Who here is collecting retirement social security??

So once again, those who achieve, those who work hard and those who put the most money into SS are the ones who get punished. No wonder so many are dropping out and not working, why bother if you are just going to get to the same place in the end?

NO, a system was set up with promises made. If there is a problem then fix the problem. Right now the problem is that too many are going on SS disability if even that is a problem.

The real problem is too many people are forced onto welfare or forced to take SS disability.

If a private company sold an annuity and then when you went to collect in your old age told you sorry, you make to much to collect, they would go to jail or should. But in the world we live today I doubt everything.

Oh please...if you're still knocking down over a grand a week you don't need SS....it's an insurance policy on you losing that ability and was always intended to be. Tell me something that works better and I'll listen....
So should the FEDS mandate that we get a living wage also?
If everyone is getting 15 bucks an hour, where does that leave us retirees?
Doesn't that move the economy past us? We didn't even get a cola this year.
Down the road this doesn't help the 65 and old crowd

crank out the printing presses

money for everyone
It's money for everyone that could be creating a problem for seniors.

cost of living adjustments

money for everyone

I started it at 62 years old although I did not want to. I wanted SSI due to my health issues but they kept denying me and even my own doc said I could work yet I got a handicapped plaque for my car due to not able to walk very far, and other issues I won't go into detail about. They denied me 3 times. Lawyers wanted money up front to fight them. I said fuck it...and when I hit 62, I started getting my piddly sum. When I turn 65, Medicare will take 100 bucks per month out of that.
I'd flip burgers, but I can't. I paid into the system all my life and now illegals get more care than I do.

It stinks.

You don't have to take Medicare B if you don't want to. :eusa_angel:
I am very lucky to still have my health. There is definitely something wrong with a system that you have to hire an attorney to get on disability. Silly how an attorney and judge has more say than a doctor about your ability to work but that is the way the system works.

If you installed a camera in every dwelling of a person on disability, you could kick half of them off the dole in a month. It's not easy to get on anymore but it used to be. I offered a woman collecting disability checks a job with my company who claimed "carpal tunnel" from 5 years of word processing. She laughed in my face. I heard her playing a piano one night and turned her in.
So should the FEDS mandate that we get a living wage also?
If everyone is getting 15 bucks an hour, where does that leave us retirees?
Doesn't that move the economy past us? We didn't even get a cola this year.
Down the road this doesn't help the 65 and old crowd


And no, I won't pay your rent.

Why is this in Politics?

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Then it becomes yet another welfare program. No thanks.


Social Security as it currently exists is not a welfare program. It is an insurance system (the actual name of the program is Old Age and Survivors Insurance -OASI) . Anyone who pays into the system for more than the minimum numbers of quarters (40 eligible quarters) is eligible for benefits when they reach retirement age. It doesn't matter if you earned the minimum amount or were paid millions of dollars per year. If you paid into the system and live long enough - you get your benefits. It doesn't matter if you are a billionaire, or a pauper.

When you add "means testing" it is no longer a retirement program, then it becomes a wealth transfer program that "taxes" one group (the successful) to support another group (the unsuccessful).
So once again, those who achieve, those who work hard and those who put the most money into SS are the ones who get punished. No wonder so many are dropping out and not working, why bother if you are just going to get to the same place in the end?

NO, a system was set up with promises made. If there is a problem then fix the problem. Right now the problem is that too many are going on SS disability if even that is a problem.

The real problem is too many people are forced onto welfare or forced to take SS disability.

If a private company sold an annuity and then when you went to collect in your old age told you sorry, you make to much to collect, they would go to jail or should. But in the world we live today I doubt everything.

Oh please...if you're still knocking down over a grand a week you don't need SS....it's an insurance policy on you losing that ability and was always intended to be. Tell me something that works better and I'll listen....

Then let me opt the hell out and stop mooching off me. Oh wait, you have to mooch off me then screw me out of my benefits to keep this mismanaged government slush fund afloat.
So once again, those who achieve, those who work hard and those who put the most money into SS are the ones who get punished. No wonder so many are dropping out and not working, why bother if you are just going to get to the same place in the end?

NO, a system was set up with promises made. If there is a problem then fix the problem. Right now the problem is that too many are going on SS disability if even that is a problem.

The real problem is too many people are forced onto welfare or forced to take SS disability.

If a private company sold an annuity and then when you went to collect in your old age told you sorry, you make to much to collect, they would go to jail or should. But in the world we live today I doubt everything.

Oh please...if you're still knocking down over a grand a week you don't need SS....it's an insurance policy on you losing that ability and was always intended to be. Tell me something that works better and I'll listen....

Whose to say what I need. You are obviously living so you don't need any more than what you earned.
The parallel between social security and the minimum wage doesn't hold water. You understood the rules going in, that social security was intended to supplement your retirement, not be the sole source of income.
What you're trying to do is change the rules and make the rest of us pay higher taxes to fund your lack of planning. Sorry, it doesn't work that way, but hey, you can always get the benefit of that $15 an hour by getting a job.
Been collecting since 62. Now i'm78 and still collecting. In my opinion SS is Ione of the greatest things this country has ever done. Think of the millions upon millions of hard working g folk who depend on it for their survival.

Thank you for your working years. The only tidbit I might add is SS would be better shape (golden?) if the filthy bastard political hacks has not taken SSI funds and used them as general Tax Revenue. I hate the bastards for that, I want somebodies Rear End Locked up! Along with the 08' housing thieves BHO was going to lock up before elected.
What happens if I work and get Social Security retirement benefits?

Help TopicsRetirement
What happens if I work and get Social Security retirement benefits?
You can get Social Security retirement benefits and work at the same time. However, if you are younger than full retirement age and make more than the yearly earnings limit, we will reduce your benefit. Starting with the month you reach full retirement age, we will not reduce your benefits no matter how much you earn.

I am 72, and earn about 75K a year. Most of my working life, until I turned 67, I worked 60 to 80 hours a week. Between SS and my job, I make over 100k a year. I earned that SS, I put in many more hours than most would, and feel that I deserve the extra income now that I am older. So now, I only work a 36 hr. week, 3 12's as a millwright in a steel mill.

Social Security is possibly the best run program in the government. Overhead costs are the envy of private businesses. For many, like those that lost so much in 2008-2009, it is all they have. Those that don't like it, and would opt to not pay in, are the very ones that would end up on welfare. And then bitch about that.
start at 62 (while they still got funds) would seem the only way to go? I try to decide how much to post.............I too angry tonight.
You mean the trust fund that is littered with IOU's?
Yes. Government IOUs. And if the time comes when the government is unable to meet its obligations what difference would it make if the SS trust fund were filled with greenbacks? Social Security recipients would be metaphorically sitting on a beach sipping iced tea while a tsunami is headed right for them.

I have no investments other than a stack of U.S. Savings Bonds, which are nothing but government IOUs. And considering the situation where Wall Street is concerned my government bonds (IOUs) are a lot safer than most other instruments.
I waited until I was 66 before I started drawing my social security because I have a working farm and did not want to be punished for working and making money. If I had taken my social security, that I have paid in and still pay in, earlier I would be limited to the amount of money I could earn with my farm.
So what do you grow?

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