Who Are We....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
....and who are they?????

Conservatives, the Right, stand for the very same things our Founders embedded in our memorializing documents:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

In his insightful essay, the brilliant Dennis Prager, puts in perspective who we on the Right are, and who the Democrats/Progressives/Leftists are.

1. "... while most liberals and conservatives abide by society's rules of order and decency, most leftists do not feel bound to live by these same rules.

2. ... left-wing students make "nonnegotiable demands" of college administrations.... Black Panthers engage in violence – including torture and murder – and be financially rewarded by leftists.

3. ... we watch leftist mobs scream profanities at professors and deans, and shut down conservative and pro-Israel speakers at colleges. We routinely witness left-wing protesters block highways and bridges; scream in front of the homes of conservative business and political leaders; and surround conservatives' tables at restaurants while shouting and chanting at them.

4. Conservatives don't do these things. They don't close highways, yell obscenities at left-wing politicians, work to ban left-wing speakers at colleges, smash the windows of businesses, etc.

5. Why do leftists feel entitled do all these things? Because they have thoroughly rejected middle-class, bourgeois and Judeo-Christian religious values. Leftists are the only source of their values. Leftists not only believe they know what is right – conservatives, too, believe they are right – but they also believe they are morally superior to all others. Leftists are Ubermenschen – people on such a high moral plane that they do not consider themselves bound by the normal conventions of civics and decency. Leftists don't need such guidelines; only the non-left – the "deplorables" – need them."
Explaining the Left, Part IV: Leftist Contempt for Middle-Class Values

Succinct, accurate, and certainly correct.
....and who are they?????

Conservatives, the Right, stand for the very same things our Founders embedded in our memorializing documents:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

In his insightful essay, the brilliant Dennis Prager, puts in perspective who we on the Right are, and who the Democrats/Progressives/Leftists are.

1. "... while most liberals and conservatives abide by society's rules of order and decency, most leftists do not feel bound to live by these same rules.

2. ... left-wing students make "nonnegotiable demands" of college administrations.... Black Panthers engage in violence – including torture and murder – and be financially rewarded by leftists.

3. ... we watch leftist mobs scream profanities at professors and deans, and shut down conservative and pro-Israel speakers at colleges. We routinely witness left-wing protesters block highways and bridges; scream in front of the homes of conservative business and political leaders; and surround conservatives' tables at restaurants while shouting and chanting at them.

4. Conservatives don't do these things. They don't close highways, yell obscenities at left-wing politicians, work to ban left-wing speakers at colleges, smash the windows of businesses, etc.

5. Why do leftists feel entitled do all these things? Because they have thoroughly rejected middle-class, bourgeois and Judeo-Christian religious values. Leftists are the only source of their values. Leftists not only believe they know what is right – conservatives, too, believe they are right – but they also believe they are morally superior to all others. Leftists are Ubermenschen – people on such a high moral plane that they do not consider themselves bound by the normal conventions of civics and decency. Leftists don't need such guidelines; only the non-left – the "deplorables" – need them."
Explaining the Left, Part IV: Leftist Contempt for Middle-Class Values

Succinct, accurate, and certainly correct.

From a drowned sea hump in the bathyal abyss of the most immoral sea bottom, the American Left preaches as if perched and adored and beautified as moral paragon saints from the barded, saddled back of a warhorse standing on moral high ground.
....and who are they?????

Conservatives, the Right, stand for the very same things our Founders embedded in our memorializing documents:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

In his insightful essay, the brilliant Dennis Prager, puts in perspective who we on the Right are, and who the Democrats/Progressives/Leftists are.

1. "... while most liberals and conservatives abide by society's rules of order and decency, most leftists do not feel bound to live by these same rules.

2. ... left-wing students make "nonnegotiable demands" of college administrations.... Black Panthers engage in violence – including torture and murder – and be financially rewarded by leftists.

3. ... we watch leftist mobs scream profanities at professors and deans, and shut down conservative and pro-Israel speakers at colleges. We routinely witness left-wing protesters block highways and bridges; scream in front of the homes of conservative business and political leaders; and surround conservatives' tables at restaurants while shouting and chanting at them.

4. Conservatives don't do these things. They don't close highways, yell obscenities at left-wing politicians, work to ban left-wing speakers at colleges, smash the windows of businesses, etc.

5. Why do leftists feel entitled do all these things? Because they have thoroughly rejected middle-class, bourgeois and Judeo-Christian religious values. Leftists are the only source of their values. Leftists not only believe they know what is right – conservatives, too, believe they are right – but they also believe they are morally superior to all others. Leftists are Ubermenschen – people on such a high moral plane that they do not consider themselves bound by the normal conventions of civics and decency. Leftists don't need such guidelines; only the non-left – the "deplorables" – need them."
Explaining the Left, Part IV: Leftist Contempt for Middle-Class Values

Succinct, accurate, and certainly correct.

