who blocked the Keystone pipeline..same guy "Buffett rule" named after...

Oh and this should make enviro weenies heads explode. Because you see none of this had anything to do with the environment.

Wait, are you saying the environment argument is bogus? It's not just a mere coincidence that Buffet is financing the environmental groups?

Is it a coincidence that Warren Buffet and Senator Nelson are going to make a profit off what he and Obama are doing to delay this?

Is it a coincidence that Obama is getting campaign money out of all this?
They figure this will be done this Summer, LEGALLY and INTELLIGENTLY. And it will be many fewer jobs and mean less savings than Pubs tell you...ZZZZZPub dupes. On to the next Faux outrage for the morons...

I know that you make thing corruption and potentially criminal acts are faux outrage, But most people recognize that there are corrupt dealings with the government, that it is very much a big deal. Maybe you should stop being corrupt and part of the problem and instead become part of the solution.
Obama couldn't block the pipeline from Cushing to the Gulf. He only has the power to block it over international borders.

So bullshit on Obama. Trans Canada said screw you to him and decided to go south from Oklahoma. He can't stop it.

And the blocking of the pipeline had nothing to do with environmental issues. All freaking bogus.

There are over 20,000 miles of pipeline across the Ogallala and over 2,000 miles of it over Nebraska.

Except Obama isn't blocking it. He's negotiating a lower risk route. I know the right doesn't give a shit about the environment, but that's a fringe point of view.

Claiming he's blocking it is a lie.


Of course he's blocking it. That pipeline is the most studied pipeline in American History. Three years worth of study and Barry want them to study it some more??

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and sounds like a duck chances are pretty damned good that its a damned duck.

He's trying to negotiate a route with lower environmental risk. He's not blocking it.

Why do conservatrash think it's a bad idea to work on a route that will not endanger America's heartland? Oh yeah, they think that science is a bullshit science.
The Keystone XL has not been blocked. To the contrary, construction on the southern end has been approved, and the only stumbling block is rerouting it around environmentally sensitive areas, something that Canada and the US are resolving.

Obama couldn't block the pipeline from Cushing to the Gulf. He only has the power to block it over international borders.

So bullshit on Obama. Trans Canada said screw you to him and decided to go south from Oklahoma. He can't stop it.

And the blocking of the pipeline had nothing to do with environmental issues. All freaking bogus.

There are over 20,000 miles of pipeline across the Ogallala and over 2,000 miles of it over Nebraska.

Think about this.. environmentalist ARE OK WITH 1 million barrel Tanker think of Exxon Valdez everyday on the open ocean or 200 car train carrying 1 million barrels trainwreck.. but let a pipeline carry in one mile ONLY 325 barrels possibly springing a leak OH NO!!! That's environmentally dangerous!!!

The destruction to marine life is monstrous. No oil spill is a good oil spill. BUT with a pipeline it can be immediately contained.

Great statistics here:

When oil enters the ocean it quickly begins to change and disperse. Though oil is toxic, it becomes less so with time. Winds and waves help spread and disperse the oil.

When oil spills and mixes with water it can contaminate drinking water, kill fish and poison wildlife.
Just one quart of oil may pollute up to 150,000 gallons of water!
Oil is harmful to shellfish, finfish, marine mammals and waterfowl who live near the spill.
Oil spills are expensive to clean up.
In addition, damage to fisheries places a hardship on those who make their living by fishing.

Here's the link:

Oil Spills - CopperWiki
Except Obama isn't blocking it. He's negotiating a lower risk route. I know the right doesn't give a shit about the environment, but that's a fringe point of view.

Claiming he's blocking it is a lie.


Of course he's blocking it. That pipeline is the most studied pipeline in American History. Three years worth of study and Barry want them to study it some more??

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and sounds like a duck chances are pretty damned good that its a damned duck.

He's trying to negotiate a route with lower environmental risk. He's not blocking it.

Why do conservatrash think it's a bad idea to work on a route that will not endanger America's heartland? Oh yeah, they think that science is a bullshit science.

No just you...
Except Obama isn't blocking it. He's negotiating a lower risk route. I know the right doesn't give a shit about the environment, but that's a fringe point of view.

Claiming he's blocking it is a lie.


Of course he's blocking it. That pipeline is the most studied pipeline in American History. Three years worth of study and Barry want them to study it some more??

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and sounds like a duck chances are pretty damned good that its a damned duck.

He's trying to negotiate a route with lower environmental risk. He's not blocking it.

Why do conservatrash think it's a bad idea to work on a route that will not endanger America's heartland? Oh yeah, they think that science is a bullshit science.

OK.. explain to us dummy unscientific, uneducated folk...
If Keystone was rejected Canada was going to ship 1 million barrels per Tanker..(think Exxon Valdez).. on the ocean, prone to shipwrecks destroying thousands of miles of ocean and that would be every day...
VERSUS one mile of pipeline carrying 325 barrels of oil.

