Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

The sign of a pathological liar, apart from a regular liar, is lying for no reason at all.

Like when Trump claimed he was Michigan's Man of the Year.

So bizarre!
Trump makes it so easy to document his lies:

Little OT

When Obama exchanged 5 Taliban prisoners for Bowe Bergdahl ........​

....... the right lost their minds.

When Trumpf exchanged 5,000 Taliban prisoners for ....... nothing, the right fell silent.

But that's right wingers for you, always the perennial hypocrites.
"I disagree with John McCain on the way he handled the vets, because I said you got get to Choice. He was never able to get Choice. I got Choice."

A particularly bogus lie. Obama got Choice passed in 2014.
"I disagree with John McCain on the way he handled the vets, because I said you got get to Choice. He was never able to get Choice. I got Choice."

A particularly bogus lie. Obama got Choice passed in 2014.
As a vet receiving care at the VA, I know that Obama's Choice was a dismal failure. Trump replaced it with the successful MISSION Act (which I myself have benefitted from with 2 surgeries outside the VA Hospital)

Another example in Trump's long list of accomplishments (see post # 42)
Trump on Fox News: But the big one is China. We have a trade deficit with China of $500 billion; that's not even conceivable, and we've had it for years. And it goes up and it goes down, but it's from $200 billion to $500 billion and $600 billion -- not million, billion dollars a year -- and somebody had to do something about it. And we pretty much had a deal.

We've never had deficit of $500 billion with China, much less $600 billion.

What's even more laughable is the deficit with China increased under Trump.
I know protectionist only asked for ONE lie. But hell, that was just too easy.

I would wager he will continue to claim no one has ever showed him Trump lied. Because that's how Trumpies roll.
The sign of a pathological liar, apart from a regular liar, is lying for no reason at all.

Like when Trump claimed he was Michigan's Man of the Year.

So bizarre!
If Trump ever did tell any lie, that would be like a pebble next to a mountain, in comparison with Biden's constant non-stop lying.

Click to watch this video, if you've got the guts >>>

Michigan is a great state. I’ve gotten tremendous business to go to Michigan. Michigan is one of the reasons I ran. I was honored in Michigan long before I thought about — I was honored as the Man of the Year in Michigan at a big event.

And I got up — and I remember so well. I spoke — probably just five, six years before I even thought about running for President.
We did not have a $100 billion trade deficit with Mexico. At least, not until Trump achieved that goal the next two years. :lol:
But the quote you posted has no date on it, so we don't know when it was spoken. Nor do we have any source from you about what the Mexican trade deficit was. Nor do we have anything to show if Trump was lying or possibly mistaken.

Discrepancies abound is Post # 385/392. Sloppy.
If Trump ever did tell any lie, that would be like a pebble next to a mountain, in comparison with Biden's constant non-stop lying.

Click to watch this video, if you've got the guts >>>

I've already linked to over 30 thousand lies Trump told.

As for getting people killed, Trump has the blood of 600,000 dead Americans on his hands. Because he thought Covid was one big hoax.
I know protectionist only asked for ONE lie. But hell, that was just too easy.

I would wager he will continue to claim no one has ever showed him Trump lied. Because that's how Trumpies roll.
I haven't seen one yet, but I'm looking. Seen the post 394 video yet ? :biggrin:
But the quote you posted has no date on it, so we don't know when it was spoken. Nor do we have any source from you about what the Mexican trade deficit was. Nor do we have anything to show if Trump was lying or possibly mistaken.

Discrepancies abound is Post # 385/392. Sloppy.
This is hilarous. You NEVER question Trump's bullshit claims.

Trump told this lie in June 2019: Trump to go ahead with tariffs on Mexico even as US stocks slide

In the above link, you can see the trade deficit in 2018 was $77.7 billion. 2017 was $69 billion. 2016 was $63 billion.

You can go down the whole chart and see it was never $100 billion. Not until the year 2019 ended at $99.8 billion, and 2020 ended with $113.7 billion.

Trump actually INCREASED the deficit with Mexico after whining about it.

Unlike Trump, I can back up my claims, dumbass.

He lied.

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