Who here believes Trump is too old to run in '24?

Is Trump too old to run?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • No

    Votes: 16 64.0%

  • Total voters
I believe he's too old, just as I believe Biden is. IMO there should at least be a very thorough mental evaluation for all candidates, but especially those over 70. Trump would be 78 years taking office in January of 2025. That's too old IMO.
Trump at least sounds and acts energetic, where as much of the time Biden acts sedated or half asleep.
Mental acuity can be tested on paper and measured. Most people know of at least one person age 70 or older who is sharp as a whip, while knowing another person who is the same age and relatively clueless.

Presidential nominees should prove their worth to the voters through a battery of tests. Will this happen at some point? Unlikely, since the legislative branch would be concerned that enacting any presidential testing measure would lead to congressional reps being tested. The horror!

Voters would be quite shocked to learn how clueless a few of the major shysters on the hill who vote on our laws (fossils and their backdoor deal making) and have done so way beyond their prime.
Due to party over country,
We now have or have voted back in some of the most under qualified OR undereducated in government Ever. And the old stumble bums who have not contributed anything for US Americans. just negative bile from there mouths and pocket lining for self's and political contributors
When you call someone a liar, you should try to prove it.
Trump would have won if he understood the political game, he doesn't, that's obvious.

The comment you made (bolded above) is the exact reason Trump continues to draw support- voters who don’t like politicians who play “the political game”. I know you used the word understand instead of play, but playing the game is what a huge bulk of us voters absolutely detest.

You would think elected officials on the hill would at least try to cover up their wheeling and dealing for signatures on pork stuffed bills, but they don’t seem to have any worries about being re-elected. Keeping the populace at large dumbed down serves a purpose.
It isn't the sell by date on the wrapper but the condition of the food inside! Biden was out of it 12 years ago, whereas I saw Trump at a big convention just last weekend and he looked and sounded just like the day he announced running in 2015! Fresher and more ready than ever!

If you won't support Trump, that's your problem, just stop trying to rationalize not doing so.
I don't think he'll be able to run from inside prison.
Exactly. Trump needs four more years to drain the swamp and build the border wall.
And he doesnt have to worry about reelection so he can pretty much do to the Demofascists, what they have done to him and his family. Bring the Piglosi bitch in and put her in leg irons and down in the jail under the Capitol, so she can stink like she did to some concerned citizens that an election was stolen.
I believe he's too old, just as I believe Biden is. IMO there should at least be a very thorough mental evaluation for all candidates, but especially those over 70. Trump would be 78 years taking office in January of 2025. That's too old IMO.
Trump at least sounds and acts energetic, where as much of the time Biden acts sedated or half asleep.
It's up to the voters to decide if someone is too old or not.

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