Who Governs America?


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
Who governs America's ME policies? When Sharon reportedly said "We Control America," there was no proof that he actually was overheard, but if you look today at Israel's rhetoric and the further sanctions request by Congress via AIPAC, the Israeli lobby, Sharon's supposed sentiment rings true.

Israel's anger with US likely to be taken out on Palestinians | Daoud Kuttab

On the surface, it is hard to see any direct link between the recently concluded deal by Iran and the P5+1 group and the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks. If, as the world community believes, this deal makes the world safer, then it should speed up, rather than slowdown, the resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

But the reality is different.

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made the Iran issue such a big part of his foreign policy rhetoric that losing it will potentially be felt on other fronts.

The effect of the Iran deal on the peace process is bound to be more psychological than any other. The Israelis claim that they were backstabbed by their American allies and therefore the trust factor between Tel Aviv and Washington is at an all-time low. Israeli leaders did not try to publicly water down their anger at the White House who they say has approved a "historic mistake".

The irony is that the Israeli anger with the US should normally lead to an equal reaction from America, which would potentially make Israel lose its strongest ally in the region.

A neutral US vis-à-vis the Israel-Palestine conflict would be a huge bonanza for Palestinians.

However, the problem is that when Israel gets angry with the US, America starts looking for ways to please its spoiled child rather than simply ignore it. Israel will clearly not pay a political price for its public criticism of the US, nor will the Americans lessen their total, unflinching support for Israel.

Palestinians are extremely worried that in the aftermaths of the public Israeli criticism of the Iran deal, that the Obama administration will be looking for ways to please the Israelis rather than react to them in kind for their anti-US public position.

The worry among Palestinians is that America is unlikely to anger the Israelis; that, having stood up to Israel and the Israeli lobby on Iran, the White House will ease off any pressure on Israel in regards to the Palestinian-Israeli peace process.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=LJOgnBmaqXw]Netanyahu: "America Won't Get In Our Way... It's Easily Moved" - YouTube[/ame]
Should those in Tel Aviv and DC who depend of the Long War to subsidize their lavish lifestyles come to the conclusion Obama's reluctant reappraisal of Iran threatens their world, the next "New Pearl Harbor" might have been foreshadowed on June 8, 1967:

"On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel. The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it. Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died."

USS Liberty Memorial

Maybe it's worth wondering what would have happened in June of '67 if the tool we're communicating with right now had existed at that time.
Should those in Tel Aviv and DC who depend of the Long War to subsidize their lavish lifestyles come to the conclusion Obama's reluctant reappraisal of Iran threatens their world, the next "New Pearl Harbor" might have been foreshadowed on June 8, 1967:"On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel. The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it. Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died." Maybe it's worth wondering what would have happened in June of '67 if the tool we're communicating with right now had existed at that time.
Those damn Joooz have a lot of influence. There is really no denying the truth of the matter.
Should those in Tel Aviv and DC who depend of the Long War to subsidize their lavish lifestyles come to the conclusion Obama's reluctant reappraisal of Iran threatens their world, the next "New Pearl Harbor" might have been foreshadowed on June 8, 1967:"On June 8, 1967, US Navy intelligence ship USS Liberty was suddenly and brutally attacked on the high seas in international waters by the air and naval forces of Israel. The Israeli forces attacked with full knowledge that this was an American ship and lied about it. Survivors have been forbidden for 40 years to tell their story under oath to the American public. The USS Liberty Memorial web site tells their story and is dedicated to the memory of the 34 brave men who died." Maybe it's worth wondering what would have happened in June of '67 if the tool we're communicating with right now had existed at that time.
USS Liberty: Contact Page
Those damn Joooz have a lot of influence. There is really no denying the truth of the matter.
As long as we keep "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

"Describing itself as 'America's Pro-Israel Lobby',[3] AIPAC is a mass-membership, American organization whose members include Democrats, Republicans, and independents.

"The New York Times has called it 'the most important organization affecting America's relationship with Israel.'[4]

"It has been described as one of the most powerful lobbying groups in Washington, DC.

"Its critics have stated it acts as an agent of the Israeli government with a 'stranglehold' on the United States Congress with its power and influence.[citation needed]

"There is some disagreement as to where AIPAC's agenda lies ideologically.

