Politifact: Claim that Biden's Keystone pipeline order drove gas prices up is rated "FALSE""

Damn you're ignorant.
Ignorance is the 4th word in my comment (of one hundred words), 4th in yours (you're is technically two words).

I should be flattered by someone basing their entire argument and comments on my words but you are so stupid I am embarrassed.
I know it cost a whole lot more today to buy gas, milk, food, etc. I had more extra money to save etc. when Trump was in office. We didn't leave Americans behind in a foreign country. Trump didn't have a crack smoking son. Trump was never seen fondling young girls. Trump actually knew where he was and what he was saying. Trump never fell asleep at important meetings/summits. Trump didn't have to read from a card and he never picked and chose from a list when having a news conference. Seems to me, YOU are the one in the dark here.

Trump can't read.

Don jr is a bedwetting drunk since college.. He's added cocaine to that.

Trump is being sued by 7 or 8 women currently for raape and other bad behavior.

Obviously you don't understand that the US president doesn't control the oil business.
I'm all for the pipeline if every last drop of that oil is ours. None of it should be shipped anywhere. If it's going to run thru our nation then it's OUR oil. Why let it be shipped if we need it so badly? Makes zero sense yet some of you condone it.
I'm all for the pipeline if every last drop of that oil is ours. None of it should be shipped anywhere. If it's going to run thru our nation then it's OUR oil. Why let it be shipped if we need it so badly? Makes zero sense yet some of you condone it.

Keystone XL is a tax avoidance scheme that profits the Chinese. We've known that since 2011.
Oil companies can't produce more oil unless they drill.

I know.. and they don't borrow money for rigs, leases, exploration and drilling if the ppb is low or there is a glut of oil on the market.. Do you remember when half the Iranian tanker fleet was parked and used for oil storage?
I'm all for the pipeline if every last drop of that oil is ours. None of it should be shipped anywhere. If it's going to run thru our nation then it's OUR oil.

You should definitely buy every drop of that oil in the pipeline.
Then you can keep it here.
I know.. and they don't borrow money for rigs, leases, exploration and drilling if the ppb is low or there is a glut of oil on the market.. Do you remember when half the Iranian tanker fleet was parked and used for oil storage?

So when they invest, drill and produce....we see lower prices.

So why was Obama so wrong? Was it intentional?
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So when they invest, dril and produce....we see lower prices.

So why was Obama so wrong? Was it intentional?

He wasn't wrong..

Exclusive: Half Iran tanker fleet storing oil at sea | Reuters
Apr 23, 2012 · A further five of Iran’s nine Suezmax tankers, with capacity of one million barrels, are also parked offshore with oil aboard. That means that of Iran’s 59-million-barrel fleet of VLCCs and ...

Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
The independent Pulitzer winning website notes that the pipeline wasn't even operational, despite the fake news spread by Facebook right winger Ted Nugent.
Facebook flagged the fake news too.
The good news is that if you like fake news, the false claim is widely available in USMB, where right wing nicknames gladly copy and paste what Ted Nugent types.

Gee, two sites that lean hard left are doing all they can to cover for Sleepy Joe's making us energy dependent on the Middle East again...and you're buying it? As Biden likes to put it..."C'mon Man!"
Motiva didn't need to hire anyone to refine tar sands for the Chinese.

You may want to read upon Free Trade Zones.

Motiva didn't need to hire anyone to refine tar sands for the Chinese.

They have no workers in their refineries?

You may want to read upon Free Trade Zones.

Explain why they pay no taxes.
He wasn't wrong..

Exclusive: Half Iran tanker fleet storing oil at sea | Reuters
Apr 23, 2012 · A further five of Iran’s nine Suezmax tankers, with capacity of one million barrels, are also parked offshore with oil aboard. That means that of Iran’s 59-million-barrel fleet of VLCCs and ...

Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins

He wasn't wrong..

If you can't drill to get lower prices.....how do you ever get lower prices?
If you tax oil do you get lower prices? If you restrict production do you get lower prices?

Why are you bringing Iranian sanctions into the discussion?
Sanctions don't cause lower prices.
The Keystone XL is owned by the Canadian government, not an oil company, and its construction will not add one drop of oil to production, nor will it make American prices 1 cent cheaper. Only morons buy the propaganda that it does anything at all for American production. Apparently many here are so befuddled by the propaganda they actually think pipelines magically fill up with oil all by themselves or something.

Drilling has increased by almost double since this time last year, and no amount of bedwetting and sniveling is going to change those numbers. Try to find better spin doctors and troll farms to get your business info from.
Politicfact updat, Biden and the Democrats shutting down the Keystone pipeline drove up oil prices.

The Keystone pipeline was just the tip of the iceberg. It was not the only pipeline shutdown.

The Keystone pipeline is the face of an overall policy that is crushing fossil fuels.
Politicfact updat, Biden and the Democrats shutting down the Keystone pipeline drove up oil prices.

The Keystone pipeline was just the tip of the iceberg. It was not the only pipeline shutdown.

It is the face of an overall policy that is crushing fossil fuels.

You don't know anything about the oil business or pipelines.. TransCanada has lots of unused pipeline capacity across the midwest.
You don't know anything about the oil business or pipelines.. TransCanada has lots of unused pipeline capacity across the midwest.
You don't know anything about anything, which does does show you are very much at a disadvantage.

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