Who are the real bigots?

According to the OP being dismissive of those who disagree with you makes you the bigot.

Too bad you weren't able to comprehend what he said.

Here let me point out what you obviously did not understand. He said, that being a bigot is being utterly intolerant of differing creeds, beliefs or opinions. He said being a bigot was NOT simply disagreeing with someone else.

You see, before you act as stupidly as you did, you should actually read and comprehend the post you are commenting on.

Note once again for the utterly dense: QW clearly and correctly stated that simply disagreeing with someone is not bigotry. Bigotry is the intolerant and hateful treatment of another class of people.

That is why you are a bigot, drsmith. NOT because you disagree with someone. Everyone disagrees with someone else, but rather because your posts are 100% hateful and intolerant of conservatives.

Your friend,


ah the troll who runs away from the fact that he accused me of "hatred" in my posts and then pastes previous posts of mine that were all about mere disagreements with no example of "hatred" LOL GJ on that one troll.

what you missed in your desperate attempt to troll me is the fact that my statement includes the word "dismissive" as part of the requirement that QW set up.

According to the OP being dismissive of those who disagree with you makes you the bigot.

I am not saying that "simply disagreeing with someone" makes you a bigot. In that respect you are being dishonest or you simply lack the intellegence to comprehend what you read. Which is it?

here is QW's post again.

Next time somebody wants to dismiss everyone who disagrees with their views about same sex marriage as a bigot they should remember what the word actually means and take a step to end the intolerance.

Bigot [big-uht] (noun) a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

This is obviously an attempt by QW to argue that being "dismissive" of someone who disagrees with you makes you intolerant and then he goes on to state that intolerance is a part of being a bigot. What was the point of that if not to imply that "being dismissive of those who disagree with you makes you the bigot?"

No, it is me pointing out that dismissing everyone who disagrees with you as a bigot is intolerant. Clinging to that intolerance after someone points it out to you makes you a bigot.

Notice who it is always what you do that makes you what you are, not what I do that does it?
I would agree with almost all of this.

I do not agree with your last "BLANKET" statement. Surely many who voted for this did so as bigots, but you cannot be certain that all who voted against "gay marriage" in this case did so as bigots. Perhaps, they have legitimate religious beliefs about the term marriage and although they are not intolerant of or hateful to homosexual couples, they believe that marriage is sacred. Of course, IMHO they are not paying attention to things like divorce rates, but still. One need not hate people to vote against something that other people support.

From the little I know of the NC law, I would not have supported it. Although, I do believe the rite of marriage is sacred, I believe it is a religious rite and because of the Separation of Church and State, it should remain as such. I fully support civil unions for all couples not just homosexuals. Marriage should return to being a rite of the church and only a rite of the church. Couples who wish to be married (a religious blessing upon their union) should do so in their own church... and yes, that too applies to homosexuals.


So you are saying many people in North Carolina voted for this bill, and did not realize there was a stipulation that denied all other types of union in it?

If such people exist, then, yes, my blanket statement would not apply. However, voting for something without reading it is a pretty damn foolish thing to do.

Does that mean you read every word of every ballot initiative you vote on, and consult a lawyer you trust completely so you can understand all the possible implications of the language of said initiative? Or do you, like most people who are not lawyers, simply scan the initiative and jump to a conclusion before you vote.
Oh, look; for I have found a voice of reason amidst all the dross.

Wut up, home skillet?

I'm being a bully, Boop. I'm guilty as charged. But, it is nothing that this S.O.B. does not fully deserve.


If you are, *you know you best* you are at least performing said duties from the perspective of a man of honor.

It's fun to watch, but I do grow weary of having to hit page down four times to make it through one post.

Use the space bar, it is a lot more convenient.
None of the gays in my life gives a damn about marriage and say they would not marry if it was legal. I do belive they should have the same rights as a common law marriage. Civil Union do not give property and social security benefits,etc. Rights are limited. Am I right?
One do not have to be in a marriage to make out a will.
I do not belive any government, federal or state has the right to give gays to right to marry.
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Everyone has a little of bigotry and racism in them toward something.If they say they don't they are lying.
But when they allow their bigotry to deny someone rights as a citizen they are acting in both an unconstitutional and unAmerican manner.
Everyone has a little of bigotry and racism in them toward something.If they say they don't they are lying.

That's been said by several. Some can't comprehend that fact.

However, I would say that there is a difference between being a bigot and being a bigotted asshole. I can attest that I am bigotted against people who display hatred of other people simply because of who those other people are or what they believe. I'm a bigot against assholes. So sue me.

I do have other prejudices. I simply learned that they were my problem and not problems of the victims of my prejudice. For instance, I can't stand people that drive significantly slower than the posted speed limit and especially those who won't pull over to the right when they are in the fast lane and there are faster cars behind them. Or people that think that sign they passed that said "lane ends 1500 feet" back 2000 feet behind them, doesn't apply to them and they can force their way in causing everyone behind them to slam on the brakes to let them in. Yeah, I have my prejudices.

None of the gays in my life gives a damn about marriage and say they would not marry if it was legal. I do belive they should have the same rights as a common law marriage. Civil Union do not give property and social security benefits,etc. Rights are limited. Am I right?
One do not have to be in a marriage to make out a will.
I do not belive any government, federal or state has the right to give gays to right to marry.

Since to my knowledge no civil union laws have been passed to date. I think you are wrong.

My view of the civil union is that they would have all the rights and privileges that today's marriages have.

I also think the state should only sanction "civil unions" and get out of the marriage business completely. Civil Union = government, marriage = rite of the church.

Oh and by the way, since I understand that several denominations do in fact welcome homosexuals into their congregations and are willing to not only call them to the ministry but also to marry gay couples, I believe they have that right.

Everyone has a little of bigotry and racism in them toward something.If they say they don't they are lying.

Bigotry yes but not all people care what a persons race is. I judge people how they live their life not how they look because of their skin color.
Incest is illegal because it presents unacceptable risks to children. People cannot marry their siblings because we as a society recognize that would be operating outside the accepted, ideal child rearing construct.
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