Who else is looking forward to the next President Clinton?

I think a lot of people are very excited to have two Clintons in the WH again. This country will move forward faster with Democrats continuing what President Obama started.

The only one's who are exicited are the Kool-Aid drinking libbies, who want to see yet another corrupt person in office and leading our country. :cuckoo:
If anyone was hoping to see that, another Bush will get their vote.
I think a lot of people are very excited to have two Clintons in the WH again. This country will move forward faster with Democrats continuing what President Obama started.

The only one's who are exicited are the Kool-Aid drinking libbies, who want to see yet another corrupt person in office and leading our country. :cuckoo:
If anyone was hoping to see that, another Bush will get their vote.
And do you believe that Hillary Clinton is a good, honest, trust-worthy person who would have the country's best interests in mind if she was elected?
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They are being paid for their labor. That it's low because of the skills being offered, that's not the fault of the payer but the payee for having low level skills.

You answered no but your explanation says yes. If someone is being paid a skill level wage, even if it's low, they are being paid for their labor at a rate equivalent to the value of it. To say they should be getting a living wage means you think a business should pay them more than the value of that labor. When you use the word living wage, you're saying an employer should pay someone enough to support themselves even if it means paying them more than what they are doing is worth. That's paying on existence not skill level. If you believe that, at least be a man and be honest about it.

Point is, if you have WalMart posting billions of dollars in profits, then the value of hte labor is clearly worth more than they are paying for it. Now, if WalMart were barely scraping by as a company, you MIGHT Have an argument here. But you don't.

Here's the thing. A CEO in the US makes 400 times what a line worker makes. A CEO in Japan makes about 30 times what a line worker makes. It is not because American CEO's are so much smarter.
I think a lot of people are very excited to have two Clintons in the WH again. This country will move forward faster with Democrats continuing what President Obama started.

The only one's who are exicited are the Kool-Aid drinking libbies, who want to see yet another corrupt person in office and leading our country. :cuckoo:
If anyone was hoping to see that, another Bush will get their vote.
And do you believe that Hillary Clinton is a good, honest, trust-worthy person who would have the country's best interests in mind if she was elected?
I certainly do. She has my vote.
I think a lot of people are very excited to have two Clintons in the WH again. This country will move forward faster with Democrats continuing what President Obama started.

The only one's who are exicited are the Kool-Aid drinking libbies, who want to see yet another corrupt person in office and leading our country. :cuckoo:
If anyone was hoping to see that, another Bush will get their vote.
And do you believe that Hillary Clinton is a good, honest, trust-worthy person who would have the country's best interests in mind if she was elected?
I certainly do. She has my vote.

Which tells me that you will continue drinking the Kool-Aid and make-believe that Hillary isn't corrupt and has good intentions for America. Just like you liberals have been doing with Obama. :cuckoo:
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I think a lot of people are very excited to have two Clintons in the WH again. This country will move forward faster with Democrats continuing what President Obama started.

The only one's who are exicited are the Kool-Aid drinking libbies, who want to see yet another corrupt person in office and leading our country. :cuckoo:
If anyone was hoping to see that, another Bush will get their vote.
And do you believe that Hillary Clinton is a good, honest, trust-worthy person who would have the country's best interests in mind if she was elected?
I certainly do. She has my vote.

Which tells me that you will continue drinking the Kool-Aid and make-believe that Hillary isn't corrupt and has good intentions for America. Just like you liberals have been doing with Obama. :cuckoo:

The Hildebeast has never accomplished anything positive for our country in any of her jobs, and the silly libs will still vote for her! Amazing! :badgrin:
The Hildebeast has never accomplished anything positive for our country in any of her jobs, and the silly libs will still vote for her! Amazing!

NO, the silly thing is that Bush-41 gave us a recession and a war, Bush-43 gave us two recessions and two wars, and you guys can't wait to give us Bush-45.
If he's paying a $8/hour skilled worker $8/hour, that's a fair wage. Seems to you fair means that owner should give up more so someone with $8/hour skills can make $15/hour. If someone is uneducated with low skills, they are going to make a low wage. It isn't unfair to pay them one if all they offer is low skills.

