Who here has NOT been jabbed....

What is it about? Covid, delta, mu, Lambda, the Brazilian variant, South African variant. The virus is behaving exactly like every other virus. Yet we are treated like Fauci's lab beagles. They are looking for something. Why lie about gain of function tests on humans.

Searching for the ultimate killer virus.
I think it is about a lot of things that I don't quite completely understand. I think it is about Graphene Oxide, 5G, and the Great Reset. I think it is about crashing our current system, and rebuilding completely anew. I think that requires a mass culling. A culling that will be made possible through and by these vaccines. Whether that is long term via sterilization, or quickly through a lack of resistance to disease variants. I am not sure, but wicked has arrived.
I think it is about a lot of things that I don't quite completely understand. I think it is about Graphene Oxide, 5G, and the Great Reset. I think it is about crashing our current system, and rebuilding completely anew. I think that requires a mass culling. A culling that will be made possible through and by these vaccines. Whether that is long term via sterilization, or quickly through a lack of resistance to disease variants. I am not sure, but wicked has arrived.

They are looking for the ultimate virus.
Have not and will not for at least a couple of years. Lets see the effects of those tens of trillions of foreign spike proteins over the course of a few years first.
No one is mutating it, that is the way of viruses, they mutate all by themselves.

Yes, they do, however the Chinese are cooking up variants as well, desperate to keep the panic porn going so that they can keep xiden going in circles while they take over.

Idiots like you help them
Had a flung an egg at that kkkoontastic SOB you'd have heard of him being in the hospital w/a bump on his forehead.
kkkoontastic?? Is that how you describe Blacks these days. You are one disgusting piece of work!!

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Have not and will not for at least a couple of years. Lets see the effects of those tens of trillions of foreign spike proteins over the course of a few years first.
I see NOTHING WRONG with that view at all. I admit I waited until I saw some effects on the US population but I am in a high risk group so took it. I would have liked to wait longer but I wasn't prepared to take THAT risk.

Is the OP gonna start a thread on measles mumps and rubella vaccines?
at least they were real vaccines...
It’s a loyalty test of death. Don’t you care?
sure it is, better to die of C19 a free man, than subjugated by mask/vax/lockdown/stimulus nazi's Gator
No one is mutating it
The spike gene was the creating of whuhan COVID19 laboratories
because Fauci couldn't pull it off here
why do you think he was questioned before Congress for supporting it all Pene...?


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