Who has a better life? $15 hour in San Francisco?or $7.25 hour in South Carolina?

San Francisco is one of the best cities in the world, the U.S. should be proud it's a top tourist destination.
San Francisco is one of the best cities in the world, the U.S. should be proud it's a top tourist destination.

Yeah all of the strung out homeless people pissing all over the streets is a real Kodak moment

Because we all know San Francisco is only populated by homeless people and that's all you can see for miles and miles. Ignore everything else if you want, your loss.
San Francisco is one of the best cities in the world, the U.S. should be proud it's a top tourist destination.

Beaten by Charleston, South Carolina...

From last year:

Why Charleston is the Number One City in North America

In 2013, it had been voted #1 three consecutive years:

Everybody Loves Charleston: Voted USA's No. 1 City For Third Consecutive Year

I'm not insulting Charleston, I've never been there.

Didn't take it as an insult, I was just providing some information...

I've been to San Francisco on several occasions, I enjoyed my visits and it is indeed a lovely city to visit. I couldn't imagine living there, but it makes for a good weekend getaway. Of course, I imagine some would say the same of Charleston and I would understand their sentiment...
San Francisco is one of the best cities in the world, the U.S. should be proud it's a top tourist destination.

Yeah all of the strung out homeless people pissing all over the streets is a real Kodak moment

Because we all know San Francisco is only populated by homeless people and that's all you can see for miles and miles. Ignore everything else if you want, your loss.

I go to San Fran all the time for work. It's no prize and the people there are assholes.
So, I saw a couple of posts that seemed to imply San Francisco is expensive because of taxes. Taxes? That makes this the most expensive city in the country? No.

It's actually a matter of supply and demand, there is not enough housing in the city and you have a lot of affluent people in the area who are more than happy to pay the going rate and drive up costs. San Francisco's foot print is relatively small for a major city and they are banked by the water on the West,, North and east sides. So the only way to provide more housing is through growing vertically and San Francisco has mostly resisted this change in their zoning laws which further exacerbates the cost of living.

Then you have the kids who move to the city thinking it's some sort of haven for wayward hippies, it's anything but and many of them either leave or become part of the homeless population, damaged souls running away from whatever.

None of this South Carolina has to deal with and to compare a $15 minimum wage in a single city to a state wide $7 wage is comparing apples to oranges. The suburbs of San Francisco provides relatively more affordable housing and combined with the bay area's expanding metro system commuting is straightforward and easy.

Here is an article about why San Francisco is expensive:

This One Intersection Explains Why Housing Is So Expensive In San Francisco
San Francisco is one of the best cities in the world, the U.S. should be proud it's a top tourist destination.

Yeah all of the strung out homeless people pissing all over the streets is a real Kodak moment

Because we all know San Francisco is only populated by homeless people and that's all you can see for miles and miles. Ignore everything else if you want, your loss.

I go to San Fran all the time for work. It's no prize and the people there are assholes.

Then don't go there. The city is already full with people who want to be there. Maybe South Carolina is a better place for you to do business?

I've had plenty of positive experiences with people from San Francisco, it's a relatively happy city with a wide range of cultures and opinions.
San Francisco is one of the best cities in the world, the U.S. should be proud it's a top tourist destination.

Yeah all of the strung out homeless people pissing all over the streets is a real Kodak moment

Because we all know San Francisco is only populated by homeless people and that's all you can see for miles and miles. Ignore everything else if you want, your loss.

I go to San Fran all the time for work. It's no prize and the people there are assholes.
Try a business trip to Buttfuck SC and see how you like it
For a dude who lives in a dingy trailer, you sure do come off as an arrogant prick.

Someone who earns $15 per hour in SF can have a little dignity and maybe not need any public assistance. Douche.

When government sets your wage rather than free markets, you are getting welfare
For a dude who lives in a dingy trailer, you sure do come off as an arrogant prick.

Someone who earns $15 per hour in SF can have a little dignity and maybe not need any public assistance. Douche.

When government sets your wage rather than free markets, you are getting welfare

Please. When a person works and gets paid for that work....it is not known as welfare. You arrogant prick, ya.

Government is not setting anyone's wage. Government is mandating a minimum wage. They are basically telling employers that their employers are going to be protected from being taken advantage of.....in much the same way other labor laws are established.

Free markets.........require regulation. Always have. Always will.

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