Who do you think will run?


Trust the pie.
Dec 17, 2009
Next election, who will they be? Obama is a lame duck, so who will the Dems run? Hillary? Biden?

What about the Repubs? Will they choose Ryan or lean closer to the Tea Party with Rand Paul?

Who do you think? And why?
Ask me again in a couple of years it's way to early to speculate about that.
Next election, who will they be? Obama is a lame duck, so who will the Dems run? Hillary? Biden?

What about the Repubs? Will they choose Ryan or lean closer to the Tea Party with Rand Paul?

Who do you think? And why?

Hillary with Alan Greyson

clinton b/c progs think she deserves it somehow. Greyson b/c he's a first class lying asshole that can say and do anything he wants and will never be called to task.

It doesn't matter who runs against them, ABC CBS NBC, msn, CNN, PBS, public radio, all magazines, most newspapers, can't be overcome by conservative radio and balanced FOX.

The progs have it. The country is fucked.

Hell, I don't expect you will recognize America in 2 years, so don't count out an obama 3rd term
Unless Warren is a complete washout as a senator, she'll be encouraged to run. Michael Bloomberg, a former Republican is likely to look into it.

Maryland's big government meritocrat, O'Malley is the Democrat wanting it most. He's got some backing, but the man is an incredible lightweight. There is no "there" there.

An interesting longshot is West Virginia's Manchin. He is a conservative Democrat. He would probably be a decent candidate, but could be a cultural balance point as VP for someone like Warren or Bloomberg.
Given that spending is out of control and that a full economic recovery is almost certainly not possible by 2016, Republicans are way in the next race - UNLESS they nominate a Wall Streeter (Darth Romnoid II) or a war monger (Windsock McCain II).

Ryan proved he is a lightweight, but he is also fairly safe. Cantor is the dark horse for Republicans. If the middle east is openly polarized against America, look for Cantor to come on hard. If things are as vague as today, Cantor will lay low.

Red America ain't a gonna vote for no Latino for president, so Florida's cuban asswipe might end up as VP, but my money says there is a Latino woman yet to be identified.
If either side comes up with a presentable candidate from the midwest, a fiftyish white man six feet tall or so with hair and the man can see his toes without a mirror and has an impeccable record of both integrity and success at whatever they did before, that is where my money is.
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Ask me again in a couple of years it's way to early to speculate about that.

I think we need to get an early start or we will get screwed again~

Oh we will get screwed again that is unavoidable the only question is will it be by a Democrat or Republican but just for the hell of it I will throw out one name for each party Scott Walker for the Republicans and Deval Patrick for the Democrats.
Next election, who will they be? Obama is a lame duck, so who will the Dems run? Hillary? Biden?

What about the Repubs? Will they choose Ryan or lean closer to the Tea Party with Rand Paul?

Who do you think? And why?
It doesn't matter who the Republicans run.

wants to be able to tell their grandchildren they voted for the

(...And, witnessed Bill Clinton's return to The Whitehouse!!)

Next election, who will they be? Obama is a lame duck, so who will the Dems run? Hillary? Biden?

What about the Repubs? Will they choose Ryan or lean closer to the Tea Party with Rand Paul?

Who do you think? And why?
It doesn't matter who the Republicans run.

wants to be able to tell their grandchildren they voted for the

(...And, witnessed Bill Clinton's return to The Whitehouse!!)


A 30 y/o pick makes you look like a sexist.

but you're in good company, so it's all good.
Next election, who will they be? Obama is a lame duck, so who will the Dems run? Hillary? Biden?

What about the Repubs? Will they choose Ryan or lean closer to the Tea Party with Rand Paul?

Who do you think? And why?

Hillary with Alan Greyson

clinton b/c progs think she deserves it somehow. Greyson b/c he's a first class lying asshole that can say and do anything he wants and will never be called to task.

It doesn't matter who runs against them, ABC CBS NBC, msn, CNN, PBS, public radio, all magazines, most newspapers, can't be overcome by conservative radio and balanced FOX.

The progs have it. The country is fucked.

Hell, I don't expect you will recognize America in 2 years, so don't count out an obama 3rd term

^ blaming the Republican 2016 on the "liberal media" even before either side has a candidate or the Republicans have even "lost". Nothing like having your excuse ducks in a row early. :D
Next election, who will they be? Obama is a lame duck, so who will the Dems run? Hillary? Biden?

What about the Repubs? Will they choose Ryan or lean closer to the Tea Party with Rand Paul?

Who do you think? And why?

Hillary with Alan Greyson

clinton b/c progs think she deserves it somehow. Greyson b/c he's a first class lying asshole that can say and do anything he wants and will never be called to task.

It doesn't matter who runs against them, ABC CBS NBC, msn, CNN, PBS, public radio, all magazines, most newspapers, can't be overcome by conservative radio and balanced FOX.

The progs have it. The country is fucked.

Hell, I don't expect you will recognize America in 2 years, so don't count out an obama 3rd term

^ blaming the Republican 2016 on the "liberal media" even before either side has a candidate or the Republicans have even "lost". Nothing like having your excuse ducks in a row early. :D
It's simply seeing a pattern, and understanding it won't quit

in 2008 obama didn't have a resume to make himself anything more than a manager of a large store or a junior partner at a law firm, tops.

and yet he won, why, b/c the media focused on useless things instead of important subjects.

