Who Are The Palestinains?

Are you trying to say That all of that land was transferred to Israel? Link?

More likely, he's saying that that land was allocated-to or promised-to the Jews, by the League of Nations, in the form of the proposal he illustrated.

The Jews took this promise at face-value, acted upon it some years later in 1948, and have continued to pursue it for the past 66 years.

You can argue that it wasn't the League's land to give, until you're blue in the face.

It won't do you the slightest bit of good.

The Jews acted.

The Arabs ran.

The land belongs to the Jews now.

By force of arms.

It's time for your silly little rag-tag band of Arabs to pack up and head for greener pastures.

Before they're thrown out.

No link required.

The land belongs to the Jews now.

By force of arms.

Contradictory statement. It is illegal to acquire land through the threat or use of force.

That is still legally Palestinian land.

Try again as that did not become international law until 1949, before that time you could seize land and hold it as your own.

What a moron you are showing yourself to be tinman
Are you trying to say That all of that land was transferred to Israel?

Israel and Jordan were supposed to be "Jewish Palestine" but after the Arab protests, they decided to make Jordan the Arab Palestine and Israel the Jewish Palestine as per above. The problem began from Arab hatred and intolerance and never ended from there. Muslims cannot coexist with non Muslims, if they're not ruling or oppressing them, then they have to kill them. This conflict has never been about "land".

Modern History Sourcebook: League of Nations: The Mandate for Palestine, July 24, 1922

An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognised as a public body for the purpose of advising and co-operating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish national home and the interests of the Jewish population in Palestine, and, subject always to the control of the Administration, to assist and take part in the development of the country.

The Zionist organisation, so long as its organisation and constitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate, shall be recognised as such agency. It shall take steps in consultation with His Britannic Majesty's Government to secure the cooperation of all Jews who are willing to assist in the establishment of the Jewish national home.

This post contradicts your previous post.:confused:

Only in your eyes because you are losing every argument
Israel and Jordan were supposed to be "Jewish Palestine"

It never ever was to be Jewish Palestine. A Jewish national home was to be created within Palestine and the vast majority of the inhabitants, being non-Jewish, were not to be ruled by Jews.
Israel and Jordan were supposed to be "Jewish Palestine"

It never ever was to be Jewish Palestine. A Jewish national home was to be created within Palestine and the vast majority of the inhabitants, being non-Jewish, were not to be ruled by Jews.

Here we go again the proof that the child does not like




What have you to say now child about the real acts
Israel and Jordan were supposed to be "Jewish Palestine"

It never ever was to be Jewish Palestine. A Jewish national home was to be created within Palestine and the vast majority of the inhabitants, being non-Jewish, were not to be ruled by Jews.
Jewish Palestine aka Israel was to be the Jewish national home, to be totally ruled and run by Jews, you friggin ignorant IslamoNazi moron.
We must be careful not to offend them too much with the truth. If we do, they may leave us. Then where will we go for laughs?

Israel and Jordan were supposed to be "Jewish Palestine"

It never ever was to be Jewish Palestine. A Jewish national home was to be created within Palestine and the vast majority of the inhabitants, being non-Jewish, were not to be ruled by Jews.

Here we go again the proof that the child does not like




What have you to say now child about the real acts
Are you trying to say That all of that land was transferred to Israel? Link?

More likely, he's saying that that land was allocated-to or promised-to the Jews, by the League of Nations, in the form of the proposal he illustrated.

The Jews took this promise at face-value, acted upon it some years later in 1948, and have continued to pursue it for the past 66 years.

You can argue that it wasn't the League's land to give, until you're blue in the face.

It won't do you the slightest bit of good.

The Jews acted.

The Arabs ran.

The land belongs to the Jews now.

By force of arms.

It's time for your silly little rag-tag band of Arabs to pack up and head for greener pastures.

Before they're thrown out.

No link required.

The land belongs to the Jews now.

By force of arms.

Contradictory statement. It is illegal to acquire land through the threat or use of force.

That is still legally Palestinian land.
Again, not directed at you personally...


Fuck the old Legal standing, prior to 1948...

It belongs to the Jews now...

If you want it, you must take it back...

If you cannot, you must shut the <bleep> up...

Or move...

Or die...

It is all up to you...

I'm sure that any of those three choices will be just fine...

There is no going back...

And you will not be allowed to remain in-place much longer..

Old legalities no longer mean anything...

And haven't, for several decades now...

Right of Return doesn't mean anything, either...

And hasn't, since 1949...

Welcome back to Reality...


The lesson for the Palestinians is: "He who pees his pants, then runs away, lives to regret it, another day."

Should have made a fight of it, or, at least, issued a simultaneous Declaration of Statehood, while you still could.

