Who Generally Votes In Mid-Terms?,Very Angry&Anti-Establishment Americans.

LTCArmyRtd demonstrates a common failing to many career officers: pontificating on that which he knows little.
You missed the point completely!!! You missed the most important part of all those entities you listed, they are not industries! The health care industry represented 6% of the GDP.

Banks aren't industries? Road Construction isn't an industry?

Is the purpose of health care to generate a profit? Does health care create net wealth? No. Of course not. Most other developed nations realized this a long time ago (most as in all others except the USA...) and we're the caboose at the end finally inching our way to the modern age.

Socialism, whether in entities or industry, is not a bad thing.

While we're at it, oh look....health care cost inflation hits historic low...hmm, wonder why, oh yeah, ACA.

Health inflation hits historic low. A victory for Obamacare?

Get shot down, change your tune, I see how you play your game. You didn't say banking industry, you listed FDIC insurance, big difference. You listed interstate road system, not road construction, big difference. But to answer your question, no, those are not "industries". Quit while your ahead, you know nothing of economics, much less what an industry is.

And pardon me if I call bullshit on your statement about "health care inflation". There is no such thing, there is just inflation.

Your response was a meek little "they aren't industries like health care!" A small, insignificant little play on words, and you claim I'm changing my tune....okay.

Anyway.....FDIC is directly intertwined with banking, you can't have a secure personal banking system without FDIC. Road Construction is big money, and it's funded through *gasp* socialism. You and I both help pay for the interstates whether we use them or not. That's socialism, like it or not.

On your last point....yes there is such thing.
Yes the ACA has a tone of socialism in it.

So does the Police Force

So does most Fire Departments

So does the Postal Service

So do public Libraries

So does mandatory ER care

So do interstate highway systems

So does FDIC insurance

There's actually a LOT of socialism in modern day nations. The word "Socialist" is just so vilified by modern day corporatist that it's practically become taboo. Being socialist...by itself...is not a bad thing.

If you want a "every man for himself, dog eat dog" place to live....go live in Somalia.

You missed the point completely!!! You missed the most important part of all those entities you listed, they are not industries! The health care industry represented 6% of the GDP.

Banks aren't industries? Road Construction isn't an industry?

Is the purpose of health care to generate a profit? Does health care create net wealth? No. Of course not. Most other developed nations realized this a long time ago (most as in all others except the USA...) and we're the caboose at the end finally inching our way to the modern age.

Socialism, whether in entities or industry, is not a bad thing.

While we're at it, oh look....health care cost inflation hits historic low...hmm, wonder why, oh yeah, ACA.

Health inflation hits historic low. A victory for Obamacare?

Cuba and venezuela want you back.
You missed the point completely!!! You missed the most important part of all those entities you listed, they are not industries! The health care industry represented 6% of the GDP.

Banks aren't industries? Road Construction isn't an industry?

Is the purpose of health care to generate a profit? Does health care create net wealth? No. Of course not. Most other developed nations realized this a long time ago (most as in all others except the USA...) and we're the caboose at the end finally inching our way to the modern age.

Socialism, whether in entities or industry, is not a bad thing.

While we're at it, oh look....health care cost inflation hits historic low...hmm, wonder why, oh yeah, ACA.

Health inflation hits historic low. A victory for Obamacare?

Cuba and venezuela want you back.

OooooOOOOooo...."Socialism" I just said a bad word! Guess I have to go sit in the corner now.

I know that scares you people.
and each day, the news just gets worse, and lets see just how busy wally world/target is after tanxgiving,,that will be a preview of 2014.
Banks aren't industries? Road Construction isn't an industry?

Is the purpose of health care to generate a profit? Does health care create net wealth? No. Of course not. Most other developed nations realized this a long time ago (most as in all others except the USA...) and we're the caboose at the end finally inching our way to the modern age.

Socialism, whether in entities or industry, is not a bad thing.

While we're at it, oh look....health care cost inflation hits historic low...hmm, wonder why, oh yeah, ACA.

Health inflation hits historic low. A victory for Obamacare?

Cuba and venezuela want you back.

OooooOOOOooo...."Socialism" I just said a bad word! Guess I have to go sit in the corner now.

I know that scares you people.

Its just that I want no part of your dysfunctional utopian dream.
OooooOOOOooo...."Socialism" I just said a bad word! Guess I have to go sit in the corner now.

I know that scares you people.

Its just that I want no part of your dysfunctional utopian dream.

Okay, no more police or postal service for you I guess. Try not to drive on any highways either.

Police are funded locally. Not a problem. I like the postal service but I would survive if they weren't around. Also, I pay for the roads, which are built by a contractor who submits the lowest bid, when I send a check in for my car registration.
Its just that I want no part of your dysfunctional utopian dream.

