Who here "believes" that we'll have a NEW HC law by April 2017?

I forget who it was (as if it matters), but I saw a Republican saying they're going to honestly try get some bi-partisan support for whatever they come up with.

Yeah, I don't really believe that either, but I'll remain hopeful.

We've already seen what kind of shit happens when one party writes a law this big, so I'll just duck & cover for a while.

Yeah that'll make it better, when attempting to craft massive un-constitutional legislation always get input from members of both the Party of Stupid AND the Party of Lunacy, that way when stupid and crazy inevitably converge to make a complete fucking mess of things nobody will actually have to take the blame for it. :rolleyes:
We can hold the Democrats responsible who passed the bill and or refuse to change it. We can list them by name. Why not hold them to fix the laws and the costs for it
A lot of people have paid for their insurance, many paid bigly. They aren't just going to strip their coverage away. It was a clusterfuck that took time to do and it will take time to undo. Like a cancer, you don't want to kill the patient to cure the disease.

So you accept that Trump was lying when he said day 1.
I am not a liberal so didn't interpret on your child level. I understood he would work on it from day one, the president can't overturn a law. Had you a high school level education you would know.
So you knew he was lying.
I forget who it was (as if it matters), but I saw a Republican saying they're going to honestly try get some bi-partisan support for whatever they come up with.

Yeah, I don't really believe that either, but I'll remain hopeful.

We've already seen what kind of shit happens when one party writes a law this big, so I'll just duck & cover for a while.

Yeah that'll make it better, when attempting to craft massive un-constitutional legislation always get input from members of both the Party of Stupid AND the Party of Lunacy, that way when stupid and crazy inevitably converge to make a complete fucking mess of things nobody will actually have to take the blame for it. :rolleyes:
We can hold the Democrats responsible who passed the bill and or refuse to change it. We can list them by name. Why not hold them to fix the laws and the costs for it

Wait, you want to trust the folks that have repeatedly lied to you, stolen from you and violated your liberty to "fix" the situation? How many times must you be robbed and beaten by the same group of individuals before you realize that said group of individuals are neither capable nor interested in "solving" or "fixing" anything for you?

The only way to "fix" the "problem" is to remove the organization and the individuals involved in its creation from the equation. Groups of individuals acting in voluntary cooperation can solve problems, coercive organizations can only create new problems or exacerbate existing ones and government is, by its very nature, a coercive organization, the whole ACA imbroglio is a PERFECT demonstration of this principle in action.
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I don't care if they come up with another plan or not. Repeal this monstrosity and worry about replacements later. I actually think that's the smarter approach. You take away any bargaining chip Democrats might have on a replacement plan. So we get rid of ACA and the ball's in our court. Dems can either work with us on OUR replacement ideas or they can go suck an egg.
The promise has been made and constantly repeated that Trump and republicans will repeal and replace the ACA within the first 100 days of this incoming administration.......

So, who here believes that such a promise WILL be kept and, of course, that the new law is different AND better than the current law?

Repealing it is enough. Once there is a free market again, people will be able to make their own choice.

The ACA does not need to be replaced with any government directed healthcare choice. Just remove the red tape and let the insurance industries sell their services to whoever they want.
I don't care if they come up with another plan or not. Repeal this monstrosity and worry about replacements later. I actually think that's the smarter approach. You take away any bargaining chip Democrats might have on a replacement plan. So we get rid of ACA and the ball's in our court. Dems can either work with us on OUR replacement ideas or they can go suck an egg.

How about instead they do something more rational like for example, repeal this "monstrosity" then go on vacation for a while and when they come back repeal some more laws that do violence to the liberty and prosperity of the citizenry.

Rinse, wash, repeat until such time as the federal government is singularly focused on the sole purpose for which it was created, namely, protect the life, liberty and property of the citizenry.
I don't care if they come up with another plan or not. Repeal this monstrosity and worry about replacements later. I actually think that's the smarter approach. You take away any bargaining chip Democrats might have on a replacement plan. So we get rid of ACA and the ball's in our court. Dems can either work with us on OUR replacement ideas or they can go suck an egg.