From a drowned sea hump in the bathyal abyss of the most immoral sea bottom, the American Left preaches as if perched and adored and beautified as moral paragon saints from the barded, saddled back of a warhorse standing on moral high ground.

Nicely put!
Hope that made y'all feel better.

Let's get them boogeymen, eh?
This thread title is divisive.

Someone should shut this section of the site down.

* my interpretation of self-proclaimed conservative style whining and complaining *

But for real though, which one of those things are breaking the law?
This thread title is divisive.

Someone should shut this section of the site down.

* my interpretation of self-proclaimed conservative style whining and complaining *

But for real though, which one of those things are breaking the law?

I love the palpable fear that truth causes in dopes like you.

Who Are We...

you're a Canadian with no dog in the fight - just a spoon in the pot keeping things stirred up drawing attention to yourself.

"In August 2017, University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax wrote a column for the Philadelphia Inquirer in defense of middle-class values. She and her co-author cited a list of behavioral norms that, as Wax, put it, "was almost universally endorsed between the end of World War II and the mid-1960s."

They were: "Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake. Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness. Go the extra mile for your employer or client. Be a patriot, ready to serve the country. Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable. Avoid coarse language in public. Be respectful of authority. Eschew substance abuse and crime."

She later wrote in the Wall Street Journal, "The fact that the 'bourgeois culture' these norms embodied has broken down since the 1960s largely explains today's social pathologies – and re-embracing that culture would go a long way toward addressing those pathologies."
Explaining the Left, Part IV: Leftist Contempt for Middle-Class Values

Now.....see if you can guess what the Leftists/Obamunists said in response.
....and who are they?????

Conservatives, the Right, stand for the very same things our Founders embedded in our memorializing documents:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

In his insightful essay, the brilliant Dennis Prager, puts in perspective who we on the Right are, and who the Democrats/Progressives/Leftists are.

1. "... while most liberals and conservatives abide by society's rules of order and decency, most leftists do not feel bound to live by these same rules.

2. ... left-wing students make "nonnegotiable demands" of college administrations.... Black Panthers engage in violence – including torture and murder – and be financially rewarded by leftists.

3. ... we watch leftist mobs scream profanities at professors and deans, and shut down conservative and pro-Israel speakers at colleges. We routinely witness left-wing protesters block highways and bridges; scream in front of the homes of conservative business and political leaders; and surround conservatives' tables at restaurants while shouting and chanting at them.

4. Conservatives don't do these things. They don't close highways, yell obscenities at left-wing politicians, work to ban left-wing speakers at colleges, smash the windows of businesses, etc.

5. Why do leftists feel entitled do all these things? Because they have thoroughly rejected middle-class, bourgeois and Judeo-Christian religious values. Leftists are the only source of their values. Leftists not only believe they know what is right – conservatives, too, believe they are right – but they also believe they are morally superior to all others. Leftists are Ubermenschen – people on such a high moral plane that they do not consider themselves bound by the normal conventions of civics and decency. Leftists don't need such guidelines; only the non-left – the "deplorables" – need them."
Explaining the Left, Part IV: Leftist Contempt for Middle-Class Values

Succinct, accurate, and certainly correct.
i am a guy on the left wing; free full body massage with happy ending and no ad hominems, and call me on my happy camper policy, if you want.
This thread title is divisive.

Someone should shut this section of the site down.

Prager is a rather black and white partisan and generally one of the easiest partisans to pick apart and flip the script if one felt like it. I noticed that his wiki page was locked when I went to edit it for clarity sake.

OP likely has no idea who she's quoting in her initial posting. That in itself is worth a chuckle. Threads like this where people just blindly copypasta without thinking it through first are the easiest pickings. It just depends, as I said, whether one is so led to be bothered to do it.

OP, respectfully speaking, is likely the easiest pickings on the board that I've seen. So, I don't see the point in complaining, unless you were just being facetious. She's pretty much your standard Bill Kristol type partisan, she hasn't particularly demonstrated herself to be capable of leading any kind of critical thought of her own beyond the depth of a mud puddle.
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This thread title is divisive.

Someone should shut this section of the site down.

Prager is a rather black and white partisan and generally one of the easiest partisans to pick apart and flip the script if one felt like it. I noticed that his wiki page was locked when I went to edit it for clarity sake.

OP likely has no idea who she's quoting in her initial posting. That in itself is worth a chuckle.

"...one of the easiest partisans to pick apart and flip the script if one felt like it."

Talk is cheap.

I'd say, with very little effort, you've become our best source of greenhouse gases.

BTW......which of Prager's books have you read?
An illustrative example of the vast gulf between the Right and the Left:

Professor Wax wrote-
"Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake. Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness. Go the extra mile for your employer or client. Be a patriot, ready to serve the country. Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable. Avoid coarse language in public. Be respectful of authority. Eschew substance abuse and crime."

