Who are the real bigots?

Good grief, you're going to be busy.

Pretty much everybody on the site recognizes him for a blatant and giddy liar about every topic he blabs on.

He doesn't even try to hide it, he thinks it's cute.
littledebfascist writes, "Jake is a bigot who thinks that a woman is asking for what she get's just because of something she is wearing."

A lie. Or you can link to where I said that. Thank you for making this easy. :lol:

Umm, he did.

Before you even asked on top of that. I guess you tried this before.

I applaud you for recognizing and admitting to your fault.

Jake is a bigot who thinks that a woman is asking for what she get's just because of something she is wearing.
Jake seems to think a woman deserves what she get's just because of the way she is dressed. DOES HE MEAN RAPE IS OK?

Today's young women are succeeding in making it cool to be a slut. Look how most young women dress today. Listen to their language. Look at their favorite musicians and actresses.

Then they will bear the result of that behavior.

If we apply logic to your position you believe that dressing like a slut causes rape, and you also believe that being raped turns women into lesbians. That means you believe that dressing like a slut turns women into lesbians.


There he goes again...it's our fault for not understanding that they don't mean to be bigots, even if the end result mimics a bigoted judgment.

I guess...

Did I say that?

Ravi clearly stated that the only reason to vote against same sex marriage is bigotry. Do you see that as anything other than bigotry? If you do, explain how in a way that actually makes sense. I posted a link to an entire blog post written by a gay man about why it is wrong to dismiss their actions as bigotry, yet she still insists that it is, despite the evidence to the contrary. Yet, for some reason, I am the one that is not making sense.

You figure it out.

I read the entire blog post in an earlier attempt to understand the op as much as possible before I commented on it. It was a huge factor leading to my guess that many people in that group feel that way for religious reasons, you know, because that's the only reason the blogger actually mentioned, though obviously there are others as well...you got pretty butt-hurt when you felt I left them out. You'd think there were many other examples of non-religious-anti-gay-marriage people, but I only got one from you and then you barked for me to do my own research, presumably because you can't be bothered to make a good case.

This thread is never going to go anywhere productive.

The blogger was talking specifically about his Christian friends who voted for the amendment. I doubt he personally knows a significant portion of the state so I didn't apply his personal experience to the entire state. I still want to know what makes you think that the deciding factor for people who voted against this is religion. When I asked, you acted like it was my responsibility to explain other people's motives, then negged me when I pointed out that the Prime Minister of Australia is an atheist who opposes same sex marriage, and that it is highly unlikely her objections to it are religious in nature.

The entire point of the blog was that this is a complex issue, and that dismissing it as mere bigotry is not the right approach. I have pointed that out more than once, yet you are acting like I am avoiding a conversation. Unlike you, I don't pretend to understand the motivations of people I don't know. That means I don't have the answers you want so I suggested you do a little research for yourself because, frankly, I don't care why they voted against it, all I care about is how I can convince them they are wrong.

I can't do that as long as there are idiots like Ravi who apply their bigotry and lump them all into a category they do not belong in.
The root of most bigotry is ignorance.

And on the same note, slightly different direction - if you know, really know, someone who is LGBT; how you can tell them that what makes them THEM is abhorrent to YOU.

And in my estimation, especially if that 'someone' is your offspring.

Dick Cheney can attest to that.

I have found that bigots are quite capable of telling their children that they are abhorrent.
The root of most bigotry is ignorance.

And on the same note, slightly different direction - if you know, really know, someone who is LGBT; how you can tell them that what makes them THEM is abhorrent to YOU.

And in my estimation, especially if that 'someone' is your offspring.

Dick Cheney can attest to that.

Well, it's like I said on a different thread.

Nobody that anyone has ever heard of has been on the pro-gay marriage side of the argument, had a change of heart, then reversed course after knowing same-sex couples. I imagine the "born again" types may have an intellectual change of heart but informed decisions upon this topic have always been on the side of acceptance.

That is how you know you're right about something. The future looks quite bright for those on the side of an enlightened approach. The youth of this nation have roundly accepted it, 12% of the states now allow it and data is pouring in that shows that gay marriage is no threat to the institution or the nation's "morals" which have hetero marriages ending in divorce about 1/2 of the time; as if morality of heteros is unassailable if you use the same measuring stick.

I'm pretty sure the right wing posters here understand that they are about to be condemned to the dustbin of history and that has resulted in the sad faux rage, mean spirited posts, cynical nature of Obama's announcement, etc...

