Who cares what Trump says to the first lady of France? Pick your battles geeezz..

people who don't like trump.

True, but they did it to Obama, Bush once the internet came about..

kinda stupid when you step back and see all we do is:

one side in power | other side bitching and obstructing
flip | same shit but pom poms change.

i don't remember it always this "adversarial" so to speak. each admin seems to take "liberties" deeper and deeper into our overall freedoms and putting one set of values over the other. obama was horrible at putting liberal values on people whether they wanted it or not. how do you react when people tell you how to live?

why do liberals expect others to react any differently?

we need to get past all this and find a way to realize we do in fact share a lot more in common than we disagree on.

Well your message seems to want unity between the 2 parties ,but throws in the One Two punch to the liberals..:lol:
The First Lady and President of France has come under withering commentary because of the difference in their ages. Trump's comments were inartful but kinder than what they have been getting.
people who don't like trump.

True, but they did it to Obama, Bush once the internet came about..

kinda stupid when you step back and see all we do is:

one side in power | other side bitching and obstructing
flip | same shit but pom poms change.

i don't remember it always this "adversarial" so to speak. each admin seems to take "liberties" deeper and deeper into our overall freedoms and putting one set of values over the other. obama was horrible at putting liberal values on people whether they wanted it or not. how do you react when people tell you how to live?

why do liberals expect others to react any differently?

we need to get past all this and find a way to realize we do in fact share a lot more in common than we disagree on.

Well your message seems to want unity between the 2 parties ,but throws in the One Two punch to the liberals..:lol:
trying to talk the language. :) but since i say we flip sides and do the same shit, i'm dogging on "my" side also cause we're just as bad in our own way.
Who cares what Trump says to the first lady of France?

Well, for starters, the First Lady of France. That'd be enough.

If he called her fat, well then its news.

Of all the things one might have found to say to Mme. Marcon, the First Lady of France, why he chose none of them that are more substantive and less personal than a remark about her figure is anybody's guess. Regardless of why he chose to make the remark he did, that he made it indicates clearly that her figure is something he made a point to check out. That he did is, frankly, something he should have kept to himself because nobody needed to know what he thought about her body/looks and her looks have nothing to do with why he, his wife and the Marcons were meeting.

Trump's remarks maybe could be thought of as innocuous, but given his history of crass and misogynistic remarks, I don't think so. Be that as it may, such a remark is undiplomatic, and as POTUS, Trump is the nation's top diplomat whether he likes it or thinks so, or not. At the end of the day, the man's comment was pedestrian.
Maybe if the first lady of France wasn't wearing a mini dress, Trump wouldn't have seen how in shape she is! Seriously folks, he complimented the woman. It is not bad form to tell someone they look good.
Trump told the first lady of France she was in good shape for an old hag. "She's in such good physical shape." Trump thinks any woman over 35 should be traded in.

Thing is it is so trivial and discredit's what it really headline news..Trump needs presidential etiquette training school..
the man's a pig, and he's such a pig he doesn't even know he's being a pig. Clinton at least had some sense of shame ... perhaps just for being caught .. but damn.
Who cares what Trump says to the first lady of France?

Well, for starters, the First Lady of France. That'd be enough.

If he called her fat, well then its news.
He basically said she has a nice ass, which is also newsworthy. At least he didn't try to grab her pussy.

Our country has come to a pretty sad state of affairs when we have had to lower our standards to the point where the fact our President didn't grab someone's pussy is worth noting.
At least he didn't try to grab her pussy.

LOL Thank God for small favors. LOL
Who cares what Trump says to the first lady of France?

Well, for starters, the First Lady of France. That'd be enough.

If he called her fat, well then its news.

Here's a clue because clearly you don't have one: It is TOTALLY inappropriate for Trump to comment on her body at all. What a pig!

I understand that...and many times I am the first to slam Trump...Sometimes you just have to let this go.
Who cares what Trump says to the first lady of France?

Well, for starters, the First Lady of France. That'd be enough.

If he called her fat, well then its news.

Here's a clue because clearly you don't have one: It is TOTALLY inappropriate for Trump to comment on her body at all. What a pig!
You ever notice the only women that ever say that are the ones you would never give that compliment to? Most normal non-SJW non-militant feminist women take pride in themselves and how they look. Which I guess pretty much explains why a fat hairy feminist would complain about another woman getting a compliment they never will.
Who cares what Trump says to the first lady of France?

Well, for starters, the First Lady of France. That'd be enough.

If he called her fat, well then its news.

Here's a clue because clearly you don't have one: It is TOTALLY inappropriate for Trump to comment on her body at all. What a pig!

I understand that...and many times I am the first to slam Trump...Sometimes you just have to let this go.

