Debate Now Who are the serious debaters on this forum?

perhaps explain what is meant by MAGAT?

It's a name that they call us when they are feeling most terrified and impotently angry.

Kind of like when the six year old across the street called you "Poopyhead" when you were young.

perhaps explain what is meant by MAGAT?
YOU explain.
YOU are the one triggered by the term.
What does MAGAT mean to you?

And if you identify with a term you find odious then maybe it's the mirror you should be checking.

To me it's a convenient term when referencing a group of people of a particular mindset.
no, why is it you have to put down the resource? Exceptional demonstration of how our demofriends deflect from the topic of a post.
If your source looks that way it is not a fact source.
It is a crap source.
And don't we have enough crap sources around here already?
If your source looks that way it is not a fact source.
It is a crap source.
And don't we have enough crap sources around here already?
fact source? who determines if it's a fact source, you? simply put, it's a source, you want to discredit it, then post something that discredits it, post your source that challenges it. You don't get to tell someone a source is credible or not in a debate. flaming page go for it. Debate, then debate.
fact source? who determines if it's a fact source, you? simply put, it's a source, you want to discredit it, then post something that discredits it, post your source that challenges it. You don't get to tell someone a source is credible or not in a debate. flaming page go for it. Debate, then debate.

You MAGATS have been damning actual factual fact sources for a dozen years.
Because those sources are not spreading your lies.


If your "fact source" has paid out more than $100k in the last year for defamation and lying, it's not a fact source.
When your "fact source" uses attack language as premise for a story, it is not a fact source.
If your "fact source" is an opinion, it is not a fact source.

Now you MAGATS constantly call up opinion pieces as "fact sources" and when you're called on it you go back to your "hate the messenger" crapola.

Want to debate me, bring actual factual fact sources. Dems


and if you don't follow Da rules you get

Add to that reality that we now live in a post-truth, post-factual world. Those who "substantiate" their arguments do so with sources that the other person simply ignores because of the source or the conclusions. There are no longer any commonly held standards that all agree on.

These days, it's more like:

Ron White is one of my all-time favorites. lolol. Thanks for posting that, had a good laugh.
A number of persons on this forum do not understand how to frame an argument.

But, some of you do.

the non serious ones make wild claims, vacuous claims without substantiating them.

When asked to substantiate, I often get a snarky 'you do it'. No, the onus is always on the the ones making claims to substantiate their claims. You cannot ask others to do your work for you. That never has been the etiquette in any forum I've ever heard of and I've been on many going back to the 90s, the days of Usenet.

I will always substantiate my claim, if it exists. If it doesn't, I'll be happy to say 'it's just my opinion'. Opinions are okay, just make sure you make it clear that that is what they are. If you are making a claim of fact, then substantiate it to the best you can, and offer a path of reasoning for it, to the best that you can. See, to substantiate could just mean to supplement yuor claim, though proving it would be even better, but at least supplement it with something, or at the very minimum, a well reasoned path of logic and naming some well known examples, that would be okay.

But a wild claim, short sentence, 'Biden family are criminals' without evidence, that's not an argument. To say, 'it's in the news', that's not substantiation. A link would suffice. We could then debate the link, sure, but at least provide something, and the more, the merrier. It's called 'moving the debate forward'. Comments that do not move the debate forward are non arguments. Arguments and counter arguments move the debate forward. It's not complicated.

the non serious engage in ad hominems. The attack the source or the messenger and not the message. (yes, I've done this myself, but I would love to argue on a forum that doesn't allow it).

They who do not know how to debate do not engage in a real argument, they riddle their comments with rant words, weasel words, words of emotion and sentiment, engage in petty name calling, and wild claims without substance to them, and do not understand what a real argument is, and they do not understand the difference between an opinion and an argument, the difference between a non argument and a real argument.

For example:

Conservatives are morons. Liberals are idiots.

No, those are not arguments. Those are rants, they are sentiments, weasel words, ad homs, non arguments. Got it?

But, if I wrote: AOC's 'new deal' has issues, which are as follows (list them ) which is supported by (link to authoritative sources which supplement the argument [which, by the way, is not a violation of the 'appeals to authority' logical fallacy, because it's supplementation, not reliance upon] ).

That would be an argument. No snarky quips, no hate-AOC remarks, etc. Real arguments aren't supposed to be impressive by clever word use designed to get likes, they are supposed to be persuasive.

Who are the members of USMB who know how to debate?

