Who are the real bigots?

I came across this blog earlier today, and it got me to thinking about bigotry. I suggest that everyone who thinks that the bigots are the people that vote against same sex marriage are small minded read the whole thing.

After last night’s vote, I heard a disturbingly large number of my friends, national commentators, and others suggesting that this vote just proves that North Carolinians (or at least a giant percentage of us) are bigoted, homophobic, backwards people who are so filled with hate that we oppose equality for certain groups just because we can. And see, that’s just not the case. Yes, I voted against the amendment, as did many of my friends and hundreds of thousands of other NC residents. But I also know people who voted for it, and I know that they are not simply bigoted, homophobic, backwards people. It’s way more complicated than that.
Is there a lot of prejudice in North Carolina against LGBT people? Absolutely there is. But it’s not, as some have imagined, just a matter of “bigoted homophobes.” By and large, the prejudice that exists is a matter of a lack of understanding. Many of the folks I’ve talked to honestly believe that people choose to be gay and could choose not to be. They think that giving legal recognition to same-sex partnerships would increase the number of people choosing to be gay, and would therefore encourage more people to turn away from God’s plan for their lives. When they talk about homosexuality as a “perversion,” they’re not trying to be bigoted or mean; they’re being quite literal about it.
Those folks aren’t the only ones who supported the amendment, but in my experience, they make up the lion’s share of those who were most vocally in support. My Christian friends who understand what my life has been like as a gay Christian may not support same-sex marriage, but they tend to be way more thoughtful and careful about these questions, and they are the ones who felt most torn about this amendment and all the legal and moral issues it raised.
That’s why I posted to Facebook: “Yes, my state’s vote tonight saddens me. But it is not, as some have imagined, about intentional bigotry. It is about a lack of understanding, pure and simple—of who we are, what we want, and why it matters. Education is needed, and that is what I will keep dedicating myself to, every single day of my life.”

Crumbs from the Communion Table • A challenge to both sides of the Amendment One debate.

Next time somebody wants to dismiss everyone who disagrees with their views about same sex marriage as a bigot they should remember what the word actually means and take a step to end the intolerance.

Bigot [big-uht] (noun) a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

A real Bigot is anyone who makes assumptions about People based on There own Preconceived Notions about that "type of Person", and based on Stereotypes.

It does not matter if you are talking about a Racial or Religious Group, or People with q Particular Political Belief. If you run around assuming you know what motivates them, and what is in there hearts, based on what group you perceive them to be in.

you are a Bigot.

No One Group has a Monopoly on being Bigots, However there is one group that some of at least, always goes around Calling others things like Racists, Homophobes, Bigots etc. All the while Engaging in very Bigot like behavior themselves.

I will let you guess who they are :)
I came across this blog earlier today, and it got me to thinking about bigotry. I suggest that everyone who thinks that the bigots are the people that vote against same sex marriage are small minded read the whole thing.

After last night’s vote, I heard a disturbingly large number of my friends, national commentators, and others suggesting that this vote just proves that North Carolinians (or at least a giant percentage of us) are bigoted, homophobic, backwards people who are so filled with hate that we oppose equality for certain groups just because we can. And see, that’s just not the case. Yes, I voted against the amendment, as did many of my friends and hundreds of thousands of other NC residents. But I also know people who voted for it, and I know that they are not simply bigoted, homophobic, backwards people. It’s way more complicated than that.
Is there a lot of prejudice in North Carolina against LGBT people? Absolutely there is. But it’s not, as some have imagined, just a matter of “bigoted homophobes.” By and large, the prejudice that exists is a matter of a lack of understanding. Many of the folks I’ve talked to honestly believe that people choose to be gay and could choose not to be. They think that giving legal recognition to same-sex partnerships would increase the number of people choosing to be gay, and would therefore encourage more people to turn away from God’s plan for their lives. When they talk about homosexuality as a “perversion,” they’re not trying to be bigoted or mean; they’re being quite literal about it.
Those folks aren’t the only ones who supported the amendment, but in my experience, they make up the lion’s share of those who were most vocally in support. My Christian friends who understand what my life has been like as a gay Christian may not support same-sex marriage, but they tend to be way more thoughtful and careful about these questions, and they are the ones who felt most torn about this amendment and all the legal and moral issues it raised.
That’s why I posted to Facebook: “Yes, my state’s vote tonight saddens me. But it is not, as some have imagined, about intentional bigotry. It is about a lack of understanding, pure and simple—of who we are, what we want, and why it matters. Education is needed, and that is what I will keep dedicating myself to, every single day of my life.”