Oh well... you snooze, you lose... no do-overs allowed.
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More likely, he's saying that that land was allocated-to or promised-to the Jews, by the League of Nations, in the form of the proposal he illustrated.

The Jews took this promise at face-value, acted upon it some years later in 1948, and have continued to pursue it for the past 66 years.

You can argue that it wasn't the League's land to give, until you're blue in the face.

It won't do you the slightest bit of good.

The Jews acted.

The Arabs ran.

The land belongs to the Jews now.

By force of arms.

It's time for your silly little rag-tag band of Arabs to pack up and head for greener pastures.

Before they're thrown out.

No link required.

The land belongs to the Jews now.

By force of arms.

Contradictory statement. It is illegal to acquire land through the threat or use of force.

That is still legally Palestinian land.

Try again as that did not become international law until 1949, before that time you could seize land and hold it as your own.

What a moron you are showing yourself to be tinman

It was still Palestine in 1949.
Contradictory statement. It is illegal to acquire land through the threat or use of force.

That is still legally Palestinian land.

Try again as that did not become international law until 1949, before that time you could seize land and hold it as your own.

What a moron you are showing yourself to be tinman

It was still Palestine in 1949.

So was trans Jordan and Syria. And it did not count when Jordan annexed the west bank and stole Jerusalem. So by the same rules it did not count when Israel won the land unclaimed by the arab muslims in 1948/1949.

By the way it is still Palestine today according to your posts, and this includes Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon as they were all part of the Palestine who's borders were defined in 1920, and then ripped away when these nations were regurgitated into existence
You can bet your bottom dollar that if Canada or Mexico attacked the USA we would gain new land for security & build settlements on it.

Try again as that did not become international law until 1949, before that time you could seize land and hold it as your own.

What a moron you are showing yourself to be tinman

It was still Palestine in 1949.

So was trans Jordan and Syria. And it did not count when Jordan annexed the west bank and stole Jerusalem. So by the same rules it did not count when Israel won the land unclaimed by the arab muslims in 1948/1949.

By the way it is still Palestine today according to your posts, and this includes Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon as they were all part of the Palestine who's borders were defined in 1920, and then ripped away when these nations were regurgitated into existence
So here we are with over 1900 replies & still much confusion & disagreement as to "who are the Palestinians"? Some say they are the direct descendents of the ancient Sumerians. Others say they are direct descendents of the ancient Akkadians. Next it was direct descendents of the ancient Canaanites. And then direct descendents of the ancient Phillistines. What's next? They are the direct descendents of the Lost Tribes of Israel? Heh Heh!
Does everyone agree that there is no agreeable explanation as to Who Are The Palestinians other than there were no Muslim Palestinians at all in Israel's land since antiquity?

So here we are with over 1900 replies & still much confusion & disagreement as to "who are the Palestinians"? Some say they are the direct descendents of the ancient Sumerians. Others say they are direct descendents of the ancient Akkadians. Next it was direct descendents of the ancient Canaanites. And then direct descendents of the ancient Phillistines. What's next? They are the direct descendents of the Lost Tribes of Israel? Heh Heh!
Does everyone agree that there is no agreeable explanation as to Who Are The Palestinians other than there were no Muslim Palestinians at all in Israel's land since antiquity?
I showed you the official land records of that area in 1948 and yet, you still insist on peddling that bullshit?
HUH? What does 1948 have to do with the fact there were no Muslim Palestinians in Israel's ancient land? Are you trying to prove my point that they are invaders?

Does everyone agree that there is no agreeable explanation as to Who Are The Palestinians other than there were no Muslim Palestinians at all in Israel's land since antiquity?
I showed you the official land records of that area in 1948 and yet, you still insist on peddling that bullshit?
Aw, bless you again for proving my point that were no Muslim Palestinians at all in ancient Israel & that they have become invaders on Israel's land which can be proven by looking at population figures since 1948.

HUH? What does 1948 have to do with the fact there were no Muslim Palestinians in Israel's ancient land? Are you trying to prove my point that they are invaders?
Here's the population figures in 1948, which clearly show you're full of shit!

And just think, the Jews did all that in 1948-1948 with so few, and so little. Cool.

Main lesson of the Nakba: "He who pees his pants, then runs away, lives to regret it, another day."
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There are some who say the Palestinians are the indigenous people of the land. So lets see now, which came first, Solomon's Temple or the Al Asqa Mosque? Yep, Israel is stealing Palestinian land. It's called Palestinian Mentality.

And just think, the Jews did all that in 1948-1948 with so few, and so little. Cool.

Main lesson of the Nakba: "He who pees his pants, then runs away, lives to regret it, another day."

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