HMMM... which would you think there is more risk of occurring AND if occurred would do the most ecological damage?

Just curious how environmentalists and you for example consider 1 million barrels per day by ship is low risk and less damage then 325 barrels in one mile of pipeline?

Please explain...
Just in case you wonder where I come up with 325 barrels in one mile..
Pipeline is 2,147 miles and carrying 700,000 barrels per day .. divide 700,000 by 2,147 miles ..
325 barrels per mile.. right?
Except Obama isn't blocking it. He's negotiating a lower risk route. I know the right doesn't give a shit about the environment, but that's a fringe point of view.

Claiming he's blocking it is a lie.


Of course he's blocking it. That pipeline is the most studied pipeline in American History. Three years worth of study and Barry want them to study it some more??

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and sounds like a duck chances are pretty damned good that its a damned duck.

He's trying to negotiate a route with lower environmental risk. He's not blocking it.

Why do conservatrash think it's a bad idea to work on a route that will not endanger America's heartland? Oh yeah, they think that science is a bullshit science.

No he's not. Don't you understand that Obama has no power over the southern route of Phase III?

Did you miss my other map of the existing pipelines that have been allowed from both sides of the aisle?

Here's a map of the Ogallala Aquifer and existing pipelines. Do you even know what an aquifer is?

And by the way I've been a true water conservationist for decades. Since Grassy Narrows.

I'm no enviro weenie idiot on a message board spewing political talking points. I have taken action in my lifetime.

From working against mercury poisoning to fighting against intensive hog barns to making my government accountable for boil water advisories for years on First Nations Reserves, to working with Ducks Unlimited.

I've been fighting for water quality for close to 40 years.

You can't even begin to school me on the environment. What a joke.:lol:


Of course he's blocking it. That pipeline is the most studied pipeline in American History. Three years worth of study and Barry want them to study it some more??

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and sounds like a duck chances are pretty damned good that its a damned duck.

He's trying to negotiate a route with lower environmental risk. He's not blocking it.

Why do conservatrash think it's a bad idea to work on a route that will not endanger America's heartland? Oh yeah, they think that science is a bullshit science.

OK.. explain to us dummy unscientific, uneducated folk...
If Keystone was rejected Canada was going to ship 1 million barrels per Tanker..(think Exxon Valdez).. on the ocean, prone to shipwrecks destroying thousands of miles of ocean and that would be every day...
VERSUS one mile of pipeline carrying 325 barrels of oil.

HMMM... which would you think there is more risk of occurring AND if occurred would do the most ecological damage?

Just curious how environmentalists and you for example consider 1 million barrels per day by ship is low risk and less damage then 325 barrels in one mile of pipeline?

Please explain...

Don't hold your breath. They can't. This pipeline is a win win for the US and Canada. Though I doubt Canada is going to wait around for Barry to okay it. They will sell the oil to China and tell us to fuck off.

Don't blame em one bit.
Al Sharpton has also helped make Warren Buffet even richer.

Most of those hoodies Sharpton encouraged people to support his Trayvon Martin political racist march BS were from Russel Brands which is owned by Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway. Russel Brands owns: Russell Athletic (its flagship brand), Jersees, Spalding, Huffy, Brooks, AAI (American Athletic), Dudley & Bike.

The Trayvon Martin supporters also purchased Skittles by the case. Skittles is wholly owned by Wrigley which is almost half owned by Warren Buffet & almost half by Goldman Sachs. Wrigley's is ran & controlled by Mars corp.

Notice how you don't hear much about the brand of the can of tea Trayvon was carrying because Buffet does not own that.
Just in case you wonder where I come up with 325 barrels in one mile..
Pipeline is 2,147 miles and carrying 700,000 barrels per day .. divide 700,000 by 2,147 miles ..
325 barrels per mile.. right?

The pipeline above Cushing, OK is 30" in diameter. PI x RadiusSQ x Length = That size pipe has a volume of 8,482.3 cubic inches per foot which =36.72 gallons per foot. There are 42 gallons of oil per barrel. So one mile of 30" pipe will hold 4,616 barrels of oil.
Ya I knew it. Buffet is a jerk. He and Obama are cohooting all over the place.
it was brought up that the sales of oil coming from the keystone would at least be a start to paying off the debt. the US could export it at a lower cost than OPEC. and the hell with OPEC !!!

which govt? The Canadian govt?
does the US govt own the oil?
Do we get export tarrifs on exported oil?

Just how would it pay down the debt? Please explain to those of us not as mentally gifted.
85,000 jobs? My gawd, the distortions get worse every time the topic comes up.

It was a couple/few thousand temporary jobs and a few permanent ones.

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