to do with the RESOLUTION PASSED by the General Assembly
In the final analysis, does any of this Happy Horseshit make the slightest bit of difference?

The Jews carved-off a piece of Old Palestine and made it their own, citing UN 181 as the basis, cherry-picking what they wanted from 181, and setting the rest aside.

The Arabs ran for the hills and failed to either (1) stand their ground or (2) simultaneously stake a claim of their own.

"He who pees his pants and runs away, lives to regret it another day."
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The war is not over.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6xbnuOPJp0]Israeli Gov't Forms Strategy to Fight Boycott - YouTube[/ame]
The war is not over.


Yeah, guns, that's nice.

However, Israel's greatest threat is now from unarmed peace activism. In this case, military might is a liability.

If history tells us something, it's that Palestinians fail every time.

They failed using conventional warfare, they failed using terrorism and they're going to fail every other way :)
Palestinians always have been & always will be their own worst enemies. It's called Palestinian mentality.

Yeah, guns, that's nice.

However, Israel's greatest threat is now from unarmed peace activism. In this case, military might is a liability.

If history tells us something, it's that Palestinians fail every time.

They failed using conventional warfare, they failed using terrorism and they're going to fail every other way :)
It was Jordanian occupied Palestine until 1967 then it became Israeli occupied Palestine.

What part of that confuses you?
What? Run that by me again? Jordan (Arab Palestine) occupied another Palestine? Would that be the Jewish Palestine aka ISRAEL that Arabs refused to accept and attacked by any chance?


When did Jordan become Palestine?

When was Palestine exclusively Jewish?

Idiot Tinmore forgets that early in the 1920's the League of Nations, under the administration and supervision of the British, the controlling authority of the region known as "Palestine" allocated all land west of the Jordan River to be a Jewish state, run by Jews.

They carved out east of the Jordan river to be an Arab Palestine state, aka Jordan. Greedy Arabs took that, and then they decided to go for it all by attacking Israel, not to create this fictional state of "Palestine", but to divide Israel between themselves. It didn't quite work out that way, and the rest of course is history.

Yeah, guns, that's nice.

However, Israel's greatest threat is now from unarmed peace activism. In this case, military might is a liability.
The boycott movement is collapsing, you moron. Even the Palestinian leadership has started dissing it as a bunch of disorderly thugs which are harmful to the Palestinian economy. Ha ha ha.
What? Run that by me again? Jordan (Arab Palestine) occupied another Palestine? Would that be the Jewish Palestine aka ISRAEL that Arabs refused to accept and attacked by any chance?


When did Jordan become Palestine?

When was Palestine exclusively Jewish?

Idiot Tinmore forgets that early in the 1920's the League of Nations, under the administration and supervision of the British, the controlling authority of the region known as "Palestine" allocated all land west of the Jordan River to be a Jewish state, run by Jews.

They carved out east of the Jordan river to be an Arab Palestine state, aka Jordan. Greedy Arabs took that, and then they decided to go for it all by attacking Israel, not to create this fictional state of "Palestine", but to divide Israel between themselves. It didn't quite work out that way, and the rest of course is history.

Are you trying to say That all of that land was transferred to Israel?

Are you trying to say That all of that land was transferred to Israel? Link?

More likely, he's saying that that land was allocated-to or promised-to the Jews, by the League of Nations, in the form of the proposal he illustrated.

The Jews took this promise at face-value, acted upon it some years later in 1948, and have continued to pursue it for the past 66 years.

You can argue that it wasn't the League's land to give, until you're blue in the face.

It won't do you the slightest bit of good.

The Jews acted.

The Arabs ran.

The land belongs to the Jews now.

By force of arms.

It's time for your silly little rag-tag band of Arabs to pack up and head for greener pastures.

Before they're thrown out.

No link required.
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Are you trying to say That all of that land was transferred to Israel? Link?

More likely, he's saying that that land was allocated-to or promised-to the Jews, by the League of Nations, in the form of the proposal he illustrated.

The Jews took this promise at face-value, acted upon it some years later in 1948, and have continued to pursue it for the past 66 years.

You can argue that it wasn't the League's land to give, until you're blue in the face.

It won't do you the slightest bit of good.

The Jews acted.

The Arabs ran.

The land belongs to the Jews now.

By force of arms.

It's time for your silly little rag-tag band of Arabs to pack up and head for greener pastures.

Before they're thrown out.

No link required.

The land belongs to the Jews now.

By force of arms.

Contradictory statement. It is illegal to acquire land through the threat or use of force.

That is still legally Palestinian land.
When did Jordan become Palestine?

When was Palestine exclusively Jewish?

Idiot Tinmore forgets that early in the 1920's the League of Nations, under the administration and supervision of the British, the controlling authority of the region known as "Palestine" allocated all land west of the Jordan River to be a Jewish state, run by Jews.