Nobody? Care to bet on that? I can think of at least one right off the top of my head, the fact that he recently decided to take a dive on that position only matters to idiots.
A sex act defines them no more than it defines you.

Sure it does.
Association of Gay & Lesbian Psychiatrists...

I'd say they very much define themselves by a single sex act.

Because you're stupid. Do you define heterosexuals by a single sex act? Because you should, if you're going to do the same to homosexuals.

"Lesbian" and "Gay" are not sex acts, idiot.

Did I say that?

Ravi clearly stated that the only reason to vote against same sex marriage is bigotry. Do you see that as anything other than bigotry? If you do, explain how in a way that actually makes sense. I posted a link to an entire blog post written by a gay man about why it is wrong to dismiss their actions as bigotry, yet she still insists that it is, despite the evidence to the contrary. Yet, for some reason, I am the one that is not making sense.

You figure it out.

I read the entire blog post in an earlier attempt to understand the op as much as possible before I commented on it. It was a huge factor leading to my guess that many people in that group feel that way for religious reasons, you know, because that's the only reason the blogger actually mentioned, though obviously there are others as well...you got pretty butt-hurt when you felt I left them out. You'd think there were many other examples of non-religious-anti-gay-marriage people, but I only got one from you and then you barked for me to do my own research, presumably because you can't be bothered to make a good case.

This thread is never going to go anywhere productive.
You have to wonder if the blog post in the OP is for real....what is actually being said by the blogger that it is gay people's own fault that people vote against gay marriage.

How ridiculous can it get.

Yeah, that is what he said.

What I got out of it is that he blames people like you. He is doing the best he can to explain the situation, and then some idiot gets up on a soapbox and tells the people that he is working on that they hate their friend because they oppose letting him do something they believe is going to cause him harm. If anyone is personally to blame for the vote in North Carolina it is you.
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The root of most bigotry is ignorance.

And on the same note, slightly different direction - if you know, really know, someone who is LGBT; how you can tell them that what makes them THEM is abhorrent to YOU.

And in my estimation, especially if that 'someone' is your offspring.

Dick Cheney can attest to that.

I have found that bigots are quite capable of telling their children that they are abhorrent.

Well, apparently Mr. Cheney didn't go there.
And on the same note, slightly different direction - if you know, really know, someone who is LGBT; how you can tell them that what makes them THEM is abhorrent to YOU.

And in my estimation, especially if that 'someone' is your offspring.

Dick Cheney can attest to that.

I have found that bigots are quite capable of telling their children that they are abhorrent.

Well, apparently Mr. Cheney didn't go there.

I guess that means he is not a bigot.
Link it then. :lol:
Link to what? Your post?


Some women want to be able to dress any way, act any away, or speak any way without condemnation.

Not going to happen. Dress like a slut, you are a slut. Act like a slut, you are a slut. Speak like a slut, you are a slut.

That is simply the way it is and will continue to be.

Hint: don't act, dress, or speak like a slut.

Today's young women are succeeding in making it cool to be a slut. Look how most young women dress today. Listen to their language. Look at their favorite musicians and actresses.

Then they will bear the result of that behavior.

Jake thinks a woman deserrves what she get's because of what she wears He's a clothes NAZI. And thanks for the neg.

That is a paste and cut job, bigrebnc. The second part was not about the slut walk. The second part was about woman saying whatever they wanted. Post the full posts and links from both of them for everybody to see.

You are an out and out liar, and you get to pay the price. :lol:
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I posted a link to an entire blog post written by a gay man about why it is wrong to dismiss their actions as bigotry, . . .
Yet you don't accept the conclusions of several dozen lesbians that they believed male abuse facilitated their sexuality?

Yes, you ae a wind bag.

Remember how I told you once that everything doesn't revolve around you? There are actually exceptions to that Jake, this does revolve around you. I don't accept that anyone actually told you that. I think you made it up in order to justify your absurd belief that sexual abuse turns women into lesbians. Just in case you missed my point, I think you are a lying sack of shit, and I will happily point that out anytime I catch you in a lie.

You lied that I said something I did not, I fucked you up, and now you are whining. I love catching you in lies.

Losah girl! :lol:
Jake thinks a woman deserrves what she get's because of what she wears He's a clothes NAZI. And thanks for the neg.
He can't post the threads and the numbers where that is true. He also got negged for the lie. That's why he is crying. :lol:
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Link it then. :lol:
Link to what? Your post?


Then they will bear the result of that behavior.

Jake thinks a woman deserrves what she get's because of what she wears He's a clothes NAZI. And thanks for the neg.