Crumbs from the Communion Table • A challenge to both sides of the Amendment One debate.

Next time somebody wants to dismiss everyone who disagrees with their views about same sex marriage as a bigot they should remember what the word actually means and take a step to end the intolerance.

Bigot [big-uht] (noun) a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

A real Bigot is anyone who makes assumptions about People based on There own Preconceived Notions about that "type of Person", and based on Stereotypes.

It does not matter if you are talking about a Racial or Religious Group, or People with q Particular Political Belief. If you run around assuming you know what motivates them, and what is in there hearts, based on what group you perceive them to be in.

you are a Bigot.

No One Group has a Monopoly on being Bigots, However there is one group that some of at least, always goes around Calling others things like Racists, Homophobes, Bigots etc. All the while Engaging in very Bigot like behavior themselves.

I will let you guess who they are :)

Not wanting to call homosexuals "married" even though they haven't participated in the construct isn't bigoted.

It would be bigotry if we refused to allow them to marry a person of the opposite sex based on their sexual preference, however.

Again, that's a subtle, but important, difference, and as such, far beyond your comprehension capability.

As it is, gays are perfectly welcome to get married, just as heteros are...they just have to find a person of the opposite sex who doesn't mind that they're gay.
I came across this blog earlier today, and it got me to thinking about bigotry. I suggest that everyone who thinks that the bigots are the people that vote against same sex marriage are small minded read the whole thing.

After last night’s vote, I heard a disturbingly large number of my friends, national commentators, and others suggesting that this vote just proves that North Carolinians (or at least a giant percentage of us) are bigoted, homophobic, backwards people who are so filled with hate that we oppose equality for certain groups just because we can. And see, that’s just not the case. Yes, I voted against the amendment, as did many of my friends and hundreds of thousands of other NC residents. But I also know people who voted for it, and I know that they are not simply bigoted, homophobic, backwards people. It’s way more complicated than that.
Is there a lot of prejudice in North Carolina against LGBT people? Absolutely there is. But it’s not, as some have imagined, just a matter of “bigoted homophobes.” By and large, the prejudice that exists is a matter of a lack of understanding. Many of the folks I’ve talked to honestly believe that people choose to be gay and could choose not to be. They think that giving legal recognition to same-sex partnerships would increase the number of people choosing to be gay, and would therefore encourage more people to turn away from God’s plan for their lives. When they talk about homosexuality as a “perversion,” they’re not trying to be bigoted or mean; they’re being quite literal about it.
Those folks aren’t the only ones who supported the amendment, but in my experience, they make up the lion’s share of those who were most vocally in support. My Christian friends who understand what my life has been like as a gay Christian may not support same-sex marriage, but they tend to be way more thoughtful and careful about these questions, and they are the ones who felt most torn about this amendment and all the legal and moral issues it raised.
That’s why I posted to Facebook: “Yes, my state’s vote tonight saddens me. But it is not, as some have imagined, about intentional bigotry. It is about a lack of understanding, pure and simple—of who we are, what we want, and why it matters. Education is needed, and that is what I will keep dedicating myself to, every single day of my life.”
Crumbs from the Communion Table • A challenge to both sides of the Amendment One debate.

Next time somebody wants to dismiss everyone who disagrees with their views about same sex marriage as a bigot they should remember what the word actually means and take a step to end the intolerance.

Bigot [big-uht] (noun) a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

That would include every being specie on the planet.
Someone does understand how the quote function works. Could someone explain to the stupid son of a bitch?

Post the links to the quotes, both sets. The second you do that, it is oversville for you. :popcorn:

I should sell the links, what with me having them and all.

What is there to post? I posted the whole quote as part of the quote feature. Click on the blue arrow and it will take you directly to the thread.
They already proved it. Loon. Now time to bounce back to another thread where you've been exposed, and pretend you haven't, there.
Because you know, I quoted you in my response in that thread.

Quote me again then. I never said a woman should be assaulted or raped for what she wore.

Link to it.

No here's what you said jake

Today's young women are succeeding in making it cool to be a slut. Look how most young women dress today. Listen to their language. Look at their favorite musicians and actresses.

