Who here "believes" that we'll have a NEW HC law by April 2017?

Personally, I'd like to see the feds stay the hell out of the market for healthcare...and every other market for that matter. They have Constitutional duties. Stick with those if you please.

It is rather AMAZING that every....each and every......industrialized country has treated health care NOT as a possible benefit, but as a necessity for the welfare of their citizens.....BUT, we cannot seem to get there because the private HC industry is to fucking powerful.
No, we have the Constitution. That's the difference, Einstein.
Meaning what exactly? The constitution isn't against treating health care as welfare.

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He would have to overturn the SCOTUS ruling
A lot of people have paid for their insurance, many paid bigly. They aren't just going to strip their coverage away. It was a clusterfuck that took time to do and it will take time to undo. Like a cancer, you don't want to kill the patient to cure the disease.
So why did those dumbbells all run on "repealing Obamacare on day!!!?"
No one on the right thought Trump meant tearing up the Constitution and making new law. We know it's going to be work. Liberals need things explained.
Oh, now it's an issue of "interpretation." When every rightwing politico and supporter, to a man, were screeching to the top of their lungs rhetoric like "We'll rip it up on day 1!!!" And you self-proclaimed lemmings all cheered it on. Not ONCE saying or suggesting the claptrap you are now.


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They've been saying they had a plan for 6 years. Now when the spotlight is on them it revealed they have nothing.

But they promise that once they take it away....THEN they'll really have a plan then! Scouts honor!
They will have to pass it to see what's in it. Remember it was good enough for you then. You have no credibility.

That doesnt address anything except what you think I think about something other than the topic.
No, pelosi said they would have to pass Obama Care to find out what was in it, and you liberals supported it. Also Obama relied on your ignorance to get your support of Obama Care. Gruber told you that, and you stuck up for him. All I can say after all that juvenile stuff, let the adults handle it now.

Again, you're trying really hard to deflect but you're going to have to find someone susceptible to your bullshit. But that has nothing to do with wanting to repeal it and replace it with a new bill....

Just they dont have a bill at all. But they told you they did. And in response to them lying to you you yell "But Pelosi!!"
No, I'm saying you have no credibility to question anything when you blindly followed your party. That's all.

See? Again you're talking about what you think I think. Sorry skippy, try all you like but no one is falling for your bullshit
A lot of people have paid for their insurance, many paid bigly. They aren't just going to strip their coverage away. It was a clusterfuck that took time to do and it will take time to undo. Like a cancer, you don't want to kill the patient to cure the disease.
So why did those dumbbells all run on "repealing Obamacare on day!!!?"
No one on the right thought Trump meant tearing up the Constitution and making new law. We know it's going to be work. Liberals need things explained.
Oh, now it's an issue of "interpretation." When every rightwing politico and supporter, to a man, were screeching to the top of their lungs rhetoric like "We'll rip it up on day 1!!!" And you self-proclaimed lemmings all cheered it on. Not ONCE saying or suggesting the claptrap you are now.

I didn't hear anyone say it would be ripped up on day one, I never even heard Trump say it. But yes, liberals need things explained to them like the toddlers they are. You can't wipe your ass without government help. I'll bet that needs explaining too.
However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country.

Healthcare Reform
Trump promised on Day One to repeal ObamaCare, and he promised to make sure he had a series of reforms on that day ready for implementation.

Trump lies AGAIN!
The promise has been made and constantly repeated that Trump and republicans will repeal and replace the ACA within the first 100 days of this incoming administration.......

So, who here believes that such a promise WILL be kept and, of course, that the new law is different AND better than the current law?

All I know is that according to Dims Hitler is about to take over, which means they have approximately a month to escape the country before being sent to concentration camps.

Does anyone need help affording air fare?
A lot of people have paid for their insurance, many paid bigly. They aren't just going to strip their coverage away. It was a clusterfuck that took time to do and it will take time to undo. Like a cancer, you don't want to kill the patient to cure the disease.

So you accept that Trump was lying when he said day 1.
I am not a liberal so didn't interpret on your child level. I understood he would work on it from day one, the president can't overturn a law. Had you a high school level education you would know.

So you knew he was lying too?.
A lot of people have paid for their insurance, many paid bigly. They aren't just going to strip their coverage away. It was a clusterfuck that took time to do and it will take time to undo. Like a cancer, you don't want to kill the patient to cure the disease.

So you accept that Trump was lying when he said day 1.
I am not a liberal so didn't interpret on your child level. I understood he would work on it from day one, the president can't overturn a law. Had you a high school level education you would know.

So you knew he was lying too?.
I am not a liberal so didn't interpret it on your child level. I'm sure he will but I was damn sure obie was lying about health care.

edit: The House just passed the first step. Trump isn't even in yet so .....
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People that have worked with Trump says he doesn't waste time when making deals. Something government knows nothing about. About time we have someone in office wanting to get things done.