That is a paste and cut job, bigrebnc. The second part was not about the slut walk. The second part was about woman saying whatever they wanted. Post the full posts and links from both of them for everybody to see.

You are an out and out liar, and you get to pay the price. :lol:
No it was not you ignorant bastard.
Link it then. :lol:
Link to what? Your post?


Some women want to be able to dress any way, act any away, or speak any way without condemnation.

Not going to happen. Dress like a slut, you are a slut. Act like a slut, you are a slut. Speak like a slut, you are a slut.

That is simply the way it is and will continue to be.

Hint: don't act, dress, or speak like a slut.

Today's young women are succeeding in making it cool to be a slut. Look how most young women dress today. Listen to their language. Look at their favorite musicians and actresses.

Then they will bear the result of that behavior.

Jake thinks a woman deserrves what she get's because of what she wears He's a clothes NAZI. And thanks for the neg.

That is a paste and cut job, bigrebnc. The second part was not about the slut walk.

It's a cut and paste of what you said and both quotes came from the slut thread and are talking about what a woman wears.

Post the full posts and links from both of them for everybody to see.

Dumb ass both quotes are in full and can be traced back to the original thread. You're lying if you say they aren't.
Yet you don't accept the conclusions of several dozen lesbians that they believed male abuse facilitated their sexuality?

Yes, you ae a wind bag.

Remember how I told you once that everything doesn't revolve around you? There are actually exceptions to that Jake, this does revolve around you. I don't accept that anyone actually told you that. I think you made it up in order to justify your absurd belief that sexual abuse turns women into lesbians. Just in case you missed my point, I think you are a lying sack of shit, and I will happily point that out anytime I catch you in a lie.

You lied that I said something I did not, I fucked you up, and now you are whining. I love catching you in lies.

Losah girl! :lol:

TWO back to back lies. keep it up you fucking clothes NAZI. Why do you think a woman get's what she deserves when she doesn't wear what you approve of?
My "famed" OP consisted of two sentences. I went to the trouble of repeating them and specifically asking what it was you found offensive about them, you couldn't actually find an answer, so I guess you chose to ignore the question.

Nope I answered it and you discarded my answer. Not my problem. Go find it if you want i am through wasting my time reposting things for you.

Did I say that exactly?? Really? Care to show me when and where I said that? Not that you will based on how you have failed to back up your other attempts to redefine my posiions by putting words into my mouth.

Which portion was that? specifics please. Do you really not remember what you said?

BTW how would the whole state of NC is bigoted based on how only 61% voted in favor of the amendment?

Still waiting on that list of rightwing and left bigots in this thread.

Still on you to show when and where I stated that I refuse to admit that it's possible to vote against something without being a bigot.

Still waiting on you to show where i insisted the following.

You are the one that is trying to insist that the only definition of a bigot that applies is one that excludes you

However, my guess is that you avoided them to begin with there is no point in waiting on integrity that will never come from you.

If you actually addressed my two sentences in the OP and what it was I said that was bigoted feel free to go back and show me where. Until you do you are an idiotic bigot.

I already did on several occasions and you ingored it so why should I waste my time doing it again all so you can ignore it again and pretend it doesn't exist?

Furthermore, I see you failed to cack up your claims AGAIN.

Yet, somehow, I am the close minded bigot because I do not agree with you.

Did I say that exactly?? Really? Care to show me when and where I said that? Not that you will based on how you have failed to back up your other attempts to redefine my posiions by putting words into my mouth.

Just as an aside, I never said you said the portion you emphasized in your attempt to make me look stupid, I said you refuse to admit it. You still have not done so, have you?

Which portion was that? specifics please. Do you really not remember what you said?

BTW how would the whole state of NC is bigoted based on how only 61% voted in favor of the amendment?

Still waiting on that list of rightwing and left bigots in this thread.

Still on you to show when and where I stated that I refuse to admit that it's possible to vote against something without being a bigot.

I can also point to people on the left who are being bigots, one of them is you because you refuse to admit that it is actually possible to vote against something you like unless the person doing it is a bigot

Still waiting on you to show where i insisted the following.

You are the one that is trying to insist that the only definition of a bigot that applies is one that excludes you

However, my guess is that you avoided them to begin with there is no point in waiting on integrity that will never come from you.

Againj why should I waste my time responding to your posts if you are just going to run away from the content of mine and pretend it doesn't exist?
Windbag makes stupid comments, claims everybody is bad, and then cries.

Almost as bad as koshergirl.

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