Who else has made the claim that, "the press [media] is the enemy of the people"?

Paraphrasing Freud............."You must remember that sometimes a cigar is just.....well, a cigar."
.... but in reality if you watch 2 different news broadcasts you get 2 entirely different sets of info[/QUOTE]

Without realizing it, you actually shot to all hell your [and the orange charlatan's] moronic claim that "the press is the enemy of the people..." and that everyone is against the moron-in-chief..........LOL
.... but in reality if you watch 2 different news broadcasts you get 2 entirely different sets of info[/QUOTE]

Without realizing it, you actually shot to all hell your [and the orange charlatan's] moronic claim that "the press is the enemy of the people..." and that everyone is against the moron-in-chief..........LOL
Without realizing it you have shown that you aren't intelligent enough to understand the quote function

But if we did as you seem to think have unbiased news in this country then it wouldn't matter what channel you watched would it?
So you think that purposefully disingenuous reporting and the favoring of opinion over facts is good for "the people"?
You're as bad as he is.

So we have completely unbiased news in this country?
Not necessarily, but calling the free press the enemy of the people is what a dictator does. It is a free press. It is up to the individual to use his or her own critical thinking skills in order to decide what is truth and what isn't. When a dictator disallows a free press, he institutes a state press that only tells the story from his point of view, as is done in Russia, where reporters who criticize Putin are assassinated. Is that what you want? Only Trump's version of reality? Move to Russia or North Korea if that is the kind of controlled press you want.
Millions of Americans
They ARE an enemy of the people. Just like your statism and licking the shoes of our elites

Trumptardism is contagious it seems.

You seriously imagine that people in the media wake up and think to themselves - hmm, how can I screw The People today?
By their own actions they are the enemy of the people.

They foment racial strife by promoting hoax "hate crimes".

They distort and flat out lie about events to incite riots.

They lie, disparage and slander decent people for political purposes.

They promote hoaxes like global whining to distract from actual problems like congress critters becoming multi-millionaires after serving 6 years making $175K.

The media works in opposition to truth, promotes the regressive leftist agenda, cultural rot, and causes the division in society.

What actions idiot?

They don't promote hoax hate crimes anymore then they report on hoax - see coverage right now of a hoax crime. Does't add up does it?

They first and foremost report events. Reporting is not always going to be accurate or completely un-biased or to your liking, but for the most part it is. Suggestion that this is done out of a broad conspiracy to wage some sort of war on The People is fucking nuts.
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So you think that purposefully disingenuous reporting and the favoring of opinion over facts is good for "the people"?
You're as bad as he is.

So we have completely unbiased news in this country?
Not necessarily, but calling the free press the enemy of the people is what a dictator does. It is a free press. It is up to the individual to use his or her own critical thinking skills in order to decide what is truth and what isn't. When a dictator disallows a free press, he institutes a state press that only tells the story from his point of view, as is done in Russia, where reporters who criticize Putin are assassinated. Is that what you want? Only Trump's version of reality? Move to Russia or North Korea if that is the kind of controlled press you want.

The press isn't free, in fact the press is a slave to television ratings and click numbers on the web

News outlets want to make the people who buy ads happy and really don't care about the news or the truth.

And I do think that biased news sources are harmful to the public
So you think that purposefully disingenuous reporting and the favoring of opinion over facts is good for "the people"?
What is this shit? You're running interference because the media just got caught with their pants down promoting the Smollett hate hoax?

Don't you want news integrity? I do.

Most of them just proved that they're biased liars. I don't like that.

That should not be.

On a different level I do, because it exposes them.
Being taken in by a hoax does not make them "biased liars".
So you think that purposefully disingenuous reporting and the favoring of opinion over facts is good for "the people"?
You're as bad as he is.

So we have completely unbiased news in this country?
Not necessarily, but calling the free press the enemy of the people is what a dictator does. It is a free press. It is up to the individual to use his or her own critical thinking skills in order to decide what is truth and what isn't. When a dictator disallows a free press, he institutes a state press that only tells the story from his point of view, as is done in Russia, where reporters who criticize Putin are assassinated. Is that what you want? Only Trump's version of reality? Move to Russia or North Korea if that is the kind of controlled press you want.

No, what a dictator does is actively suppress any free press, and replaces it with government versions of said press.

Any dictator that just mouths off about a hostile press and doesn't do anything about it is a piss poor dictator.

What we want is a press that isn't comprised of Democratic party lap dogs, apologists, and fellow travellers.
Well, besides our "beloved" demagogue-in-chief, other notable world leaders have uttered the same exact sentiment. Among them we have had:


Reality is a bitch......

Republican voters have been convinced by the rich who own the media that the media is liberal.

How many times do I have to tell Republicans that the rich use wedge issues like guns, god, gays and racism to divide us? So what does the media talk about? It talks about god, gays, guns and racism. It may even seem sympathetic to the liberal position but all that is doing is winning over these conservative minded Americans who financially should be voting Democratic.

So the media pretends to be liberal on social wedge issues and it helps Republicans win elections.

Here is a great article on how the media never talks about the stuff that matters

4 Reasons the Corporate Media Refuses to Talk About Things That Matter

Read 1, 3 and 4.

1. The End of the Fairness Doctrine

3. Media Corporations Are Corporations, Too

4. Corporations Like Republicans

Here is the funniest thing about all of this:

Trump (an unrepenting, pathological fucking liar who gets caught on it on daily basis) saying someone is the enemy of the people because they supposedly misinform the public.

And Trumptards nod right along.
Millions of Americans
They ARE an enemy of the people. Just like your statism and licking the shoes of our elites

Trumptardism is contagious it seems.

You seriously imagine that people in the media wake up and think to themselves - hmm, how can I screw The People today?
IDK about that. Hmmm what does explain their bullshit?
Millions of Americans
They ARE an enemy of the people. Just like your statism and licking the shoes of our elites

Trumptardism is contagious it seems.

You seriously imagine that people in the media wake up and think to themselves - hmm, how can I screw The People today?
IDK about that. Hmmm what does explain their bullshit?

Well if your standard of "enemy of the people" is just spreading inacurate or biased information, then you MUST agree that Trump is a HUGE enemy of the people.

Here is the most ironic thing about all of this:

Trump (an unrepenting, pathological fucking liar who gets caught on it on daily basis) saying someone is the enemy of the people because they supposedly don't report truthfully, while Trumptards nod along.
A lot of one sided reporting going on without the facts, then very little reporting when
the facts surface. Call it what you want. But, it's not a fairytale nor an old war story.
Millions of Americans
They ARE an enemy of the people. Just like your statism and licking the shoes of our elites

Trumptardism is contagious it seems.

You seriously imagine that people in the media wake up and think to themselves - hmm, how can I screw The People today?
IDK about that. Hmmm what does explain their bullshit?

Well if your standard of "enemy of the people" is just spreading inacurate or biased information, then you MUST agree that Trump is a HUGE enemy of the people.
I think trump is more stupid and ignorant than trying to cause division like the media.
Here is the most ironic thing about all of this:

Trump (an unrepenting, pathological fucking liar who gets caught on it on daily basis) saying someone is the enemy of the people because they supposedly don't report truthfully, while Trumptards nod along.
A lot of one sided reporting going on without the facts, then very little reporting when
the facts surface. Call it what you want. But, it's not a fairytale nor an old war story.

I've got a one sided news source for you:


What do you think - Enemy of the People?

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