Who do you think will run?

I kind of think its going to be Hillary against Paul Ryan. As bad as they have fucked up the health care system with their greediness.....

Save it, Bubblehead.

Every time one o' you clowns is givin' the opportunity to point-out where the problems are, in health-care reformation.....you HAUL-ASS!!!!!!!

By all means......try, again!
(Careful o' those "big" words!)

I think we need to get an early start or we will get screwed again~

How will baseless speculation long before anyone actually decides whether or not to run prevent any "screwing"?

In 1996, most people predicted it would be Gore vs. Dubya Bush, and that's what we ended up getting.

Most people predicted Romney long before the Establishment shoved him down the throats of an unwilling rank and file.


Democrats- Everything hinges on Hillary. Biden is too old at this point. There's a lot of people waiting in the wings, but Hillary would suck all the oxygen out of the room.

Hillary's down side is that she grates on people, and frankly, as a country, I'm not sure if we are ready for a woman leader like those advanced countries. You know, like Indonesia and Pakistan.

The Republicans have a bigger problem.

Historically, they go with "Next in Line", the guy who scored second place in the primaries. In this case, that would be Rick Santorum. Now, there are things I like about Rick. He understands working people and their problems, a vast improvement over Mr. "I likes to fire people". But he is way too much of a religious fanatic for my tastes.

.....Specifically his obsession with man-on-dog sex.

Jeb Bush wants to run, but frankly, I just can't see anyone getting behind a third Bush, given what disasters the first two were. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, and fool me three times....

....And, ALL-OF-THEM fully-participating in.....

I kind of think its going to be Hillary against Paul Ryan. As bad as they have fucked up the health care system with their greediness.....

Save it, Bubblehead.

Every time one o' you clowns is givin' the opportunity to point-out where the problems are, in health-care reformation.....you HAUL-ASS!!!!!!!

By all means......try, again!
(Careful o' those "big" words!)


Anyone notice which way Bubbles Sunshine ran???
I feel the dems will put Hillery up. They will do like Joe mentioned the Republicans do. Its Hillery's turn, but I cant help but feel there will be a bunch of this-




But, she is tough, and no newber. Really, I think she held back against Barry by rights she should have buried him. Still, I think she will go up for the dems . When she has to face the super packs and the low blows they use, I dont know.
In 2008 people were predicting a Hillary Giuliani match up but whatever.

Because they both made grevious tactical errors.

I didn't think Rudy was ever going to be the nominee for the GOP. Mostly because he was too far left of the Religious Right. Partially because, honestly the man was a sleaze. But he compounded his problems by thinking he could ignore Iowa and New Hampshire.

2008 had the same problem as 2012. The GOP has become so idealogically rigid that no one could really win any loyalty, so you instead had the least offensive guy win. "I think I saw him shake hands with a liberal once!"

Hillary's grevious tactical error was that she had no game plan past Super Tuesday. She was well ahead of Obama in delegates and votes, but she had no organization in the states that followed, and Obama ran up the scoreboard on her before she got organized.
I feel the dems will put Hillery up. They will do like Joe mentioned the Republicans do. Its Hillery's turn, but I cant help but feel there will be a bunch of this-


But, she is tough, and no newber. Really, I think she held back against Barry by rights she should have buried him. Still, I think she will go up for the dems . When she has to face the super packs and the low blows they use, I dont know.

The problem is, while the Benghazi card gets the far right upset, the only people who are motivated by it are those who would never vote for a Democrat to start with. Most people in the middle realize the middle east is dangerous and unpredictable.

Hillary's biggest weakness is that she grates on people, and the inherent sexism in our culture. (INcidently, I think this cuts both ways. Lots of really unkind things are said about Sarah Palin on the left because she has two hanging high instead of two hanging low. )
Next election, who will they be? Obama is a lame duck, so who will the Dems run? Hillary? Biden?

What about the Repubs? Will they choose Ryan or lean closer to the Tea Party with Rand Paul?

Who do you think? And why?

Hillary with Alan Greyson

clinton b/c progs think she deserves it somehow. Greyson b/c he's a first class lying asshole that can say and do anything he wants and will never be called to task.

