Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

You're lying again, Rambtard...

1/2017: 145,612,000
1/2021: 142,736,000

Total jobs: -2,876,000

That's not 3 million and most of those job losses were temporary because of the covid shutdowns...you are being dishonest again...didn't you learn your lesson yesterday?....
Everyone knows the affect of covid closures asshole...you aren't fooling anyone....Trump made America great....look what Joe has done...and you voted for him...you are a total idiot and should never vote again....
That's not 3 million and most of those job losses were temporary because of the covid shutdowns...you are being dishonest again...didn't you learn your lesson yesterday?....
Everyone knows the affect of covid closures asshole...you aren't fooling anyone....Trump made America great....look what Joe has done...and you voted for him...you are a total idiot and should never vote again....
Poor baby, it's close enough to 3 million to call it 3 million. And you can make all the excuses you want, that's his record. That's how history recorded job growth during his pathetic one and only term.
So why did the country have 3,000,000 less jobs then when he started. That is a loss of 3,000,000 jobs
There wasn't 3 million less and we had a little thing called covid shutdowns...many of those job losses were temporay and did come back....you are not fooling anyone tard we all know what the shutdowns did to the economy...thank God Joe wasn't in office back then....look what that clown has done....
Poor baby, it's close enough to 3 million to call it 3 million. And you can make all the excuses you want, that's his record. That's how history recorded job growth during his pathetic one and only term.
Most of those Jobs came back and you know it...you are being your usual deceitful self...no one is buying it faun.....
There wasn't 3 million less and we had a little thing called covid shutdowns...many of those job losses were temporay and did come back....you are not fooling anyone tard we all know what the shutdowns did to the economy...thank God Joe wasn't in office back then....look what that clown has done....

I know, bringing jobs back is a horrible thing for the tardherd!!!!
tRump left office with America having almost 3,000,000 less jobs than when he started. That is MAGA in the tard world!
Most of those Jobs came back and you know it...you are being your usual deceitful self...no one is buying it faun.....
The numbers are what they are, Rambtard...

Clinton ...... 22,904,000
Reagan ....... 16,128,000
Johnson ...... 12,184,000
Roosevelt .... 12,140,000
Obama ........ 11,557,000
Carter ....... 10,343,000
Nixon ......... 9,180,000
Truman ........ 8,698,000
Biden ......... 4,454,000
Kennedy ....... 3,572,000
Eisenhower .... 3,539,000
GHW Bush ...... 2,633,000
Ford .......... 2,071,000
GW Bush ....... 1,357,000
Trump ........ -2,876,000

Democrat ..... 85,852,000
Republican ... 32,032,000

Looking at history shows one must be a fucking rambtard to vote Republican for president. :cuckoo:
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The numbers are what they are, Rambtard...

[INDENT]Clinton ...... 22,904,000[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Reagan ....... 16,128,000[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Johnson ...... 12,184,000[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Roosevelt .... 12,140,000[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Obama ........ 11,557,000[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Carter ....... 10,343,000[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Nixon ......... 9,180,000[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Truman ........ 8,698,000[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Biden ......... 4,454,000[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Kennedy ....... 3,572,000[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Eisenhower .... 3,539,000[/INDENT]
[INDENT]GHW Bush ...... 2,633,000[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Ford .......... 2,071,000[/INDENT]
[INDENT]GW Bush ....... 1,357,000[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Trump ........ -2,876,000[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Democrat ..... 85,852,000[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Republican ... 32,032,000

Looking at history shows one must be a fucking rambtard to vote Republican for president. :cuckoo:
Lying by omission is still lying...but its lying like a coward would lie....are you a cowardly liar?....why yes you are....LMAO
Lying by omission is still lying...but its lying like a coward would lie....are you a cowardly liar?....why yes you are....LMAO

You have yet to prove I lied about anything. Even worse, you got caught making up a quote I never said and ascribing it to me.

You have yet to prove I lied about anything. Even worse, you got caught making up a quote I never said and ascribing it to me.
You said Obama had a better Black unemployment number than Trump...that was a lie and to try and prove your lie you presented covid shutdown numbers for Trump...but the funny part is that you actually thought the higher the unemployment number the more jobs you have....

So when I pointed that out to you you got all pissed off and chased me around the board for two days....Buuuuuaaaahahahaha you are still chasing me.....LMFAO
You said Obama had a better Black unemployment number than Trump...that was a lie and to try and prove your lie you presented covid shutdown numbers for Trump...but the funny part is that you actually thought the higher the unemployment number the more jobs you have....

So when I pointed that out to you you got all pissed off and chased me around the board for two days....Buuuuuaaaahahahaha you are still chasing me.....LMFAO
Stop paraphrasing, ya lyin' sack o'shit and quote me.

There's a reason you refuse to do so and everyone here knows what that reason is. Including you.
speaking of lies, Trump and the republicans spread covid with the same carelessness as they spread their lies

a simple life saving manuever, like wearing a mask or taking a vaccine shit is politicized
HA HA HA HA. And that idiot chart is supposed to refute my post about Catch & Release ? Liberals must think we are awfully stupid.

EARTH TO FAUN. Those numbers are not "removals" of anybody from the USA. The Obama administration, for years, has CLAIMED they have had a high number of deportations, and that's all that silly chart is. Liberal DUPES believe it.

In reality, these so-called "deportations" (or your laughable "removals") were nothing but the number of summonses issued to appear in court, and labeling each of these as a "removal" or "deportation".

NONSENSE! Just as I said in Post # , Obama shipped NOBODY back to Mexico. NONE. He practiced CATCH & RELEASE, which gave aliens a court date, for which they simply did not show up, and then melted into the US population. Ho Hum. Yawn***
That's not a real quote, gramps. Rambtard lied again. And you were dumb enough to fall for it.
Fool, those words are not a quote from Rambunctious. They are quotes from MY list of Trump Accomplishments (which you should study more closely)
HA HA HA HA. And that idiot chart is supposed to refute my post about Catch & Release ? Liberals must think we are awfully stupid.

EARTH TO FAUN. Those numbers are not "removals" of anybody from the USA. The Obama administration, for years, has CLAIMED they have had a high number of deportations, and that's all that silly chart is. Liberal DUPES believe it.

In reality, these so-called "deportations" (or your laughable "removals") were nothing but the number of summonses issued to appear in court, and labeling each of these as a "removal" or "deportation".

NONSENSE! Just as I said in Post # , Obama shipped NOBODY back to Mexico. NONE. He practiced CATCH & RELEASE, which gave aliens a court date, for which they simply did not show up, and then melted into the US population. Ho Hum. Yawn***
You're too senile to understand that chart included removals at the border, as well as illegals from within the country.

Sad to see your mind melt like Terri Schiavo's.
The fact that you include the full year 2020 as part of Trump's economic legacy, shows how dishonest you are, and not very good at it. :rolleyes:
Huh? Who was president during 2020? Under which president should those figures be counted?
Fool, those words are not a quote from Rambunctious. They are quotes from MY list of Trump Accomplishments (which you should study more closely)
Why? You're senile, gramps. Your own posts are evidence.

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