Then they will bear the result of that behavior.
I'd give the boy a hand, but I'm already locking horns with him and feel no desire to do him any favors.

Look BD Boop that is in that thread not this thread. It's all good. I'm only doing this to jake because he's a first class jack ass troll I try not to take threads and introduce them into another one. I have done it a couple of times but in this case considering the title of this thread about being bigot's the post I quoted of jakes is not going off topic. Our discussion in that thread will stay in that thread.
I'd give the boy a hand, but I'm already locking horns with him and feel no desire to do him any favors.

Look BD Boop that is in that thread not this thread. It's all good. I'm only doing this to jake because he's a first class jack ass troll I try not to take threads and introduce them into another one. I have done it a couple of times but in this case considering the title of this thread about being bigot's the post I quoted of jakes is not going off topic. Our discussion in that thread will stay in that thread.

BDBoop will do whatever she will do.

bigrebnc has quasi-confessed to quote shopping.
I'd give the boy a hand, but I'm already locking horns with him and feel no desire to do him any favors.

Look BD Boop that is in that thread not this thread. It's all good. I'm only doing this to jake because he's a first class jack ass troll I try not to take threads and introduce them into another one. I have done it a couple of times but in this case considering the title of this thread about being bigot's the post I quoted of jakes is not going off topic. Our discussion in that thread will stay in that thread.

BDBoop will do whatever she will do.

bigrebnc has quasi-confessed to quote shopping.

Why don't you report my quotes and see how the mods handle it?
Didn't address the content of your posts?

You are so dishonest in this post.

Nope, but then you already know that don't you?

Nope, but then you already know that don't you? Saying "good answer" or thannking me for an answer and then running on with your rant that I am bigotted beucase you kn ow mke based on the few posts that i have posted over the years is discarding my responses and failing to actually address them.

Nope done so in the other thread but after you start discarding my reponses I decided there was no point in wasting my time with the rest of your drivel when you will only do the same to those response that you can't spin or run counter to your predisposed opinions.

Says the hack. who puts words in my mouth and assumes to know what i am really thiniking as he ignores what I actually said.

If you mean that you insulted me based on your bias and assumptions then yeah sure you addressed everything. LOL

Here is your "answer"

You claim that you do know me based on my posts and claim that I never made a single post taht said a decent thing about a conservative but that is false. My comments about jack kingston alone show that ot be the case. The sad thing is that you made that accusation based on your own bias and assumptions and were WRONG. Furthermore, can one actually claim knowledge of the person behind the screenname based solely on the content of thei posts? NO.

context please. What was the "huh?" in response to? How is that not english?

so "huh?" in response to one of your posts is not english? WOW!

says the hack who decided I was a bigot merely because I disagree with his predisposed opinions and apparently some slight he perceived in the past that I can't even remember.

Really? How? How is my pointing out his bigotry considered hypocrisy? Funny how you faield to show anything to suppoort such an accusation but then when you are filled with hatred and obsession as you obviously are there is no need for a reason is there?

My god, you are a middle schooler.

LOL so your failure to answer my simple questions reflects negatively on me?? LOL

A few posts? I am sure you can count to three. That is what a few is.

You have over 5930 posts of nothing but hate. The vast majority of them prove that you are a bigot, and, I'm not exactly certain I would call any of your post about Mr. Kingston as being polite to conservatives.

Here are some of the older ones. And the comment about willow just furthers proof that you can't be polite to anyone you don't agree with.




Holding up three posts out of nearly doesn't make you a pillar of impartiality, especially when all three of them were, in fact, rude to conservatives, The Rabbi and Willow, and the third was a slam on Glenn Beck. You must be a very proud bigot.

Nothing but hate?? You just showed three examples that is not true so thanks for exposing your dishoensty. LOL

BTW holding up three posts out of 5930+ does not proof anything about the content of the other 5927+ posts. LOL only a complete moron would believe that it does.

So now being "rude" to someone who was rude and or intolerant towards me makes me a bigot?? LOL thanks for the spin. You are being "rude" to me bsaed on how I insulted you in the past so based on your new definition does tha make you a bigot as well? LOL

More lies on your part. I have responded to all of your posts and not discarded a one of your responses.

No you haven't. responded to the actual content of my posts. saying "thanks for answering" as you discard the answer and continue with your attempts to define me based on your own bias is not responding to my posts.

