Zone1 Who are your favorite minor Bible Characters?

Eutychus was my favorite, fell asleep during Paul's sermon and killed himself falling out of a window. Of course, he got resurrected , but his experience is why they don't allow the people to sit on the window sills in church even today.
There is a Barnabas. He and Paul went together on missionary journeys. They had a young disciple, JohnMark who went with them, but disappointed Paul. Barnabas was for offering JohnMark another chance, but Paul declined, so he and Barnabas went separate ways as well. I like this Barnabas, but as far as I know, there is nothing "lesser" about him.
David was a family man with a whole lot of too much family
I do not understand Amnon. Apparently he wanted his half-sister so badly that he made up an intricate plan to have her--and then immediately afterwards wanted nothing to do with her. Tamar would have married him, but he would have nothing to do with that. Can't make sense of that episode, and David seemed content to just let it go, i.e., covering it up? It ruined Tamar's life and we don't hear of David's great love for her--only for Amnon.
I do not understand Amnon. Apparently he wanted his half-sister so badly that he made up an intricate plan to have her--and then immediately afterwards wanted nothing to do with her. Tamar would have married him, but he would have nothing to do with that. Can't make sense of that episode, and David seemed content to just let it go, i.e., covering it up? It ruined Tamar's life and we don't hear of David's great love for her--only for Amnon.
David tended to let the "sins" of the family kids go. Tamar's whole life was ruined?
so true----and SYMPATHY----as I recall, the poor ass was
a bit depressed----just like Balaam's ass
He was depressed a lot. That poor little jackass. When my kids were little, I did a fair imitation of the Eeyore voice. One of my favorite characters from their youth.
Who are some minor Bible characters you admire or have had an effect on your life? In Acts, 5:34, Gamaliel advised the Sanhedrin to let Jesus’ Apostles be. He noted after the death of a couple of major persons, their followers scattered soon enough. He also noted that if the Apostles’ work was of God, the Sanhedrin wouldn’t want to fight against this anyway. This has taught me it is okay to adopt a wait and watch attitude to see if some good might come from things I do not favor.

In 1 Chronicles 4:9 the Prayer of Jabez came to my attention at a time I was in great need of it. Jabez prayed, “Expand my territory…” I certainly didn’t need any more land to take care of, my yard was large enough, and thank you very much. What I needed desperately was to expand on classroom ability and influence. After God, I credit Jabez for his example to pray for more.

These above two are barely mentioned in the Bible, yet none-the-less have had great influence on how I have lived my life. This is not to downplay the major characters of the Bible who have had even more influence, but in this thread, can we remember some of the more minor characters? Who are some of the more minor characters you best remember?

(Minor characters of any Holy Book are also welcome, for example the Book of Mormon, Koran, etc.)
The young shepherd and the lamb he brought with him to the cave where Jesus was born.
The young shepherd and the lamb he brought with him to the cave where Jesus was born.
cave? Jesus was born in a MANGER----la la la Awaaay in the manger no crib for a bed, the little lord jesus lay down his sweet head..... LA LA LA----I learned that song at age 5 in my restricted anglican town
Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.
Lots of mentions of dragons in the bible.
Etymology of words is fascinating. One learns such trivia as the word 'dinosaur' didn't even exist until the mid 1800s; second, even in English the word 'dragon' in earlier times was used to describe marine and land 'monsters' such as crocodiles and other large serpents and sea animals.

The Hebrew 'Tannin' had the same usage--described the large and more ferocious reptiles and sea animals. It would also have been the word used for 'dinosaur'.
Who are some minor Bible characters you admire or have had an effect on your life? In Acts, 5:34, Gamaliel advised the Sanhedrin to let Jesus’ Apostles be. He noted after the death of a couple of major persons, their followers scattered soon enough. He also noted that if the Apostles’ work was of God, the Sanhedrin wouldn’t want to fight against this anyway. This has taught me it is okay to adopt a wait and watch attitude to see if some good might come from things I do not favor.

In 1 Chronicles 4:9 the Prayer of Jabez came to my attention at a time I was in great need of it. Jabez prayed, “Expand my territory…” I certainly didn’t need any more land to take care of, my yard was large enough, and thank you very much. What I needed desperately was to expand on classroom ability and influence. After God, I credit Jabez for his example to pray for more.

These above two are barely mentioned in the Bible, yet none-the-less have had great influence on how I have lived my life. This is not to downplay the major characters of the Bible who have had even more influence, but in this thread, can we remember some of the more minor characters? Who are some of the more minor characters you best remember?

(Minor characters of any Holy Book are also welcome, for example the Book of Mormon, Koran, etc.)
First of all I understand it is fiction, but " Ben Hur " uses the life of Judah Ben Hur as an allegory for Jesus' life. I loved all the action and drama.

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