Who here "believes" that we'll have a NEW HC law by April 2017?

Lastly, unlike your ideas that require enforcement by armed government agents, charity works, particularly in America. Always has. And guess what, it's voluntary. I won't put you in jail if you choose to be a selfish asshole.

It is idiots like the above poster who thinks that....because he's heard that we are so damn "charitable" and allow our hospitals' emergency rooms to cater to everyone's needs, that a person who has cancer, should wait in that emergency room for treatment.....

It is fucking amazing when moronic right wingers FIRST they state that they're "charitable" while BITCHING that they have to help pay for poorer people health care insurance.

They are as charitable as Josef Stalin.
You're a clueless retard, nat4900.
I honestly don't know how a universal health care system could/would work in this country. I do know the obama care BS was a complete failure.

I work for a hospital that had to cut positions because of that BS. Not only did it put people out of work, it cut insurance for millions who contribute to society.

Obama was a mistake people made. I'm now looking forward to what Trump is bringing.

Just look at the VA, that is how government run universal healthcare would work. My brother deals with the VA, its a nightmare of government incompetence. Vets really do suffer and die waiting for these government hacks to get off their ass and do their jobs. Who applies for a job at the VA? Yeah all the losers who can't get a decent job in the private sector.
It is idiots like the above poster who thinks that....because he's heard that we are so damn "charitable" and allow our hospitals' emergency rooms to cater to everyone's needs, that a person who has cancer, should wait in that emergency room for treatment.....

It is fucking amazing when moronic right wingers FIRST they state that they're "charitable" while BITCHING that they have to help pay for poorer people health care insurance.

They are as charitable as Josef Stalin.

Try and get this through your empty head... It is NOT the Federal government's job to provide charity with our tax dollars. If you want to provide health care for poor people who can't afford health care, no one is stopping you. In fact, we'll give you a tax writer-off for every dollar you use for that. If you want health care to be a constitutional right, ratify an amendment and make it one. Stop trying to brow-beat and shame people into adopting your Socialist-Marxist programs... we don't want them. There are plenty of European countries who have that system and you are free to go there and live if that's the society you want to live in. But you simply do not get to cram your idea of Utopia down my throat against my will.
There are plenty of European countries who have that system and you are free to go there and live if that's the society you want to live in. But you simply do not get to cram your idea of Utopia down my throat against my will.

You're funny...........an idiot, but funny nonetheless......LOL
Just look at the VA, that is how government run universal healthcare would work.

No, actually... it would be MUCH worse. The VA is massively funded by our government because we owe this to our veterans. We cannot afford to provide that level of care for every American. As bad as it might be at the VA, it's markedly better than any level of care we could hope to expect if we had to provide it for 320 million people.
There are plenty of European countries who have that system and you are free to go there and live if that's the society you want to live in. But you simply do not get to cram your idea of Utopia down my throat against my will.

You're funny...........an idiot, but funny nonetheless......LOL

I was being totally serious... don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!

See ya... buh-bye!:fu:
Lastly, unlike your ideas that require enforcement by armed government agents, charity works, particularly in America. Always has. And guess what, it's voluntary. I won't put you in jail if you choose to be a selfish asshole.

It is idiots like the above poster who thinks that....because he's heard that we are so damn "charitable" and allow our hospitals' emergency rooms to cater to everyone's needs, that a person who has cancer, should wait in that emergency room for treatment.....

It is fucking amazing when moronic right wingers FIRST they state that they're "charitable" while BITCHING that they have to help pay for poorer people health care insurance.

They are as charitable as Josef Stalin.

The socialist calling the libertarian a Stalinist. I swear you're all irony impaired.
I'm doubtful that whatever they propose will reduce the fed gov't role in it all. Rs love big gov't just as much as Ds.
There are plenty of European countries who have that system and you are free to go there and live if that's the society you want to live in. But you simply do not get to cram your idea of Utopia down my throat against my will.

You're funny...........an idiot, but funny nonetheless......LOL

I was being totally serious... don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!

See ya... buh-bye!:fu:

....and leave this great country tin the hands of idiots and low life like you and your ilk???.....No way!!!! LOL
There are plenty of European countries who have that system and you are free to go there and live if that's the society you want to live in. But you simply do not get to cram your idea of Utopia down my throat against my will.

You're funny...........an idiot, but funny nonetheless......LOL

I was being totally serious... don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!

See ya... buh-bye!:fu:

....and leave this great country tin the hands of idiots and low life like you and your ilk???.....No way!!!! LOL

Then you're going to have to learn to be a part of a constitutional republic where you don't always get your way. "Idiots and low lifes" like me are a part of that republic and we have a voice as well and you're going to learn to play nice. If you can't do this, and you don't want to leave voluntarily, and you continue to behave like little tin-horn fascist tyrant eurotrash dictators, we're going to have to put you down like rabid dogs. That's not a threat, that's what's going to eventually happen.

So again... if you prefer European-style Socialism, go live in Europe! Most of us don't want that here and we're not going to tolerate you cramming it down our throats against our will.
Lastly, unlike your ideas that require enforcement by armed government agents, charity works, particularly in America. Always has. And guess what, it's voluntary. I won't put you in jail if you choose to be a selfish asshole.

