Who Gives A Rat's Ass -

- what the UN thinks about anything?

Ignore them, and carry on. It's not like Obama's internationalist bend is a secret.

UN backs Iran deal infuriating lawmakers from both parties TheHill

Of course the UN backs the plan. That way they don't have to do anything about Iran.

Anyone who thinks those batshit crazy mullah's will abide by any agreement is an idiot.

Once Kerry and Barry get done congratulating themselves they will realize that Iran is carrying on just as before.

After all we are the Great Satan and they hate us.
Damn that UN and that peacekeeping thing they do too. And I wish they would stop fighting diseases in poor countries. That stuff is so unchristian. They tried to stop us from finding those Iraqi wmd`s too but we showed them! Who came out of that affair looking stupid?:)
Throw the useless UN out of the country and sell its 18 acres to one of Trump's companies for development into property that contributes to the city's tax base, employs folks, and the police can stop writing useless parking tickets that never get paid.

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