Who does Obama want you to have "compassion" and "shared responsibility" for? Look:


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Here is just one of the millions who Obama believes you and I share a responsibility for supporting:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IeEGPe2q6o&feature=related]YouTube - SOULJA GIRL MOM SPEAKS - TWITTER.COM/JAMIASGADGET[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4mopN9nDIQ&playnext=1&list=PL417875EE85136CE8]YouTube - *ORIGINAL* CRANK DAT SOULJA GIRL REMIX ON MARTA TRAIN[/ame]

Big suprise, her mom blames it on bipolar disorder (aka, "A bad temper"), and says the mental health dept isn't doing enough to help her (aka, the government isn't doing it's job and taking care of my kids).

Take a good look boys. This is what Obama says you and I must shared the responsibility for. Hell, she's probably poor and unemployed ONLY because of a rich, white birther Republican CEO out there somewhere refused to give her a $100K a year job....which she obviously is entitled to.
BTW, anyone who hasn't rode the "MARTA" in Atlanta should know.....shit like this ain't rare, or even uncommon.
Or maybe we need compassion for the Obama voter who said the only solution is to "exterminate white people" : [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IN5StQAr7n0&feature=related]YouTube - exterminate white people[/ame]

Or have shared responsibility for all the Obama supporters who clapped when he said it?
And of course, no compassion would be complete unless I also pay for this woman's gas and house payment:[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI&feature=related]YouTube - Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!![/ame]
And we sure can't forget to have some compassion and support poor Julio, who has slaved at McDonalds for 4 years (while in college, btw) and begged Obama to force McD's to pay him like a middle manager at a large company (also after he nearly had an "accident" in his pants: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TptsP4ryido]YouTube - Obama Town Hall Julio's McDonalds Question[/ame]

Oh, his dream job? He wants to be a DJ.
And of course, no compassion would be complete unless I also pay for this woman's gas and house payment:YouTube - Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!!

Say, I wonder how that house payment and gas money thing is working out for the lady now? Or if any (so called) reporters have spoken with that other guy who got to complain to Obama on the campaign trail about having to work at McDonald's ? Obama played the welfare generation for votes. Now, they see a politician is a politician and they will lie there ass off to get your vote.
Bucs.........all this class warfare stuff is awesome in my view. Politically, it is the desperation hail mary pass..........always the play by liberals when the independents have punted on your shit. You fire up the base......play to the hyper-k00ks.
$6.00 gas coming.........food prices through the roof........no jobs...........enormous debt = always the death knell for any incumbent.

Its all good Bucs.............
And of course, no compassion would be complete unless I also pay for this woman's gas and house payment:YouTube - Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!!

LOL......indisputable evidence that no Democrat woud ever win elected office but for the hyper-clueless dummies of society. Its their ticket every time and there are millions amd millions of them. THATS why liberal politicans can say ANYTHING............their constituency buys it hook, line and stinker.

Bucs............even better is the Howard Stern Harlem voter interviews. You laugh until it hurts.
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Would you have posted this if it were a white person - or if Obama wasn't president? Seems the universe has changed course in American and the right wing grows dumber by the second.

In the mid fifties, "generosity was voted the most conspicuous American characteristic, followed by friendliness, understanding, piety, love of freedom, and progressivism. The American faults listed were petty: shallowness, egotism, extravagance, preoccupation with money, and selfishness." William Manchester in "The Glory and the Dream" quoting George Gallup's Institute of public opinion.
Bucs.........all this class warfare stuff is awesome in my view. Politically, it is the desperation hail mary pass..........always the play by liberals when the independents have punted on your shit. You fire up the base......play to the hyper-k00ks.
$6.00 gas coming.........food prices through the roof........no jobs...........enormous debt = always the death knell for any incumbent.

Its all good Bucs.............

Would you have posted this if it were a white person - or if Obama wasn't president? Seems the universe has changed course in American and the right wing grows dumber by the second.

In the mid fifties, "generosity was voted the most conspicuous American characteristic, followed by friendliness, understanding, piety, love of freedom, and progressivism. The American faults listed were petty: shallowness, egotism, extravagance, preoccupation with money, and selfishness." William Manchester in "The Glory and the Dream" quoting George Gallup's Institute of public opinion.

I would have. It needs to be remembered that white family's also have 2nd and 3rd generation food stamp and medicare recipients as well. The McDonald's guy was white, you remember right ? He was the one who good in his pants when he got to ask Obama a question. Obama had him talk to someone after. Blacks were not the only ones looking for "Obama Cash". Plenty of whites were and are as well.

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