Who gives a shit about all these refugees…

The media wants to give more rights to these fucking refugees than to American citizens. No one knows who these fuckers are…

If you stupid fuckers would quit bombing them over there, they'll quit showing up on our doorstep here. Got it?



Oh I agree wholeheartedly with this. I even compared Obama to tricky dick. And deservedly so. But the waste of human skin currently occupying the whitehouse is not only dangerous to life & limb on a global scale, he's a clear and present danger to all the rest of us here at home. Nobody is safe with that jackass in the whitehouse calling all the shots.

His raid in Yemen where our troops were slaughtering civilians left & right, including children is proof enough of that
Cry me a river, there are 1200+ refugees that we want nothing to do with in Australia. We have absolutely no obligation to them. We should not expect the president to be babysitter…

wah. :crybaby:
1 in 5 children go to bed hungry
roughly 600K homeless in our country
And people want to take in poor savages that think raped women deserve to be stoned? No fucking thanks.
Like I said the current vetting process is a fucking joke, we don't need no more fucking refugees from that part of the world.
most don't.....polling in Trumps favor. Half the country loves the idea!!:deal:

Gotta remember.....what is posted up in here from people on the left are views that are pronounced fringe. These people really think the American people are far more concerned with Christian terrorism as compared to Muslim terrorism.:coffee:
1 in 5 children go to bed hungry
roughly 600K homeless in our country
And people want to take in poor savages that think raped women deserve to be stoned? No fucking thanks.

We don't have to take them in. All we have to do is quit bombing them. Problem solved. But like them, you too are a blood thirsty savage. So you be sure and enjoy those special occasions when they blow us up here because you're bombing them over there. That's the way it works with those kind of people.
1 in 5 children go to bed hungry
roughly 600K homeless in our country
And people want to take in poor savages that think raped women deserve to be stoned? No fucking thanks.

We don't have to take them in. All we have to do is quit bombing them. Problem solved. But like them, you too are a blood thirsty savage. So you be sure and enjoy those special occasions when they blow us up here because you're bombing them over there. That's the way it works with those kind of people.
First off, fuck you. Second off, im a non interventionist. I don't want them bombed anymore than you do.
Third, you are ignorant as shit. The problem wont be solved with us just not bombing them anymore. That's fucking ridiculous.
IDK how to put this gently, but folks in the ME have been killing each other like flies since the beginning of civilization.

I think it's safe to say that every other region of the planet has pretty much backed off doing that but for random pockets of civil war or w/e, but these guys seem to be locked in a perpetual circle of murder...
The religion of money as practiced by the West hasn't backed off one bit and is currently fomenting the perpetual circle of murder that created the refugee problem.
I always lend a helping had to those in need....I detest you forcing my hand to help those you choose....

There's a lot of items my tax dollars pay for which I do not approve of. I suspect the same applies to you. On the grand scheme of it all the cost, in your tax dollars, of helping refugees is pretty small. You have to admit that helping people who are suffering isn't a bad way to spend money, even if it's money you'd rather not spend.
On the Statue of Liberty;

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

On Trump's wall;

Go Away!

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Which is the real America?

I voted for Trump and danced around like a little school girl when he won. However his stance of not taking in refugees isn't one I can support. I've traveled to a few countries in Eastern Europe and I've seen and heard the views people have of America. America is seen as a symbol of hope for so many people. A country unlike any other. A country that not only welcomes in those in need but also provides an opportunity for those people to prosper and become an accepted and equal citizen with the same constitutional rights as all others. This image is one of America's greatest assets!! I'd hate to see it diminished because of fear or cheapness.

Yes, there's a monetary cost but it's relativity small and helping those in need is rarely a bad way to spend money even if it's money you'd prefer not to spend.
Yes, if we accept in refugees there will be some bad among them. And we will deal with them as we do with the bad among ourselves. Has America really grown so cowardly that it'll willingly diminish its proud world image simply because it's afraid of some low life pond scum hidden among those who suffer?

I'm not afraid! I've personally, with the help of my church and the Lancaster County Refugee Coalition, helped refugees and I'll do so again. So let the terrorist sneak in among them. We'll deal with them as America does, bravely and together! I'm not afraid!!
I'm not afraid! I've personally, with the help of my church and the Lancaster County Refugee Coalition, helped refugees and I'll do so again. So let the terrorist sneak in among them. We'll deal with them as America does, bravely and together! I'm not afraid!!
Is that what you'll say to the mother whose child is killed in a terrorist attack by one of those refugees you don't think should be vetted?
On the Statue of Liberty;

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

On Trump's wall;

Go Away!

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Which is the real America?

I voted for Trump and danced around like a little school girl when he won. However his stance of not taking in refugees isn't one I can support. I've traveled to a few countries in Eastern Europe and I've seen and heard the views people have of America. America is seen as a symbol of hope for so many people. A country unlike any other. A country that not only welcomes in those in need but also provides an opportunity for those people to prosper and become an accepted and equal citizen with the same constitutional rights as all others. This image is one of America's greatest assets!! I'd hate to see it diminished because of fear or cheapness.

Yes, there's a monetary cost but it's relativity small and helping those in need is rarely a bad way to spend money even if it's money you'd prefer not to spend.
Yes, if we accept in refugees there will be some bad among them. And we will deal with them as we do with the bad among ourselves. Has America really grown so cowardly that it'll willingly diminish its proud world image simply because it's afraid of some low life pond scum hidden among those who suffer?

I'm not afraid! I've personally, with the help of my church and the Lancaster County Refugee Coalition, helped refugees and I'll do so again. So let the terrorist sneak in among them. We'll deal with them as America does, bravely and together! I'm not afraid!!
Fine, that is your opinion. We need to quit thinking that these people are saints and have the same rights as citizens. They don't have the same rights...
I don't have issue with legal immigration so much, my grandparents fled Nazi Germany so I do understand the concept of these folks fleeing. On the other hand, my grandfather immediately returned with the US Army to kill nazi's (his words). That's the kind of immigrant we want, folks willing to pull their weight and who actually /want/ to be part of America. Now my entire family is entrenched in North Dakota, long time farmers, teachers, and handymen. They've all been in the military, they've all paid their taxes, and importantly they all love America. What I see coming out of Europe from ME refugees is /nothing/ like that.

What I see them doing is taking over blocks and cities, even taking over the government, I see violence based on Sharia Law and incompatible customs and culture. I do not see these folks fleeing an oppressive system, but rather taking that same system with them to a new country and trying to instate it there. Why fucking leave the area then, just find a new patch of fucking desert out of the firing line and move there if that's what you want. The harsh reality is that they are /not/ looking for a better way of life, merely land outside the ME to colonize, but liberal's are too busy trying to make themselves feel better to look at what's actually going on.
"Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me."

Trying to force your religious beliefs on others now?
Isn't it funny how liberals get religion when they can use it as an argument but make fun of it the rest of the time?

Pointing out your side's rank hypocrisy doesn't make me a hypocrite.

So, Trump-thugs, we get it. You despise the teachings of Jesus. That makes you Satan's minions. By your standards, not mine. That's the point, that you don't live up to your own standards, and that you can't be trusted on any topic, period.

Being a hypocrite makes you one.

Nowhere in the teachings of Jesus is there a government mandate. Unlike you, I don't twist the teachings of Jesus.

You lefties constantly talk about not having someone else's morals thrust upon you yet you pose a moral argument in many issues.
How many is Iran, SA, UAE, Kuwait, Qutar etc. taking in? When they take 1mil each, problem solved. Then they can go back when muslims FIX Syria and the entire ME. Muslims don't assimilate with west.

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