"Some critics on the political left allege that AIPAC holds views that are politically conservative in their nature,[citation needed] while AIPAC's membership has also been described as 'overwhelmingly Democratic' by conservatives.[5]

"AIPAC describes itself as a bipartisan organization,[6] and bills it lobbies for in Congress are always jointly sponsored by both a Democrat and Republican.[7]

"In 2005, a Pentagon analyst pleaded guilty to charges of passing US government secrets to two AIPAC staffers in what is known as the AIPAC espionage scandal. Both staffers were later fired by AIPAC.[8]

"In 2009 all charges against the former AIPAC employees were dropped.[9]"

American Israel Public Affairs Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Who Governs America?

the old monied aristocracies and they sold you out long ago.
"Its critics have stated it acts as an agent of the Israeli government with a 'stranglehold' on the United States Congress with its power and influence.[citation needed]
yeh well thats what pissed hitler and the germans off and a long line of other countries
"Its critics have stated it acts as an agent of the Israeli government with a 'stranglehold' on the United States Congress with its power and influence.[citation needed]
yeh well thats what pissed hitler and the germans off and a long line of other countries
"In April 2005, AIPAC policy director Steven Rosen and AIPAC senior Iran analyst Keith Weissman were fired by AIPAC amid an FBI investigation into whether they passed classified U.S. information received from Franklin on to the government of Israel.

"They were later indicted for illegally conspiring to gather and disclose classified national security information to Israel.[37][38] AIPAC agreed to pay the legal fees for Weissman's defense through appeal if necessary,[39] but charges were subsequently dropped.[40]

"In May 2005, the Justice Department announced that Lawrence Anthony Franklin, a U.S. Air Force Reserves colonel working as a Department of Defense analyst at the Pentagon in the office of Douglas Feith, had been arrested and charged by the FBI with providing classified national defense information to Israel.

"The six-count criminal complaint identified AIPAC by name and described a luncheon meeting in which, allegedly, Franklin disclosed top-secret information to two AIPAC officials.[41][42]

"Franklin pleaded guilty to passing government secrets to Rosen and Weissman and revealed for the first time that he also gave classified information directly to an Israeli government official in Washington.

"On January 20, 2006, he was sentenced to 151 months (almost 13 years) in prison and fined $10,000. As part of the plea agreement, Franklin agreed to cooperate in the larger federal investigation.[43][44]

"All charges against the former AIPAC employees were dropped in 2009."

American Israel Public Affairs Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why are some people so obsessed with Jews? To the point it consumes their whole lives? Take Georgie for instance. Over 15k posts and every one about Jews. Pbel on the other hand is an artist and has a thread with his portraits which are impressive. Other than that 90% of his posts are about Jews. I don't think Pbel hates Jews but Georgie is a different story. He not only hates Jews but he hates America as many of the Jew haters do.
actually this family is the one who governs america.They are behind every presidenial assassination and every attempt and are behind all major wars as well.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-STV57S-bvs]ARE the ROTHSCHILDS Behind Assassinations of USA Presidents - JFK Assassination - YouTube[/ame]
The Rothchilds converted to Christianity a long time ago.
I would say a lot of wealthy people pay a good deal of money to politicians to increase their wealth and that's why America seems to be all over the map when it comes to policy.
Who governs America's ME policies?

Those damn Joooz have a lot of influence. There is really no denying the truth of the matter.
As long as we keep "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.
Right, but I am sure you know they have a third party in reserve as well. so eventually, when people will be ready (maybe after another woman president) they will give people the third party, which will be the same pizza party if you know what I mean.
Those damn Joooz have a lot of influence. There is really no denying the truth of the matter.
As long as we keep "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.
Right, but I am sure you know they have a third party in reserve as well. so eventually, when people will be ready (maybe after another woman president) they will give people the third party, which will be the same pizza party if you know what I mean.
I don't think a single third party will have as much impact on our current duopoly as multiple third parties. IMHO, we need a Second Constitutional Convention to deal with all the complexities that have arisen since the first one in Philadelphia, and I wouldn't trust elected Republicans OR Democrats to be radical enough to find the necessary changes.

"Largest (voter registration over 75,000)[edit]
Libertarian Party - Libertarianism, laissez-faire, pro-civil rights, anti-war
Green Party of the United States - Green politics, eco-socialism, progressivism
Constitution Party - Social conservatism, religious right, paleoconservatism."

Third party (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
actually this family is the one who governs america.They are behind every presidenial assassination and every attempt and are behind all major wars as well.

Yeah. That's who governs America.The Rothschild Family. The Pilgrim Society

War Is A Racket and pays big bucks. $100 hammers and $10,000,000 drones. The Rothschild family is behind all the wars. They own Weather channels and fearmonger the world with the climate change.

Chemtrails Geo-Engineering Weather Modification Rothschild Speaks about investing (myweather) YouTube
Those damn Joooz have a lot of influence. There is really no denying the truth of the matter.
As long as we keep "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.
Right, but I am sure you know they have a third party in reserve as well. so eventually, when people will be ready (maybe after another woman president) they will give people the third party, which will be the same pizza party if you know what I mean.

there are a lot of brainwashed sheople in america that just dont get it that its really a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so the sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.fortunately there is an awakening going on and people are catching on that both are corrupt,that neither represent the people.

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