Who has the Punchable Face now

The lawyers representing Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann and his family said Friday they have sent letters to media outlets, individual journalists, celebrities and Catholic organizations as the first step in possible libel and defamation lawsuits.

The list includes 50-plus names of organizations or individuals: Sandmann lawyer: Letters sent to New York Times, Today Show, 50 others may precede suits
Dream scenario ..he ends some of these people ]s careers, and inspires more to tear down the democratic press machine. Then we need to break up press and broadcasting monopolies.
Bull shit. The kid was a smartass wearing a "I am a racist fuck" Maga hat.

You assfucks can try to tear down the free press all you want.
It ain't going to work.
Now we get down to it: The hat is what really pissed off you loathesome hate full douchebags.

I hate to break it to you, moron, but only SJWs believe the hat is racist. We aren't required to swallow all your prejudices and hate memes.

Trump spews hate & you assfucks love him for it.
Deflection attempt noted and discarded.
That kid's gonna be a millionaire simple for being at the right place at the right time.

As much as the lamestream media do this, we should all hang out there and wait for one of em to start something. Heh heh.

I wonder if he'll end up with a full ride to Harvard even with a 2.6 GPA in high school.............
It's good to see the Fake News Media finally facing the music.
Kid still deserves a slap in his smug face
He is standing up as a representation for all male teen bullies out there.
Anyone with half a brain and eyes knows he did NOT bully anyone and that the "tribal elder" started the whole mess.
It's hard to believe that after they were nailed red handed hating on an innocent teenager that they're still pushing this shit.
Innocent teenages chanting "It isn't rape if you enjoy it"?
That never happened. Youre dumb for saying that.
“Who has the Punchable Face now”

How about a fucked up Indian activist?
What about him?
The cowardly piece of shit disappeared… Because he was in the wrong
So? Why post this to me? Didn’t you see my answer?
You’re just like the mainstream media fake outrage on a non-issue that guy was a fucking plant keep
No worries. I accept that as, yes, you saw my answer — you just don’t understand it.

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