2012 the economy, UE, jobs, spending. all should have been front and center and the ONLY things talked about in any depth. But, once again, the media focused on the most useless line of crap I've ever seen in my life.

why the hell would 2016 be any different? Will liberals and progs suddenly figure it out that obama is a complete fuck up? no, you will be told all sorts of crap, that you will buy, spread and think about.

seriously, nothing the political media covers is important, not compared to spending, debt, UE, jobs, the economy.

not that you care, or ever will b/c your media will never cover it.
Hillary with Alan Greyson

clinton b/c progs think she deserves it somehow. Greyson b/c he's a first class lying asshole that can say and do anything he wants and will never be called to task.

It doesn't matter who runs against them, ABC CBS NBC, msn, CNN, PBS, public radio, all magazines, most newspapers, can't be overcome by conservative radio and balanced FOX.

The progs have it. The country is fucked.

Hell, I don't expect you will recognize America in 2 years, so don't count out an obama 3rd term

^ blaming the Republican 2016 on the "liberal media" even before either side has a candidate or the Republicans have even "lost". Nothing like having your excuse ducks in a row early. :D
It's simply seeing a pattern, and understanding it won't quit

in 2008 obama didn't have a resume to make himself anything more than a manager of a large store or a junior partner at a law firm, tops.

and yet he won, why, b/c the media focused on useless things instead of important subjects.

2012 the economy, UE, jobs, spending. all should have been front and center and the ONLY things talked about in any depth. But, once again, the media focused on the most useless line of crap I've ever seen in my life.

why the hell would 2016 be any different? Will liberals and progs suddenly figure it out that obama is a complete fuck up?

"Joe Biden wants the job. He’s human (very). But he’s a realist. He knows the Democratic Party has a messianic urge to finish what it started so spectacularly with the election of Barack Obama — busting up the world’s most exclusive white-bread old-boys’ club. And he knows that women, both Democratic and Republican, want to see one of their own in the White House and became even more militant while listening to the G.O.P.’s retrogressive talk about contraception and vaginal probes last year."

Get ready to rumble, Shaman:

"Elizabeth Ann Warren[1] (née Herring; born June 22, 1949[2]) is the senior United States Senator from Massachusetts and a member of the Democratic Party.

"She was previously a Harvard Law School professor specializing in bankruptcy law. Warren is an active consumer protection advocate whose work led to the conception and establishment of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. She has written a number of academic and popular works, and is a frequent subject of media interviews regarding the American economy and personal finance."

May the smartest candidate win.
If both Parties are smart (politically), they would run:

Elizabeth Warren vs Ben Carson


If both parties were actually working to serve the interests of the citizens, they would run:

Senator Wyden vs Senator Paul
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Oh please oh please oh please.

Let it be Rand Paul for the Republicans. I really, really, really want to have working toilets in my house again.
I kind of think its going to be Hillary against Paul Ryan. As bad as they have fucked up the health care system with their greediness, there is still a lot of doctor worship in this country so it could be Rand Paul, but I keep seeing a lot of pics of Ryan. Paul is more articulate than I thought, though.
Ask me again in a couple of years it's way to early to speculate about that.

I think we need to get an early start or we will get screwed again~

How will baseless speculation long before anyone actually decides whether or not to run prevent any "screwing"?

In 1996, most people predicted it would be Gore vs. Dubya Bush, and that's what we ended up getting.

Most people predicted Romney long before the Establishment shoved him down the throats of an unwilling rank and file.


Democrats- Everything hinges on Hillary. Biden is too old at this point. There's a lot of people waiting in the wings, but Hillary would suck all the oxygen out of the room.

Hillary's down side is that she grates on people, and frankly, as a country, I'm not sure if we are ready for a woman leader like those advanced countries. You know, like Indonesia and Pakistan.

The Republicans have a bigger problem.

Historically, they go with "Next in Line", the guy who scored second place in the primaries. In this case, that would be Rick Santorum. Now, there are things I like about Rick. He understands working people and their problems, a vast improvement over Mr. "I likes to fire people". But he is way too much of a religious fanatic for my tastes. And frankly, the abortion topic is toxic for the GOP at this point.

Jeb Bush wants to run, but frankly, I just can't see anyone getting behind a third Bush, given what disasters the first two were. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, and fool me three times....
I think we need to get an early start or we will get screwed again~

How will baseless speculation long before anyone actually decides whether or not to run prevent any "screwing"?

In 1996, most people predicted it would be Gore vs. Dubya Bush, and that's what we ended up getting.

Most people predicted Romney long before the Establishment shoved him down the throats of an unwilling rank and file.


Democrats- Everything hinges on Hillary. Biden is too old at this point. There's a lot of people waiting in the wings, but Hillary would suck all the oxygen out of the room.

Hillary's down side is that she grates on people, and frankly, as a country, I'm not sure if we are ready for a woman leader like those advanced countries. You know, like Indonesia and Pakistan.

The Republicans have a bigger problem.

Historically, they go with "Next in Line", the guy who scored second place in the primaries. In this case, that would be Rick Santorum. Now, there are things I like about Rick. He understands working people and their problems, a vast improvement over Mr. "I likes to fire people". But he is way too much of a religious fanatic for my tastes. And frankly, the abortion topic is toxic for the GOP at this point.

Jeb Bush wants to run, but frankly, I just can't see anyone getting behind a third Bush, given what disasters the first two were. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, and fool me three times....
In 2008 people were predicting a Hillary Giuliani match up but whatever.

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