How about instead they do something more rational like for example, repeal this "monstrosity" then go on vacation for a while and when they come back repeal some more laws that do violence to the liberty and prosperity of the citizenry.

Rinse, wash, repeat until such time as the federal government is singularly focused on the sole purpose for which it was created, namely, protect the life, liberty and property of the citizenry.

I agree 110% but unfortunately I live in THIS universe where that's not going to happen. We passed on electing a hard core constitutional conservative. That's what I wanted, it's what a lot of people wanted, but we didn't get that.
I don't care if they come up with another plan or not. Repeal this monstrosity and worry about replacements later. I actually think that's the smarter approach. You take away any bargaining chip Democrats might have on a replacement plan. So we get rid of ACA and the ball's in our court. Dems can either work with us on OUR replacement ideas or they can go suck an egg.

How about instead they do something more rational like for example, repeal this "monstrosity" then go on vacation for a while and when they come back repeal some more laws that do violence to the liberty and prosperity of the citizenry.

Rinse, wash, repeat until such time as the federal government is singularly focused on the sole purpose for which it was created, namely, protect the life, liberty and property of the citizenry.

I agree 110% but unfortunately I live in THIS universe where that's not going to happen. We passed on electing a hard core constitutional conservative. That's what I wanted, it's what a lot of people wanted, but we didn't get that.
Thanks for destroying my hopes and dreams, you're such a swell guy. :(

.....But don't be so quick to rule it out, at least in part, if the Republican douche bags manage to repeal all or most of the ACA via reconciliation and then the Democrats step up and do the only thing they might be competent at doing and somehow manage to block any Republican "replacement" plan(s) we're in the ball park.

"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." -- Edgar Allen Poe
A bird in the hand is worth more than 2 in the bush.

Republicans are telling you that they are going to take your bird but they promise they'll get both birds in the bush. Just give me that bird first :deal:
A bird in the hand is worth more than 2 in the bush.

Republicans are telling you that they are going to take your bird but they promise they'll get both birds in the bush. Just give me that bird first :deal:
Newsflash: Bush already gave you the bird, for 8 straight years, don't be greedy.

Huh? You never heard that saying I'm guessing

Nope and I've never heard this one either...

"A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road." -- Henry Ward Beecher

Personally, I'd like to see the feds stay the hell out of the market for healthcare...and every other market for that matter. They have Constitutional duties. Stick with those if you please.

It is rather AMAZING that every....each and every......industrialized country has treated health care NOT as a possible benefit, but as a necessity for the welfare of their citizens.....BUT, we cannot seem to get there because the private HC industry is to fucking powerful.
Personally, I'd like to see the feds stay the hell out of the market for healthcare...and every other market for that matter. They have Constitutional duties. Stick with those if you please.

It is rather AMAZING that every....each and every......industrialized country has treated health care NOT as a possible benefit, but as a necessity for the welfare of their citizens.....BUT, we cannot seem to get there because the private HC industry is to fucking powerful.
No, we have the Constitution. That's the difference, Einstein.
Let's say they come out with a plan in April, which I doubt. That's only 7 months to totally tear down the ACA and create new markets and low-income subsidy systems for a January 1 start date. I can't imagine something this big moving that fast. And it's tough to believe they'd have an actual plan by April.

Agreed, my O/P conjecture of April, 2017 is based on Paul Ryan's assurances that a NEW law would be proposed within the first 100 days of the new administration.
et the insurance industries sell their services to whoever they want.

Yes, I can predict that insurance companies will be so damn happy to insure some kid with type-2 diabetes.....after all, these insurance companies are so fucking generous, correct?

(right wingers like this moron are so damn stupid.)
A bird in the hand is worth more than 2 in the bush.

Republicans are telling you that they are going to take your bird but they promise they'll get both birds in the bush. Just give me that bird first :deal:
Newsflash: Bush already gave you the bird, for 8 straight years, don't be greedy.

Huh? You never heard that saying I'm guessing

Nope and I've never heard this one either...

Well let grown folks speak and gtfoh

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