Should low skilled workers be paid on existence?

No, low paid workers should be paid for the labor they perform. If you can't afford to pay your employees a living wage, you shouldn't be in business. Why should the rest of us subsidize undercapitilized businesses?
Would you be willing to pay $12 for a big mack so the fry cook can receive a "living wage"?
The Hildebeast has never accomplished anything positive for our country in any of her jobs, and the silly libs will still vote for her! Amazing!

NO, the silly thing is that Bush-41 gave us a recession and a war, Bush-43 gave us two recessions and two wars, and you guys can't wait to give us Bush-45.
What's silly is the fact that you're allowed to vote.
I didn't ask about math. I asked a simple question you are ill equipped to answer.

Would you be willing to pay $12 for a big mack?

You need to stop and think a bit. If we double the minimum wage, everyone along the supply chain, including the guys who pick lettuce and the guys who load the special sauce on the truck will go up. SO, that $0.68 gets multiplied numerous times along the path the components of a burger take on the way to you asking if I want fries with that.

Think Joe, if your meth riddled brain will still function.
I didn't ask about math. I asked a simple question you are ill equipped to answer.

Would you be willing to pay $12 for a big mack?

You need to stop and think a bit. If we double the minimum wage, everyone along the supply chain, including the guys who pick lettuce and the guys who load the special sauce on the truck will go up. SO, that $0.68 gets multiplied numerous times along the path the components of a burger take on the way to you asking if I want fries with that.

Think Joe, if your meth riddled brain will still function.

I have thought about it, guy. It really doesn't add up. Let's look at the cost of lettuce if you paid THOSE guys a living wage.

HOw many heads of lettuce do you think a Migrant Worker harvests in an hour? Let's say it's 100. Okay, so doubling the min wage adds .07 to a head of lettuce. Okay, so let's say you make 50 hamburgers out of one head of lettuce. So now we've added a whopping .14 of a penny to each Big Mac.

Of course, if everyone is making a living wage, more people are able to BUY big macs. Sorry, guy, you boy Mitt Romney with his $250,000,000 salary just can't eat that many Big Macs.
Lettuce is hardly every step along the path of ingredients nor are you including a profit margin in your "calculations".
clinton already lost and will never win now because of Obama. It's over. Time to look at 2020 libs. Good god thy are stupid.
Lettuce is hardly every step along the path of ingredients nor are you including a profit margin in your "calculations".

Oh, noes, Rich People might have to settle for less Profit because they have to pay the people who do the actual WORK!!!!

I picked lettuce because frankly, that's probably the only labor intensive ingredient we are talking about. The people who work in the factory that make the "Special Sauce" (which is actually just 1000 Island dressing) are making better than minimum and the labor cost involved is probably minimal.

I'm guessing you don't know much about manufacturing, Cleetus.
Of course a mechanical engineer would know nothing about manufacturing.... I know about wages and economics too Joe; subjects you seem to be sadly lacking in.
Of course a mechanical engineer would know nothing about manufacturing.... I know about wages and economics too Joe; subjects you seem to be sadly lacking in.
Dude, if there is a vast knowledge of anything other than your hate and desire for violence, you certainly haven't displayed it here.

He's not a racist cracker, he just plays one on the internets... really.
clinton already lost and will never win now because of Obama. It's over. Time to look at 2020 libs. Good god thy are stupid.
And yet, polls continue to reveal she beats any Republican candidate she runs against. Most by double digits.
Of course a mechanical engineer would know nothing about manufacturing.... I know about wages and economics too Joe; subjects you seem to be sadly lacking in.
Dude, if there is a vast knowledge of anything other than your hate and desire for violence, you certainly haven't displayed it here.

He's not a racist cracker, he just plays one on the internets... really.
What hate have I displayed here? Where have I mentioned a desire for violence?

Where but in your drug induced fantasies?
What hate have I displayed here? Where have I mentioned a desire for violence?

Where but in your drug induced fantasies?

YOu mean other than all the times you've expressed your hope and desire to shoot a "criminal' some day?

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