Who do you trust more on health care?

Its up to Congress actually but if the Pubs take the Senate, the gay marriage 'crisis' will again be a #1 concern; that and slashing Vet benefits.

And you got this information from where?
Genius...Social issues are for getting the voting base to the polls. Once the election hangover ends, social issues are placed back in the attic.
Look at the last 30+ years. Has a GOP president who was a Presbyterian( Reagan) radical change in government social policy?
What about a Baptist( Clinton)?
The country is for all intents and purposes, socially right leaning moderate and fiscally conservative.
The sky is not falling and you're predictions are conspiracy theory.
BTW gay marriage is an issue for the individual states to decide.
The government doesn't tell you what to do with your body when it comes to health care.

Yes it does. The government under Obama will have a panel of "experts" who will decide that you've used up your QALYs and its time to die.
The Democrat war on citizens.

You're insane.

I'd trust anyone before I'd trust my FOR PROFIT health insurance company. That is now who decides like a dictator whether I will have treatment or not.

My medical treatment is the exact opposite of their bottom line.

My care hurts their profit and they'd kill to make a profit.

The government is certainly more trustworthy than a private company.....:thup:
The government doesn't tell you what to do with your body when it comes to health care.

Yes it does. The government under Obama will have a panel of "experts" who will decide that you've used up your QALYs and its time to die.
The Democrat war on citizens.

You're insane.

I'd trust anyone before I'd trust my FOR PROFIT health insurance company. That is now who decides like a dictator whether I will have treatment or not.

My medical treatment is the exact opposite of their bottom line.

My care hurts their profit and they'd kill to make a profit.

Really.. Give an example of how you were denied care....And don't make anything up because not only do I ask questions, I question answers.
Yes it does. The government under Obama will have a panel of "experts" who will decide that you've used up your QALYs and its time to die.
The Democrat war on citizens.

You're insane.

I'd trust anyone before I'd trust my FOR PROFIT health insurance company. That is now who decides like a dictator whether I will have treatment or not.

My medical treatment is the exact opposite of their bottom line.

My care hurts their profit and they'd kill to make a profit.

The government is certainly more trustworthy than a private company.....:thup:

How so?
Name one government program that operates within budget and on time.
You're insane.

I'd trust anyone before I'd trust my FOR PROFIT health insurance company.

So, that leaves me wondering if you support PPACA - which of course forces you, forces all of us, to do business with them. This "reform" is so often miscast as a struggle between government and business, when in fact it's an unholy alliance between them.
Yes it does. The government under Obama will have a panel of "experts" who will decide that you've used up your QALYs and its time to die.
The Democrat war on citizens.

You're insane.

I'd trust anyone before I'd trust my FOR PROFIT health insurance company. That is now who decides like a dictator whether I will have treatment or not.

My medical treatment is the exact opposite of their bottom line.

My care hurts their profit and they'd kill to make a profit.

The government is certainly more trustworthy than a private company.....:thup:

Both government and business are as trustworthy as the people running them at the time. It's up to us, as citizens and consumers to keep them in line. We keep government in check by our votes and our voluntary adherence to the social contract (which can be revoked). We keep private industry in line by exercising our right to refuse to do business with them. PPACA radically reduces our ability to do either of these things.
Hey driveby...Still awaiting your reply to my request.
Having a little trouble?...
If you have not answered by now, I will have to conclude you found NONE.
Now, do you REALLY believe your health care and insurance needs are best handled by the federal government? Or is your response based simply on partisan politics?
The government doesn't tell you what to do with your body when it comes to health care.

Yes it does. The government under Obama will have a panel of "experts" who will decide that you've used up your QALYs and its time to die.
The Democrat war on citizens.

More bizarre rightwing fantasies?

There is not a one single payer system that is not costing less money than it costs to operate.

They all cost less than they cost?
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The government doesn't tell you what to do with your body when it comes to health care.

Yes it does. The government under Obama will have a panel of "experts" who will decide that you've used up your QALYs and its time to die.
The Democrat war on citizens.

You're insane.

I'd trust anyone before I'd trust my FOR PROFIT health insurance company. That is now who decides like a dictator whether I will have treatment or not.

