Who cares what Trump says to the first lady of France? Pick your battles geeezz..

No one has ever said anything so crass to me. I was a competitive swimmer when I was younger and I still swim 3-5 km per week in addition to biking 3 k each time I go to the pool.

I happened across my size 8 wedding dress while cleaning out the closet the other week and it was a bit tight across the bust, but still fit around the hips. I should add I'm 5' 10" and I frequently share clothing with my 27 year old yoga instructor daughter.

Hmm, you don't seem to be surprised....I'm not surprised either.
The constant nick pic with anything the president does mostly on MSNBC ( just like they have done with every past president with opposing news stations) is bullshit, just to sell news in your face..

It just discredits the recent findings of Trump Jrs emails.. Everyone knows when you are a constant nag important things go under the radar and become monotone..

We have 2 very important things going on today ~ The Healthcare Bill, and Trumps exposed lies of Russian involvement..

BFD if Trump said the French lady is in shape who cares...

The same crowd that cared how many scoops of ice cream Trump had after dinner.
Interesting to note that, according to Howie Kurtz, MSNBC's news anchor Brian Williams's wife speaks fluent Russian and has spent a lot of time in Russia. Shouldn't Williams recuse himself from editorials pertaining to alleged Russian "collusion" by members of the Trump administration?
The constant nick pic with anything the president does mostly on MSNBC ( just like they have done with every past president with opposing news stations) is bullshit, just to sell news in your face..

It just discredits the recent findings of Trump Jrs emails.. Everyone knows when you are a constant nag important things go under the radar and become monotone..

We have 2 very important things going on today ~ The Healthcare Bill, and Trumps exposed lies of Russian involvement..

BFD if Trump said the French lady is in shape who cares...
There is a reason I respect you. Most times it escapes me but then you post stuff like this and I remember.

Stay level headed, your party & the country needs more people like you on both sides.
Maybe if the first lady of France wasn't wearing a mini dress, Trump wouldn't have seen how in shape she is! Seriously folks, he complimented the woman. It is not bad form to tell someone they look good.

Yep its her fault.
Lighten up. Of course it's not her fault! Still, there is no point in denying that a woman who dresses like that at an event of that type wants to show it off. There are appropriate places for an outfit like that. This was not one of them.

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