Who Created "White People" And Why?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Perspective | Most people think ‘whiteness’ is innate. They’re wrong: It was created to keep black people from voting.

Many people today consider race to be an immutable characteristic, that wasn’t always the case -- before the 17th century, whiteness didn’t even exist as a racial category. The reasoning behind this creation of the label "white people" emerged for the worst of reasons, most of which were geared towards maintaining power and affecting people of color in a negative way.

English colonists (and later, Americans) considered Christianity a prerequisite for political power in the 17th century. Slave-owning planters referred to themselves not as “white” people or “slave owners,” but simply as “Christian” men -- and being Christian meant your were privileged — it was a sign of freedom and superiority. Furthermore, if slavery was justifiable only for “heathens,” then conversion to Christianity would threaten their legal claim to the labor of enslaved Africans -- and that is what started to happen, more blacks converted to Christianity, some gaining their freedom because of their baptism being recognized by the protestant Church -- they then began to seek to gain more political power in doing so, so those in power changed the rules -- instead of identifying as Christians, they identified as being white -- furthermore, they went on to create the "one drop rule" to further disenfranchise people of color from seeking political power.

Further down the road, the country ran into another issue -- that issue was poor working class whites unifying with blacks for the purpose of seeking political power. Poor working class whites not only possessed class consciousness, but as the period wore on, as new waves of immigrants poured in, they became overtly resentful of wealth class--with their labor rendered almost unnecessary due to the wage oppression of blacks, some poor whites chose to drop out of society altogether, living off the land and most often running afoul of the law (THUGS).

To curb resentment among working class whites away from where it belonged -- the corporate class expanded the label of "white people" substantially to include the Irish, Slavs, Poles, Jews, Italians, Serbs, and other Southern and Eastern European immigrants as one historian wrote, Americans have had many ways of looking down on people without questioning their whiteness, yet whiteness has served to unify a way of looking down on people who are not judged white."

I remember when MLK, Jr. was fully focused on unifying Hispanic migrant workers of the southwest and working class whites (especially Appalachia) into the civil rights movement -- this terrified folks in the "ESTABLISHMENT" and King was dead not long after. So this racial separation game of turning working class whites against non-whites even though they have more in common, not less -- is nothing new and it is still in effect today -- but this type of destructive tribalism is like a narcotic that some people can't break and will continue to vote against their own best interests just to be part of the "tribe" -- even though that tribe was totally made up WITHOUT their interests in mind.
White people aren't natural, we merely invented the idea that we look different than other races in the 1700's.
Too funny.

You should be a comedian.

What English did to other races, they first did to the Irish, Welsh, and Scottish (Celts).

I certainly doubt it's about race, so much as about greed, and power.
I stopped reading after this:

Somebody tell this racist numbnuts that God didn't create Democracy and the election process.

That is true, Wasps did, wealthy Anglo Saxon protestants.

Greeks invented Democracy, but modern Capitalism is a product largely of Scottish Adam Smith. (Presumably Smith belonged to the closest cousins of Anglos, the Lowland Scots a Germanic invader of the Highland Scots whom were Celtic)
He's totally right, you know.

I was scrubbing my hands real hard one day, and the whiteness just started coming off like that!
Simple :
“When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”Genesis 6:1-5

These woman carried no resemblance to:
I stopped reading after this:

Somebody tell this racist numbnuts that God didn't create Democracy and the election process.
You stopped reading after your confirmation bias bubble got popped -- not my problem..

This is long established history, your ignorance on the matter is not a refutation of these facts...
You can't make crap like this up! Troll just twists and spins no matter what anyone thinks!
To curb resentment among working class whites away from where it belonged -- the corporate class expanded the label of "white people" substantially to include the Irish, Slavs, Poles, Jews, Italians, Serbs, and other Southern and Eastern European immigrants as one historian wrote, Americans have had many ways of looking down on people without questioning their whiteness, yet whiteness has served to unify a way of looking down on people who are not judged white."

How do you figure turning these groups into "Whites" in the modern day helps them, rather than hurts them?

For example, while I doubt a dumb Negro joke would be tolerated on TV, dumb Polak jokes are.
Which is White privilege, somehow? LOL
That Poles, Irish, and Italians with the same SAT test scores as Blacks, or Hispanics, are less likely to get accepted to college, because of their "White skin" or well in Italians "Whiter skin"

Then why isn't there a widely publicized Polish, Irish, or Italian history month, like there is for Blacks?

It seems there's many perks that Blacks have for being Black in modern society.

Poles, and Irish actually have more WHG, or indigenous European DNA than do the English.

Presumably Irish tend to have lighter skin, and Polish lighter hair than the English.

Jews, and Italians on the other hand.....
He's totally right, you know.

I was scrubbing my hands real hard one day, and the whiteness just started coming off like that!

And thus... a black man was born!
The Aramaic word converts to "attractive". That means a physical trait. Saw sight see eyes.
Whites are here to produce Christmas carols. Especially Jews.
I thought they produced Hanukkah carols?

Bagels roasting on an open fire, white fish nipping at my nose.....

Don me now wholesale apparel, aye yi yi, yi yi yi, yi, yi, yi...... :dunno:
Whites are here to produce Christmas carols. Especially Jews.
I thought they produced Hanukkah carols?

Bagels roasting on an open fire, white fish nipping at my nose.....

Don me now wholesale apparel, aye yi yi, yi yi yi, yi, yi, yi...... :dunno:

actually no-----the MOST ICONIC Christmas songs were
created by jews------there are very few Chanukah songs

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