Who are we supposed to lock up??


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

Face facts Trump supporters: Hypocrisy does not look good on you!
  1. Now that Ivanka has been caught using her private email address to discuss government business on many occasions, what will The Donald and the GOP do? Will we be hearing "lock her up!!" from the Trump fateful? Will she be dragged before a Congressional committee for 10+ hours and grilled about this? Will there be any accountability on this at all?

    Pigs might fly, but I doubt it....

    During his presidential campaign in 2016, Donald Trump said that Mrs Clinton's use of a private server to send official emails while in her post as secretary of state in 2009 was a scandal "bigger than Watergate". Not so, when the Ivanka is guilty of it??

    Ivanka Trump reportedly used private account to send hundreds of emails

    Ivanka used personal email for WH business

    Ivanka Trump used a private email account to discuss government business
Just how stupid do you have to be? After all those screams to lock up Hillary for using a personal email account for official business, just how unbelievably retarded do you have to be to then use a personal email account for official business?

"It's Okay When A Trump Does It!'

I imagine Trump is going to twitter-whine that his daughter is being picked on.
But "She didn't know" this was a problem...

She was hiding in a hotel room in Moscow for the last 6 years
Didn't participate in them....But thanks for letting us all know that you're such a stone partisan hack, that you're willing to overlook the glaring difference between public records rule and the espionage act, when it suits your stone partisan hackery.
Didn't participate in them....But thanks for letting us all know that you're such a stone partisan hack, that you're willing to overlook the glaring difference between public records rule and the espionage act, when it suits your stone partisan hackery.
How many of your fellow USMB rightwingers not only PARTICIPATED in them, but CREATED them?

And what did you do to speak out against it THEN?

Since you seem to be so against it NOW.

Face facts Trump supporters: Hypocrisy does not look good on you!
  1. Now that Ivanka has been caught using her private email address to discuss government business on many occasions, what will The Donald and the GOP do? Will we be hearing "lock her up!!" from the Trump fateful? Will she be dragged before a Congressional committee for 10+ hours and grilled about this? Will there be any accountability on this at all?

    Pigs might fly, but I doubt it....

    During his presidential campaign in 2016, Donald Trump said that Mrs Clinton's use of a private server to send official emails while in her post as secretary of state in 2009 was a scandal "bigger than Watergate". Not so, when the Ivanka is guilty of it??

    Ivanka Trump reportedly used private account to send hundreds of emails

    Ivanka used personal email for WH business

    Ivanka Trump used a private email account to discuss government business
Hillary Clinton! LOCK HER FAT ASS UP!!!
Just how stupid do you have to be? After all those screams to lock up Hillary for using a personal email account for official business, just how unbelievably retarded do you have to be to then use a personal email account for official business?

"It's Okay When A Trump Does It!'

I imagine Trump is going to twitter-whine that his daughter is being picked on.

"I've said many times, if she wasn't my daughter perhaps I'd be indicting her".

Face facts Trump supporters: Hypocrisy does not look good on you!
  1. Now that Ivanka has been caught using her private email address to discuss government business on many occasions, what will The Donald and the GOP do? Will we be hearing "lock her up!!" from the Trump fateful? Will she be dragged before a Congressional committee for 10+ hours and grilled about this? Will there be any accountability on this at all?

    Pigs might fly, but I doubt it....

    During his presidential campaign in 2016, Donald Trump said that Mrs Clinton's use of a private server to send official emails while in her post as secretary of state in 2009 was a scandal "bigger than Watergate". Not so, when the Ivanka is guilty of it??

    Ivanka Trump reportedly used private account to send hundreds of emails

    Ivanka used personal email for WH business

    Ivanka Trump used a private email account to discuss government business

I think it's funny that people like you minimized Hillary's use of a private server for her work but now want to make a big deal with Ivanka's use of a private email account for her calendar.

Face facts Trump supporters: Hypocrisy does not look good on you!
  1. Now that Ivanka has been caught using her private email address to discuss government business on many occasions, what will The Donald and the GOP do? Will we be hearing "lock her up!!" from the Trump fateful? Will she be dragged before a Congressional committee for 10+ hours and grilled about this? Will there be any accountability on this at all?

    Pigs might fly, but I doubt it....

    During his presidential campaign in 2016, Donald Trump said that Mrs Clinton's use of a private server to send official emails while in her post as secretary of state in 2009 was a scandal "bigger than Watergate". Not so, when the Ivanka is guilty of it??

    Ivanka Trump reportedly used private account to send hundreds of emails

    Ivanka used personal email for WH business

    Ivanka Trump used a private email account to discuss government business
I agree it was stupid of her to use her personal email. At least she didn't have Top Secret emails like someone else we know.


Face facts Trump supporters: Hypocrisy does not look good on you!
  1. Now that Ivanka has been caught using her private email address to discuss government business on many occasions, what will The Donald and the GOP do? Will we be hearing "lock her up!!" from the Trump fateful? Will she be dragged before a Congressional committee for 10+ hours and grilled about this? Will there be any accountability on this at all?

    Pigs might fly, but I doubt it....

    During his presidential campaign in 2016, Donald Trump said that Mrs Clinton's use of a private server to send official emails while in her post as secretary of state in 2009 was a scandal "bigger than Watergate". Not so, when the Ivanka is guilty of it??

    Ivanka Trump reportedly used private account to send hundreds of emails

    Ivanka used personal email for WH business

    Ivanka Trump used a private email account to discuss government business
I agree it was stupid of her to use her personal email. At least she didn't have Top Secret emails like someone else we know.


At least she didn't board a trolley in Wisconsin and think it was the Democratic convention in New York.

Crooked Hillary would burn your house down and rob you blind if it meant she could get ahead. she's Gordon Gecko with a genital rash. she should be locked up.


Face facts Trump supporters: Hypocrisy does not look good on you!
  1. Now that Ivanka has been caught using her private email address to discuss government business on many occasions, what will The Donald and the GOP do? Will we be hearing "lock her up!!" from the Trump fateful? Will she be dragged before a Congressional committee for 10+ hours and grilled about this? Will there be any accountability on this at all?

    Pigs might fly, but I doubt it....

    During his presidential campaign in 2016, Donald Trump said that Mrs Clinton's use of a private server to send official emails while in her post as secretary of state in 2009 was a scandal "bigger than Watergate". Not so, when the Ivanka is guilty of it??

    Ivanka Trump reportedly used private account to send hundreds of emails

    Ivanka used personal email for WH business

    Ivanka Trump used a private email account to discuss government business

Independent of what, thought? Someone needs to teach Real independents that the “mainstream” media is not mainstream and almost everything they say is directly from their dimshit bosses and their campaign propaganda desk verbatim. If you even begin at the two email questions the two are as vastly different as a murder and a slap to the hand. clinton private SERVER hidden from all government agencies, secret and top secret documents transmitted unsecured, no archiving of all communications as required. Multiple levels of Obstruction of investgation into the facts, perjury, conspiracy to commit obstruction and violation of oath of office. Ivanka “Trump” , private gmail account communication with staff and family concerning personal and staff scheduling and task management, no sensitive material, all communications archived and server is secure, known and available to all government agencies at request.

Sounds like someone is reaching for a lie to throw at the wall to replace the collusion lie and millions spent for a dimshit election stunt.

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