More lies from the bigot.

nope, I actually showed you putting words into my mouth as yoyu tried to argue that I "accused the republicans of being responsible for the problem when you know full well that just weeks before the collapse, Barney Frank assured us there was nothing to worry about." when my comment had NOTHING to do with the timeline you claimed I was referring to and "if you could actually read through your frothing anger" the you would have kown I refering to back when democrats were in the minority.

My own biases? Can you show anything that shows my assumptions to be incorrect? Got anything besides your hate-filled, "I am a swell guy because I once voted for Jack Kingston" posts all three of which were actually proof of what I said in the first post.

Yes and i have but you bypassed those responses and pretended that they did not exist or merely called me a liar. example incoming.

Liar, your three posts, the only three posts you made about Kingston before today, were, in fact, proof that you are a bigot with half-assed attempts at justifying your damned bigotry by throwing out a name of a person who nobody even knows here.

Face it, you are a damned bigot and your calling me a hack is not going to change that.

LOL face it you are a hack and your calling me a damned bigot is not going to change that. LOL

see how easy that is.

Really? Still going with the whhhaaaaa whhhhaaaaaa I'm not a bigot defense?

It isn't working.

this is a perfect example your so-called "responses" to a lot of the content of my posts. Thanks for clearing up that you do NOT response to everything I post. LOL

Seeing as how all of my points about knowing you have very clearly been in reference to the man (are you even a man?) online, that doesn't make any sense. Clearly online you are a bigot. You have laid out your defense... "I'm not a bigot because a long long time ago, I voted for a Republican named Jack Kingston" and it simply doesn't hold water.

LOL so you proved your point because you say so? LOL OMG you are hilarious. FACT is that you haven't proven anything except that you a re desperate and obsessed with trying to tear me down for some slight i made against you in the past whch I don't even remember. LOL

Follow the links like I had to do. It was in your response to my efforts to show how I had evolved over the time I have been posting. One of the very first posts you made and either in regards to my statement about evolving in my stance on abortion or on gay marriage.

LOL you said "huh?" was not english when it clearly is a way to communicate to you that your message either did not make sense or was not clear. If you lack the ability to understand simple english then that is not my problem.

Huh, doesn't leave any room for an answer that is for sure. It's an interjection used as an exclamation of surprise. Not a question. How is anyone supposed to answer that? At the best it is a moron speaking out his incomprehension.

surprise?? Is thbat the only way it is used or defined?? I didn't thinki so. once again you CHOOSE to be willfully ignorant in a desperate attempt to pretend to not understand that I was asking for clarification. You are pretending to be that ignorant aren't you?

says the hack who decided I was a bigot merely because I disagree with his predisposed opinions and apparently some slight he perceived in the past that I can't even remember.

Is it really so difficult to understand that one, I would much rather be a hack than a bigot. At least hacks have a moral backbones. Bigotry is based upon the immorality of discrimination. Call me a hack all you want. The proof is in the pudding that I treat left and right quite fairly. Conversely the proof is in the pudding that you do not.

so based on your new defitnion of bigot, how does it apply to me? LOL Oh and I commented on the insult that you took at some past disagreement we had. Apparently itt affected you a lot more than it did me. Maybe that is why you are so obsessed with me?

Really? How? How is my pointing out his bigotry considered hypocrisy? Funny how you failed to show anything to suppoort such an accusation but then when you are filled with hatred and obsession as you obviously are there is no need for a reason is there?

Really? Who's filled with hatred and obsession? You are the one that is obsessed with hatred. I'm sitting here laughing my ass off at your extremely feeble attempts at proving that you are not a damned bigot and failing at doing so.

So I point out based on the content of your posts that you obviously hate me and are obsessed with me and your best response is tantamount to a "I'm rubber you're glue" response? LOL and you call me childish? LOL

This has been a classic conversation, and I can't believe that you have allowed me to get away with proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are in fact a bigot.

This is hilarious!

Thank you very much for the laughs my friend,


you declaring victory whn you have had NONE only further shows how delusional you are. You make decdlarationg about the content of the entirety of my roughly 6,000 posts and believe that posting three that show me making a positive comment about kingston is proof that I am a bigot. LOL The fact that I have said psitive things about him alone means that i am not what you are trying to define me as.

Logic is not on your side. you should hve given up after your first attempt to put words in my mouth was thrown back at you but you.

Your friend,



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