Who here has NOT been jabbed....

You still don't get it. You're apparently too stupid to understand, but that ok. Go get your shot and shortly we can all get back to normal.
So YOUR shot will work. Otherwise, you have no valid interest in whether or not I have been jabbed, except possibly for the fact that you are a paid "influencer" on this forum. If that's the case, you will get less attention from me than you have thus far gotten. Go use someone else to make your filthy lucre.
...and plans NOT to at any time.

I'll start. Me.

(This thread is for NON vaxxed. Refrain from posting if you have been or plan to be while blasting those who will not do it).

Not me and the only way they are getting that poison in my body is they will have to tackle me and force it into me,they do that and I will blow the heads off a few of them first before they get to me.
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So YOUR shot will work. Otherwise, you have no valid interest in whether or not I have been jabbed, except possibly for the fact that you are a paid "influencer" on this forum. If that's the case, you will get less attention from me than you have thus far gotten. Go use someone else to make your filthy lucre.
Its pretty obvious he gets paid to come here by his handlers
Only if the morons and Trumpers (but I repeat myself) continue to let the virus mutate.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess I fit one or both of those categories, at least by your definition. This is interesting, because I never knew I had the power to actually mutate viruses!

DAMN!!!!! WHAT POWER this gives me! What exhilaration! Why, if I can mutate viruses, I must be a GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like this! Bring on them viruses and I'll mutate the shit out of them! Make 'em fifty times as deadly! HELL! I'll make them a thousand times as deadly! YIPPEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going on a fucking virus mutating killing spree! Suffer, you lowly mortals!
Idiotic. Weather or not someone gets the shot has absolutely nothing to do with weather someone else gets corvid. It also has nothing to do with employers trying to require it. It is also supposed to be illegal for any private person to demand someone else's medical history. So fuck off.
Utterly and completely wrong, as usual.

Now got get your shot.
sure it is, better to die of C19 a free man, than subjugated by mask/vax/lockdown/stimulus nazi's Gator
Years from now this post will be the study of the aliens who find our dead civilization. They’ll look for lead in our water and pathogens in the air but at the end of the day they’ll determine civilization ended due to a large section of humanity confusing social responsibility with and attack on individualism. Good acts that helped society in the long run that inconvenienced or hindered a short term desire were impossible to implement and help the society.
You said servicemen. We're talking about civilians. The government works for us. We don't work for the government.
Wild Bill, keep in mind that poster's brain is fried crispy brown like bacon from constantly being literally plugged into CNN 24/7. You're talking about subtleties that are so far beyond his ken that you may as well be talking about the Taj Mahal with an ant.
Wild Bill, keep in mind that poster's brain is fried crispy brown like bacon from constantly being literally plugged into CNN 24/7. You're talking about subtleties that are so far beyond his ken that you may as well be talking about the Taj Mahal with an ant.
They're commies, bro. They don't have brains.
How about the thalidomide vaccine?
Don’t use Facebook for your information.

There are different approval processes for the coronavirus vaccines and the drug thalidomide. Thalidomide was not approved for sale in the U.S. when first introduced in the 1950s. The drug did not undergo extensive trials as is being done with COVID-19 vaccines currently being developed.

Unlike the early trials of thalidomide in the 1960s, the coronavirus vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna have undergone several trial phases including animal and human tests. The vaccines have been tested in more than 60,000 humans and both companies showed more than 90 percent effectiveness. Trial patients reported mild side effects like muscle aches and sore arms.


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