Why did obama stop the Keystone pipeline?

Shut up Comrade
In summary:

In your knee-jerk, automatic, mindless, and unthinking defense of fellow leftists, you've chosen to support the absolutely ludicrous claim that leftist icons Marx and Lenin are actually conservative.

That about cover it?
If they are such Leftist icons, then why do CON$ religiously follow their teaching???

“Accuse others of what you do.”
- Attributed to Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx.
We don't. That's what you're doing. Again.

Good Useful Idiot.
Yes we live within a nice proximity to socializing,children,library and meeting locations.
It's great not to be in a vehicle each time I need to be somewhere. This concept took place about 20 years ago because of global warming,love of exercise and knowing the oil giants will always want too much money = screw them!

I like room to move not like you city dwellers like cattle in a stock car. Sure you are moving around but you have no control where you go.

Of course I am under self control which prevents being led astray by big oil...

Right sure you are. Can you stop that bus you are on or do you have to wait for it to stop? how about that train? the subway? oh and that bicycle can you be some where within 20 minutes if you are 50 miles away?
Shut up Comrade
In summary:

In your knee-jerk, automatic, mindless, and unthinking defense of fellow leftists, you've chosen to support the absolutely ludicrous claim that leftist icons Marx and Lenin are actually conservative.

That about cover it?


As the boards biggest Allinsky Conservative, we are on to your tactics Comrade Dave
Good tactic: Hit bottom, dig.

You and your lunacy are dismissed.
And yet CON$ follow that quote of theirs religiously!!! Why would CON$ religiously follow Leftists???

We don't. You're dutifully following the rule dictated to you by your leftist heroes: “Accuse others of what you do.”
But my sig proves that is what CON$ do!!!

Your sig proves only that you harbor irrational hatred for one man, and are willing to say the most reality-denying horseshit possible in service of that hatred.
Some people like to keep paying the oil giants to laugh all of the way to the bank and some don't.

I predict many will be moving much closer at least to work in the near future. In fact some are doing those things as we speak. As time moves forward making these arrangements will become more expensive as demand dictates.
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In summary:

In your knee-jerk, automatic, mindless, and unthinking defense of fellow leftists, you've chosen to support the absolutely ludicrous claim that leftist icons Marx and Lenin are actually conservative.

That about cover it?
If they are such Leftist icons, then why do CON$ religiously follow their teaching???

“Accuse others of what you do.”
- Attributed to Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx.
We don't. That's what you're doing. Again.

Good Useful Idiot.
My sig proves that you DO!!!

And now you are quoting the other God of CON$ervatism, Stalin!!!
Some people like to keep paying the oil giants to laugh all of the way to the bank and some don't.

I predict many will be moving much closer at least to work in the near future. In fact some are doing those things as we speak. As time moves forward making these arrangements will become more expensive as demand dictates.

I predict people will live where they like, leftist fantasies notwithstanding.
And yet CON$ follow that quote of theirs religiously!!! Why would CON$ religiously follow Leftists???

We don't. You're dutifully following the rule dictated to you by your leftist heroes: “Accuse others of what you do.”
But my sig proves that is what CON$ do!!!

Alinsky Conservatives like daveman have been well trained in their ruthless tactics of lies, subversion and obfuscation. They receive their orders from Conservative messiahs Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity and post their mindless drivel on message boards in an attempt to deceive the public

We are on to your tricks Daveman!
Last edited:
In summary:

In your knee-jerk, automatic, mindless, and unthinking defense of fellow leftists, you've chosen to support the absolutely ludicrous claim that leftist icons Marx and Lenin are actually conservative.

That about cover it?


As the boards biggest Allinsky Conservative, we are on to your tactics Comrade Dave
Good tactic: Hit bottom, dig.

You and your lunacy are dismissed.

You serve your masters well Comrade Dave
Some people like to keep paying the oil giants to laugh all of the way to the bank and some don't.

I predict many will be moving much closer at least to work in the near future. In fact some are doing those things as we speak. As time moves forward making these arrangements will become more expensive as demand dictates.

Nope none of the above I am self sufficient. I don't need the city for a damn thing. If the city is so great why is it trying to crowd me in and move closer to me? Why can't the city stay where it's at?
Could it have anything to do with Warren Buffett?

Buffett’s Railroad Among Winners From Keystone Denial

Warren Buffett’s Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC is among U.S. and Canadian railroads that stand to benefit from the Obama administration’s decision to reject TransCanada Corp. (TRP)’s Keystone XL oil pipeline permit.
With modest expansion, railroads can handle all new oil produced in western Canada through 2030, according to an analysis of the Keystone proposal by the U.S. State Department.
“Whatever people bring to us, we’re ready to haul,” Krista York-Wooley, a spokeswoman for Burlington Northern, a unit of Buffett’s Omaha, Nebraska-based Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK/A), said in an interview. If Keystone XL “doesn’t happen, we’re here to haul.”


Let's hear from the Bush Cheney bashers

Don't need a conspiracy theory to make Obama look like an ass for this move. The Truth does just fine.

He is Selling a line of BS that it has not been studied enough because he does not want to piss his base off before the Election by Approving it. He is putting off US Jobs, and risking losing the deal all together, and denying the US a step toward better energy security all for Political Reasons.

Pretty Pathetic. Don't think you need to try and Tie Buffet profiting off it to make it look worse than it already is.