It doesn't matter who runs against them, ABC CBS NBC, msn, CNN, PBS, public radio, all magazines, most newspapers, can't be overcome by conservative radio and balanced FOX.

The progs have it. The country is fucked.

Hell, I don't expect you will recognize America in 2 years, so don't count out an obama 3rd term

Balanced FOX? Are you for real?

If Hillary doesn't run, I hope Biden doesn't either. I don't think he stands a chance.

Other than a hopeful run by Hillary, I don't have any idea with either party at this point.
In 2008 people were predicting a Hillary Giuliani match up but whatever.

Because they both made grevious tactical errors.

I didn't think Rudy was ever going to be the nominee for the GOP. Mostly because he was too far left of the Religious Right. Partially because, honestly the man was a sleaze. But he compounded his problems by thinking he could ignore Iowa and New Hampshire.

2008 had the same problem as 2012. The GOP has become so idealogically rigid that no one could really win any loyalty, so you instead had the least offensive guy win. "I think I saw him shake hands with a liberal once!"

Hillary's grevious tactical error was that she had no game plan past Super Tuesday. She was well ahead of Obama in delegates and votes, but she had no organization in the states that followed, and Obama ran up the scoreboard on her before she got organized.

Fair enough it still does not change my overall opinion that trying to guess who will run in 2016 in 2013 is silly.
I feel the dems will put Hillery up. They will do like Joe mentioned the Republicans do. Its Hillery's turn, but I cant help but feel there will be a bunch of this-


But, she is tough, and no newber. Really, I think she held back against Barry by rights she should have buried him. Still, I think she will go up for the dems . When she has to face the super packs and the low blows they use, I dont know.

The problem is, while the Benghazi card gets the far right upset, the only people who are motivated by it are those who would never vote for a Democrat to start with. Most people in the middle realize the middle east is dangerous and unpredictable.

Hillary's biggest weakness is that she grates on people, and the inherent sexism in our culture. (INcidently, I think this cuts both ways. Lots of really unkind things are said about Sarah Palin on the left because she has two hanging high instead of two hanging low. )

Oh yeah, she does have enemy's, but she is no hack, she can deal with them. Palen was not ready for the big time so she got chewed up and spit out. Its hard to say, but the Boston bombing looks like it will drag out, Barry is losing his steam, leaks will come and around 2014 im thinking the "anti terror" sentiment will come back. As for the east, most people only know what they see on TV and on the internetz. Hillery could end up swift boated, as a matter of fact, I think any democrat (and the right republican) could end up swift boated. She is about the only Democrat that could really hang in the mud match that's coming.
I feel the dems will put Hillery up. They will do like Joe mentioned the Republicans do. Its Hillery's turn, but I cant help but feel there will be a bunch of this-




But, she is tough, and no newber. Really, I think she held back against Barry by rights she should have buried him. Still, I think she will go up for the dems . When she has to face the super packs and the low blows they use, I dont know.

The worm is turning. For a good long while now the repubs haven't had anybody that could win. I'm thinking the dems are getting into that mode now. I've seen the time when they were there, but I'm older than many on here. I believe it is highly likely she will run. I was in DC when Clinton was just elected to his second term. Was with someone who worked for Gore. Someone asked if he was going to run. The non answer was, it's too early to go there, it would be unseemly. But he did run, and he was planning it. I think that's where the dems are now. It would be unseemly to go there right now. Too early.

But I think the repubs or someone else is putting Ryan's face in front of us as often as they can. Paul seems to be vying for to get his own face out there. I think that is where the excitement will be this next election. The dems are on a downhill slide and likely will be for at least 12 more years until a fresh face comes along. And that's all Obama was, a fresh face, and a rousing speech.
I feel the dems will put Hillery up. They will do like Joe mentioned the Republicans do. Its Hillery's turn, but I cant help but feel there will be a bunch of this-


But, she is tough, and no newber. Really, I think she held back against Barry by rights she should have buried him. Still, I think she will go up for the dems . When she has to face the super packs and the low blows they use, I dont know.