It is idiots like the above poster who thinks that....because he's heard that we are so damn "charitable" and allow our hospitals' emergency rooms to cater to everyone's needs, that a person who has cancer, should wait in that emergency room for treatment.....

It is fucking amazing when moronic right wingers FIRST they state that they're "charitable" while BITCHING that they have to help pay for poorer people health care insurance.

They are as charitable as Josef Stalin.
You couldn't hit the broad side of the barn from the inside. That was way off. You don't even understand the word charity. Stalin, like you, was a statist. Taking from one to give to another makes the first one have less resources. You define that as charity, and that's the bizarre thinking of the left. Leftists feel qualified to run our lives for us.

One can work hard, save, spend smartly and afford the insurance they want in a free society. The left has been slowly taking that away from us and many people are sick of it.

This argument is fundamentally about living live as freemen and citizens or subjects of the state, exactly what the founders rebelled against and why we exist as the United States of America.

Let's make America great again!
There are plenty of European countries who have that system and you are free to go there and live if that's the society you want to live in. But you simply do not get to cram your idea of Utopia down my throat against my will.

You're funny...........an idiot, but funny nonetheless......LOL

I was being totally serious... don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!

See ya... buh-bye!:fu:

....and leave this great country tin the hands of idiots and low life like you and your ilk???.....No way!!!! LOL
Unfortunately your options are limited to sitting in a corner in your dirty diapers sucking your thumb.
There are plenty of European countries who have that system and you are free to go there and live if that's the society you want to live in. But you simply do not get to cram your idea of Utopia down my throat against my will.

You're funny...........an idiot, but funny nonetheless......LOL

I was being totally serious... don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!

See ya... buh-bye!:fu:

....and leave this great country tin the hands of idiots and low life like you and your ilk???.....No way!!!! LOL

Then you're going to have to learn to be a part of a constitutional republic where you don't always get your way. "Idiots and low lifes" like me are a part of that republic and we have a voice as well and you're going to learn to play nice. If you can't do this, and you don't want to leave voluntarily, and you continue to behave like little tin-horn fascist tyrant eurotrash dictators, we're going to have to put you down like rabid dogs. That's not a threat, that's what's going to eventually happen.

So again... if you prefer European-style Socialism, go live in Europe! Most of us don't want that here and we're not going to tolerate you cramming it down our throats against our will.

The fact is that 60 senators will have to eventually agree to bring the new hc plan to the floor for an up or down vote.

Neither far left nor far right are going to be happy with the end result.

Here are the names of the 5 GOP Senators who are trying to slow down the HC reform process and their phone numbers.

Senator Bob Corker - (202) 224-3344
Senator Lisa Murkowski - (202) 224-6665
Senator Rob Portman - (202) 224-3353
Senator Susan Collins - (202) 224-2523
Senator Bill Cassidy - (202) 224-5824
and Paul Ryan's office: (202) 225-3031
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I forget who it was (as if it matters), but I saw a Republican saying they're going to honestly try get some bi-partisan support for whatever they come up with.

Yeah, I don't really believe that either, but I'll remain hopeful.

We've already seen what kind of shit happens when one party writes a law this big, so I'll just duck & cover for a while.

There are a LARGE number of Senate Democrats up for reelection in states that Trump just won. What are their chances if they fight everything Trump is trying to accomplish when they run for reelection in less than two years?
Two years is a long time. Trump will have to move quickly on his various initiatives, and how things wash out could be a big boost to either party.

The results of the 2018 elections aren't set in stone.
Please do not threaten and then say you are not threatening. You are not a prophet.

Shut up, shitclown. I didn't threaten. I stated what is going to happen in reality. That's not a threat, it's an observation of reality. I don't need to be a prophet, it's historical human nature.

The fact is that 60 senators will have to eventually agree to bring the new hc plan to the floor for an up or down vote.

No, that's not true. Obamacare passed with a simple majority. So go fuck yourself, liberal... elections have consequences.

Besides, I am already on record...repeal ACA and worry about replacing it later. If Democrats want to obstruct and obfuscate, so be it... we lived without a health care plan before ACA, we can live with one after it is repealed.
Please do not threaten and then say you are not threatening. You are not a prophet.

Shut up, shitclown. I didn't threaten. I stated what is going to happen in reality. That's not a threat, it's an observation of reality. I don't need to be a prophet, it's historical human nature.

The fact is that 60 senators will have to eventually agree to bring the new hc plan to the floor for an up or down vote.

No, that's not true. Obamacare passed with a simple majority. So go fuck yourself, liberal... elections have consequences.

Besides, I am already on record...repeal ACA and worry about replacing it later. If Democrats want to obstruct and obfuscate, so be it... we lived without a health care plan before ACA, we can live with one after it is repealed.
Be polite, Boss. You are not a prophet, you did threaten, and you don't understand how this process is going to work. A majority of 51 senators can pass issues on the floor. But . . . it will take 60 senators to bring the final bill to the floor for passage. That you don't understand is your problem not mine.

No I didn't threaten anybody and I am getting quite pissed off at being accused of it. If you want to keep on making false accusations I will report you to the mods for harassment.

No... It took a simple majority to pass Obamacare, go look it up.

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