My medical treatment is the exact opposite of their bottom line.

My care hurts their profit and they'd kill to make a profit.

Typical foolish left wing lemmingspeak.
The government doesn't tell you what to do with your body when it comes to health care.

Yes it does. The government under Obama will have a panel of "experts" who will decide that you've used up your QALYs and its time to die.
The Democrat war on citizens.

More bizarre rightwing fantasies?

There is not a one single payer system that is not costing less money than it costs to operate.

They all cost less than they cost?
Cost to dispense care exceeds revenue. I mis-typed.
All nations with single payer systems run health care system deficits.
Spain, Greece, Ireland and Portugal have gone broke or are near the breaking point due to social programs of which government operated medical care is the largest expense.
Taxation was believed to be the route by which these systems would be covered. So much for that.
Myself. I dont trust the government at all.

Odd that you dont mind the government telling you what to do with your body when it comes to health care

Fucking moron, Government is the reason your sorry ass is here today.Plus your GOD say you need a government. Rom 13; 1-7.

We need only read the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution to understand why a government is needed: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." We need government to keep the territory held together (more perfect union). We need government to protect us from law breakers (establish justice). We need government to keep our day-to-day lives stable and safe (domestic tranquility). We need government to protect us from foreign invasions (provide for the common defense). We need government to help the exchange of money, goods, and trade with other countries (promote the general welfare). The purpose of a government is to provide for the safety and protection of the citizens. It protects the nation from foreign and domestic enemies and violence, provides services like post office, fire protection, state and local police, armed forces, and regulates things like interstate commerce and trade with other nations. A government also has the obligation to protect the rights of the citizens, though not all governments do that. A national government must protect the rights of citizens and of states' rights. The government's functions are to provide social order, security, public services, and economic systems for the citizens.

Why do we need a government

Your misunderstanding of the General Welfare clause is immense.
Yes it does. The government under Obama will have a panel of "experts" who will decide that you've used up your QALYs and its time to die.
The Democrat war on citizens.

More bizarre rightwing fantasies?

There is not a one single payer system that is not costing less money than it costs to operate.

They all cost less than they cost?
Cost to dispense care exceeds revenue. I mis-typed.
All nations with single payer systems run health care system deficits.
Spain, Greece, Ireland and Portugal have gone broke or are near the breaking point due to social programs of which government operated medical care is the largest expense.
Taxation was believed to be the route by which these systems would be covered. So much for that.

And they all spend 40%+ less than we do, and have better results. They were all fine before the Pub cronyism/corruption SECOND World Depression.
Myself. I dont trust the government at all.

Good... you shouldn't. Even if you don't trust government however, it will still sneak into your home at night and try to suffocate you. It'll slip rufis into your drinks when you're not looking, and it'll talk about you behind your back.

Even people who are supportive of many Government programs... like myself, are not "trusting" of government. We question everything. I don't have to be "trusting" of government to support certain programs. Government has a role to play, and I understand that. It's not the central role however, and only delusional freaks like yourself believe we think it is.
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Well, if you're like most Americans, the answer is Barack Obama.

Poll: Obama has double-digit advantage on health care, Medicare - POLITICO.com
More from the new CNN poll out this afternoon: President Obama has a double-digit lead over Mitt Romney on both the issues of health care and Medicare.

According to the poll, 54 percent of likely voters think Obama would better handle the issue of health care, compared with 45 percent for Romney. Before the conventions, on Aug. 22-23, Obama led by only 1 point on the issue, 49 percent to 48 percent.

On Medicare, the disparity is even more pronounced: Obama leads Romney by 11 points, 54 percent to 43 percent, compared with a 1-point lead back in the pre-convention August poll.

Health care is an issue on which the public has been deeply divided, even in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling earlier this summer. And Medicare, though it's been a traditionally winning issue for Democrats, is something Republicans have sought to play offense on after Paul Ryan joined the GOP ticket. These numbers suggest that, at least in terms of messaging at the conventions, Democrats have the upper hand on both issues.
Perhaps that's why Mitt is starting to embrace Obamacare.

I trust my doctor.

Not a team of IRS agents
Well, if you're like most Americans, the answer is Barack Obama.