Okay, no more police or postal service for you I guess. Try not to drive on any highways either.

Police are funded locally. Not a problem. I like the postal service but I would survive if they weren't around. Also, I pay for the roads, which are built by a contractor who submits the lowest bid, when I send a check in for my car registration.

Whether Police are funded locally, by state, or federal (it's all three actually...) it's still socialism.

And yes, you contribute toward the funding of the roads, in a socialist manor, and get to use them in exchange. That's socialism again! Ta dah!

Just like in 2010, and just like in 2006. Those who are happy with how things are going for themselves will probably just sit it out. And those who are furious, pissed off at their President, those are the ones who will stampede to their precincts ASAP!
And Nancy Pelosi doesn't see any of this coming?

then the GOP and DNC gerrymandered more districts.

Do you like Jethro Tull's Living in the Past album?
Banks aren't industries? Road Construction isn't an industry?

Is the purpose of health care to generate a profit? Does health care create net wealth? No. Of course not. Most other developed nations realized this a long time ago (most as in all others except the USA...) and we're the caboose at the end finally inching our way to the modern age.

Socialism, whether in entities or industry, is not a bad thing.

While we're at it, oh look....health care cost inflation hits historic low...hmm, wonder why, oh yeah, ACA.

Health inflation hits historic low. A victory for Obamacare?

Get shot down, change your tune, I see how you play your game. You didn't say banking industry, you listed FDIC insurance, big difference. You listed interstate road system, not road construction, big difference. But to answer your question, no, those are not "industries". Quit while your ahead, you know nothing of economics, much less what an industry is.

And pardon me if I call bullshit on your statement about "health care inflation". There is no such thing, there is just inflation.

Your response was a meek little "they aren't industries like health care!" A small, insignificant little play on words, and you claim I'm changing my tune....okay.

Anyway.....FDIC is directly intertwined with banking, you can't have a secure personal banking system without FDIC. Road Construction is big money, and it's funded through *gasp* socialism. You and I both help pay for the interstates whether we use them or not. That's socialism, like it or not.

On your last point....yes there is such thing.

Never said FDIC wasn't intertwined with banking, which again is a change from what you listed as an industry. Road construction is big money, but not an industry for the very reason you listed, and listen carefully, IT IS FUNDED THROUGH THE GOVERNMENT.

So based on your line of thought, is Social Security an Industry? Is Tax Revenue an industry? If they require the government to provide for their existence, IMO they are not an industry that contributes to the overall economic health of a nation.

Let me guess, you bought Obama's line.... hook, line and sinker of " you didn't build it", didn't you?
Get shot down, change your tune, I see how you play your game. You didn't say banking industry, you listed FDIC insurance, big difference. You listed interstate road system, not road construction, big difference. But to answer your question, no, those are not "industries". Quit while your ahead, you know nothing of economics, much less what an industry is.

And pardon me if I call bullshit on your statement about "health care inflation". There is no such thing, there is just inflation.

Your response was a meek little "they aren't industries like health care!" A small, insignificant little play on words, and you claim I'm changing my tune....okay.

Anyway.....FDIC is directly intertwined with banking, you can't have a secure personal banking system without FDIC. Road Construction is big money, and it's funded through *gasp* socialism. You and I both help pay for the interstates whether we use them or not. That's socialism, like it or not.

On your last point....yes there is such thing.

Never said FDIC wasn't intertwined with banking, which again is a change from what you listed as an industry. Road construction is big money, but not an industry for the very reason you listed, and listen carefully, IT IS FUNDED THROUGH THE GOVERNMENT.

So based on your line of thought, is Social Security an Industry? Is Tax Revenue an industry? If they require the government to provide for their existence, IMO they are not an industry that contributes to the overall economic health of a nation.

Let me guess, you bought Obama's line.... hook, line and sinker of " you didn't build it", didn't you?

The Lt Colonel has now decided that any industry that builds items of war is a "socialist" industry. Am I understanding you correctly Col? I mean when an aircraft carrier is built, the government pays for it. Socialist. How about planes? Built by socialist companies? Of course they are. Other weapon systems, tanks, helicopters, etc, all built by socialist industries. Companies funded through the government.

Then why do the Republicans protect those socialist arms industries to the death against cuts?
well the GOP can always make a deal with Taco Bell and every Rib place in swing states to sell their products at 1/2 price on Mid-Term Tuesday (that will help keep dems away from the precincts). it is perfectly legal! just like when Harry Reid bribed Rats with our tax dollars to vote for Obama-Care.
The excuse-making begins.

Sounds to me like libturds are tuning up for the inevitable ASS-KICKING deservedly coming their way in November.
Your response was a meek little "they aren't industries like health care!" A small, insignificant little play on words, and you claim I'm changing my tune....okay.

