Who Broke Baltimore?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

We Did.

Baltimore’s decline isn’t an accident. It took decades of government intervention and hundreds of millions of dollars.

The article starts off by attacking President Trump forTweeting that Cumming’s district is a disgusting, rodent and rat infested mess,” “very dangerous and filthy,” “the Worst in the USA.”

No human being,” he wrote, “would want to live there.”

And then it declares:

To be clear: The president does not know anything, or care, about the city of Baltimore. He doesn’t know the history of segregation that shaped it, and he doesn’t care what’s behind the near-pornographic images of urban apartheid on his TV screen that seem to have been the original inspiration for his Twitter bombast.

So it totally blows me away when the article says,

It’s true, too, that these arrangements are deliberate. The cities we have are the cities we’ve built: They reflect our choices and embody our values. If they are toxic, it’s because we make them so. And for more than a century now, the chief orderly administering a slow drip of poison into Baltimore’s veins has been the government itself.

Got that? “The government itself.”

And they targeted these areas because blacks had moved into them.

The lesson here: We have spent hundreds of millions of dollars, and more than 100 years, turning Baltimore into the “rat infested mess” President Trump thinks he sees when he looks at it. We did this because people like President Trump decided the government’s job was to enrich white people—like his son-in-law, a Baltimore slumlord—on the backs of black people, and so we built a government that would do just that. In this regard, what Trump called “King Elijah’s Baltimore Fail” isn’t a failure at all. On the contrary, Baltimore is working just as it was designed to.

People like President Trump.”

Bias, anyone?

And the author lives in Seattle.

Why is it that slums are filled with welfare blacks? Why not welfare whites?

Oh yeah. We got that. According to Shrillary, all the welfare whites live in trailer parks and are deplorable Trump supporters.

The full article is
@ Who Broke Baltimore? We Did.

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