Who gets nuked first? Israel or Iran?

Iran. Israel will NOT accept a nuclear Iran under ANY circumstances. It's just thst simple.

Israel can't do jack. It's just that simple.

They can't use their nukes.

The Isreali air force is not capable of taking out the Iranian nuclear program. It's doubtful it could do much at all. Israel's air force is much better, but Israel would have to keep half of it home for self-defense, and the fight would be over Iran. Homefield advantage for the Iranians. Even getting there would require midair refueling by the Israelis over possibly hostile nations. Good luck with that. The bunker busters they have are regarded as not big enough to penetrate the Iranian facilities.
If the Israeli military wanted to nuke Iran it's highly unlikely that they would try to deliver the weapon via airplane.
I'm placing my bet that Iran gets it first. Those Israelis don't fuck around.
israel doesn't have nukes and Iran knows the threat of nukes is more than enough to push everyone else around.

using them is suicide and if Iran does use them, iran will forever be spoken about in the past tense.
Are you serious? Israel doesn't have nukes? LOL yes they do. Oh and as far as question goes I hope Israel gets it.
actually they don't, it's an often repeated lie that they do, but the actually don't
I'm sure no one will get nuked since there are no such hotheads on our planet who will ever start a nuclear war. Cause if one country launches nukes the whole world will be destroyed...
It's not normal to get off on thoughts of genocide. Has nobody told you that before?

And if Israel nuked Iran, China and Russia would nuke Israel, and the entire world would cheer. So Israel won't do jack.

If it ever reaches that level, the entire Middle East will be destroyed. Israel will pull it all under with them.

That said, it seems unlikely that either Russia or China would risk the integrity of their own country for Iran by launching nukes.
I'm sure no one will get nuked since there are no such hotheads on our planet who will ever start a nuclear war. Cause if one country launches nukes the whole world will be destroyed...

Non thought a madman like Hitler could take over most of Europe either.

Do you really want to wait and see if some new madman pushes the button?
I'm placing my bet that Iran gets it first. Those Israelis don't fuck around.
israel doesn't have nukes and Iran knows the threat of nukes is more than enough to push everyone else around.

using them is suicide and if Iran does use them, iran will forever be spoken about in the past tense.
Are you serious? Israel doesn't have nukes? LOL yes they do. Oh and as far as question goes I hope Israel gets it.
actually they don't, it's an often repeated lie that they do, but the actually don't

Yet the existence of Israeli nuclear weapons is a "public secret" by now due to the declassification of large numbers of formerly highly classified US government documents which show that the United States by 1975 was convinced that Israel had nuclear weapons.

They do.
I'm placing my bet that Iran gets it first. Those Israelis don't fuck around.


It will be like India and Pakistan and that Israel and Iran will want to but knowing if they do it would be the end of their precious country...

Only country to use a Atomic device against another country has only been the U.S., and since the usage many countries have obtained a bomb none have been foolish nor stupid enough to repeat what we did to do Japan on another country...
Somehow I think we're going to find out.

But it feels far more likely that the first nuclear act of terrorism will be closer to home. Open borders don't do too well at filtering out strange stuff in boxes.
Thank goodness, cause we needed the weed...
KSA has already paid for a few nukes. They bought them from India about four years ago.
It's interesting to see dozens of E. Indians being bused from their gated compounds every third day near Harad. They ain't tourists.
As far as Israel being able to refuel I'll mention one place with a military airport which can take off and land B52's let alone the soon to be commissioned F-35. That place is near Rasall Knafji. 'The enemies of my enemies' and all that. The Saudis are nothing if not pragmatic.
I'm sure no one will get nuked since there are no such hotheads on our planet who will ever start a nuclear war. Cause if one country launches nukes the whole world will be destroyed...

Non thought a madman like Hitler could take over most of Europe either.

Do you really want to wait and see if some new madman pushes the button?

"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
It's not normal to get off on thoughts of genocide. Has nobody told you that before?
And if Israel nuked Iran, China and Russia would nuke Israel, and the entire world would cheer. So Israel won't do jack.
Actually I was thinking of more then simple "genocide" A global thermonuclear war would give me my lifelong desire to become a warlord. Just think: My army and I would swoop into what few hippie communes spring up, plundering, looting, and raping.
Oh, did I mention "raping"? :biggrin:
You forgot "enslavement".
It's not normal to get off on thoughts of genocide. Has nobody told you that before?

And if Israel nuked Iran, China and Russia would nuke Israel, and the entire world would cheer. So Israel won't do jack.

I don't know about Russia, but China owns a vast chunk of the Iranian oil fields, so they'll be really miffed.
I have a strong feeling that now that Saudi Arabia and Israel is teaming up we just might see a first strike by Israel on Iran. They have an early version of our bunker busting bombs....

Doubt it will be effective, but a notice
Now that Obama and his buddies have given the green light to Iran to let them build delivery systems
for their nukes of the future Israel does not have a choice.

Iran,enjoy the party in the streets now boys.
It will probably be US

This man (Obama a muslim sympathizer) who has the IRANIAN woman, Jarrett running him and his administration are TRAITORS to not only us but the world
I'm placing my bet that Iran gets it first. Those Israelis don't fuck around.
israel doesn't have nukes and Iran knows the threat of nukes is more than enough to push everyone else around.

using them is suicide and if Iran does use them, iran will forever be spoken about in the past tense.
Israel does have nukes...
Nuclear weapons and Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
the first paragraph proves me right

there's no proof, tons of speculation, but not a shred of proof.

It's like reaching into my coat during a fight, looks like I'm going for a gun, so you stop, I never pull a gun, but word gets around that I carry.

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