Anyway.....FDIC is directly intertwined with banking, you can't have a secure personal banking system without FDIC. Road Construction is big money, and it's funded through *gasp* socialism. You and I both help pay for the interstates whether we use them or not. That's socialism, like it or not.

On your last point....yes there is such thing.

Never said FDIC wasn't intertwined with banking, which again is a change from what you listed as an industry. Road construction is big money, but not an industry for the very reason you listed, and listen carefully, IT IS FUNDED THROUGH THE GOVERNMENT.

So based on your line of thought, is Social Security an Industry? Is Tax Revenue an industry? If they require the government to provide for their existence, IMO they are not an industry that contributes to the overall economic health of a nation.

Let me guess, you bought Obama's line.... hook, line and sinker of " you didn't build it", didn't you?

The Lt Colonel has now decided that any industry that builds items of war is a "socialist" industry. Am I understanding you correctly Col? I mean when an aircraft carrier is built, the government pays for it. Socialist. How about planes? Built by socialist companies? Of course they are. Other weapon systems, tanks, helicopters, etc, all built by socialist industries. Companies funded through the government.

Then why do the Republicans protect those socialist arms industries to the death against cuts?

No, I have not now decided that any industry that builds items of war is a "socialist" industry, never said that, nice twist on words though. By taking an industry and subordinating it to the government is socialist. The military used to develop it's own weapons and I believe we should go back to that model. Part of the corruption, with the military in particular, have to do with defense contracting companies.

And as for why do Republicans protect those companies, probably the same reason the Democrats protect them. Virginia, California, Maryland, Florida are where a large portion of these companies are located, predominately Dem states.
Get shot down, change your tune, I see how you play your game. You didn't say banking industry, you listed FDIC insurance, big difference. You listed interstate road system, not road construction, big difference. But to answer your question, no, those are not "industries". Quit while your ahead, you know nothing of economics, much less what an industry is.

And pardon me if I call bullshit on your statement about "health care inflation". There is no such thing, there is just inflation.

Your response was a meek little "they aren't industries like health care!" A small, insignificant little play on words, and you claim I'm changing my tune....okay.

Anyway.....FDIC is directly intertwined with banking, you can't have a secure personal banking system without FDIC. Road Construction is big money, and it's funded through *gasp* socialism. You and I both help pay for the interstates whether we use them or not. That's socialism, like it or not.

On your last point....yes there is such thing.

Never said FDIC wasn't intertwined with banking, which again is a change from what you listed as an industry. Road construction is big money, but not an industry for the very reason you listed, and listen carefully, IT IS FUNDED THROUGH THE GOVERNMENT.

So based on your line of thought, is Social Security an Industry? Is Tax Revenue an industry? If they require the government to provide for their existence, IMO they are not an industry that contributes to the overall economic health of a nation.

Let me guess, you bought Obama's line.... hook, line and sinker of " you didn't build it", didn't you?

This is pontification without evidence, simple opinion.
Never said FDIC wasn't intertwined with banking, which again is a change from what you listed as an industry. Road construction is big money, but not an industry for the very reason you listed, and listen carefully, IT IS FUNDED THROUGH THE GOVERNMENT.

So based on your line of thought, is Social Security an Industry? Is Tax Revenue an industry? If they require the government to provide for their existence, IMO they are not an industry that contributes to the overall economic health of a nation.

Let me guess, you bought Obama's line.... hook, line and sinker of " you didn't build it", didn't you?

The Lt Colonel has now decided that any industry that builds items of war is a "socialist" industry. Am I understanding you correctly Col? I mean when an aircraft carrier is built, the government pays for it. Socialist. How about planes? Built by socialist companies? Of course they are. Other weapon systems, tanks, helicopters, etc, all built by socialist industries. Companies funded through the government.

Then why do the Republicans protect those socialist arms industries to the death against cuts?

No, I have not now decided that any industry that builds items of war is a "socialist" industry, never said that, nice twist on words though. By taking an industry and subordinating it to the government is socialist. The military used to develop it's own weapons and I believe we should go back to that model. Part of the corruption, with the military in particular, have to do with defense contracting companies.

And as for why do Republicans protect those companies, probably the same reason the Democrats protect them. Virginia, California, Maryland, Florida are where a large portion of these companies are located, predominately Dem states.

Health Care does not create net wealth and the purpose of health care is not to generate profit, although that's certainly what the insurance companies would like it to be....

The purpose of health care is to promote good health among the populace. In every other developed nation this has been accepted and regulated to be so. In the United States you have a situation where insurance companies can screw over people left and right to put some extra cash in their pocket. That is WRONG.

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