They carved out east of the Jordan river to be an Arab Palestine state, aka Jordan. Greedy Arabs took that, and then they decided to go for it all by attacking Israel, not to create this fictional state of "Palestine", but to divide Israel between themselves. It didn't quite work out that way, and the rest of course is history.

Are you trying to say That all of that land was transferred to Israel?

Israel and Jordan were supposed to be "Jewish Palestine" but after the Arab protests, they decided to make Jordan the Arab Palestine and Israel the Jewish Palestine as per above. The problem began from Arab hatred and intolerance and never ended from there. Muslims cannot coexist with non Muslims, if they're not ruling or oppressing them, then they have to kill them. This conflict has never been about "land".


An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration, to assist and take part in the development of the country.

The Zionist organisation, so long as its organisation and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate, shall be recognised as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's Government to secure the cooperation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.
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Idiot Tinmore forgets that early in the 1920's the League of Nations, under the administration and supervision of the British, the controlling authority of the region known as "Palestine" allocated all land west of the Jordan River to be a Jewish state, run by Jews.

They carved out east of the Jordan river to be an Arab Palestine state, aka Jordan. Greedy Arabs took that, and then they decided to go for it all by attacking Israel, not to create this fictional state of "Palestine", but to divide Israel between themselves. It didn't quite work out that way, and the rest of course is history.

Are you trying to say That all of that land was transferred to Israel?

Israel and Jordan were supposed to be "Jewish Palestine" but after the Arab protests, they decided to make Jordan the Arab Palestine and Israel the Jewish Palestine as per above. The problem began from Arab hatred and intolerance and never ended from there. Muslims cannot coexist with non Muslims, if they're not ruling or oppressing them, then they have to kill them. This conflict has never been about "land".

Modern History Sourcebook: League of Nations: The Mandate for Palestine, July 24, 1922

An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration, to assist and take part in the development of the country.

The Zionist organisation, so long as its organisation and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate, shall be recognised as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's Government to secure the cooperation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.

This post contradicts your previous post.:confused:
Outstanding point! Yes you are correct. All Muslim lands are illegal having been acquired by "threat or use of force." Anyone disagree?

Are you trying to say That all of that land was transferred to Israel? Link?

More likely, he's saying that that land was allocated-to or promised-to the Jews, by the League of Nations, in the form of the proposal he illustrated.

The Jews took this promise at face-value, acted upon it some years later in 1948, and have continued to pursue it for the past 66 years.

You can argue that it wasn't the League's land to give, until you're blue in the face.

It won't do you the slightest bit of good.

The Jews acted.

The Arabs ran.

The land belongs to the Jews now.

By force of arms.

It's time for your silly little rag-tag band of Arabs to pack up and head for greener pastures.

Before they're thrown out.

No link required.

The land belongs to the Jews now.

By force of arms.

Contradictory statement. It is illegal to acquire land through the threat or use of force.

That is still legally Palestinian land.
et al,

There is no unapportioned territory left from the Mandate and Trustee Period.

The have all been recognized as claimed under various rights of self-determination and treaties.

Most Respectfully,
When did Jordan become Palestine?

When was Palestine exclusively Jewish?

Idiot Tinmore forgets that early in the 1920's the League of Nations, under the administration and supervision of the British, the controlling authority of the region known as "Palestine" allocated all land west of the Jordan River to be a Jewish state, run by Jews.

They carved out east of the Jordan river to be an Arab Palestine state, aka Jordan. Greedy Arabs took that, and then they decided to go for it all by attacking Israel, not to create this fictional state of "Palestine", but to divide Israel between themselves. It didn't quite work out that way, and the rest of course is history.

Are you trying to say That all of that land was transferred to Israel?


For the 100 th time Tinmore, land transfer has nothing to do anything.
Land transfer is a real estate issue.

You keep spouting the lie that no land was transfered to Israel, therefore it's not theirs. But YOU made that up. That is a Tinmore prerequisite for a country to declare indepndence.
When did Jordan become Palestine?

When was Palestine exclusively Jewish?

Idiot Tinmore forgets that early in the 1920's the League of Nations, under the administration and supervision of the British, the controlling authority of the region known as "Palestine" allocated all land west of the Jordan River to be a Jewish state, run by Jews.

They carved out east of the Jordan river to be an Arab Palestine state, aka Jordan. Greedy Arabs took that, and then they decided to go for it all by attacking Israel, not to create this fictional state of "Palestine", but to divide Israel between themselves. It didn't quite work out that way, and the rest of course is history.

Are you trying to say That all of that land was transferred to Israel?


Are you trying to say that the same treaties that you hold up as showing Palestine was a nation are not valid when they show the proposed JEWISH NATIONAL HOME.

What a complete moron you are showing yourself to be tinman

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