Please tell me who you are and you will be the ones invited to future OPs by me on this forum. I don't care if you are right or left or something else. It's not about whether your are right or wrong, that is why we are here, to debate what is right and wrong, but some of you are disingenuous and are here only to get likes from your friends. Some of your I simply cannot take seriously. And, of course, those of you I can't take seriously will typically shoot that same claim back at me, which is, in fact, a cop out.

Who are the serious debaters? Let me know, please. PM me, if you prefer.

Please understand, I do not claim to be the god's gift to debate forums, it's not about how well we argue, I am probably even guilty of some of the sins I eschew, (but I strive, at least, not to, but, at times, it feels like I have to, with some of you) it's about how to at least adhere to a form that allows for constructive debate, and that is what I'm after.

And, another thing, we are anonymous here. All that matters is the argument, not who we are. Some are from foreign countries, it doesn't matter, all that matters is the text in the argument. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm from Texas, in case you are wondering.

Let me know, thank you.


Respectfully speaking, I, for one, don't even read your stuff.

I'll tell you why I keep on scrolling. And receive my explanation for doing so as a courtesy, btw, rather than an arrow.

It's because your personality sucks. :dunno:

You MAGATS have been damning actual factual fact sources for a dozen years.
Because those sources are not spreading your lies.


If your "fact source" has paid out more than $100k in the last year for defamation and lying, it's not a fact source.
When your "fact source" uses attack language as premise for a story, it is not a fact source.
If your "fact source" is an opinion, it is not a fact source.

Now you MAGATS constantly call up opinion pieces as "fact sources" and when you're called on it you go back to your "hate the messenger" crapola.

Want to debate me, bring actual factual fact sources. Dems


and if you don't follow Da rules you get

There you go!!

I rest my case. You aren't in here to debate! Go have fun.
Respectfully speaking, I, for one, don't even read your stuff.

I'll tell you why I keep on scrolling. And receive my explanation for doing so as a courtesy, btw, rather than an arrow.

It's because your personality sucks. :dunno:

You claim you are being respectful, then you end your comment with an insult. ;

That, sir, makes you a liar.
There you go!!

I rest my case. You aren't in here to debate! Go have fun.
Is ums all upset about getting spanked by the big bad DADO?

Debate, oh ye of third grade education starts with an agreement on facts.
But, LIAR, facts are meaningless to you.
If it doesn't "own the libs" in your tiny mind, it's not worthy of your time.
As useless as your time truly is.

I think it was Churchill who is credited with saying something like "You are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts."

So, LimpusDikus go find some facts and debate. But if your facts are crap prepare to play ToiletBoy.
I am not interested in debating liberals like rumpole

He will prattle endlessly in excruciating detail that interests only him

And in the end nothing anyone says will ever change his mind about anything

then why are you here?
Is ums all upset about getting spanked by the big bad DADO?

Debate, oh ye of third grade education starts with an agreement on facts.
But, LIAR, facts are meaningless to you.
If it doesn't "own the libs" in your tiny mind, it's not worthy of your time.
As useless as your time truly is.

I think it was Churchill who is credited with saying something like "You are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts."

So, LimpusDikus go find some facts and debate. But if your facts are crap prepare to play ToiletBoy.

noun: debate; plural noun: debates
a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward.

It is not an agreement of facts! Fk
This format doesn't lend itself to a debate. I don't want to lay everything at the feet of the mods but the board mirrors the moderation over time.

For example...the polls. I asked the mods to make it to where you would have to vote in a poll before you can post a message on ta thread that has a poll. For example. If you were to start a poll today asking, "What is your favorite color" and listed Red, White, Blue, Orange and Yellow as the choices....if someone picked Blue, you'd get a post from Cletus saying "blue sucks". But if you forced Cletus to vote before he could comment...he'd have to pick a color himself.

Everyone on the thread would have a little skin in the game.

But they said no. It wouldn't stop the free-for all but it would allow someone who wants to have a conversation to at least get past the starting gun.

But, if any mods are listening...maybe have a 2-3 minute waiting period after a thread is started before someone comments. Perhaps they will actually read the posts they are responding to.

Well moderated boards (comparatively speaking) attract a better group of members, such as the They won't allow the kind cheap insults that are tossed around here.
noun: debate; plural noun: debates
a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward.

It is not an agreement of facts! Fk
Then don't expect me to respect your garbage.
When I call you out as a liar, respect that you are lying.
Don't lie.

Look at you...

You are here defending lying.

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