Who Do You Think Is The Most And Least Trustworthy Journalist?

All of them on MSLSD are laughable..........of course, which is why nobody watches that network.
Greg Palast #1
Brietbart and Bimbo Malkin take the cake as poster children for the Idiocracy. With a whisper they could make a new( Cambodian made - Walmart marketed) flag appear flying above every trailer in murka.
So to start off a thread about most and least trustworthy journalists, the OP and several others after him pick political commentators. What? :eusa_eh:

I thought I'd read through all the comments before I mentioned that. Also, the OP is simply an invitation to start yet another media war between libs and cons over Fox v. MSNBC.

Journalists? The one I read and watch regularly on CNN/GPS because he never fantasizes and sticks to facts is Fareed Zakaria.

ARTICLES: Fareed Zakaria

One of Obie's advisors......:lol:.

He's been around a lot longer than Obama has. You might try reading some of his material or watching GPS, and learn something.
O'Reilly is a commentator, not a journalist.

define journalist.

somebody engaged in journalism: a writer or editor for a newspaper or magazine or for television or radio

Mr. O'Reilly actually writes all his own stuff. He is indeed a journalist. He writes books, TV material, and for his web site.
I think Bill O'Reilly is the most trustworthy and Chris Matthews is the least trustworthy.

What say you??????

Oh please. Bill is a pompous bully, hypocrite, and coward all wrapped up into one. He condones ambush journalism - thinking that it is okay for his lackeys to track people even to their private homes, and shove microphones and cameras at their faces, to ask them to explain statements or behaviors that the great O'Reilly doesn't like. Yet, when Bill is accused of wrong-doing, does he man-up and challenge the accuser to prove her case? No. He goes for an out-of-court settlement (legal talk for bribing the accuser to keep her mouth shut).
Brit Hume is my favorite of the high integrity journalists, although he mostly does commentary these days.

The least trustworthy are the ones who carry water for Obama.
Most trustworthy journalist? That lady who writes our weekly church flyer. Least trustworthy? Anybody on tv or in the newspapers.
O'Reilly is a commentator, not a journalist.

define journalist.

somebody engaged in journalism: a writer or editor for a newspaper or magazine or for television or radio

Mr. O'Reilly actually writes all his own stuff. He is indeed a journalist. He writes books, TV material, and for his web site.

His show is not journalistic in style or substance, it is comment. If we cannot, do not, or refuse to recognize the difference between reporting (ie straight journalism) and comment (ie opinion and debate), it is frankly, no wonder that Americans are so misinformed.
I think Bill O'Reilly is the most trustworthy and Chris Matthews is the least trustworthy.

What say you??????

neither are journalists. both are pundits.

Actually, both are jounalists... but their programs are 'talking head' (ie commentary). That doesn't make them any less journalists, because that is their background. Sadly, it appears that most people cannot differentiate between commentary and journalism.

As an aside, I find the best thing about John Stewart is that he mocks the faux intellectuals of the left.... and they don't even know he's doing it. :lol::lol: He actually said that in an article... :eusa_shhh: Don't tell the left. We like that they don't understand the word 'comedy'.
Most trusted: Tim Russert, RIP.

Least trusted: Andrew Breitbart

I've been looking at the tweets on Breitbart's account.

I've never seen so many people wishing for someone to die in my life.

And just because he's blowing the whistle on folks like Weiner.

Guy gets caught sending his pecker to complete strangers and Breitbart is the one that catches hell for exposing it.
Most trusted: Tim Russert, RIP.

Least trusted: Andrew Breitbart

I've been looking at the tweets on Breitbart's account.

I've never seen so many people wishing for someone to die in my life.

And just because he's blowing the whistle on folks like Weiner.

Guy gets caught sending his pecker to complete strangers and Breitbart is the one that catches hell for exposing it.

I don't want Breitbart to die, I don't "hate" him, and in the Weiner situation, there's no question that Breitbart was vindicated.

I actually think he's a really nice guy, I've met him a few times.

But I don't trust him as a journalist, at all.

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