Who Generally Votes In Mid-Terms?,Very Angry&Anti-Establishment Americans.

Your response was a meek little "they aren't industries like health care!" A small, insignificant little play on words, and you claim I'm changing my tune....okay.

Anyway.....FDIC is directly intertwined with banking, you can't have a secure personal banking system without FDIC. Road Construction is big money, and it's funded through *gasp* socialism. You and I both help pay for the interstates whether we use them or not. That's socialism, like it or not.

On your last point....yes there is such thing.

Never said FDIC wasn't intertwined with banking, which again is a change from what you listed as an industry. Road construction is big money, but not an industry for the very reason you listed, and listen carefully, IT IS FUNDED THROUGH THE GOVERNMENT.

So based on your line of thought, is Social Security an Industry? Is Tax Revenue an industry? If they require the government to provide for their existence, IMO they are not an industry that contributes to the overall economic health of a nation.

Let me guess, you bought Obama's line.... hook, line and sinker of " you didn't build it", didn't you?

This is pontification without evidence, simple opinion.

Exactly like all your posts.
The Lt Colonel has now decided that any industry that builds items of war is a "socialist" industry. Am I understanding you correctly Col? I mean when an aircraft carrier is built, the government pays for it. Socialist. How about planes? Built by socialist companies? Of course they are. Other weapon systems, tanks, helicopters, etc, all built by socialist industries. Companies funded through the government.

Then why do the Republicans protect those socialist arms industries to the death against cuts?

No, I have not now decided that any industry that builds items of war is a "socialist" industry, never said that, nice twist on words though. By taking an industry and subordinating it to the government is socialist. The military used to develop it's own weapons and I believe we should go back to that model. Part of the corruption, with the military in particular, have to do with defense contracting companies.

And as for why do Republicans protect those companies, probably the same reason the Democrats protect them. Virginia, California, Maryland, Florida are where a large portion of these companies are located, predominately Dem states.

Health Care does not create net wealth and the purpose of health care is not to generate profit, although that's certainly what the insurance companies would like it to be....

The purpose of health care is to promote good health among the populace. In every other developed nation this has been accepted and regulated to be so. In the United States you have a situation where insurance companies can screw over people left and right to put some extra cash in their pocket. That is WRONG.

Okay, left turn at Albuquerque, back to healthcare. So if hospitals, medical clinics, doctors, nurses, technicians, ambulance services, etc.....don't make a profit, who is going to pay these people who provide these services bills? Are you advocating indentured servitude?
No, I have not now decided that any industry that builds items of war is a "socialist" industry, never said that, nice twist on words though. By taking an industry and subordinating it to the government is socialist. The military used to develop it's own weapons and I believe we should go back to that model. Part of the corruption, with the military in particular, have to do with defense contracting companies.

And as for why do Republicans protect those companies, probably the same reason the Democrats protect them. Virginia, California, Maryland, Florida are where a large portion of these companies are located, predominately Dem states.

Health Care does not create net wealth and the purpose of health care is not to generate profit, although that's certainly what the insurance companies would like it to be....

The purpose of health care is to promote good health among the populace. In every other developed nation this has been accepted and regulated to be so. In the United States you have a situation where insurance companies can screw over people left and right to put some extra cash in their pocket. That is WRONG.

Okay, left turn at Albuquerque, back to healthcare. So if hospitals, medical clinics, doctors, nurses, technicians, ambulance services, etc.....don't make a profit, who is going to pay these people who provide these services bills? Are you advocating indentured servitude?

Is the purpose of the police force to generate a profit? How about the military? does the military generate a profit?

Hospitals generally don't generate profits "anyway" since they collect around 4 cents on the dollar of what they bill. It's the insurance companies that generate profit. Doctors and nurses generating "profit" is the same thing as a public library worker getting a paycheck, that's not "profit" that's salary.
Never said FDIC wasn't intertwined with banking, which again is a change from what you listed as an industry. Road construction is big money, but not an industry for the very reason you listed, and listen carefully, IT IS FUNDED THROUGH THE GOVERNMENT.

So based on your line of thought, is Social Security an Industry? Is Tax Revenue an industry? If they require the government to provide for their existence, IMO they are not an industry that contributes to the overall economic health of a nation.

Let me guess, you bought Obama's line.... hook, line and sinker of " you didn't build it", didn't you?

This is pontification without evidence, simple opinion.

Exactly like all your posts.

:lol: Hardly. I used logic and reason, Gleason, to refute the silliness.
Nyvin, the far right reactionaries don't get the back motivators of Government and Business.

Government = services

Business = profit
Health Care does not create net wealth and the purpose of health care is not to generate profit, although that's certainly what the insurance companies would like it to be....

The purpose of health care is to promote good health among the populace. In every other developed nation this has been accepted and regulated to be so. In the United States you have a situation where insurance companies can screw over people left and right to put some extra cash in their pocket. That is WRONG.

Okay, left turn at Albuquerque, back to healthcare. So if hospitals, medical clinics, doctors, nurses, technicians, ambulance services, etc.....don't make a profit, who is going to pay these people who provide these services bills? Are you advocating indentured servitude?

Is the purpose of the police force to generate a profit? How about the military? does the military generate a profit?

