Who here "believes" that we'll have a NEW HC law by April 2017?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
The promise has been made and constantly repeated that Trump and republicans will repeal and replace the ACA within the first 100 days of this incoming administration.......

So, who here believes that such a promise WILL be kept and, of course, that the new law is different AND better than the current law?
Who here "believes" that we'll have a NEW HC law by April 2017?
It's quite possible that it will happen and It's probable that it'll be as fucked up as the current one is, after all the Republicans have shown no greater propensity for competence and adherence to principle than the Democrats have and based on history it's a safe bet that if the federal government is involved the end result will be FUBAR.

If the Republicans had any integrity, principles or common sense they'd just repeal the ACA and keep repealing laws until the federal government was no longer involved in the health care market in any way, shape or form.

"The State always moves slowly and grudgingly towards any purpose that accrues to society's advantage, but moves rapidly and with alacrity towards one that accrues to its own advantage; nor does it ever move towards social purposes on its own initiative, but only under heavy pressure, while its motion towards anti-social purposes is self-sprung. " -- Albert Jay Nock, Our Enemy, The State
If they do, it will have to be in the form of a tax. As we saw in the SC ruling on Obamacare, the only way that deplorable law got on the books was when Roberts helped them along by calling it a tax, despite the government's insistence it was not. This means any new law regarding healthcare will likely fail a court test unless it is in the form of a tax.

Personally, I'd like to see the feds stay the hell out of the market for healthcare...and every other market for that matter. They have Constitutional duties. Stick with those if you please.
The promise has been made and constantly repeated that Trump and republicans will repeal and replace the ACA within the first 100 days of this incoming administration.......

So, who here believes that such a promise WILL be kept and, of course, that the new law is different AND better than the current law?
How could it get worse?
I believe it will be replaced. I hope the mandate is removed. I wanted universal healthcare to begin with, but this messed up patchwork of private/public compromises has failed miserably.
And my paper keeps warning that the defunding of Planned Parenthood is slipped in there as well. Heads up! Maybe it's a bargaining chip, but I'm more worried about that.
They've been saying they had a plan for 6 years. Now when the spotlight is on them it revealed they have nothing.

But they promise that once they take it away....THEN they'll really have a plan then! Scouts honor!
A lot of people have paid for their insurance, many paid bigly. They aren't just going to strip their coverage away. It was a clusterfuck that took time to do and it will take time to undo. Like a cancer, you don't want to kill the patient to cure the disease.
I forget who it was (as if it matters), but I saw a Republican saying they're going to honestly try get some bi-partisan support for whatever they come up with.

Yeah, I don't really believe that either, but I'll remain hopeful.

We've already seen what kind of shit happens when one party writes a law this big, so I'll just duck & cover for a while.
A lot of people have paid for their insurance, many paid bigly. They aren't just going to strip their coverage away. It was a clusterfuck that took time to do and it will take time to undo. Like a cancer, you don't want to kill the patient to cure the disease.

So you accept that Trump was lying when he said day 1.
The major fact is this: government is now in the health care insurance subsidy business.
They've been saying they had a plan for 6 years. Now when the spotlight is on them it revealed they have nothing.

But they promise that once they take it away....THEN they'll really have a plan then! Scouts honor!
Everyone currently covered remains covered through the end of the contract year, so they've got some time. They have LOTS of plans; they just haven't agreed yet on the one they want.
The promise has been made and constantly repeated that Trump and republicans will repeal and replace the ACA within the first 100 days of this incoming administration.......

So, who here believes that such a promise WILL be kept and, of course, that the new law is different AND better than the current law?

If you like your Obamacare scam, you can keep your Obamacare scam.
A lot of people have paid for their insurance, many paid bigly. They aren't just going to strip their coverage away. It was a clusterfuck that took time to do and it will take time to undo. Like a cancer, you don't want to kill the patient to cure the disease.

So you accept that Trump was lying when he said day 1.
Well they've made a start and it is Day -7.
Everyone currently covered remains covered through the end of the contract year, so they've got some time. They have LOTS of plans; they just haven't agreed yet on the one they want.
Regardless of when they "announce" their "plan", there's no way in hell it will be ready for January 2018 implementation.
Why not?
A lot of people have paid for their insurance, many paid bigly. They aren't just going to strip their coverage away. It was a clusterfuck that took time to do and it will take time to undo. Like a cancer, you don't want to kill the patient to cure the disease.

So you accept that Trump was lying when he said day 1.
I am not a liberal so didn't interpret on your child level. I understood he would work on it from day one, the president can't overturn a law. Had you a high school level education you would know.
Everyone currently covered remains covered through the end of the contract year, so they've got some time. They have LOTS of plans; they just haven't agreed yet on the one they want.
Regardless of when they "announce" their "plan", there's no way in hell it will be ready for January 2018 implementation.
Why not?
Let's say they come out with a plan in April, which I doubt. That's only 7 months to totally tear down the ACA and create new markets and low-income subsidy systems for a January 1 start date. I can't imagine something this big moving that fast. And it's tough to believe they'd have an actual plan by April.
I forget who it was (as if it matters), but I saw a Republican saying they're going to honestly try get some bi-partisan support for whatever they come up with.

Yeah, I don't really believe that either, but I'll remain hopeful.

We've already seen what kind of shit happens when one party writes a law this big, so I'll just duck & cover for a while.

Yeah that'll make it better, when attempting to craft massive un-constitutional legislation always get input from members of both the Party of Stupid AND the Party of Lunacy, that way when stupid and crazy inevitably converge to make a complete fucking mess of things nobody will actually have to take the blame for it. :rolleyes:
I forget who it was (as if it matters), but I saw a Republican saying they're going to honestly try get some bi-partisan support for whatever they come up with.

Yeah, I don't really believe that either, but I'll remain hopeful.

We've already seen what kind of shit happens when one party writes a law this big, so I'll just duck & cover for a while.

Yeah that'll make it better, when attempting to craft massive un-constitutional legislation always attempt to get input from members of both the Party of Stupid AND the Party of Lunacy, that way when stupid and crazy inevitably converge to make a complete fucking mess of things nobody will actually have to take the blame for it. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I think you have that one pretty much nailed.

They've been saying they had a plan for 6 years. Now when the spotlight is on them it revealed they have nothing.

But they promise that once they take it away....THEN they'll really have a plan then! Scouts honor!
Simple ClosedCaption
For Democrats or others who vote NO to changes then shift the current bill/law to be funded by those taxpayers and the responsibility of those lawmakers to fix for themselves and others they represent .

For those voting NO to ACA or Yes to reforms , let those taxpayers and lawmakers be responsible for their own costs of care and reforms and terms.

Organizing banking credit and health care and medical organizations around each team and work out plans separaetly

Where the two paths agree and intersect, that can be federal policy .

Where they disagree let taxpayers decide which plans they want to invest in and be under that represent their approach and beliefs about health care

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