I actually think this might be the biggest shocker of all to the snowflakes. This man is going to hit the ground running. He's not there to go play golf or vacation at Martha's Vineyard.... I bet he won't even bother to go to that "dump" as it were. He's going to get to work right away and this guy is a workaholic. He ran circles around Hillary's fat ass campaigning... she couldn't keep up. Nearly killed the poor gal.

I don't think they are prepared for the pace the changes are about to happen. I also think they underestimate his ability to get things done. They think, right now, they are going to be able to obstruct and stymie him... it's going to be like trying to stop a bull from running through their china shop.

The thing I like the most so far is his ability to take a punch, turn it into a point for himself, then counter-punch for a couple more points. He's done it time and time again on his adversaries and they just don't seem to ever learn. This is going to be fun to watch.
I forget who it was (as if it matters), but I saw a Republican saying they're going to honestly try get some bi-partisan support for whatever they come up with.

Yeah, I don't really believe that either, but I'll remain hopeful.

We've already seen what kind of shit happens when one party writes a law this big, so I'll just duck & cover for a while.

There are a LARGE number of Senate Democrats up for reelection in states that Trump just won. What are their chances if they fight everything Trump is trying to accomplish when they run for reelection in less than two years?
et the insurance industries sell their services to whoever they want.

Yes, I can predict that insurance companies will be so damn happy to insure some kid with type-2 diabetes.....after all, these insurance companies are so fucking generous, correct?

(right wingers like this moron are so damn stupid.)

Type 2 diabetes is adult-onset diabetes, Kids don't usually get it. They usually have Type-1 diabetes.

Yet, you manage to call someone else stupid. What are your IQ scores? Room temperature at best?
Personally, I'd like to see the feds stay the hell out of the market for healthcare...and every other market for that matter. They have Constitutional duties. Stick with those if you please.

It is rather AMAZING that every....each and every......industrialized country has treated health care NOT as a possible benefit, but as a necessity for the welfare of their citizens.....BUT, we cannot seem to get there because the private HC industry is to fucking powerful.
No, we have the Constitution. That's the difference, Einstein.
Meaning what exactly? The constitution isn't against treating health care as welfare.

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Where is "welfare" in the Constitution? The word "welfare" in the Constitution does not mean what libs think it does.

It is not AFDC or TANF.
Replace Obamacare with get a job and pay for your own damn health insurance moochers bill. We may need to shorten the acronym GAJAPFYODHIM
I honestly don't know how a universal health care system could/would work in this country. I do know the obama care BS was a complete failure.

I work for a hospital that had to cut positions because of that BS. Not only did it put people out of work, it cut insurance for millions who contribute to society.

Obama was a mistake people made. I'm now looking forward to what Trump is bringing.
Personally, I'd like to see the feds stay the hell out of the market for healthcare...and every other market for that matter. They have Constitutional duties. Stick with those if you please.

It is rather AMAZING that every....each and every......industrialized country has treated health care NOT as a possible benefit, but as a necessity for the welfare of their citizens.....BUT, we cannot seem to get there because the private HC industry is to fucking powerful.

No, not amazing at all. America has always been one of the few bastions of freedom.

And boy have those socialistic countries benefited from our relatively freer markets in healthcare. We have produced an inordinate percentage of the great advances in medicine, in surgical procedures, equipment...all kind of advances that competition, capital and consequence to failure tend to produce. When our latest inventions hit the market, even the commies will tend to acquire and adapt that which they did not build.

On the other hand, you do always see the world's richest people go to Norway for their procedures. Oh wait, no they don't.

Further, there isn't a damn thing in the Constitution that gives the federal government the right to steal from me to care for you. Go get an amendment. Good luck.

Lastly, unlike your ideas that require enforcement by armed government agents, charity works, particularly in America. Always has. And guess what, it's voluntary. I won't put you in jail if you choose to be a selfish asshole.
Personally, I'd like to see the feds stay the hell out of the market for healthcare...and every other market for that matter. They have Constitutional duties. Stick with those if you please.

It is rather AMAZING that every....each and every......industrialized country has treated health care NOT as a possible benefit, but as a necessity for the welfare of their citizens.....BUT, we cannot seem to get there because the private HC industry is to fucking powerful.
No, we have the Constitution. That's the difference, Einstein.
Meaning what exactly? The constitution isn't against treating health care as welfare.

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The hell is isn't. That is EXACTLY why Roberts made Obamacare happen by calling it a tax, which the Congress, unfortunately, has the power the enact.
Lastly, unlike your ideas that require enforcement by armed government agents, charity works, particularly in America. Always has. And guess what, it's voluntary. I won't put you in jail if you choose to be a selfish asshole.

It is idiots like the above poster who thinks that....because he's heard that we are so damn "charitable" and allow our hospitals' emergency rooms to cater to everyone's needs, that a person who has cancer, should wait in that emergency room for treatment.....

It is fucking amazing when moronic right wingers FIRST they state that they're "charitable" while BITCHING that they have to help pay for poorer people health care insurance.

They are as charitable as Josef Stalin.

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