Hospitals generally don't generate profits "anyway" since they collect around 4 cents on the dollar of what they bill. It's the insurance companies that generate profit. Doctors and nurses generating "profit" is the same thing as a public library worker getting a paycheck, that's not "profit" that's salary.

You're not really comparing government employees to hospitals, are you? Just goes to show how little you really understand the issue.

And you are dead wrong about hospitals generating profit. Your 4 cents assertion is the rate for non-profit medical facilities. There are far more for profit health care facilities in the U.S. than not. They are owned by investors and run by a board.
Okay, left turn at Albuquerque, back to healthcare. So if hospitals, medical clinics, doctors, nurses, technicians, ambulance services, etc.....don't make a profit, who is going to pay these people who provide these services bills? Are you advocating indentured servitude?

Is the purpose of the police force to generate a profit? How about the military? does the military generate a profit?

Hospitals generally don't generate profits "anyway" since they collect around 4 cents on the dollar of what they bill. It's the insurance companies that generate profit. Doctors and nurses generating "profit" is the same thing as a public library worker getting a paycheck, that's not "profit" that's salary.

You're not really comparing government employees to hospitals, are you? Just goes to show how little you really understand the issue.

And you are dead wrong about hospitals generating profit. Your 4 cents assertion is the rate for non-profit medical facilities. There are far more for profit health care facilities in the U.S. than not. They are owned by investors and run by a board.

Than not? There are about 1,000 out of almost 5,000, that's about 20% of all hospitals. The VAST majority of hospitals do not generate profit. (link below)

Fast Facts on US Hospitals

yes I'm comparing government employees to hospitals....that's like...the whole point of this discussion. That's like...what we've been posting about for a couple pages now...wtf, where have you been? Are you listening to anything here?????

You really depend on these baseless blanket statements and generic descriptions too much.... "hospitals aren't industries" "government employees are not hospitals" This type of posting generally shows me you don't know what you're talking about and just shout out talkiing points.

Hospitals do not need to generate profit...the function of a hospital is not to generate profit. Medical device makers can generate profit, insurance companies, sadly, can generate profit....hospitals should be there to promote the well being of citizens. It's how it's perceived in EVERY OTHER DEVELOPED NATION ON EARTH!!! but here the insurance companies have the government by the balls so we can't be like that. At least not yet....
Is the purpose of the police force to generate a profit? How about the military? does the military generate a profit?

Hospitals generally don't generate profits "anyway" since they collect around 4 cents on the dollar of what they bill. It's the insurance companies that generate profit. Doctors and nurses generating "profit" is the same thing as a public library worker getting a paycheck, that's not "profit" that's salary.

You're not really comparing government employees to hospitals, are you? Just goes to show how little you really understand the issue.

And you are dead wrong about hospitals generating profit. Your 4 cents assertion is the rate for non-profit medical facilities. There are far more for profit health care facilities in the U.S. than not. They are owned by investors and run by a board.

Than not? There are about 1,000 out of almost 5,000, that's about 20% of all hospitals. The VAST majority of hospitals do not generate profit. (link below)

Fast Facts on US Hospitals

yes I'm comparing government employees to hospitals....that's like...the whole point of this discussion. That's like...what we've been posting about for a couple pages now...wtf, where have you been? Are you listening to anything here?????

You really depend on these baseless blanket statements and generic descriptions too much.... "hospitals aren't industries" "government employees are not hospitals" This type of posting generally shows me you don't know what you're talking about and just shout out talkiing points.

Hospitals do not need to generate profit...the function of a hospital is not to generate profit. Medical device makers can generate profit, insurance companies, sadly, can generate profit....hospitals should be there to promote the well being of citizens. It's how it's perceived in EVERY OTHER DEVELOPED NATION ON EARTH!!! but here the insurance companies have the government by the balls so we can't be like that. At least not yet....

I could give a rats ass about how it's perceived in other countries. Non-profit, for profit....doesn't matter, the doctors, nurses, staff, technicians all get paid the same amount.
You just want indentured servitude from health care professionals. Go pay for all the education and time they must spend to get certified, accredited, licensed and all that crap, then you can have your group that looks out for your well being.

I agree with you that the insurance industry is the evil in this whole equation. But not one single politician currently in DC has the courage to rein them in. Why? The insurance industry is the largest monetary industry in the U.S. Why? because DC has passed law after law REQUIRING INSURANCE to legally do or get just about anything. And the insurance company in turn line their respective campaign pockets.

by the way, I never said hospitals are not an industry, they are a part of the health care industry. And government employees are not the same as health care employees. Gov employees are paid from tax revenues, health care professionals and staff are paid through revenues generated from services rendered. big difference.

We already had socialized health care in the U.S. pre ACA. There were only two countries in the world that spent more public money per capita on health care than the U.S., Norway and the Netherlands. So do you think just throwing more money at it is going to make it better? That's the exact thinking that has made it so hard to afford in the first place.
I also hope that all 30 red states enforce the voting procedures so that those Acorn phonies don't try to pull any stunts, in other words, you show up to vote, Proper ID, scrutinize all "suspicious mail in ballots" !
I also hope that all 30 red states enforce the voting procedures so that those Acorn phonies don't try to pull any stunts, in other words, you show up to vote, Proper ID, scrutinize all "suspicious mail in ballots" !

There aren't 30 red states.
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