Poll: Obama has double-digit advantage on health care, Medicare - POLITICO.com
More from the new CNN poll out this afternoon: President Obama has a double-digit lead over Mitt Romney on both the issues of health care and Medicare.

According to the poll, 54 percent of likely voters think Obama would better handle the issue of health care, compared with 45 percent for Romney. Before the conventions, on Aug. 22-23, Obama led by only 1 point on the issue, 49 percent to 48 percent.

On Medicare, the disparity is even more pronounced: Obama leads Romney by 11 points, 54 percent to 43 percent, compared with a 1-point lead back in the pre-convention August poll.

Health care is an issue on which the public has been deeply divided, even in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling earlier this summer. And Medicare, though it's been a traditionally winning issue for Democrats, is something Republicans have sought to play offense on after Paul Ryan joined the GOP ticket. These numbers suggest that, at least in terms of messaging at the conventions, Democrats have the upper hand on both issues.

Perhaps that's why Mitt is starting to embrace Obamacare.

Returning to the original point, there's a new FoxNews poll out tonight that also asks these questions.

Likely voters were asked "Regardless of how you might vote, which presidential candidate do you trust to do a better job on each of the following issues -- Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?"

  • On "Protecting Medicare and making sure it’s there for future generations," Obama leads Romney 51-40 among likely voters.
  • On "Handling health care" Obama leads 51-42.

There once was a time when Romneyites thought health care was an Obama weakness. Dispatches from an alternate universe, perhaps.
You can sue private insurance companies, you won't be able to do that with the ACA. Proper gov't oversight and regulation is supposed to keep them honest. If you don't trust the insurance companies, it's because the gov't didn't do it's job. But the gov't has no oversight, they can pretty much do whatever they want. Don't know why anyone would trust them to be competent or honest, unless you're one of their biggest benefactors.
You can sue private insurance companies, you won't be able to do that with the ACA. Proper gov't oversight and regulation is supposed to keep them honest. If you don't trust the insurance companies, it's because the gov't didn't do it's job. But the gov't has no oversight, they can pretty much do whatever they want. Don't know why anyone would trust them to be competent or honest, unless you're one of their biggest benefactors.

Said with such conviction.

Yet you actually have more protections and more rights when it comes to dealing with your insurance company thanks to the ACA.

External Appeals
Consumer Assistance Program Grants (CAP Grants)
The Affordable Care Act's New Patient's Bill of Rights
You can sue private insurance companies, you won't be able to do that with the ACA. Proper gov't oversight and regulation is supposed to keep them honest. If you don't trust the insurance companies, it's because the gov't didn't do it's job. But the gov't has no oversight, they can pretty much do whatever they want. Don't know why anyone would trust them to be competent or honest, unless you're one of their biggest benefactors.

You're quite mad, insurance companies are going nowhere, but they wll no longer be able to cut you off, blackball people for preexisting, or spend too much on salaries or advertising, etc.

You dupes will 85% LOVE ACA when you get the facts, as Pelosi said.
You can sue private insurance companies, you won't be able to do that with the ACA. Proper gov't oversight and regulation is supposed to keep them honest. If you don't trust the insurance companies, it's because the gov't didn't do it's job. But the gov't has no oversight, they can pretty much do whatever they want. Don't know why anyone would trust them to be competent or honest, unless you're one of their biggest benefactors.

Said with such conviction.

Yet you actually have more protections and more rights when it comes to dealing with your insurance company thanks to the ACA.

External Appeals
Consumer Assistance Program Grants (CAP Grants)
The Affordable Care Act's New Patient's Bill of Rights

I am unconvinced. Maybe the gov't should've done a better job of regulating the insurance companies, we wouldn't have had to go through all this bullshit. Maybe we should've done something about tort reform. Maybe we should've allowed insurance companies to write policies in every state, thereby increasing competition. Maybe there were other altneratives that would've actually lowered healthcare costs. Maybe the democrats should've worked with the repubs to arrive at a true bipartisan law instead of the backroom deals and behind closed doors bullshit that couldn't stand the light of day. And maybe we shouldn't have passed a bill this big that covers one sixth of the entire economy WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT THE FUCK WAS IN IT.

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