Who do you think the winner will be? (Poll)

Who do you THINK the winner will be?

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Lean Right, Biden is going to win.

Not seeing a landslide
fncceo, maybe it's just me but I never would have guessed that you would consider yourself an independent.

Young, single, and ready to mingle.

What particular issues are you not conservative on? Any non-Republican candidates that you have voted for?

Just curious.

Don't you at least want to buy me dinner first?

Very well, if you must know, I consider myself a libertarian (emphasis on the small 'l').
fncceo, maybe it's just me but I never would have guessed that you would consider yourself an independent.

Young, single, and ready to mingle.

What particular issues are you not conservative on? Any non-Republican candidates that you have voted for?

Just curious.

Don't you at least want to buy me dinner first?

Very well, if you must know, I consider myself a libertarian (emphasis on the small 'l').

Have you ever voted for a Democrat?
fncceo, maybe it's just me but I never would have guessed that you would consider yourself an independent.

Young, single, and ready to mingle.

What particular issues are you not conservative on? Any non-Republican candidates that you have voted for?

Just curious.

Don't you at least want to buy me dinner first?

Very well, if you must know, I consider myself a libertarian (emphasis on the small 'l').

Have you ever voted for a Democrat?

Yes, I have. And I have ask G-d to forgive me for the sake of my immortal soul.
Yes, I have. And I have ask G-d to forgive me for the sake of my immortal soul.

You feel that strongly against voting Democrat but still consider yourself an independent? Seems weird to me, but alright.
We're about 3.5 months away from the big day and I'm interested in your thoughts on the upcoming election.

I'm not interested in what you WANT to happen. I think we all know what those results would look like. Instead, I'm asking what you THINK will happen. There's a difference.

There is still plenty of time for things to happen between now and election day, but I'm just looking for your gut instinct at this moment in time. Feel free to change your vote whenever.
I'm a dem and believe Trump will win Can't stop the voiding all the dem votes In a fair vote a legal vote Trump would lose bigly
1. There was no excuse for using the Hillary and DNC paid for Steele Dossier to justify FISA warrants, period. Illegally spying on Trump is NOT investigating Russian "interference". The Mueller "Collusion" Hoax is the ultimate proof of a coup, i.e. Strzok's "insurance policy", under the "cloak" of "Russian interference". Barr and Durham had better hurry the fuck up with their indictments so you see what really happened.

Sure there was. If the Russians were interferring to help Trump, that should have been investigated. Durham will wait until after Trump loses, and then quietly slander people's good names with no indictments. No one will be happy.

2. The debates should be entertaining, we'll see who does better.

Meh, actually, the debates long ago lost any value, it's one of those things we should stop doing. The problem with the last bunch was Trump was clearly an idiot, and Hillary was only speaking in sound bites. Neither one of them spoke in any substance compared to let's say the 1960 debates or the 1976 debates.

3. Point being that Kanye is getting on state ballots.

Point is, no he isn't. One state put him on because, well, I'm not sure. It's a far right state that just wants to stir up trouble.

He won't be on the ballot in the key swing states..

5. Is Biden stronger than Hillary was in 2016? We'll see in November. My point being that there is a "stealth" Trump vote that polls don't capture.

Actually, there really isn't. Hillary didn't lose because Trump was popular. Trump got LESS of a percentage of the vote than Romney got. Hillary lost because too many people voted third party because they figured she had it in the bag and they could be self-righteous.

This year, the Green and Libertarian parties aren't polling above 1%. They are running non-entities. Heck, I had to look them up, they were such non-entities.
1. Hillary paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump and you want Trump investigated for "collusion" with the Russians?! Barr and Durham need to indict the guilty and document the biggest political scandal in US history. Obama using the Federal agencies to spy on and then oppose Trump. If there are no indictments the deep state wins.
2. The debates will show which candidate can think on their feet and has a better command of facts and policies.
3. Agree Kanye shouldn't be a factor, but it remains to be seen how many state ballots he can get on.
4. You can <<<<spin>>>> the Hillary loss any number of ways like she continues to do. I know that many union guys vote for Trump even though they'd swear they voted democrat to pollsters. Will Biden excite Bernie voters? Will women flock to Biden and his "defund the police" policy? Will the police's endorsement of Trump have legs? We'll see in November.

Will you stop lying already? Instead of "Defunding" the Police forces, Biden wants to invest 300 million into them. If you think you have to lie to get your "Boy" in then maybe your "Boy" shouldn't be in it in the first place.

You're the LIAR. Why do you think that the police endorsed Trump over Biden and Republicans over the democrats?
We're about 3.5 months away from the big day and I'm interested in your thoughts on the upcoming election.

I'm not interested in what you WANT to happen. I think we all know what those results would look like. Instead, I'm asking what you THINK will happen. There's a difference.

There is still plenty of time for things to happen between now and election day, but I'm just looking for your gut instinct at this moment in time. Feel free to change your vote whenever.

I don't think there is enough time for things to change before election day. Here are some of the things that are unlikely to change:

1. High unemployment above 10%
2. decline in quarterly GDP confirming a recession.
3. Increasing number of Americans dying from Covid-19
4. The closing down of more business as the virus spreads further and deeper into the American population.
5. The fact that Trump was impeached by the House Of Representatives for trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding weapons in order to dig dirt up on Biden.
6. Trump's record of collusion/support/friendship with Putin of Russia.
7. Trump's average approval rating in the Gallup poll which is at 40%, the lowest of any President in history. This average is based on all the Gallup polls taken since he came into office in January 2017. With just 3.5 months left, you might have maybe 8 more polls done at most. Not nearly enough to move his average from 40% at all.
1. Hillary paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump and you want Trump investigated for "collusion" with the Russians?! Barr and Durham need to indict the guilty and document the biggest political scandal in US history. Obama using the Federal agencies to spy on and then oppose Trump. If there are no indictments the deep state wins.