The problem is, while the Benghazi card gets the far right upset, the only people who are motivated by it are those who would never vote for a Democrat to start with. Most people in the middle realize the middle east is dangerous and unpredictable.

Hillary's biggest weakness is that she grates on people, and the inherent sexism in our culture. (INcidently, I think this cuts both ways. Lots of really unkind things are said about Sarah Palin on the left because she has two hanging high instead of two hanging low. )

Oh yeah, she does have enemy's, but she is no hack, she can deal with them. Palen was not ready for the big time so she got chewed up and spit out. Its hard to say, but the Boston bombing looks like it will drag out, Barry is losing his steam, leaks will come and around 2014 im thinking the "anti terror" sentiment will come back. As for the east, most people only know what they see on TV and on the internetz. Hillery could end up swift boated, as a matter of fact, I think any democrat (and the right republican) could end up swift boated. She is about the only Democrat that could really hang in the mud match that's coming.

You're right. Hillary's tough. Palin was a babe in the woods. She couldn't stand up to the pressure and she made too many bad moves.
Ask me again in a couple of years it's way to early to speculate about that.

I think we need to get an early start or we will get screwed again~

Doesn't matter which party is in office as both screw the people. "career politician" should not be a part of our vocabulary. Until we have term limits for ALL politicians, we are all screwed.

"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." —Benjamin Franklin

The worm is turning. For a good long while now the repubs haven't had anybody that could win. I'm thinking the dems are getting into that mode now. I've seen the time when they were there, but I'm older than many on here. I believe it is highly likely she will run. I was in DC when Clinton was just elected to his second term. Was with someone who worked for Gore. Someone asked if he was going to run. The non answer was, it's too early to go there, it would be unseemly. But he did run, and he was planning it. I think that's where the dems are now. It would be unseemly to go there right now. Too early.

But I think the repubs or someone else is putting Ryan's face in front of us as often as they can. Paul seems to be vying for to get his own face out there. I think that is where the excitement will be this next election. The dems are on a downhill slide and likely will be for at least 12 more years until a fresh face comes along. And that's all Obama was, a fresh face, and a rousing speech.

The kind of delusional thinking the GOP has.

The GOP has lost 5 of the last six popular votes for president. If they can't produce a winner in a year like 2012, then they are essentially moribund as a party.

Paul Ryan couldn't carry his home state on a national ticket.

Oh yeah, she does have enemy's, but she is no hack, she can deal with them. Palen was not ready for the big time so she got chewed up and spit out. Its hard to say, but the Boston bombing looks like it will drag out, Barry is losing his steam, leaks will come and around 2014 im thinking the "anti terror" sentiment will come back. As for the east, most people only know what they see on TV and on the internetz. Hillery could end up swift boated, as a matter of fact, I think any democrat (and the right republican) could end up swift boated. She is about the only Democrat that could really hang in the mud match that's coming.

Not that I can blame you for not being psychic, but it looks like they got one of the Boston bombers and the other one is on borrowed time.

I do think the GOP will make gains in 2014, which will give them the delusion that the Teabaggers are popular.

But when the GOP makes Crazy Rand Paul a national leader, it's marginalizing itself as a party.

Oh yeah, she does have enemy's, but she is no hack, she can deal with them. Palen was not ready for the big time so she got chewed up and spit out. Its hard to say, but the Boston bombing looks like it will drag out, Barry is losing his steam, leaks will come and around 2014 im thinking the "anti terror" sentiment will come back. As for the east, most people only know what they see on TV and on the internetz. Hillery could end up swift boated, as a matter of fact, I think any democrat (and the right republican) could end up swift boated. She is about the only Democrat that could really hang in the mud match that's coming.

Not that I can blame you for not being psychic, but it looks like they got one of the Boston bombers and the other one is on borrowed time.

I do think the GOP will make gains in 2014, which will give them the delusion that the Teabaggers are popular.

But when the GOP makes Crazy Rand Paul a national leader, it's marginalizing itself as a party.

What happened to due process of law. Oh, right. Obama is exempt from having to use it.

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