What's the political gain for a Democratic president going against Labor?
hmmm, this is interesting....looks like it it the KOCH BROTHERS who would benefit the MOST from having Keystone xl built.....

Koch Brothers Positioned To Be Big Winners If Keystone XL Pipeline Is Approved | Reuters

What's been left out of the ferocious debate over the pipeline, however, is the prospect that if president Obama allows a permit for the Keystone XL to be granted, he would be handing a big victory and great financial opportunity to Charles and David Koch, his bitterest political enemies and among the most powerful opponents of his clean economy agenda.
The two brothers together own virtually all of Koch Industries Inc. — a giant oil conglomerate headquartered in Wichita, Kan., with annual revenues estimated to be $100 billion.

I had not heard anything on this.....? Is this why the republicans support it so much...even if it means taking away citizens properties who do not want to sell their land for it, via Eminent Domain?
hmmm, this is interesting....looks like it it the KOCH BROTHERS who would benefit the MOST from having Keystone xl built.....

Koch Brothers Positioned To Be Big Winners If Keystone XL Pipeline Is Approved | Reuters

What's been left out of the ferocious debate over the pipeline, however, is the prospect that if president Obama allows a permit for the Keystone XL to be granted, he would be handing a big victory and great financial opportunity to Charles and David Koch, his bitterest political enemies and among the most powerful opponents of his clean economy agenda.
The two brothers together own virtually all of Koch Industries Inc. — a giant oil conglomerate headquartered in Wichita, Kan., with annual revenues estimated to be $100 billion.

I had not heard anything on this.....? Is this why the republicans support it so much...even if it means taking away citizens properties who do not want to sell their land for it, via Eminent Domain?

Well we already know how obama helps his political friends. solyndra
"Why did obama stop the Keystone pipeline?"

He wants to see Mandarin taught in U.S. schools????
Could it have anything to do with Warren Buffett?

Buffett’s Railroad Among Winners From Keystone Denial

Warren Buffett’s Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC is among U.S. and Canadian railroads that stand to benefit from the Obama administration’s decision to reject TransCanada Corp. (TRP)’s Keystone XL oil pipeline permit.
With modest expansion, railroads can handle all new oil produced in western Canada through 2030, according to an analysis of the Keystone proposal by the U.S. State Department.
“Whatever people bring to us, we’re ready to haul,” Krista York-Wooley, a spokeswoman for Burlington Northern, a unit of Buffett’s Omaha, Nebraska-based Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK/A), said in an interview. If Keystone XL “doesn’t happen, we’re here to haul.”


Let's hear from the Bush Cheney bashers
what ever the reason is it hurts the American people !!!
Obama and Company doesn't care about the people. It cares about being part of a big government and getting re-elected. It would not matter to Barack Obama which big country he was in charge of as long as he was part of the ruling elite. He does not care about the people.

Obama is a Marxist!
hmmm, this is interesting....looks like it it the KOCH BROTHERS who would benefit the MOST from having Keystone xl built.....

Koch Brothers Positioned To Be Big Winners If Keystone XL Pipeline Is Approved | Reuters

What's been left out of the ferocious debate over the pipeline, however, is the prospect that if president Obama allows a permit for the Keystone XL to be granted, he would be handing a big victory and great financial opportunity to Charles and David Koch, his bitterest political enemies and among the most powerful opponents of his clean economy agenda.
The two brothers together own virtually all of Koch Industries Inc. — a giant oil conglomerate headquartered in Wichita, Kan., with annual revenues estimated to be $100 billion.
I had not heard anything on this.....? Is this why the republicans support it so much...even if it means taking away citizens properties who do not want to sell their land for it, via Eminent Domain?

Well we already know how obama helps his political friends. solyndra
soooo, are you saying it is okay? Okay for the republicans to try to"help out their friends like Koch Brothers that have the political campaign monies they need" ?

It's okay for repubs but not okay for Dems or is it okay for BOTH, or it is not okay for BOTH?
We don't. You're dutifully following the rule dictated to you by your leftist heroes: “Accuse others of what you do.”
But my sig proves that is what CON$ do!!!

Alinsky Conservatives like daveman have been well trained in their ruthless tactics of lies, subversion and obfuscation. They receive their orders from Conservative messiahs Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity and post their mindless drivel on message boards in an attempt to deceive the public

We are on to your tricks Daveman!
I really don't think ed's going to give you Rescued Maiden sex, but you never know.

We don't. You're dutifully following the rule dictated to you by your leftist heroes: “Accuse others of what you do.”
But my sig proves that is what CON$ do!!!

Alinsky Conservatives like daveman have been well trained in their ruthless tactics of lies, subversion and obfuscation. They receive their orders from Conservative messiahs Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity and post their mindless drivel on message boards in an attempt to deceive the public

We are on to your tricks Daveman!
I must say, rightwinger....you often put up the weakest, most asinine, adolescent arguments on this forum.

Well, maybe except for truthmatters!...and rdean...and Chris. Jesus! None of you have any common sense!

A man speaks the truth and you denigrate him based solely on the source of his information. What a fucking brilliant debate tactic.

Next time daveman pisses you off with the truth about the boy king Obama, just call him a racist Nazi. You win by acclamation...(of your fellow idiots)...and remain the hero of the left.

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