It doesn't matter who paid for it. It contained actionable intel, which is why Flynn, Manafort, Stone and Papanopoulus were found guilty. Sorry, man, intel isn't always perfect.

Indictments would be a waste of time, because they will just be seen for what they are, a corrupt president trying to save face before he is bounced out of office for gross incompetence.

2. The debates will show which candidate can think on their feet and has a better command of facts and policies.

NO, they'll just show which one was better rehearsed.

3. Agree Kanye shouldn't be a factor, but it remains to be seen how many state ballots he can get on.

He shouldn't be on any. He hasn't merited it.

4. You can <<<<spin>>>> the Hillary loss any number of ways like she continues to do. I know that many union guys vote for Trump even though they'd swear they voted democrat to pollsters. Will Biden excite Bernie voters? Will women flock to Biden and his "defund the police" policy? Will the police's endorsement of Trump have legs? We'll see in November.

Yes, we will see Trump lose in epic fashion.

He's lost suburban women, he's losing old folks who aren't thrilled with his "Reopen everything, Granny was gonna die anyway" platform. He has to win every state he won in 2016 to win. He's behind in six of them and struggling in another five... It only gets worse from here.
1. There was no excuse for using the Hillary and DNC paid for Steele Dossier to justify FISA warrants, period. Illegally spying on Trump is NOT investigating Russian "interference". The Mueller "Collusion" Hoax is the ultimate proof of a coup, i.e. Strzok's "insurance policy", under the "cloak" of "Russian interference". Barr and Durham had better hurry the fuck up with their indictments so you see what really happened.

Sure there was. If the Russians were interferring to help Trump, that should have been investigated. Durham will wait until after Trump loses, and then quietly slander people's good names with no indictments. No one will be happy.

2. The debates should be entertaining, we'll see who does better.

Meh, actually, the debates long ago lost any value, it's one of those things we should stop doing. The problem with the last bunch was Trump was clearly an idiot, and Hillary was only speaking in sound bites. Neither one of them spoke in any substance compared to let's say the 1960 debates or the 1976 debates.

3. Point being that Kanye is getting on state ballots.

Point is, no he isn't. One state put him on because, well, I'm not sure. It's a far right state that just wants to stir up trouble.

He won't be on the ballot in the key swing states..

5. Is Biden stronger than Hillary was in 2016? We'll see in November. My point being that there is a "stealth" Trump vote that polls don't capture.

Actually, there really isn't. Hillary didn't lose because Trump was popular. Trump got LESS of a percentage of the vote than Romney got. Hillary lost because too many people voted third party because they figured she had it in the bag and they could be self-righteous.

This year, the Green and Libertarian parties aren't polling above 1%. They are running non-entities. Heck, I had to look them up, they were such non-entities.
1. Hillary paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump and you want Trump investigated for "collusion" with the Russians?! Barr and Durham need to indict the guilty and document the biggest political scandal in US history. Obama using the Federal agencies to spy on and then oppose Trump. If there are no indictments the deep state wins.
2. The debates will show which candidate can think on their feet and has a better command of facts and policies.
3. Agree Kanye shouldn't be a factor, but it remains to be seen how many state ballots he can get on.
4. You can <<<<spin>>>> the Hillary loss any number of ways like she continues to do. I know that many union guys vote for Trump even though they'd swear they voted democrat to pollsters. Will Biden excite Bernie voters? Will women flock to Biden and his "defund the police" policy? Will the police's endorsement of Trump have legs? We'll see in November.

Will you stop lying already? Instead of "Defunding" the Police forces, Biden wants to invest 300 million into them. If you think you have to lie to get your "Boy" in then maybe your "Boy" shouldn't be in it in the first place.

You're the LIAR. Why do you think that the police endorsed Trump over Biden and Republicans over the democrats?

I stated fact and backed it up. You, on the other hand, make shit up and expect people to buy it. Only the Rumpers who are into all sorts of conspiracies like Q'Anon. And it isn't every Police that endorses Rump. One Police Organization is using the donations by Police Officers to make a statement only. This is the case of misuse of Union Funds that you have found wrong in the past. But since you think it's in your favor, you are now endorsing it.
The data and comments show that there are several right-leaning posters who think Biden is going to win.

Left-leaning posters are much more confident in a Biden win than right-leaning posters are in a Trump win. Independents are split.
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We're just a few weeks away from the election. Here's my electoral college map prediction.

Democrats flip Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin back to blue. They also pick up Iowa and Arizona. I'm going back and forth on Florida. For now, keeping it red but might change my mind later.

Georgia, Ohio, and North Carolina can also go blue, but I'm keeping them red.

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We're about 3.5 months away from the big day and I'm interested in your thoughts on the upcoming election.

I'm not interested in what you WANT to happen. I think we all know what those results would look like. Instead, I'm asking what you THINK will happen. There's a difference.

There is still plenty of time for things to happen between now and election day, but I'm just looking for your gut instinct at this moment in time. Feel free to change your vote whenever.
Man are Trumptards delusional.

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