Who does the GOP have to run against "She who must not be named"?



Chris Christie's Crisis Plunges Republican Party Deeper Into The Wilderness

But after a brutal year of setbacks, scandals, and political floundering capped this month by a controversy that threatens to sink New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s political career, the Republican establishment is warily scanning its bruised and bloodied field of potential 2016 standard-bearers — and many of the party poobahs are on the brink of panic.


Any ideas? Who does the GOP have to run against "She who must not be named"?

Obama's number crunchers are already working with the followers of "you know who".
Elizabeth Warren "must not be named"?

You cannot be speaking of Hillary Clinton? She's not liberal enough to win the Democrat primaries.

Remember the last time Hillary was the "presumptive nominee"? We were told she was a "lock"!! Nobody could beat her!! She was going to clean up the floor with whomever the Republicans ran against her. She was "UNBEATABLE". Remember??

Then, she was unceremoniously dumped like a pile of shit. You Leftwingnuts went with an inexperienced community organizer who spoke in riddles instead.

This time will be no different. The first lunatic fringe candidate that promises to "punish" the "rich" and make "evil corporations pay" will have you moonbats eating from the palms of their hands. You'll dump Hillary faster than Bubba dropped his trousers for Monica. You're stupid like that. Hope and change anyone?
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There's only one person who can fix this country.

I'm not sure his health is up to it.
The GOP is already changing the rules for how they will choose who Democrats call "The next George W. Bush". Hillary will cakewalk it to 1600 Penn. Get over it, conservative loser boys.
Elizabeth Warren "must not be named"?

You cannot be speaking of Hillary Clinton? She's not liberal enough to win the Democrat primaries.

Remember the last time Hillary was the "presumptive nominee"? We were told she was a "lock"!! Nobody could beat her!! She was going to clean up the floor with whomever the Republicans ran against her. She was "UNBEATABLE". Remember??

Then, she was unceremoniously dumped like a pile of shit. You Leftwingnuts went with an inexperienced community organizer who spoke in riddles instead.

This time will be no different. The first lunatic fringe candidate that promises to "punish" the "rich" and make "evil corporations pay" will have you moonbats eating from the palms of their hands. You'll dump Hillary faster than Bubba dropped his trousers for Monica. You're stupid like that. Hope and change anyone?

You are probably correct. Hillary is not a universal favorite, far from it, if another candidate came along that was less of an insider and had the proper progressive credentials I would gladly vote for the relative newb over them, you know what I mean when I say "them".
Chris Christie
Marco Rubio
Scott Walker
Bobby Jindal
John Kasich
Jeb Bush
These were just off the top of my head there are other's I'm sure I overlooked.

Walker is getting my attention, I will not vote for Jeb.
Chris Christie
Marco Rubio
Scott Walker
Bobby Jindal
John Kasich
Jeb Bush
These were just off the top of my head there are other's I'm sure I overlooked.

Walker is getting my attention, I will not vote for Jeb.

It's about time you conservative buffoons stopped voting for Bush's. Too bad you didn't think that way in 2000 and 2004. We'd all be better off now if you had.
Chris Christie
Marco Rubio
Scott Walker
Bobby Jindal
John Kasich
Jeb Bush
These were just off the top of my head there are other's I'm sure I overlooked.

Walker is getting my attention, I will not vote for Jeb.

It's about time you conservative buffoons stopped voting for Bush's. Too bad you didn't think that way in 2000 and 2004. We'd all be better off now if you had.

We'd have not been better off under Gore or Kerry , they are both buffoons.
Walker is getting my attention, I will not vote for Jeb.

It's about time you conservative buffoons stopped voting for Bush's. Too bad you didn't think that way in 2000 and 2004. We'd all be better off now if you had.

We'd have not been better off under Gore or Kerry , they are both buffoons.

While I am no fan of Bush II, especially on his fiscal policy.. you are absolutely correct... Kerry and Gore were horrid choices and we would have been in even worse shape..

It is time a true fiscal conservative was in the executive branch

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