For her left-wing colleagues at Penn Law School, this list was beyond the pale. About half of her fellow professors of law – 33 of them – condemned her in an open letter. And Wax wrote in the Journal, "My law school dean recently asked me to take a leave of absence next year and to cease teaching a mandatory first-year course."
Explaining the Left, Part IV: Leftist Contempt for Middle-Class Values

Astounding, no?
"...one of the easiest partisans to pick apart and flip the script if one felt like it."

Talk is cheap.

I'd say, with very little effort, you've become our best source of greenhouse gases.

BTW......which of Prager's books have you read?

6 of the 8 he's published. Actually, the seventh was a children's book, which was really just a mirror image of his sixth. So, technically 7 of 8 if we logically omit the seventh.

Actually, I was going to mention to Marc about Prager's hypocrisy with regard to his refereces to MLK. Prager, true to his tendency to ignore inconveniences in his typically partisan narrative as well as inconveniences in history itself often invoked King as a force for good, yet he ignores in his writings the fact that King was one of the very leftists whom he looks at so unfavorably. Prager has a tendency to do that. Another example of his tendency is to shine a light on communist leftists, in order to promote his personal opinions of leftists, yet he completely ignores those communists and fascists on the so-called right. He's likely one of the most intellectually dishonest writers of our time. He tends to ingore the inconveniences in the left/right paradigm and history itself so that he isn't obligated to deny them. Which he couldn't deny them if he had to try. Anyone with even a rudimentary grasp of history and varying standard political ideologies can clearly see in his writings that he ignores that which also exists in the so-called right that is so typical to the so-called left.
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To answer your question, we are all of us. If we constantly describe those with opposing viewpoints as “evil” or ill-intended we limit the ability of our democracy. I never thought I would witness the ugliness being lobbied about by both those who claim to be right or left. Can anyone defend the way Ted Cruz was treated at restaurant just trying to get a bite to eat with his wife? I can count on one hand the things he has said that I agree with, and I support and encourage him to continue fighting for what he believes to be correct.
A better question may be: Who/what are we becoming?
Anyway. The reality is that we have just as many leftists in conservative clothing as we have leftists in leftist clothing. To ignore that reality and to project otherwise, as the author who was quoted in the op typically does, is simply dishonest.

There are very, very, few conservatives left in America. Very few. Most whom identify as conservative in modern America are just as rabidly statist as those on the left who actually admit that they're statist. At least the leftists on the assigned left are intellectually honest about themselves. I, for one, appreciate intellectual honesty, irrelevant of the fact that I disagree with many of their solutions.
In this modern day world of instant communication and world traveling people the institutions of 200 years ago are not compatible. To be so entrenched in ancient beliefs of women are for mans pleasure or I have to have a military grade weapon to prevent my government from getting out of hand is not relevant when it is not the government but backwards people who refuse to accept the world is round, not flat.
"...one of the easiest partisans to pick apart and flip the script if one felt like it."

Talk is cheap.

I'd say, with very little effort, you've become our best source of greenhouse gases.

BTW......which of Prager's books have you read?

6 of the 8 he's published. Actually, the seventh was a children's book, which was really just a mirror image of his sixth. So, technically 7 of 8 if we logically omit the seventh.

Actually, I was going to mention to Marc about Prager's hypocrisy with regard to his refereces to MLK. Prager, true to his tendency to ignore inconveniences in his typically partisan narrative as well as inconveniences in history itself often invoked King as a force for good, yet he ignores in his writings the fact that King was one of the very leftists whom he looks at so unfavorably. Prager has a tendency to do that. Another example of his tendency is to shine a light on communist leftists, in order to promote his personal opinions of leftists, yet he completely ignores those communists and fascists on the so-called right. He's likely one of the most intellectually dishonest writers of our time. He tends to ingore the inconveniences in the left/right paradigm and history itself so that he isn't obligated to deny them. Which he couldn't deny them if he had to try. Anyone with even a rudimentary grasp of history and varying standard political ideologies can clearly see in his writings that he ignores that which also exists in the so-called right that is so typical to the so-called left.

That's a good post.
Anyway. The reality is that we have just as many leftists in conservative clothing as we have leftists in leftist clothing. To ignore that reality and to project otherwise, as the author who was quoted in the op typically does, is simply dishonest.

There are very, very, few conservatives left in America. Very few. Most whom identify as conservative in modern America are just as rabidly statist as those on the left who actually admit that they're statist. At least the leftists on the assigned left are intellectually honest about themselves. I, for one, appreciate intellectual honesty, irrelevant of the fact that I disagree with many of their solutions.
Well said sir.
I love the palpable fear that truth causes in dopes like you.

Dummy, did you not notice where I said that was my interpretation of your side?


I specifically stated it and your STILL fell for it.

Such a dunce.


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