On a scale of Trump's embarrassing moments, it truly is one of the least of his offensive behaviours, which is a pretty sad commentary. I would say about the same level as shoving the PM of Montenegro out of his way, but its s sad commentary on how low our expectations are of Donnie's social graces.

His behaviour in France was several rungs above his abyssmal behaviours in Brussels and Frankfurt which was disgusting.
Who cares what Trump says to the first lady of France?

Well, for starters, the First Lady of France. That'd be enough.

If he called her fat, well then its news.

Here's a clue because clearly you don't have one: It is TOTALLY inappropriate for Trump to comment on her body at all. What a pig!
You ever notice the only women that ever say that are the ones you would never give that compliment to? Most normal non-SJW non-militant feminist women take pride in themselves and how they look. Which I guess pretty much explains why a fat hairy feminist would complain about another woman getting a compliment they never will.

Wrong lungwort. What he said was in no way complimentary.

I'm neither fat nor hairy. "She's in great shape physically" is, at best, a backhanded compliment. It's like saying "I thought you'd look a lot older and you don't."
Who cares what Trump says to the first lady of France?

Well, for starters, the First Lady of France. That'd be enough.

If he called her fat, well then its news.

Here's a clue because clearly you don't have one: It is TOTALLY inappropriate for Trump to comment on her body at all. What a pig!
You ever notice the only women that ever say that are the ones you would never give that compliment to? Most normal non-SJW non-militant feminist women take pride in themselves and how they look. Which I guess pretty much explains why a fat hairy feminist would complain about another woman getting a compliment they never will.

Wrong lungwort. What he said was in no way complimentary.

I'm neither fat nor hairy. "She's in great shape physically" is, at best, a backhanded compliment. It's like saying "I thought you'd look a lot older and you don't."
Bullshit, it was a compliment you're reading what you want to into it. Are you in great shape? If so you would love that compliment. I'm betting you're upset because you don't get men saying that to you.
No one has ever said anything so crass to me. I was a competitive swimmer when I was younger and I still swim 3-5 km per week in addition to biking 3 k each time I go to the pool.

I happened across my size 8 wedding dress while cleaning out the closet the other week and it was a bit tight across the bust, but still fit around the hips. I should add I'm 5' 10" and I frequently share clothing with my 27 year old yoga instructor daughter.
No one has ever said anything so crass to me. I was a competitive swimmer when I was younger and I still swim 3-5 km per week in addition to biking 3 k each time I go to the pool.

I happened across my size 8 wedding dress while cleaning out the closet the other week and it was a bit tight across the bust, but still fit around the hips. I should add I'm 5' 10" and I frequently share clothing with my 27 year old yoga instructor daughter.

Good for you...lol
Good Gawd ms macaroni you look good what a shape, turn around and model that bod ms macaroni, Hey mr macaroni your wife has a nice body, hey Melania what cha think? MMMM
Who cares what Trump says to the first lady of France?

Well, for starters, the First Lady of France. That'd be enough.

If he called her fat, well then its news.
He basically said she has a nice ass, which is also newsworthy. At least he didn't try to grab her pussy.

Our country has come to a pretty sad state of affairs when we have had to lower our standards to the point where the fact our President didn't grab someone's pussy is worth noting.

At least not in sight of the cameras.
Who cares what Trump says to the first lady of France?

Well, for starters, the First Lady of France. That'd be enough.

If he called her fat, well then its news.

Here's a clue because clearly you don't have one: It is TOTALLY inappropriate for Trump to comment on her body at all. What a pig!

I understand that...and many times I am the first to slam Trump...Sometimes you just have to let this go.

On a scale of Trump's embarrassing moments, it truly is one of the least of his offensive behaviours, which is a pretty sad commentary. I would say about the same level as shoving the PM of Montenegro out of his way, but its s sad commentary on how low our expectations are of Donnie's social graces.

His behaviour in France was several rungs above his abyssmal behaviours in Brussels and Frankfurt which was disgusting.
it truly is one of the least of his offensive behaviours

I wouldn't say that.
  • Imprudent behavior/remarks at home among one's familiars vs. imprudent behavior/remarks in the face of one's hosts. Of the two, the latter is worse.
  • Imprudent behavior/remarks that embarrass oneself vs. imprudent behavior/remarks that embarrasses oneself and millions. Notwithstanding Trump's hubris and bumptiousness making it unlikely he's got the decency to be embarrassed, the latter is worse.
Now, though I've above spelled it out, those concepts are foreign to few, if anyone. One need only think back to one's youth and recall the difference in their parents' furor when one misbehaved in front of other people as contrasted with when one did it behind the closed doors at home. Showing one's ass in public just isn't something one did.

Trump essentially put his boorishness on display, front and center, before one of the U.S.' allies' head of state and first lady. WTH was he thinking? Oh, wait, in all likelihood, he wasn't thinking; he was just being his churlish self.

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